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Question for you classic retards.
Why don't you just play a private server? Inb4 "muh progression needs to be saved"
They're shit for a variety of reasons typically listed in every classic thread that I'm tired of typing out for the myriad of people like you desu
No one likes playing with roaches and Russians user. Also corrupt mods and fear of your shit getting deleted any second.
>tons of disgusting poorfag russians and BRs
>never know how much longer server is up
>admins cheating or giving out stuff for ""donations""
t. roach
>classic dies within a month, only players left are zoomers following around some random streamer
>meanwhile, retailchads will get 8.2 with nazjatar and all the azshara content
>classicucks will crawl back to retail
>can't roll paladin without being a support cuck
Just let me die
This could be (You) bros...
holy shit top delusion here
Spot the pro
>sharding at starting zone and "important" locations like world bosses "and other important areas"
>store mounts (and who know what else)
>paying sub for a decade old game
Yeah, I cant wait to gather a raid to storm enemy factions capital to kill their boss, only to see most of the raid to get phased.
Just like the good old times!
The boulding you are calling "home" may indeed be somewhat accurate recreation of your actual home from way back, but the woodwork is clearly off and theres some odd rooms what weren't there and in general layout is off, to say nothing about the tapestry. In the end of the day you are just standing there surrounded by odd strangers walking about and your "family" is just bunch of mannequins.
But hey, atleast you can pay for some random lady to yell for you to take out trash or that food is ready, so thats something, right?
why is the bottom picture bad whats wrong with living a comfy neet life playing wow all day?
You're not going "home." You can never go "home" again. What made classic WoW great was that sense of awe and wonder as you saw and learned more of Azeroth. It was discovering the solutions to quests on your own for the first time. It was that first good guild you ran with where you developed real friendships and had shared experiences with. That's what made Vanilla so special, and that's something you can't replicate.
So you dont actually like videogames, don't u?
Sharding/phasing only the first weeks so the starting zones dont get messy, and nothing about store mounts wtf. Did u even read anything?
>retailcucks seething because Nostalrius was so successful Blizz decided to take us back
>almost 30
>room smells like piss and fat guy sweat
>mom pays for her grown man son's insulin, wow sub fee, and his neet style while she works
>dude is destroying himself physically and mentally
where do you see the positive in this?
Shut the FUCK up, my favorite streamer said classic will be great and kill retail. Im so exited to go back and play vanilla again
private servers are shit
bugs, lags, server can be down at any time
less players to do raids/groups with
weird players who just play because it's free
And that's different from current retail how?
main problem with private servers is that they can shut down or do a server wipe at any minute with no warning. i've seen it happen before on multiple servers where blizzard cease and desist them or some admin drama causes them to wipe the server db causing everyone to restart from scratch.
i dont see a negative, guy is enjoying his life doing what he likes
>play Nost
>got enlisted
>Nost got shutdown while I was in the army
>come back, 3 months later Elysium launches with Nost core and database
>in less than a fucking month first abuse appears in form of a warlock with gm commands oneshotting everyone on AV
>in less than two first accusations of gold trading with Chinese appear
>by this point I quit
>"trust us or fuck off" fiasco
>donation money stolen, OVH shuts down the server for a week
>WK steals the database to re-launch as LH
>play Gummy
>lol no, he shut it down in less than a day, then made it available privately for Grizzly
>soft relaunch in a few months
>only to shutdown again, now for good
Gee, I wonder why.
every private server has shady donation shit. either admins selling gold/items/accounts to donators and not telling the public or they blatantly have a "donation shop" where you can just pay to win.
from that face on the bottom panel he doesn't seem to be enjoying it, more like he's sunk to deep to quit now.
>8.2 will have lots of content I swear!!!!
Can’t trick me this time retail fag
Im a retailfag that decided to try out vanilla on a private server to see what its about and I love it so far. Its strange, in retail WoW I get annoyed and frustrated if a quest is taking too long or if I'm not steamrollong through content, but in vanilla for some reason I feel content with the slower pace of everything. Im not even annoyed with all the autoattacking in the early levels while I wait to use my skills.
