Will we ever get a successor to the best smt game ever made?

Will we ever get a successor to the best smt game ever made?

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Successor to SMT3 was already released years ago.

Probably not. But first let's see to which direction SMTV is heading to, since 4A was absolute trash.

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Heard the new shit in Redux was fairly bad. I just want a new Devil Survivor closer to the first, but ramped up.
I wanna feel Tokyo go to shit and have to fight other humans to survive. Maybe even necessitate having enough supplies to keep your party ticking, and choosing between taking it from other humans or fighting through demon infested zones to scavenge.

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>sjr vs iv
Which one should i try first?
My first smt

4 is a good entry point to the series

SJR but you have to ignore the dungeon that the loli brings you to to avoid the new content it added.
Alternatively, just get the original. 3DS can emulate DS games now on homebrew.

Ill decide with a coin toss.

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>take a perfectly fine game
>add shitty waifubait who's also lucifer's daughter while also rendering the original endings useless
>fuck up the art big-time
>best smt game ever made

i got SMT IV ages ago but never got too far, just a few hours into the wide city area. im sort of playing etrian odyssey nexus now but should i buy this game and play it instead?

Strange Journey Redux is way better than any EO game, desu.

You can't compare them

ok thanks hopefully this will gve me something to do this weekend

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enjoy the ride!


thanks bro :) you have a great weekend

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This 2bh, loved SJ/Redux, it's easily on my top 10 games, but EO games just bore me to tears, I would have more fun watching paint dry.

Unpopular opinion : I really liked this game's atmosphere but found its level design extremely tedious. Also it's probably one of the worst press turn variation in any smt game.

they're both first person dungeon crawlers, aren't they?

SJR is more "exploration" while EO, has a much more "puzzle" level-design

But that's the general consensus

Really? I always see this game getting praised to high heavens. I thought I was the only fag that it bothered.

are you referring to alex? as a loli?

He's talking about the harvest slut you utter brainlet jesus christ

>3DS can emulate DS games now on homebrew

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>God of fertility
>a literal loli
Really makes you think

twilightmenu is still unreliable as shit, isn't it?

>Want to play this on citra but it keeps lagging.
How much longer must I wait? How much longer must I suffer?

>no press turn
it's not the best

>4A was absolute trash

IV:A came out already.