>Riot Games Warn LCL's ROX for Banning 5 Support Champs in a Single Match
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Riot Games Warn LCL's ROX for Banning 5 Support Champs in a Single Match
you'd have to be pretty tone deaf not to see their consecutive actions as deserving of a warning.
I don't know what any of that means
Riot RU is filled with retards who do shit like this daily
forgot link...no bully
They all specialize in supports in solo play. It's a reasonable tactic to ban opposite team's mains.
Did they break some kind of rule? If not what is the warning for?
>be gurl power team
>get absolutely annihilated the second you play against regular teams
>whine about sexism because the other team didn't hand you a pity win
better go back to being titty streamers on twitch, it's all you're good for you scrub ass bitches
Riot games, creators of League of Legends, warn the player ROX from the pro team LCL for unsportsmanlike behaviour.
What behaviour?
In a match against an all female pro team he banned 5 support champions, playing into the stereo type that woman can only play support.
LCL then proceeded to utterly demolish them.
I think the funniest part of this is whining about the female support player stereotype while the whole team lives up to it because they all main supports.
>LCL then proceeded to utterly demolish them.
ROX is the name of the team, not a player in the team. LCL is the name of the tournament, not the team.
Why not just create a women eSports league? clearly women cannot compete with men.
ROX is still alive?
Is Bruce still around?
They should just stick to the cooking class
>all palys support main
>make bans according to that
>get warned for playing the game correctly
Every time I think they can't suprise me anymore with their stupidity they do it anyway.
Has this never been a thing before? Seems like an idea that would make tons of money.
Who the fuck would watch that?
Riot also warned the team Vega Squadron for winning 52 - 2 against this female team Vaevicits. Reason: they didn't finish the game fast enough
I think riot trying to 'help' the girl team is more insulting to them as players compared to the beating/support bans they went through tbqh
>Strategy is a tool of the partiarchy
Was done in KR early Stracraft days but not officialy
Not many competitors, closed down. They did however continue with female only tournaments. Some of them were pretty good. Lots reached GM in SC2 WoL, not even 0.01% of Yea Forums would come close to that.
if they're cute they would draw a lot of guys.
this part is even fucking worse
They were warned for "dragging the game out"
There's a fucking surrender option in the game, and lots of the best teams surrender games the moment they know they've lost
it wasn't them dragging it out, it was the girls refusing to give up, so if anything they should warn the girls
>Has this never been a thing before?
yes it has, but it never really went anywhere.
>Seems like an idea that would make tons of money.
no. nobody wants to watch scrubby amateurs pretend like they're competitive.
what characters did they decide to ban?
I dunno lol or Russian but I think this is the match. You tell me
riot games are bunch of cuckoalds, not a surprise to be honest. i am happy league is dying, almost 700 million down in revenue in 2018, from 2.1 billion in 2017
Riot is absolute cancer, Valve now theres an esports overseer
The sooner video games die, the better.
I admit that I don't know anything about LoL but aren't they handicapping themselves for by banning 5 supports?
I imagine these girls just took their loss without bitching and other "woke" are the ones who complained?
#4 is hot af why dont russians use fucking ig
A team is allowed to ban characters? Why can they do that? Can’t that be easily abusable by banning the mains of the opposing team every match?
it's been part of competitive for years
Not .01% of Yea Forums gets to play the game 20 hours a day with everything taken care of for them in a gamer house.
Let ANY male on Yea Forums have access to that and they could do the same.
During WoL or Brood War?
>Can’t that be easily abusable by banning the mains of the opposing team every match?
It's not abuse, that's the intended use.
Except when your opponents are women, it seems.
It goes both ways and it encourages players to learn more than just one character. I don't see how it can be a problem.
>All Diamond rank
>Power team
Pick one.
Can someone give the tl;dr version please. My assumption is that they lost and they cried sexism.
CS already has a female only pro tournaments, primarily because the best female teams can't even qualify for the regular tournies when playing against amateur and semi-pro male teams. Even that doesn't stop the female CS pros from screaming that they are as good as the best male pros and that the only reason they don't qualify id due to the system being sexist and biased against them.
