Horror Game Devotion Being Spammed by the Chinese

>Explore a 1980s Taiwan apartment complex lost in time gradually shift into a hellish nightmare.
>Sound design applying the use of East Asian instruments and 80s Taiwanese music
>Relive the 1980s Taiwanese lifestyle through visuals and setting
>Unique Taiwanese/East Asian reference (folk culture, elements of taoism/buddhism)

I am noticing a pattern of why it could have gotten negative reviews

Attached: demotion devot.jpg (1481x1572, 296K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I still have no idea why it got review bombed. The game in itself is amazing, hopefully they will make more horror games

It got review bombed because chinks don't like that the devs said their chinklord is an idiot.

so this is what it feels like to see something getting review bombed without you being part of it

to be fair to the chinese, a lot of Americans would do the same if a videogame where to insult their leader in such a matter

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Its just a shame how a good game got fucked again by a controversy just like Metro Exodus.

There are thousands of other games that criticize country leaders or at least governments in general. What did this game do so different to get this much shit?

Yeah, Red Candle make good games like detention. Another game set in an eastern setting.

12 thousand reviews? That means it sold a shit load of copies.

>Metro Exodus
>good game

People probably bought the game, reviewed it and then refunded.
Its a really well done game and the closest we are gonna get to stalker.

when you refund your review is deleted

Yes locust and goblins are thinkswarm retardos

>a lot of Americans would do the same if a videogame where to insult their leader in such a matter
Maybe by alt-right MAGA hat wearing shitheads, but America is generally better at handling criticism than China. I know this sounds like crazy talk, but read the comparison I'm making again.

I remember the butthurt at the cheeky Metro easter egg over 9/11.
But naturally Yea Forums is full of consolefags so they couldn't review bomb

Didn't the Chinese president have all Winnie the Pooh stuff censored because someone compared him to it one time?

If he's that thinned skinned I can understand why he'd order a reviewbomb on a steam game then.

Apparently he never cared, but CCP, who is under a rebranding decided anything that makes Xi look "unserious" has to go.

Was anybody actually mad?

inb4 404

Sure. Was probably a bunch of larping and pretending to be offended americans, but i'm sure some actual burgers did take offense, if not extaggerated for comedic effect. Especially on 8ch

Buying Devotion right now, Detention was one of my favorite games last year. Itched that silent hill feel for me.

>Maybe by alt-right MAGA hat wearing shitheads
Of course that's who he's referring to, considering their president. Alt right shit heads plague every online medium, they swarm everything with dislikes if it goes against their agenda.
Other Western nations are far better than the lunatic patriots of America, who are just barely better than the average Chinese.

chinks are just typical third world insects like br monkeys
leave them alone, they are total slaves of ccp, cant do anything

sjws are the problem. not chink bugs

>they do it for free
They should honestly ban any non-English posts in that forum.

Attached: lol.png (614x737, 57K)

>chinks are disabling review comments because they're scared of the anti chink pasta being posted in their comments

Attached: file.png (598x296, 52K)

>the Chinese bomb and shit on a game because of its ~hidden political agenda~
>make an uproar thread
>game has a female protag/black protag/one of the developers is vocally not a cis hetero white male
>wtf SJW agenda I'm NOT buying this tranny game who's with me bros!!!
Video games deserve the Chinese infestation just for the sins of Yea Forums - Video Games.
You deserve it.

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>chinks are also bombing negative reviews for Detention because MY CHINA

This just makes me want to buy both games now.

Attached: mad chinks.png (982x506, 62K)

>Go on the internet and shitpost epic 4chinz maymays like the master memelord you are

If you care about review bombing, you are a redditor and corporate cock sucker

I remember when that yaoi bara daddy VN came out and 8cucks went to carpetbomb the shit out of it until everyone got banned and their low effort redpilling deleted.
What's the difference between these hiveminds?

how can you faggots be mad at them, while bombing games for literally the same reasons?


>The game in itself is amazing
The first 2 hours were mediocre at best, very standard horror game of just "go find some stupid item to continue, here's a couple spooky bits while you look".
Then after that 2 hour mark (the point of not being able to return the game) they complete remove all the standard horror game techniques and the game just turns into a fucking walking simulator.
I don't care if the chinese review bomb it for improper reasons since the game is straight up TRASH anyway.

Because it's DOOKIE regardless of politics. Stop making everything political getting so FREAKIN SICK of you guys always doing that. STOP! NOW! BEFORE I FLIP OUT ON YOU! AAHHHHHH

chinamen are inferior dogs that shouldn't be allowed to do anything.

