Who else is disappointed this wont have a voiced main character...

Who else is disappointed this wont have a voiced main character? It makes you feel like your character is just a third party observer and not part of the world.

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Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/kombat forced hero/page/2/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Fuck MKX and MK11 shills/

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a voiced protagonist in a 1st person RPG is the most pants on head retarded idea ever, and I'm still fucking mad CDPR were dumb enough to do it in Cyberpunk 2077

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it works sometimes

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Why is it a bad idea exactly? It made sense in the old isometric games but with these cinematic games theres no reason the player shouldnt be included in the dialog scenes.

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it makes sense with a set character like Deus Ex or The Witcher, but not in a game with character creation

So as long as you have several voices to choose from it's fine but otherwise it's the worst thing in existence?

>Why is it a bad idea exactly?

Think harder, you mental midget.

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CP will be more or less like the witcher, you play as V

good luck voicing the entirety of Witcher 3 with 7 different voices whilst maintaining all of the dialogue, it'd be next to impossible

which is a mistake, it limits roleplaying as you'll always be playing some Mexican gangbanger shouting out obscenities
the idea of Cyberpunk is to follow after the board game, wherein you create your own character and control every aspect of them

There are far worse things to be disappointed by with this game.

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It works for games where you're playing a character that has a distinct personality.
For build-your-own character games, being voice acted usually means you're forced to stick to one role throughout the entire game if you want a coherent character. Alternatively, it makes all of the dialogue options equally bland, which sucks.

fuck back to your basement you fucking moron, nobody role-plays like that in 2019 go play a board game

Yeah they explicitly said he's a similar character to Rick when asked about him.

I would if I could find a group of people who could actually take it seriously.

he doesnt work at obsidian anymore
game will still be shit

Im glad it went have voiced MC so I can properly immerse instead of feeling watching somebody else adventures.

who gives a fuck were desperate for actual fucking GAMEPLAY with all these cutscene simulators around

Holy shit, I hate you and hope you die.

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Thanks, autocorrect.

You are welcome.

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Deus Ex doesn't have a lot of dialogue choices, most of the role-playing happens through gameplay.

We aren't going to pander to a bunch of retarded basement dwelling neckbeards who are stuck in the 90s. Go play Baldur's Gate or a board game.

Roleplaying fags are cancer.

just read your characters lines out aloud yourself easy peasy

Based. Roleyplaying in videogames is a gimmick.

Voice acting in general was a mistake, you can write more dialogue and any kind of character you want when you don't have to script them for a specific person. And you don't have to hear low-cost amateur voice actors in games with hundreds of characters.

This whole website is so backwards, everyone has their ass where their mouth is.

I agree with this. I love good voice acting but its the first luxury I'd be willing to part with for most games.

>book are superior to films since you can fit more words into them

This is what you sound like.

Also no third-person camera or character camera during dialogue.
Kind of shitty choices desu.

Here is your dev team bro

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it has a very tight budget, they have to be realistic and spend their money wisely

You piss me off

>in an rpg
Yeah what kind of retard would do that?

Because a voiced character can only say things in one specific way.

Take Fallout 4 for example. Anything and everything related to finding Shaun has the female VA become almost hysterical. She's never detached, never calm, never retarded sounding, it's just borderline mother being hysterical. This hampers the fuck out of playing as an emotionless assassin or a drugged out psycho, I'm just always that doting mother and once you've experienced it for the first time it never changes. With the PC being mute, you can at least imagine what they sound like.

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That's only retarded because comparing mediums is retarded. user kept it to videogames, dipshit.



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Films have the luxury of being an internationally recognized art form, there are millions of people who train to act in them and there are far more actors than films to act in. And the characters aren't digital models, you can't save money by hiring 20 people to play 600 characters.

No, a voiced MC is fucking retarded and ruins a Core aspect of rpg's. I fucking could not stand Fallout4 for this very reason. Only a retard would want this.


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Threadly reminder.