In short unless they are just handed trophies then it's sexist and not fair apparently.
Not even remotely true.
The western SC players who went to Korea to practice for years and couldn't even qualify for GSL, fuck off. You don't know you're talking about. Only 1 person who has gone to Korea has ever qualified and beaten people in Code S and that's Naniwa that Swedish nerd.
well i guess "e-sports" is not competitive gaming, its a marketing gimmick, so they can do whatever dumb shit they want. in real competition "toxic" and all this fag carebear shit doesn't exist because psychological warfare is a part of competition.
they didn't care and enjoyed themselves.
>if they're cute
The majority aren't though, not every female pro looks like Zaaz from CS female scene.
why are women competing with men? They want E-sports to be emphasizing the "sport" part, they need to be separate.
The article is very short
was it unsportsmanlike? yes
should riot care? no
>want equality but also special treatment
Because that would be an admission that women can't compete with men even with 99% of the physical element removed
>was it unsportsmanlike? yes
Nothing would've been said if both teams were male.
>Seems like an idea that would make tons of money.
Except it doesn't. For instance, no one gives a shit about female soccer because it's so awful.
It's not even unsportsmanlike considering they're all support mains and they've picked 2 supports in games before.
Is this Siren 2.0?
But women can compete with men, has been proven many times. It's just you people are zoomer MOBAfags and clueless.
Name two
who the fuck fills a team with only support mains? Thats like filling a football team with only defenders.
TosSgirl and Scarlett
Men can play more than just supports.
Come on, man. Use your brain a bit.
okay, I agree
but Scarlett is a tr*nny
In addition to what others have already said, it also helps keep tournaments from getting stale because everyone would just pick the META characters every game.
Are you an idiot? If you can only play 1 champion then you're not going to be on a pro team
I would just put a wig on and say I'm trans
>be woman
>be retard
>he doesn't watch ladies tennis
you are gay, son
>Thats like filling a football team with only defenders.
Worked in the last world cup
Why cant women handle banter?
user, I...
To be a good female pro that's what it takes unless you're Korean I guess
I haven't followed SC2 since middle of HotS but being able to take games from players like Nestea and MarineKing back in 2012 deserves respect
Italy has won the world cup multiple times my man.
>Women cant even compete in a casual as shit MOBA like LoL
Because of estrogen
They are used to be coddled for no reason other than their looks all their lives, so their egos are pretty much made of crystal
>riot says this is gender discrimination there are many more supports than just 5, all rox
Did was banned some
Overly developed princess complex
>men and women are equals
>has to change how you talk around women or you'll get banned
Background to this is that VV (the all gurl team) were desperately trying to sell their spot before the season started, but failed to do so.
Their answer was to fire their entire roster and replace it with 5 low-diamond support mains.
yea but riot ALSO prohibits teams from surrendering games so..
Whats with women and LoL anyway? My gf plays this piece of shit game like 2 a day.
In CS GO on 1v1 aim tournaments they are at the same level or better than males
in 5v5 normal matches they get totally rekt by semi professional male teams
It's the brain. Men has better tactical thinking and spatial imaginiation.
Popular decade old game.
Also you're probably getting cucked by some guy whose carrying her to diamond just FYI
>her to diamond just FYI
Pretty sure she's a silver shitter.
Good. If she starts climbing rapidly, that's when you start worrying.
We all know none of these chicks want to do this, twitch thottery pays better for less effort and you can bubble yourself, unless your ninja or some one super famous you can’t make a decent living playing games, look at team siren all of them became thots even the nerdy one and all of them made more money that way then they ever did playing games, sneaky was a lcs pro and now makes money being a trap cosplayer than he ever did doing that, fap bait will always be more profitable than esports
Best female player won once against fucking Cadian so that means
>In CS GO on 1v1 aim tournaments they are at the same level or better than males
marry, kill, kill, that's a man baby, fug
unironically this
>30 minutes
>Female team has 2 kills
>Male team has 52
Holy fuck
They all look the same and except for the second from the right.