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t. chink

>but America is generally better at handling criticism than China
lmao nope.

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>But at least they should have the decency to discuss it openly
Yeah right, what could go wrong?

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Game looks kinda boring. You can't just have a neat setting and have trash gameplay to go with it (looking at you too, Atomic Heart).

Also there's a Youtube video called "complete playthrough" which is barely over 2 hours.

>Find serenity
>Surrounded by filthy beady eyed crooked teeth anglos
kek, good one.

>when your 3rd world nation gets dabbed on by the British Embassy

Attached: americaburning.jpg (634x735, 105K)

*swarms you*

>3rd world
British education, everyone.

Attached: world4.jpg (1008x666, 144K)

Need confirmation.

>nigger president with multiple terms
>losses against vietnam
>not 3rd world

Attached: 1502275032758.jpg (1052x1236, 385K)

Wrong. I've left reviews before refunding and they're still up

Chinese don't like scary skeletons, skeletons are banned in China.

>using an outdated definition of three worlds that merely kickstarted the way we use the term now
>calling others uneducated

>only pro-american propaganda is allowed

>British education continuing to demonstrate itself
>Thinks definitions should change because he can't read anything without "Innit" at the end
The three worlds model has nothing to do with economic position, it's about alliance with and against the Soviet Union. If the U.S. is a third world nation, so is Bongistan.

They are probably trying to raise their social credit scores so they actually have a chance to Travel outside China.

>so is Bongistan
can you remind me when britain 1) lost a war against vietnam and 2) willingly surrendered to a kenyan president for 8 years.

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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

actually mega btfo by

>Still thinks the Three-World Model has anything to do with winning wars or presidency and not simply a case of alliance with the U.S. or the Soviet Union
I'm guessing your Pajeet mayor got pissy about India being considered a third world nation and started changing the definitions in your local curriculum.

Attached: wkUtbHyjDajjKUHVbjiPXQ-GgKqJMb_T-Fvz3QEkXVc.jpg?width=1024&auto=webp&s=f8ea4816388f94bebef91 (1024x576, 84K)

Attached: 45.jpg (960x720, 43K)

>mayor of a town has the same power as the us president

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>willingly surrendered to a kenyan president for 8 years.
>while posting Macron, Merkel, and Trudeau

Since when the fuck did Trump live in India, you undereducated anglo dog?

Attached: president-macron-poses-smiling-next-to-man-showing-his-middle-finger-during-caribbean-visit.jpg (634x612, 37K)

Imagine spending hours each day spamming a single text for months, despite it clearly doesn't do whatever magical chant you expect it to do.
This must be an anglo. Only they are this autistic and believe in magic spells
And then they pat each other on the back for a "job well done" while having done nothing at all.

>Soviet ally
nigger you what?


>>while posting Macron, Merkel, and Trudeau
oh, are they kenyans too?

Attached: ameributton.jpg (3024x4032, 1.76M)

Welp... Thx for reply.

imagine losing a war against vietnam and willingly mutilating your dick LMAO

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No, but they sure as shit love letting them in to fuck their significant others. No wonder they loved Obama so much.

Attached: if-you-kill-your-enemies-they-win-justin-trudeau-13924022.png (500x303, 87K)

>No wonder they loved Obama so much.
probably because he was a good president, unlike the jew puppet lmao

Is there a way to not allow Chinese to buy your games? Surprised people sell to those insects.

>probably because he was a good president
Sure thing, chief.

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Good thing I don't like the taste of boot in my mouth then, nationalist on both sides of the fence are fucking fags any.

Also they only left those reviews to get good social credits.

Imagine willingly letting your cab drivers fuck your children

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>Fake image to manipulate feelings
And Tom Hanks is a pedophile. I saw it on 8ch /pol/ so it must be true! He "ate" pizza once!

I can post real things he's done as well if you'd like.

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It's not surprising. Angloids are notoriously schizophrenic. Them and their retard colonies aren't crumbling fast enough desu.

>Nobody gave a fuck about china besides gore threads
>Mr. President says chinaman bad
>Anglos across the sphere instantly spam the internet with MUH EVIL INSECTS
>Almost like a hivemind of brainless drones or something.
Not that they'll ever notice the irony, that requires intellectual capacity.
Sure, at least that won't make you instantly discredible, though it's funny seeing how assblasted you are for your god emperor being called a jewish tool.

>literally has bearers kidnapping women and trafficking them for sex

The state of amerifats.

>your god emperor being called a jewish tool.
What, you mean like most world leaders? "It's okay mine's a kike puppet because so's yours!"
So defensive over people not liking a Communist kike puppet.