I remember grinding that in vanilla by killing Frost Giants for eons. I also ground Pirates for the Hat that when you clicked on it spawned the parrot and then later reground the goblins back up to exalted, and in the process of doing so I got the blue parrot pet to drop. I also routinely ran ZG and eventually got both the original tiger and the original raptor, I ran Barron so much that I got his Deathcharger, in the process of becoming exalted with Hydraxian I got both parts of Thunderfury to drop and got Thunderfury after killing the quest boss in Silithus. Speaking of Silithus I ran AQ20 and AQ40 so much that I became exalted with the Faction there, and spent a good 2 hours one day repsawning the first wave of trash in Aq40 so I could farm all 4 bug mounts. Got the remaining Drop and Quest vanilla pets after I finished off the mounts(I bought all my faction's mounts including the Alterac Valley Ram). When figuring out what else to do I wound up doing the whole AQ40 Scepter quest chain just for fun, the hardest part I had trouble with was killing that huge ass shark that spawns and I wound up requesting help for that. I also eventually did The Insane and pre-cataclysm loremaster and camped out in Dire Maul for the special transformation orb. I also did the Hunter class quest where you go around killing these other NPC hunters using only specific abilities so that you could be rewarded with a special looking bow.
I essentially beat vanilla in all ways I could feasibly do it. I even attended an OG naxx 40 raid and Exalted myself with Argent Dawn
is it time yet bros?
retail is more stable
people who pay to play are less incentivized to troll and fuck around
playerbase is gonna be bigger, there's gonna be retailfags, buyfags, nostalgiafags, classicfags meanwhile on private servers you just have freefags and classicfags
but I already experienced all that content, and it was unknown and magical back then. now it's all known. magic's gone
WoW is dead
I already got my nostalgia fill on Nostalrius. Classic won't be the same because they aren't even using the same 2004 client. It's the nu-battle.net focused client.
Playing wotlk again and i'm having a lot of fun. Even more than back on the day.
Only will be dead if you want it to be.
Always new amazing experiences to get in a mmo and new things to discover.
All known? Do you know everything? If everytime a game is finished by someone else ur not playing it... maybe games are not for you and you'r the problem
>client somehow matter in target-based no physics MMO
Inb4 "muh wallwalking"
>less players to do raids/groups with
That's not true, modern private servers pop is few times bigger than what used to be the standard in Vanilla. I'm actually concerned they won't up the pop in Classic, I would honestly hate playing anything less than 5k.
>maybe games are not for you
but I'm playing games everyday of my life for decades and still enjoy them you retarded dipshit
I loved WoW back then but I am done with it because it was a time and place for me that is long past
Modern WoW client runs like shit in crowded scenarios due to all the bloat they added for the past 14 years but still manage to make the game single core CPU based.
So because it's from a "long past" you think it gotta be dead or it's bad.
Name a better mmorpg.
I've tried A LOT and no game gets even closer to it.
just reached the old world of roguecraft videos, did warlocks really have it that bad in vanilla or were they patched by 1.2, I really wanted to roll one on allience but that combined with WotF has put me off quite a bit, I might roll mage instead but I know they're overpopulated, seems like there's no winning
Classicfags are blind retards trying to relive the glory days but there is absolutely nothing redeeming about the mentally-impaired shills who still unironically play retail WoW. This isn't a "muh Yea Forums hates everything" moment, even the content creators, websites tailored to shilling Blizz's latest work and the e-celebs getting paid to suck off BFA all explicitly damn the current game. Whether or not Classic lives or dies is irrelevant to retail, because retail is already dead.
literal zoomer post
>one click reporting
>server sharding
I don't know how to explain it but they did pic related to it
except that all you see now is classic shilling by the zoomer """content creators"""""" and """"ecelebs""""". people in their 20s claiming they're """"vanilla veterans"""""""" because they played on nost.
>muh progression need to be saved
I see you think that if you pose an argument as a non-arguement you'll seem like you have a case. But in reality it just makes you look like a far gone retard
You do know that classic is not the vanilla game right?
That its the newer engine and the world remade?
There is no way it will be 100% accurate. In fact being NuBlizz it probably wont be alike at all.
Yea, I love these vanilla veterans that don't even know how racials work.