>1v1 aim tournaments they are at the same level or better than males
Are you retarded? Men have better vision and faster twitch reflexes than women. That gives them an even bigger edge in 1v1. Most 1v1 and 2v2 i've seen the women have gotten rekt when it's been male pros vs female pros.
since when?
i didn't know that was a thing
>In a match against an all female pro team he banned 5 support champions
4 of the 5 players are support mains, so banning their most played heroes is a smart play
P.S. They are all low diamond players
P.P.S. ROX is the team, not a player, and LCL is the Tournament, not the team
Fucking moron
oh no no no
All male team vs all female team.
The women all main support champions in their solo que's.
The men decide to ban the women's main characters (Which all just happen to be support).
All male team still wins the game.
Get called sexist because they only banned supports against an all women team.
Ah don’t worry the tranny patrol already hate her for calling Zoe Quinn toxic
Well no shit, the outrage comes from the "Women only play support characters" stereotype. People believe the male team banned support characters against the female team because they thought it'd be funny.
But arent they all support mains?
It was funny though.
Problem is that all the highest ranked female players in LoL are support mains and not really higher ranked than Diamond.
See the pattern here?
They should do a womens eSports league but go full WWE with it and not even try to be legit. Over the top personalities, costumes, romances, blatant cheating and drama all played out by cute girls. Imagine how fun that would be.
>why not just give women consolation trophies despite being shit?
Women-only leagues have done nothing but fuel women's delusions of their own physical capabilities for the last century.
Desegregate all sports and remind these retards why they're shuffled into their own league in the first place. Protip, they're not 'women-only' leagues, they're 'no men allowed' leagues because that's the only fucking way women can win anything.
>Meanwhile in 2018
Ya, which is why this precisely outrage is funny.
are you 12
>Do you agree, Yea Forums?
Only if they warned people for banning Taric when Sneaky was playing or Blitzcrank/Viktor/any other robot character when playing against Chinese teams
Nah I just don't think of games as all serious business. This whole topic is a joke really.
>have a competition to see who is the best
>actually never mind, you have to adhere to these arbitrary rules forcing you to never play at your full potential, thus destroying the whole point of competing in the first place
How is league not considered a joke by everyone?
>havent played league more than like 10 times in the last year
>for some reason I'm watching LCS
Why is the LCS so good bros?
>they didn't care and enjoyed themselves
So the all female team actually didn't give a fuck but Riot Games decided to get upset on their behalf?
Man, I hate League of Legends but holy shit KDA is a fucking gift to mankind. Nice song and amazing porn.
Yea people got used to soha and crew but she went against the narrative and called quin toxic to people not gaming so she was de personed by the tranny squad but randi Harper still tweets her as she has a job and thus attracts parasites
Now just imagine a reverse scenario
>female team bans all ad carry champs
>wins 52:2
>gets worldwide praise as females show how competent they are in competitive games and that we need more wamen in the scene.
>recieve national medal of honor and seal of women bravery
just watch a shitty anime you fucking retard
>ban Kha against chink team
>get banned because chinks are soulless insects and Tencent overlords thought I was making fun of them
wouldn't be surprised honestly
Because nobody watches it. Who'd want to watch a bunch of women being mediocre at a game when you can watch a bunch of professionals beings top tier at the game?
>Lets hypersexualize all of our female champions
>While simultaneously pretending we care about sexism and gender based discrimination
Didn't Barbie have to do a complete PR overhaul for far less shit?
A team of diamond girls that never played a game together got picked over a team that deserved it.
What's wrong with you?
There is more than 5 supports they just banned mains which was all
Support as Vv is all supports
I clapped, brava
>5 literally whos
>vs one of the best teams in LoL
Someone explain why were they even playing vs ROX gaming, did actually think they stood even a slight chance
Hey sneaky isn’t gay not that most of care and half his fans don’t want him
To be
Kinda but mainly because games "journalists" were ranting and screaming about it on twitter while throwing their onions around.