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I'm so sick of these vermins. Ever since they've come along everything's gone bad.
I rather have Russia, hell, i rather have China as the world police than another decade of inferior anglo "supremacy". They had their shot. They fucked it up BAD. It's time to let someone who knows how to run things be the boss. Slavs and chinks can't possibly be worse than these beady eyed rats.

Attached: How Japan sees anglos.png (1080x1920, 1.76M)

White people are their own worst enemy, they vote for their own self destruction

>Imagine willingly letting your Muslim refugee taxi drivers fuck your children so you don't come across as racist

Attached: rotherham-sex-gang.jpg?w968h681.jpg (968x681, 71K)

>So defensive over people not liking a Communist kike puppet.
Literally no difference between the leaf tool and the burger tool besides rethorics. All anglos are naturally subservient to their masters, the jews.

Post where you're from, bud, I bet your current leader is a tool for the Jews as well.

It's china. Everything is censored in China.
If you shit on the government you'd be lucky if you got lifetime in jail.

What the fuck is cheeky nandos?

kill yourself chang

not really, we are used to every other country being obsessed with us and our politics

>in such a matter
Way to expose yourself as a non-English speaker, Chinaman.

You've also demonstrated that you clearly know
of American culture, based on your misconception that insulting our "leader" is unacceptable or even slightly controversial. Openly hating Donald Trump is the mainstream opinion in U.S. culture right now.

Why does calling their leader Winnie the Pooh anger them so?
The steam forums are in uproar talking "only one China" and "shall not be divided"

Disliking the president has been the mainstream opinion in US culture since this country was founded. Most people tolerate the president, at best.

>being nationalistic

Haha, oh wow, these Chinese bugmen sure are mentally backwards bigots, am I right?

>of American culture
Hint: Eating greasy burgers while you mastrubate onto your flag isn't culture.

>in the reddit thread there's a bunch of commie roaches blaming nationalism for indoctrinated chinks spamming for dear leader


You wouldn't know where it is on the map, much less who's running the show these days.
I do enjoy watching the mental struggles of an anglo when faced with actual white nations though.
So what's your attack angle? "Invaded by muslims?" "Communist hellhole?"

If that isn't American culture then what is?

Shooting each other while wrapped in the constitution. Now that's REAL new world culture!

>Way to expose yourself as a non-English speaker
correct, however I am of the very based country that is the Netherlands

Attached: vrolijk pasen!.png (1525x1056, 62K)

>resorting to ad hominem instead of attempting to refute the actual content of the post
I'm no longer worried about a possible war with China if you guys surrender this quickly.

Why to they hate him?

Attached: winne-the-pooh.jpg (390x500, 43K)

Any country led by a woman, a fat woman who has more pictures of her eating like an American than actually working at that, has no right to accuse others of having Jewish puppet leaders.

Attached: image.jpg (980x551, 51K)

Careful there laddie, or we won't buy those fighter jets from you, so you'll have to pay taxes to bail out that arms industry of yours again.
Incidentally, she's right wing, and the second most right wing politician head next to Jensen.

>Finland, Sweden and Switzerland
>US allies

>She's right wing
More like chicken wing, the fat fuck. She literally went on TV to cry about how people bullied her on the internet for being fat.

Attached: erna-solberg-norways-prime-minister-left-speaks-to-theresa-may-uk-picture-id968434784.jpg (1024x660, 387K)

The 8ch hivemind is significantly smaller and not funded by a government.

To be fair that is spam.
If your going to do the banned chinese stuff you need to do it more cleverly instead of ctrl c + ctrl v

Fuck that, that takes effort. What am I? An european?

Why do you think she hates poor people so much and worships USA, the only country in the world where she can be herself?

>Thread about Chinks review bombing turns into another thread about America
And foreigners say the world doesn't revolve around us.

Attached: 0998i.jpg (413x395, 15K)

She's also a Zionist and buddy to the chinks. Sounds like you've got a Neocon leading your country. And you were pretending your country was innocent?

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>first world

All part of her 4d chess game

White people only see white people as equals, and so any true-blooded white will only ever see other whites as rivals.

If you're a nationalistic idiot with no identity of your own, then yeah, I guess

The only game here is a race between Israel and China to see who can give her the right amount of cake necessary to let them take over her country.

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There's like 10 other countries in line to buy fighter jets from us. Hell, we could probably double the price and the Saudis would still buy them from us.


Then at least either one of them has actually done something for us, unlike anglos who dumped naval mines on our coasts and killed more norwegians during WW2 than Germany ever did.

