>Ubishills will defend this
Here's some banned words you may not know about that will get you banned in Rainbow Six Siege (I am not making this shit up):
>don't kill yourself (or any form of kys)
Ubishills will defend this
Don't even play online games, but you have no right to go anywhere (or into any game) and act like a shithead. Learn to integrate into society properly.
But more importantly
>Playing Siege
[you have been kicked from 4channel for toxicity]
have you tried not talking to anyone in video games lmao
good we dont need faggots like you ın siege fuck off.
>Kill Yourself
>Genuinely complaining about getting banned
/bedditwithvideogames/ is too dumb for you to take a role model Jimmy.
Even Facebook allows nibba and kys
>Idiots are surprised when they get punished for spamming /pol/ shit outside of the /pol/
>playing any game with this level of big brother censoring
Stop enabling them. Buy and play better games that dont focus on that retarded shit. Look at how overwatch has fallen off, siege will be like that too if you tards leave
how ironic that you will be the next, right now
>Acting like a Yea Forums nigger outside of Yea Forums.
You dumbfuck user, there's a reason why we come here. Or what? did you sincerely think we enjoy each others company here? No. We come here, get the hate out of our system, and go back to being able to tolerate daily existence without having to resist the urge to laugh at jew eugenics jokes.
>Act like a total faggot when you are completely aware of the repercussions
>Get Banned
You were too busy spamming NIGGERFAGGOT in chat to actually play anything.
>newfags think op is being unreasonable
Fuck I miss the old days of online gaming
Why do you feel the need to use those words?
Jokes on you, I got my account unbanned
>talking southpark game
Lol what a dork
>telling friend about Coon Hollow Park in Derby CT because we hike around there
GG ubicucks
>can't even say retard now
anyone fine with this is an actual redditor
Yea Forums bans you for ponies, literally sjw
Need a diaper incel autistic frog?
Own up your part of the blame, you pretend oldfag. You, just like everybody else at the time (around 10-15 years ago) liked the idea of videogames getting popular, videogames no longer being looked at as a children's hobby, etc. You don't get to complain no when they've gotten to the point where they can kick you out for making fun of nigger/jews/spics/etc.
>tfw all incel keyboard virgins get banned meanwhile us chad mic spammers are still roaming free
Are you no older than 13 or why do you cry when you aren't allowed to say kys or tranny. What the fuck?