Anyone else love the Ghost Survivors DLC? RE8 should star Robert Kendo.
Anyone else love the Ghost Survivors DLC? RE8 should star Robert Kendo
The music shift is fantastic.
True. It was like a mini story in itself.
I like Survivors more than Mercenaries.
What survivors do you want in the next pack? I want a Marvin who never got injured.
Let's not lose our fucking heads here. Love these difficult little challenges made for the sake of being challenges but it still doesn't stack up to Mercs mode.
>love the Ghost Survivors DLC?
Eh, I'd honestly prefer a mode that isn't just more 4th survivor speedrun shit. Was pretty disappointed when I booted them up. Hopefully whatever is next is different
This game is fucking pathetic. It's shit. Fuck zoomers. It doesn't even have a fucking mercenaries mode. Each dlc is just the same fucking map doing the same shit. God this game is so fucking bad like a bargain bin piece of shit.
I just never liked the time and combo aspects of Merc, a horde mode would be much better.
You clearly did not grow up playing RE 1,2,3,CV. Those games were all played in a speed run fashion. Ghost Survivors is a condensed version of that. I guess only real niggas understand the based significance of the DLC.
Go back to your floss dancing and fidget spinners.
I found them fun, but I was hoping there would be a variety of goals, rather than almost all of them being linear speedrun modes with a few gimmicks each. The survival one in the gas station stands out because of that, but while I like that I can "complete" it, I think it would have been smart to include an endless version, too.
Ghost Survivors volume 2 when?
What would the reward be for reaching 200 or something in Endless?
I want melee options to come back for characters like Hunk desu. You fags got your story modes for your slower combat. Lemme enjoy faster paced shit with my husbando in extra modes
What's the reward for getting exceptionally good clear times in the other modes?
This couldn't be farther from the truth you poser faggot or nerd
>You clearly did not grow up playing RE 1,2,3,CV. Those games were all played in a speed run fashion.
Not for me they weren't. Not once did I ever try to beat the games any faster than when I had last played then because I was just a dumb kid who played them for the story.
You get hats for completely exploring them.
0/10 on that attempt, kid.
But once you finished the story, you kept playing the games going for the faster time to get the unlocks. Speed running was always the meta of the original RE games. It was also how you got those hidden results screens.
I want a randomizer and a character select.
I don't think RE2make will work with a straight up Mercenaries mode and I've got my fill of race the clock modes.
Being able to replay the main campaign with characters with different traits like stealth, speed, accuracy and different loadouts would give me enough replay value.
No, it's speedrun garbage for autists. 4th Survivor was the only bearable one because it was easy, is part of the narrative, and HUNK is cool.
>But once you finished the story, you kept playing the games going for the faster time to get the unlocks
No I didn't, I didn't even know about that shit
Survivors is easier than 4th though, this isn't a "well this boss was harder to me" situation; you get more resources in Survivors.
>Survivors is easier than 4th though
Not to me. I died once to 4th, I died a few times already to each of the Ghost runs and only beat the run with the mayor's daughter, on the 3rd try, because it was the least annoying. But I don't like the "what if" theme on top of them being annoying so I don't feel compelled to bother with the others anymore.
You can get from raid mode around 100 hours where this shit is 2 hours max
>She was only 15 when she did that shoot
And all of it shit and inferior compared to RE5 Mercs with a buddy.
I'd like a free dlc of a mode similar to the sheriff's story, but with the possiblity to play online with more players.
They were okay. I wish No Way Out was canon. What a cool version of RE2 that would have been.
You know his parents were fucking based for naming him "Robert Kendo." Just imagine the amount of pussy he was getting in high school
>"woah your cute whats your name bby?"
That name would make any woman wet.
I think it's pretty shit to be honest, it's got nothing on mercs or raid mode but that's due to the direction of the game punishing you for fighting but it's free so fuck it.
I really liked them, just beat Forgotten Solider today. I love well crafted challenges like this, where you die over and over, but they're tight enough that they entice you to keep going at it, trying different tactics and polishing your technique. My only complaint is that there's no retry feature. When I've taken 2 bites and didn't get the resources I need, I want a quick way to just restart. But instead I have to either let myself die or completely quit out, then watch the long ass loading screen again. Got annoying about the 10th time.
Isn't Rogue Mode still going to be a thing? That sounds more like a traditional Raid/Mercs mode. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Capcom hasn't said they're done with supporting RE2.
Kendo is like the Japanese version of Rambo. There's no way for him to not be badass.
I actually can't beat any of them, and I don't think they're interesting enough to figure out. At least Hunk has some nice dialogue. His route was fun to clear, but throwing me three lickers at once... wew lad.
Love the game overall. Actually got me interested enough to buy and finish RE7 and all the DLC. Capcom really is back, its amazing.
Also Joe Baker for RE8 pls.
Fuck knows but I can't see how it'll work due to how the game is developed. RE4/5/6/REv titles were fun as fuck in Mercs/Raid because the game expected you to take down every mother fucking with well placed shots and melee, but in REmake 2 enemies can tank everything but grenade and magnum rounds and there's no melee to pick up the slack so any kind of battle mode just sounds like an absolute chore to me.
The Journalist
Brad With a Nemesis teaser
Agree with everything you said, besides:
>Also Joe Baker for RE8 pls.
I think him being in a 2nd game would ruin the nigga charm. I hope RE8 is like 7 in that it's a new place with a new cast, and maybe one cameo, like Leon this time. 7 was a cool game for the reason that they really narrowed the focus down to what it should be: throwing the player in an unknown, but vaguely familiar, and creepy environment.
Kendo did not survive that night you dummy
>Joe,Barry and Kendo in RE8
Three diferent Styles to play the game
>Barry more Classic survival horror
>Kendo more action with way more guns
>Joe is pretty much punch only mode
>The villain is Loli Alex wesker controlling a army of E-00 lolis
>The game have a message of Old vs New
Ludo incoming
YOU didn't survive that night. faget.