>Then at least either one of them has actually done something for us
Yeah, they got the anglos to set up naval mines on your coasts that got your Norwegian brethren killed. "B-but they're not anglos" - They enable anglos. You're flat out justifying becoming a puppet just because it's a slightly higher-tier puppet than before. Pathetic.

>Anglos are powerful they said

Attached: BRITANNIA RULE THE WAVES.png (329x1018, 149K)

Rest of the world is literally OBSESSED with America

>Israel and China
>made brits plant naval mines along the norwegian coast during WW2
Is this the power of anglo education?

>little dick chink trannies SEETHING at the superior Anglo
soon the Anglo and the American will be reunited for eternity
we will put an end to bolshevism forever

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TL;DR you stupid nigger
Try telling me you faggots aren't obsessed when you attempt to derail a thread about China into a thread about America.

I hope you know majority of steam community mods are absolute pozzed furry faggets that browse here and trannyera, they know what's going on

>He doesn't realize Britain's entire modus operandi for the past ~200 years were "Do whatever the Jews tell you to do"
>"B-but it's okay because we're gonna be the Jews' bitch directly now!"

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Chinese will be chinese, not much can be said. Its a good game with good music, nuff said


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Fuck Chinks!

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That's a huge step up from anglos. It's like going from count to king. And with less puppets anglos have, the faster they will fade into obscurity

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>These buzzwords
>These slangs
Do you wear a 8ch tshirt as well?

feed me the context of this image

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So how many of you epic anti chinese warriors actually bought the game to show solidarity?
Did you even know about the game before obsessed trumpets spammed Yea Forums about it?

You're literally going to go the same road as the Anglos, but even worse. Jews hate white Christians like modern right-wing Norwegians such as you. Once they've comfortably settled in, expect to go full Sweden and for every portion of your country's government and media to absolutely loathe you.


>qt little whiteboys think they know hatred

Attached: 2ch 2.jpg (1191x840, 126K)

Good, because fuck christians. It's a foreign belief and if jews help us destroy this vile "religion" then all the better.

Reminder that the Republic of China is the one true legitimate government of China.

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Are Jews the true final boss?

so did France


Attached: 6ee.jpg (491x491, 43K)

Imagine being offended at something this menial.

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the last time i remember westerners majorly review bombing a game was when rockstar tried to ban gta mods, the steam rating still hasn't recovered from that. meanwhile the chinese review bomb because someone insulted their glorious cultural leader and compared them to cultists.

>Anglos get heat from the world
>"B-But what about those jews???"
Every time. Can't dodge responsibility for shitting up the world any longer

Oh no! Now I- Wait, nothing happened. Huh, Why's that, anglo scum? Did your epic spell fail?


fuck mainlanders

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For every canadian chink responding to my post, 20 mainland insects get booted.


openly hating everything is the mainstream opinion in the U.S right now

you fucking retards are constantly outraged about everything and as a result never get anything done. this is why your country has slowly been overtaken by corruption, your infrastructure is failing and your economy is literally made out of dumpster fires

Alcohol is degenerate

Oy vey! Not so obvious Schlomo!

*make game about white terror*
pssh... nothing personnel chiang

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Whether you like it or not: America is the biggest export of culture in the entire world. Keep seething, kek.

This is something entitled gamers do.
>jews put sjw shit in the game
>review bombed
>Xi jinping is evil
>review bomb
For the record I think reviewing bombing
a game for politics is fucking stupid but that's what westerners tdo o games too.


>There are thousands of other games that criticize country leaders or at least governments in general.
Not in China

By your own epic larp?

>C.C.P.= China-Cherishes-Penis's. Extremely homosexual nation. Mao was not gay though and would be angry. He preferred 6 year old girls.

Attached: 1485899129051.jpg (540x568, 85K)

>take other peoples cultures
>dumb it down and simplify it so it can be regurgitated to the masses
>claim it as your own


Another 20 locusts down

Loving every Larp

Attached: 2ch being hardcore.jpg (1239x498, 84K)

>be a people made of many different cultures
>improve upon them
>rest of the world following what you do
>make everyone jealous in the process

>your infrastructure is failing and your economy is literally made out of dumpster fires
This has to be the most retarded post I've read today.

The DOW is approaching its 52 week high.

imagine being this delusional
must be nice

>Almost eliminates the CCP in Northern China
>The US tries a two state solution TWICE and both time the talks fail
>This gives Mao enough time to muster up strength and begin the push south.
I feel bad for Shiek, despite all the crap he got. He was the one that got shafted the hardest.