>check out every expansion and get the launch experience
>sub when you get the itch
>dabble in private servers
>now waiting for classic
Who else is an absolute Alpha and knows how to play WoW properly without being a dramatic cunt? What are you playing while you wait for Classic? I tried FF14 recently. It's okay. I'll dip into it a few more times before this summer, I'm sure. Solid, but not amazing. Kenshi is fire out of nowhere.
>pic related
They said phasing would only be around at the start of the game. Stop with this fake arguement
It was finding Mankirk’s wife at random while doing another quest and wondering why everyone else had such a problem.
I too went and tried FFXIV after I realized current retail was so bad it couldn't even "scratch the itch" for me.
I've been playing on and off for a year and half or so. You notice the few things wow could have improved upon with this game, like the music. Fuck, XIV has got such a stupidly good soundtrack it's a crime. Too bad it has terrible networking, no PvP and a shit community, else I could maybe have ended up liking it as much as old WoW.
>tfw still don't know where the fuck she is
Guess that's another thing I'll find out this time!
Who else /knowabitbutnottoomuchaboutvanilla/ here?
No, both the user and devs said that sharding would be at early zones and later important areas, whatever those may be.
This is the only way to play wow since mid wrath.
He clearly doesnt know the difference between sharding and phasing, or is just trolling. Either way don't give him (You)s this easy.
>What are you playing while you wait for Classic?
Warframe manages to scratch most of my MMO itch, sometimes a bit of ESO for varieties sake.
>its not 100% like the game
Honestly this is a topic in every goddamn thread, but I'll say it again:
The truth is a little bit more twisted. For example first and foremost the market is so fucking shit people would rather go and play a 10+ years old ass game than anything new.
Now the second is hurtful: I bet that most people don't want vanilla as the game itself, they want that time period to come back, that mindset of developers and the community: in short I think most people would go for game with these elements rather than an old ass game which has been exploited already.
Yes its good if there is no substance next to it, but the one I mentioned before would be better, even vanilla is an unfinished mess, so it would be about damn time to actually put in what was missing.
I tried XIV and teso, but its just not good, they are both carrying that accursed bad modern mentality what makes the games playable, but they are way too far from being something groundbreaking as WoW. Sadly many of us wait for that groundbreaking moment, even if it never comes, because other games, while not bad, they are just not as good.
as amazing as the QoL and graphics are for ffxiv, ive been playing a vanilla wow classic server after a year of stormblood, and holy shit this is what its like to have ACTUAL fun. I'm playing an actual game, not just a dress up weeklies grind simulator.
also the community is relatively bad, but MUCH less terrible than xiv weeaboo degenerate fuckbrain community. i hate the xiv community so much after playing for years. its just a different breed than WoW, which is more 'normie'
>its just a different breed than WoW, which is more 'normie'
I don't know user, I feel like I met a lot more mentally ill or depressed losers over there in XIV and I don't know if that's more "normalfag" than the saner crowd I experienced in WoW.
Overall I'd say the WoW community is way nicer though, that I guess we can agree on. Maybe that's because Blizzs moderation isn't as harsh? I struggle to recall people getting banned over petty shit in WoW, while I can picture a FC mate getting suspended for using the word "fag".
*still picture. As in, it happened.
I want to play with my kind : French people, I hate every other nationalities
Also its bugged and laggy as hella all hell
Corrupt gms
No pop
>a frog that doesn't hate his kind
>and that actually wants to fuck off and play with other frogs
Am I dreaming? You're pretty based, user.
you misread, sorry, i meant that WoW is more normalfag. by far. western fantasy, casual experience.
last time I played on a vanilla private server it was pure boredom. you do fetch quest infinite because that's the only good source of exp if you're not an AoE mobgrinding spec. dungeons are reserved for loot only and those take extra long because its incredibly padded with slow mana regen times and spamming LFG.
Oh I'm retarded. Yea, we meant the same thing.
reminder to roll horde to avoid roasties and trannys
>Single core
You what. Why.
ITT: zoomers pretending they played the most casual MMO ever 15 years ago.
>keyboard turning
the usual explanation is that "they currently don't have anyone available that could perform the task"-tier explanation, which is fancy way of saying that none gives a fuck and are not willing to find/pay anyone that does.