You mad that nobody takes lol serously? C'mon son it's just a game.
it's just setting themselves up for embarrassment
In case of csgo it's literally casual/amateur level and nobody wants to watch that, tho Intel is still going at it and this year again Katowice will have women only tournament. I assume it's the same with other games.
>Womens Fifa STILL has the stomp of Britains team losing, along with own goal footage removed from jewtube
Some of the supports they banned were also solo top laners, so I don't think anyone is being honest about this. Thresh and Braum are not JUST support characters.
LMAO they sound like top cunts
Jatt pretended to be a girl to win some sluts an all girl tournament
Don't worry anons, LoL is still the most viewed game on Twitch, so it's therefor the best, right?
She won an IEM last year, too
Why did they fine them when the girl team said they had fun? Riot getting offended on someone else's behalf for no reason and stirring shit.
>along with own goal footage removed from jewtube
I don’t anything about LoL, how do you ban a character? That sounds like something the tournament would do like with card game tournaments where certain cards are forbidden. But in this case it sounds like the other team stopped them from playing their best characters.
That’s not a female.
>Hurr exceptions to the rule are the rule
Yeah, and look at her, that's the type of autistic looking woman I expect to do well.
These companies are purposely trying to get attractive women to be winners so they can use their bodies to sell shit.
Ironically these companies are doing much more harm to women than the guys making jokes.
Nobody was fined at all.
You don't underatand, its the chink moonrunes that are concerted to numbers. Or so the excuse goes.
Also now that i've enlarged the pic that is definitely a dude.
It's a tr*nny
traps are gay. both jacking off to them and being one, and he's done both. sneaky is gay as hell and so are you
she looks cute when she tries
How do you not know how bans would work? Every assfaggot has tons of characters and teams take turns banning them for whatever reason(too powerful/opponent has player who is very good at it/etc.) and then picking them. In dota it alternates between each team banning 3, then picking 2, then banning 2, picking 2, banning 1, picking 1.
look up FIFA Women's world cup (most recent), Britain vs i think one of the Koreas
That’s a male.
>Blank soulless stare
>Male proportions
LOL w/e dude, i'd put money on this one becoming another stat for our tranny suicide memes.
That dude is based as fuck. I never thought of it that way. Transgendered people get gender-changes, they do not get sex-changes. I'll concede that gender is just a social construct, but there are only two sexes and that is 100% based on your X or Y chromosome.
It's in the rules. It's fair game. The NFL doesn't warn the 1 white person on the field for only tackling black people, do they? This is not a real sports. It's a glorified LAN party. Fuck this joke.
Is Matt Mitrione based?
Rousey is /ourgirl/ you monkey loving faggot.
>refuses to work with niggers
>Sandyhook truther
>rich and white
>Trump supporter
Only slightly related but I remember my Mexican friends high school soccer team beating Mia Hamm and the US Olympic team back in like 08 by 7 points. In soccer, a game where 3-0 is a blowout. WOMEN SUCCC
They want to sell a product, actual competition comes as a distant second.
There actually is a rare disorder where a male can have XX and some other variants.
There's too many characters to fully balance around and teams take turns picking characters. The intention is to keep teams from just picking nothing but meta, high-sycnchronicity champs from dominating and having one team have all the good champs while the other team has nothing.
didnt they ban like mostly enchanter supports? theres like 2 types of supports still available on the field
user... That's... Nevermind...
They all played support, it's in their fucking match historial lmao.
>when she tries
i.e. photoshop
*blocks your path*
>5 women
>all support mains
so a team of literal heal sluts?
If you'd pick a 5 man support team in Dota 2 you could completely destroy the opposing team for 10-20 minutes. The problem is that Dota 2 has no concede button and tournament players are not gonna give up after that. Im sure in LoL support heroes are really good early on as well, otherwise nobody would play them.
eSports ruined competitive gaming. And gaming in general.
>along with own goal footage removed from jewtube
If I were paranoid I'd say there's an agenda being pushed here.