Attached: 1517016994966.jpg (506x377, 35K)

it's pretty nice living a land that makes (you) seethe merely by existing and being more relevant than your country

nobody tell him what happened to non-whites who DARED to criticize Obama on anything

it legitimately isn't a good game though

before it got review bombed I honestly thought it was being botted for good reviews, nothing about the game is eerie or scary, everything about it is derivative, cheap and lame as fuck

>muh dow

>meanwhile bridges in major cities are falling apart, tunnels are collapsing and its too expensive to do anything about it

>but its ok cuz muh dow

fucking absolutely braindead. you're the type of person who just mindlessly thinks its A-OK when whole cities get shut down for a day because of collapsing bridges.

get fucking real

this is bullshit, faggot

Beat this game in 90 minutes and it was utter shite. Refunded it lol.

i live in america retard
that's how i know for sure you're absolutely fucking delusional

Trudeau is Castro's son so it makes sense that he's kissing his ass.


it's hard not to insult that idiot.

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Lol wtf I was literally looking at this on steam a few hours back and the reviews were overwhelmingly/very positive I forget now

Fucking chinks

>meanwhile bridges in major cities are falling apart, tunnels are collapsing and its too expensive to do anything about it
You're going to post some sources instead of some made up bullshit?

>muh dow
Yeah who I'm going to trust more, a world renown economic indicator or some retarded user?

I didn't realize china has a fucking digital army

or are they bots

>they said FUCK OBUNGA
>then they went about their day because the first fucking amendment exists
Oh no what a horror story

tbf god emporer of china really looks like winnie the pooh.

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Hope you don't mind getting fired from your job for racism.

>lying on the internet

>the entire debacle is that the game suggests China is a "cult"
>China proceeds to review bomb the game in tandem
The irony is fucking astounding.

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Taiwan #1


not true; it's just that you can't review a game after you've refunded it. source: me (i refunded monster hunter and couldn't review it)

more people will heard the game because of controversy. streisand effect! it will effect sells positive.

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Taiwan is just as cucky as South Korea.
The KMT party that recently won a lot of seats is even trying form stronger bonds with PRC.

Attached: b5528b257bb1aab432c05240f18091c8d9f83dea79fe398bcc4433385954e69e.png (305x390, 73K)

Always looking for anyone, anything to point fingers for shitting where you sleep, huh?

>Memelords love North Korea aka "Best korea"
>Hate China for being literally the same shit just less dictatorial
This doublethink will never cease to amaze.

Might be because China would absolutely smash Taiwan to bits before burgers even wake up.
But of course, not being a suicidal tough guy from your basement is prime cuckery

Go back to Canada Chang.

>itt obsessed lefties try to find a way to complain about nationalism and American rightists instead of complaining about th business practices of the Chinese
>"N-No you're autistic"
We need to a have a sperg test, everyone who tests positive is no longer allowed to post their opinions online. Stop. Just stop.

Attached: 1550690272485m.jpg (1024x614, 38K)

>Be NK
>Try to open up and start forming bonds with your neighbors
>US says no you can't do that
>Gets sanctioned
Blame the Cold War user.

It doesn't help that Taiwan is openly hostile to China and that further escalate tensions in the South China Sea.

If anything it's thanks to the chinese that NK still exist as anything but a smothering hole due americans.

Name one game made in USA where Nazi's aren't the bad guys.

In other words, the good guys like they were in real life.

You can't because devs in USA are bought, and bought means that there's money involved and money involved means they have been jew'd.
Jews don't like anti-left politics and they don't like whites, and they certainly don't like based nazis.

If that came to pass, Yea Forums would be a ghost town

>It doesn't help that Taiwan is openly hostile to China and that further escalate tensions in the South China Sea.
You imply that the Chinese have any claim to that sea

>based nazis
Unless you're a german, you're literally a cuck for the enemies who probably raped your granny and cucked your gramps.
But yes, splitting the nation and causing extreme poverty for 3-4 decades is "based"

Well, japs insist they have claim to the sea between China/Korea and Japan. And then there's all the rocks Japan insist is theirs

Attached: 2ch gooks.jpg (488x436, 31K)

>arms industry
try welfare. arms industry is a drop in the bucket, over 50% of usa's taxes go to support niggers and single moms.

Everything would've been nazi once finished
>causing extreme poverty
Germany didn't, anti-nazis did with their invasions.

Just like USA is the reason sandniggers are invading the world now that they have bombed the sand they lived in, and given weapons to radical religious fuckheads that further destroy the lives for those lesser religious retards.

Now that's just being delusional.