>plan to play Classic with group of bros
>excitedly waiting together for the release and talking about it now and then
>one of them got a GF in the meantime that never really touched vidya
>pretty much everyone hates her guts
>now she wants to play too
Go to the gym so u get nice muscles.
Flirt with her and tell ur friend.
Once they break say that u wanna cheer him up playing some vanilla.
U got til summer, don't lose precious time.
enjoy seeing all the best loot given to someone who could be replaced by a monkey using a 1button healbot.
if you think zoomers still play mmos you're retarded
Mostly because of corrupt management.
Fuck P.server kikes.
>meanwhile, most "vanilla veterans" in twitch and reddit, the people hyped for classic are in their early 20s
gg no re
remember thottbot?
how did that become a term for sluts?
You always post this in every thread.
dont you get tired? nobody cares about BFA, not even normies are playing it. only delusional trannies and failed normies play retail.
>making shit up
>thinking twitch streamers are a barometer for anything
kill yourself
>check blizzcon
>most of them are retarded zoomers (like you)
Guess that doesn't count too, right? Keep moving the goalpost all you want, retard.
I realize you're going to keep pulling shit out of your ass that you think proves your point but you're wrong. especially about the "vanilla veterans" being zoomers
come home white man
>easily checked facts are "shit out of your ass"
>meanwhile your delusions are proofs
Here, have a last (you), tardo.
WoW runs on the Warcraft 3 engine, a game engine made from 2001 back when single core CPUs were very common.
They haven't bothered to implement multi-core support because they're either lazy or incompetent.
>Clear MC 1st try instead of in months
>Wait forever for timegated next content which is Zul'Gurub which would give you worse gear
>Quietly weep
I can't wait bro, we're going home
>everything I state is fact
>doesn't show proof of facts
go kill yourself you dumb nigger
>>Clear MC 1st try instead of in months
>implying my band of fresh 60 ret pallies and boomkins will be able to kill garr
Fuck me, a brainless classic WoW dungeon grind is exactly what I could use right now..
I dont know what to play and waste time just cycling image boards
How are you going to clear MC without rep?
i got a ring in 'ere last night
>Implying anyone will take rets and boomkins
>playing alliance in the first place
All the people who try to play paladin because "I bet there's SOME way to get some decent damage out of them, everyone's just been doing it wrong" is in for the disappointment of the decade.
Have fun speccing into protection just to buff Blessing of Kings.
>tfw none of your old highschool friends want to play wow now
At least it used to be before Blizz fucked everything up.
It only takes one unemployed boomer to farm the trash for a day a week before everyone hits level 60.
Best alts for a nelf druid?
were locks really underpowered at vanilla or were they patche dby 1.2
i think im gonna roll a mage instead but i know they are more populated so dont know who to roll
>classic wow
going to say it now why would you want to even play it
i agree it should just be an option to play to show
the rose tinted people its not what its all hyped up to b time has passed
now its your turn to move on.
>y-you were just having fake fun on private servers
Vanilla wow was pretty grindy and shitty.
Had many anoing issues (Like lacks of quests at some point of game so you must grind untill you get big enought level for next quest) fixed by TBC.
Not to mention Wrath Of The Lich king even improved WoW (Especially leveling)
6 level 35 hunters with 280 alch for transmute undeath to water and arcanite bars after bwl patch. if they don't fix the pathing for the mobs in DM you lvl a mage and farm that
Why don't they do classic the way Jagex did OSRS?
I was so hype around 4/5 months ago
Rolled on a private server, levelled a warrior and mage to 40, did a bunch of research on the game and what to do, where to level, which spells to take, important gear, quests , gameplay, talent builds you name it
Then my hype just fell off. Because I don't know a single person playing it and it's so clearly a game to be played with friends. I'll play anything so long as I have someone to play with
needing to grind to hit 60 was something that only happened in the very early patches. you have to purposefully go out of your way to end up having to grind.
All private servers are hopelessly glitchy because Blizzard dev tools never leaked.
I'm not playing this zoomer cash grab.
At least it was before Blizzard will fuck everything up