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that one is going in the hall of fame ;)

Obsidian quality

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The good thing is you can play this game the way you see fit. Nobody is going to force a narrative or making you side with him.

oh no, a bug in an unreleased game potentially 10 months from release

>v is already denying that this is going to be pillars of eternity 2 all over again

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>someone unironicaly made this to """""""""""""""""""""""prove""""""""""""""""""""""" that theres some conspiracy against Obsidian

embarrassing oibsidicucks, embarrassing

I was excited about a new rpg from Obsidian.
Then the trailer happened.
I only have one word:

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>a good game all over again

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I expect it to be a fundamentally good rpg with shit-tier peripheral writing. Boyarsky and Cain have immaculate portfolio and I'm hoping for the better. Unfortunately they will have to work with obsidian low-level employees, who were proven time and time in the past 5 years to be talentless and incompetent

Divinity 2 absolutely shit all over it
It played better, had better writing, and didnt have any shoehorned cringy sjw propaganda
Are you gonna shut the fuck up or do I need to start posting screenshots of the writing in pillars? I love watching you pathetic losers try to defend it.

>a flop all over again

Divinity 2 is a turn-based hack and slash game not an rpg.

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t. didnt play it
that doesnt really make sense but thats a good way of summing up pillars 2 i guess

No mod support?

This looks just like borderlands.
Convince me this isnt just a borderlands clone.
Im pretty sure this is just a borderlands clone.

I played it and it had le meme tier funny man writing, wasn't an rpg.

Easy to get into for normalfags though so it's popular.


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Borderlands isn't an rpg. Outer worlds is an rpg.

You have to be talking about pillars 2

>I played it and it had le meme tier funny man writing,

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noo dialogue, numbers in combat and looting means it's an rpg
t. divinity 2 fangay

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What the fuck the doctor guy is literally just Rick lmao

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the fucking delusion of obsidicucks

face it, the developer you knew is no more

they also told you 'to not get over-hyped' about this game, aka; it's going to be shit

You're a pretty gullible tardlet aren't you?

>don't like character in outer worlds
>shoot him and permanently kill him
>don't like character in bethesda game
>they are immortal because it would break the game to kill them

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the fact that someone took the time to make this cringeworthy image, is way more obnoxious than rickposting and turns me off to other worlds and not want to buy it. oh well thanks for posting this and making my decision easier user !

Don't you have a shitty mortal kombat fanfic to shill OP?

literally the only good thing obsidian has made was new vegas

what if i don't like communism and capitalism?

>Zoomers can't read

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What does They/Them mean? I constantly see people on twitter put it in their info but have no idea what for.

I'd tell you to consider suicide but I get the feeling you couldn't even do that by yourself, considering how fucking retarded you are.

What are the redditfags saying about this game? Are they hype as shit about the Rick and Morty thing or do they think it's cringe too?

this guy is unironically mentally ill, same guy that posted hundreds of PoE 2 threads to the point a mod called him out for being a freak
he posts repeat threads all fucking day long on a ton of different games, he's insane

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/kombat forced hero/page/2/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Fuck MKX and MK11 shills/

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>nobody role-plays like that in 2019
Is that so? That's a pretty strong assertion considering the rising popularity of DnD.

Seems like a typical Yea Forums user desu

The power of low functioning autism.

Sorry to tell you but memes arent necessarily posted by only one person.

>how do filenames work

enjoying your first day?

he(they) wants you to call him(them) by this pronouns, because reasons unknown.
the more special person wants to be, more stupid pronouns get. like xir/xim and similar.

Seriously? That's hilariously dumb.

It depends on what the game is going for. If you're supposed to be stepping into the shoes of an already established character, then a voiced protagonist is fine. If the player character is a complete blank slate, then they should probably be unvoiced. This is because the inflection and tone of voiced lines can imply things about the character's personality that may not reflect the player's vision of their character.

As a rule, if the protagonist has an established backstory, then it'll be fine to voice them. If they have no or a vague backstory, it's probably safer not to.

It honestly amazes me a bit that Yea Forums has at least one (and probably more) person single-minded enough to carry on these kinds of solo campaigns for literal years.

I'd love to see a documentary about this person's life. I want to see what their day-to-day is like. It fascinates me.

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i wouldnt even be surprised if it's 1 guy for all the games