>Japan Sea
>No Korea
I'm fucking dying

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>Poland was agressor! Czechoslovakia was invaders! Evil brits is why WW2 happened!
IMAOING at u. Way to exemplify the anglo education meme

>ust like USA is the reason sandniggers are invading the world
Europe could have literally just closed it's borders

2ch's international english board is a funny place.
Funnily enough. they ban foreigners from using it, and that's despite the name of the board being Dejima, the closed off island for foreign traders during the edo period.

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Don't tell anyone.
But the PRC is forming a maritime defense network for the Silk Road trade corridor so they can protect their assets from Filipino/Indonesian pirates. The islands in dispute had never been formalized considering Vietnam and China's relation over the past 40yrs having been rough. The man made islands are the just a point of conflict with the Republic of China due to major maritime lanes be cut off. That's why you see the US navy conducting several Freedom of Navigation operations in the SCS.

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Why are nips obsessed with penis phimosis?

it's not even a horror game retard. it has horror elements but only in the beginning.

Why are americans so obsessed with circumcision?

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Taiwan number one!

>Darn these evil chinese
>Posts an image with 2 chinese, and 3 americans, one being a t_d group member

The game is really boring though, only 2 jumpscares the entire game and slow walking.

don't do it on the discussion forum, reply to their reviews directly

>12k reviews
At this point the review score is meaningless, they already won.

>If you're a nationalistic idiot with no identity of your own, then yeah, I guess
You described the average US-ian

I saw it in my discovery queue just before this shitstorm, it was overwhelmingly positive.

Ironic that nobody sperged out when redcandle's first game (correctly) portrayed the founder of the ROC as a dictator. Chicoms confirmed for being unable to handle criticism or banter.

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I thought this thread is about China? Why is everyone talking about the US?

obsessing over pronouns and genitals doesn't mean you have an identity.

Detention is the game?
It's like a certain country is obsessed.

>Defending muh chink patriotism

Because autistic faggots didn't even know about the game so they didn't spam several threads daily, since Trump hadn't told his minions that CHINA BAD

1500 points have been deducted from your social credit score, please locate the nearest train station and travel to Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region re-education camp #48 for evaluation and compliance assessment.

Your most humble servant,
Xi Jinping
(who is not Winnie the Pooh)

Alcohol is haram

>good guys

Wow you're as delusional as the SJWs and retarded Chinese gamers review bombing this game.

If Xi is anything like Pooh then i'd love him

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>Yea Forums wouldn't even be bringing up this game in any fashion if there wasn't anything political surrounding it.
Bravo, Yea Forums, really outdone yourselves once again.

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>Europe could have literally just closed it's borders
The citizens wanted it, the government which are bought didn't.

Thanks, we aim to please by fitting into the nu/v/ stereotype

Nope, Metal Gear Rising has Very Positive reviews

I hope this makes the game more popular. It would be fucking amazing.

>implying Yea Forums is brave enough for good horror games

These are the same fags who call Mr.X too stressing because they're babies.

I always jump at the chance to shit on the Chinese

Yeah, because Armstrong was BASED and REDPILLED unlike faggy Raiden

Japanese game makes fun of murican politics

If you think America made that game you need to rethink your life choices.

You're implying Senator Armstrong was a bad guy.

next time keep irl politics out of your game, and don't insult another country's leader. tale as old as time

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chinks are subhuman garbage. Kill them all.

That's the point he's trying to prove retard. An outside country made fun of American politics and Americans loved the game.

all I have to say is that chinks excel in engineering and maths. they're at the top of every single one of my classes.

whites are brainlets.

MGR was made before Trump's presidency was even a thought

Shut the fuck up

>every country behaves the same
this is the problem with Internet, everyone thinks the whole world is one big neighborhood.

This. The only way to save the world is by erradicating chinks, anglos and slavs. Literal bestial races.

Reminder that chinks are literal subhumans.

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haha nice edge dudes i almost cut myself on it haha

Too be fair, the Balkans are essentially the autistic kid that screams at everything.

That was a hell of a bike race

Imao, so what are you, a cuck who lets yourself be shat on by an autistic retarded child? God damn anglos are massive pussies. What the fuck happened to make them so cucked?

>Ragdoll physics.

nu-dmc was making fun of american conservatives too, they didnt give a fuck. stop comparing china and US.

t. a non-american who doesnt even like US

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The topic was that USA doesn't make a game where they make fun of their politically "correct" government.

The wrong(left) making fun of the right doesn't prove anything.