So what? That isn't the majority of trans people and realistically sex is determined by the gamette you produce. If you make sperm you're a man, if you make eggs you're a woman. If you make either you're a broken shell of a human.
go home gamergirls
They aren't JUST support characters but they're highly effective supports when played well. If you were going to ban 5 supports because you just hated them that much Thresh would definitely be on my banlist.
that was the most virgin thing ive ever read
You can literally type gg and the game will end in lobbies tho.
Pubs end when everyone on the enemy team DCs
They take turns each banning one champion till both teams ban 3. Then they take turns picking 5 characters then they ban 2 more champions each and continue picking characters. This happens at the start of every professional game. This is usually to ban certain team strats or a persons signature champ. They didn't ban the female's team best champs, they played off the stereotype that girls only play support roles and banned champions played in that role.
womens leagues are pointless because transwomen will join and BTFO natal women
They did ban the female team's best champs, if you look they start with Janna Lulu Nami which are the meta healer/protector supports as far as I know.
>performance dehancing drugs
>refuses to work with niggers
piped by Jon Jones
>rich and white
she's a goblino m8
It's football and goals cunt.
that's nothing compared to betas who donate to streamers, at least the guy who wrote that healslut pasta was just kidding. these poor fuckers are real
>But women can compete with men
This is true. My wife is much better at folding fitted sheets than I am.
its ok guys riot is sexist privately anyways so theyre still our guys
Id be more worried about the fact that a company is telling people how to play there game. That Blizzards job.
If you play in lobbies you concede by typing GG in chat (or just leave game). But a shitter like you would not know that.
The agenda for years now has been to push the idea that women are physically and intellectually superior to men.
Isn't this the second time someone tried to make a sexist team of all one gender and market it as such before it fell apart spectacularly?
intel is a (((jewish))) company so thats no surprise
Very few people in other regions are using bans to target the support role. This is pretty funny bm and not serious bans.
>play game
>oh no no you can't play that character
lol what a shitty game
>It should be noted that the female players on Vaevictis eSports average a solo queue rating around the Diamond area (whereas most pros are about 2-3 leagues higher)
Women have no business competing in a male dominated league. I know they are trying to push this ''women are as a good as any male'' agenda bullshit but letting them compete and get absolutely BTFO only shows how wrong they are.
this could be said every time NA teams face koreans. thats just the way tournaments work.
>If not what is the warning for?
Not letting the girls win.
nah its probably like the 4th or 5th, but every year theres all male teams being put together that never win a game as well
it's a good system. I wish Overwatch had something like it so it wasnt just the same boring 3 supports 3 tanks every fucking tournament match.
>tone deaf
libshit for "i have no argument"
You think sad cunts who donate to twitch whores wouldnt be into that~?
>Game has ban system
>Everyone bans the other team's mains
>This is okay unless the other team is female
>He banned 5 supports against an all female team
Absolute fucking man
The thing is, banning most played is a viable and common tactic.
It's a way to let future teams know that they shouldn't be getting so many kills against a new all-female team
>winning 52 - 2
Fuucking hell lol
next time they need to pick only 5 supports and demolish the worthless cunts again LMAO
It's draft pick ban
Everyone chooses 1 character they want to ban pre match. Usual this will be someone you don't want to face, or who counters you, or just Riots bullshit new op champion whose got the fresh product boost still because holy fuck fuck Silas
Both teams blind pick their bans,.meaning they don't know what the other team has banned. Then they have 60s each to choose their champs, in alternating order
>mfw old roommate cucked a guy my freshman year by carrying his gf in this shit game at like 4am in the morning every fucking day
>she was actually really hot and only played because the cuck made her then decided she sucked and stopped playing with
>she came to visit and they fucked
>theyre now happily married with two kids
And here I am working 60 hr work for a bunch of shitty people having fell for the law school meme shitposting on a Malaysian basket arranging forum
Why do women have to worm their way into every facet of enjoyment in life and drag it down until everyone is catering to them?