You're time is coming, Chinaman, Anglo or Ruskie. You're next on the chopping block. And we will take your sisters, daughters and mothers as prisoners so our soldiers can drain themselves in these beasts. The whole world has gotten sick of your little threesome powerstruggle

i am my own leader and if someone insulted me i just break out the n-word

>Imao, so what are you, a cuck who lets yourself be shat on by an autistic retarded child? God damn anglos are massive pussies. What the fuck happened to make them so cucked?

>ching chong ching chong winnie the poo

Because all aspects of China have penetrated Taiwan. For example, buying media and threatening Taiwanese businessmen

Seeing rallying Amerigoblins is always a treat. One day they'll be taken seriously.

Then what about those butthurt conservatives who paid for a giant balloon of that muslim mayor in London wearing a bikini, only for him to praise it causing them even more butthurt, all because said mayor allowed a silly Trump float?

Are you a fucking retard or what? Pay the fuck attention to the actual conversation that is going on.

Look at the history of china and the recent history from Mao to present day and tell me you still think the chinks aren't a disgusting disease that needs to be eradicated
Hell look at shit like
A regular fucking day in goddamn china

>No answer, just assumption i'm a chink and some drone speak
kek, nobody likes anglos. You're literally the second most hated race in the whole world.

Yeah, and then someone can post that white burger kicking a kid in some kiosk gif and claim "LOOK THIS IS EVERYDAY AMERICA"

I hope video games take a note from Hollywood and start making games only with China in mind.

>Chinese bomb literally who Steam game
>Instant thread about it

I wonder who could be behind this

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Doesn't help that Taiwanese politicians want to remove all statues of Shiek and replace Shiek's face from their coin. Honestly, I think the liberal party in Taiwan is possibly making things worse by being actively hostile to the country's history and ramping up arms production.

I hate everyone equally.


prove it's not everyday china then. Every other western nation isn't some orwellian nightmare and you can visit them without fear of being hauled off to some chink prison

Taiwan no.1
Japan no. 2
USA no.9999


Gee I wonder why people don't eat this stuff up

>Take a webm from the most populous country
>Claim it's "every day" event
>"The proof of burden is on you!"
How very american of you. Creationist as well i'm guessing?

dumb but I kekt

its chic to mock Trump

>chink roach beating up a kid
>no one intervenes out of fear of social credit lowering and jail time for disturbing the peace

>clapistani kicking the shit out of a kid
>gets shot
>or police are called and they shoot him

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Unless it's a black guy defending a child, then he's scum and the white man was in his right to defend himself from an autist.

>chink unironically thinks bodyslamming and head stomping a 4 year old kid is honooroboo or manly

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You see that's Wrong Think. In this day an age, you must pick a side and follow it with unwavering conviction. Don't question anything and tow the party line. Party over Country, Hive mind over Freewill.

I regret purchasing this game to be honest. I guess I'm spoiled by horror games that actually play like games but I thought there would be more than walk around, pick up item and drop it into obvious spot.

And you wonder why zoomers dab all over you when you padded their armpits with pillows.

>black guy gets shot
See? No matter what it's a win.

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Two wrongs don't make a right, retard.

>Wtf I'm not buying a videogame because I don't like it

Who was in the wrong here

Google it, faggot.

Is this the only future?

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Yep, as i suspected and got confirmed, whites truly are vile and think they can do no wrong, only everyone else.
Explains the state of this generation of spoiled faggots.

If a foreign game openly insulted Trump ingame it would be celebrated in the US to no end.

>Look at the forums to see WHY the chinamen are upset
>It's because they added a joke about the winnie the pooh shit

right think is for casuals

>Slavs and Chinks cant possibly be worse
I can't wait for China: Neocolonialism Edition and Russia: This time we've infected the world with corruption

Nandos is a restaurant chain in the UK that mainly does chicken and it's popular with teenagers and young adults who refer visiting a nandos as a cheeky nandos! That's it really

there's more than just that but yeah it's pretty silly

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You can mock americans as much as you want, they won't mind.
But if you beat them in ANYTHING, shattering their fragile egoes...

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Seems like it. Freedom is Slavery. Don't think, let the party think for you. They know what you want more then you do. Always remember to do what is asked of you and never question it.

>Yea Forums - Video Games
>literally a /pol/ thread
Outstanding work once again

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>because some of them are terrible all of them need to die

Are you American? because in that case I guess because you're fucking retards then every American needs to die huh?

You could criticize Obama at any time all day, a lot of people did. The people who got fired were retards who couldn't do that without screaming nigger at the top of their lungs.

In the United States, you can insult the president and not get incarcerated for it.

>because some of them are terrible all of them need to die
Good joke, but there's not a single good chinese, anglo or slav. They're all evil.

7, 8, and 9 seem like a stretch to desu

You're either baiting or there is really people on this board that stupid.

>where to insult their leader in such a matter
Nigga do you even America? Especially right now?

It's what we call "Woke" to the "cancer of earth"

Someone has the Fukushima one? Where americans celebrated the death of innocent random japanese people?

>Yea Forums pretends an indieshit walking simulator is good because it le pwns le chinks xD

>USA doesn't make a game where they make fun of their politically "correct" government.
GTA4 and GTA5

Also Americans were literally the bad guys in MW2 which is another game made by Americans.

But of course, americans aren't hivemind drones eating up propaganda.

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You seem pretty upset by random internet people, you ok?

>20 anti sjw threads
>10 gay/pedo/shota threads
>3 furry threads

>waaah its /pol/ again

Our products don't criticize Trump, but at the same time, the people behind the products are becoming increasingly more left-wing.

It's not our fault these kinds of people are just plain bad at creating something people want. You have shit like Star Wars, which went from a complete juggernaut of a franchise to a complete laughing stock because liberals and shitty ideas go hand in hand.

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This is much better then actually crushing people to death and setting them on fire because they lost a dive grass match


>The irony of this post
Of course, an american couldn't tell, their heads are so far up their asses they can't even smell the shit they are.

An American was a bad guy in MW2, but it's made clear that he's the leader of some sort of evil cell within the military leadership. It's generally a very patriotic and pro-American game, as can be seen in the Washington missions.

Being part of a nation is an important part of identity user.

Anglos... Will they ever gain sentience and stop being vile rats?

Such an empathic race and culture unlike chinks.

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oh shit nigger same guys who made Detention? looks dope

You seem obsessed bro, just worried about you. I suggest toning down the projection and insecurity. Have a nice day!

Because the Chinese are fucking retarded animals.
I should know, I spent two 14 hour flights with the nasty animals.

Rockstar is American

Yeah, an american is never responsible for his "people's" subhuman acts. Only everyone else is.

based desu

Rockstar North is the developer.

Why has Yea Forums become so obsessed with USA recently?

Sure, Rockstar the publisher is American.
The team behind GTA is in Scotland.

Everyone outside of the US has America on the mind at all times. Its literally all they think about.

Because USA (and anglos in general) pretend everyone but themselves are animals, so people got sick of anglo arrogance.
Never forget, Anglos is why we have cancerous SJWs everywhere. Anglos are why Jews are so powerful. Anglos are behind all ills of western society, yet they dare thump their nose and pretend they're important and is saving the world. Only good beady eyed rat is a dead one. And that's gonna happen soon enough.

Wrong Rockstar is owned by Take-two which is jewish.

t. Chang

>ROC chinese make fun of PRC chinese
>PRC can't think of a comeback
>they start complaining about americans instead
Whining about the US is basically a get out of jail free card for international arguments.

Jewish = American

How brainwashed is the average Chinese person? Do they know how heavily their media censored?

I am responsible for other peoples actions?? That is a new one. What shithole do you come from??

Nope, an actual pure white aryan nord, something mutts will never be. How many ancestral greats do you have? 20? Franks, Saxons, Picks, Danes, ottomans, Pajeets.. Damn, i don't even know what an anglo is supposed to be but a melting pot of genetic mistakes.

You are partially right.

and you are what?a fucking Pajeet? LMAO

wew the government is probably giving them points for doing this. really makes you think

Stay seething, angoblin mutt.

So you're saying they actually get something beneficial out of it, while Yea Forums, ever screaming about SJWS does it FOR FREE?

>Nope, an actual pure white aryan nord

Haha, that is truly funny. Don't worry though, endless waves of third world migration will change your nordic country into a third world shithole. I hope you enjoy. The Turkish man reigns supreme to the whit*oid.

Turks are the true master race, Nordic and German girls love Turkish cock.

So predictable. Literally robots doing their preprogrammed routine when facing painful facts.

and the Kurdish man rapes the Turkish roach LMAO

So predictable. Literally robots doing their preprogrammed routine when facing painful facts

Attached: roach vs jews.jpg (797x600, 63K)

Based turk destroying the jew and his whitoid slave.

>He's so butthurt he starts copying
Anglos. The last vermin left on earth. Enjoy your very timely erradication within a decade.

I don't even know what direction this thread is headed to anymore

Full on race war.

That may be true, but yours will be destroyed slightly after. So it works out just fine.

The moment the last anglo breath leaves this mortal plane is the moment world peace will happen. When people across the world will celebrate the creation of a real utopian world.

and then china will take over after welfare stolen from the people runs out and utopia collapses.