DMCV vs Bayonetta 3
DMCV will DESTROY Bayonetta in quality and sales.
This is the fight that kill the Switch for good.
DMCV vs Bayonetta 3
DMCV will DESTROY Bayonetta in quality and sales.
This is the fight that kill the Switch for good.
That's cool and all but I really enjoy both series and am excited to play each. Do you not like games or something?
>In Sales
Of course it will, Bayonetta is only in the Switch, While DMC is a multiplatform game, there is no completion in there
Most likely, but we haven't seen anything from Bayo3, so we can't really judge it by that
Either way useless thread
I'm an adult with a solid career and respectable (if modest) income. I can afford both systems and both games, and look forward to playing them both.
If you can't afford them both, you're either too young to post on Yea Forums, or you're in college and should be studying anyway.
This is a shit thread. DMC5 will obviously win in sales because it's multiplat. I don't you can even kill the Switch now. Bayonetta games are very easy to pick up and they usually have better enemy design.
This even though I like Bayo a bit more
DMC and Bayo are both great games, why don't you just buy both?
Other than the fact that your underage and can't convince you mom to buy a Switch for you.
They are essentially siblings and will both be great games. Get your console war shit out of here faggot.
Devil May Cry Vergil?
Imagine being a butthurt sony jabrony who needs to make a competition between sibling series
We are excited for both, fuck off
Pretty glad no one took the bait. Kamiya and Itsuno are bros, and even if Kamiya isn't directing Bayo 3 I will enjoy both new titles.
Please work better on your bait user
>DMC5 has microtransactions
>Bayonetta 3 will not
Bayo 3 wins by default
>turning DMC and Bayo into console war shitposting
>spending money on red orbs
Fuck you OP. DMC5 thread. We can be hype for Bayo 3 when more is shown.
Vergil 3 is the best boss track. Vergil 2 gets too much praise. Cerberus track is dope.
>buying red orbs when the game shits them out at you
>using red orbs for continues instead of upgrades
>using continues at all in a DMC game instead of "Restart Mission"
fucking scrub alert. Capcom is only going to make money off literal retards that don't have the patience to git gud, and its beautiful.
>they removed Vital Stars
fucking based, now I don't have to put up with streams where people like Lobos Jr chug Vital Stars like you'd chug Estus in souls
Okay but real shit I do hope I live to see the day of a Bayonetta/Devil May Cry crossover that plays like a "greatest hits" of both where D&B team up & have a small assortment of the best weapons from their games
Dante helps hunt angels for Bayo, and she in turn acts as a freelance agent for Devil May Cry and does a job for him in return. Maybe team with Trish. That'd be a cool duo
>Defending single-player games with microtransactions
>DURR HURR I won't buy them so its okay XD
>Just stick yor head in the sand brah its nice and cool in here!
You people never see the fucking forest for the trees.
It doesn't matter if 95% of the playerbase never uses them, they're there for the tiny number of players who get hooked and spend absurd amounts of money on them. Microtransactions being there at all is bad, period. Stop defending this shit, its literally the same model mobile games use and you fucking idiots eat it up every fucking time. All this will do is help normalize the implementation of microtransactions in single-player games.
If you don't need them and they don't impact the game as you claim, then why the fuck are they even there? Because they DO impact the game, they want people to use them.
>"Scratch my back, darling, and I'll be sure to scratch yours."
I'm kind of dissapointed in the new look of DMC. Should have been more stylized and not just jumping on the hyperrealism bandwagon.
How the hell does dodge offset work in Bayo?
It feels like the game doesn't really teach it properly.
>Intentionally ugly women
>Too much focus on story so far
Did Capcom relocate to California?
>they DO impact the game
But they don't
>instead of jumping on the hyperrealism bandwagon
They didn't though? RE2 remake's faces is an example of hyperrealism, DMC characters still look like stylized video game characters
I never really considered Bayonetta one of the great great action games.
DMC God Hand Ninja Gaiden.
Just like horse armor is just optional and we don't have to buy it, right? We won't start having actual content removed from games to be resold, right? Who CARES how stupid people spend their money XD I'm not a fucking scrub XD
Don't give that fucking mouse a fucking cookie, you know goddamned well where this is going. 15 years ago we had complete, full games with the occasional expansion. Now we have $20-50 season passes and other DLC and various post-purchase content for basically every non-indie game, and now microtransactions are starting to monetize even more shit. Its getting to the point where the ability to play the game at all is going to be a pay-per-play thing in another 5-10 years. Stop fucking supporting this garbage, do you WANT nothing but streaming services with incremental micro-payments and zero control on the user's end in the near future?
If it doesn't affect my playthrough (and it doesn't) then I could not care less.
Fucking based. I don't have any orbs to post, but I just finished DMD in DMC4SE with turbo enabled. It really felt like a different game compared to the lower difficulties with turbo off. Berial and Sanctus felt way harder than their SoS versions. Dante was arguably easier, and him using Pandora and Lucifer allowed for more oppurtunities to snatch and combo him. Angus felt the same. Credo was absolute kino. Loved how aggressive mobs can be compared to SoS too.
Bayo is fun, but I'll revisit it once news of Bayo 3 excites me.
show me how red orb purchases impact DMC5. We already know the game shits orbs at you, so upgrading isn't a problem. The other way for orbs to be useful is to revive (yellow/gold orb). So how would the game change to make this something players wanna do? Oh, they're going to make the game really hard? Great, win-win.
No really, I'd like to hear how you actually think this will affect DMC5's gameplay instead of just pointing at other games.
Just a few playthroughs of the demo will give you 1 million orbs, and that's just one short level on a low difficulty level. You can buy hundreds of devil breakers and all of the skills within an hour of play. Higher difficulty levels will yield more Red Orbs, and levels have more Red Orb crystals than usual.
DMC4SE also had a similar microtransaction system to DMC5, yet DMC4SE doesn't hand you as much red orbs as DMC5 does. This isn't at all like horse armor. Horse armor is locking content that you can't access through normal means behind a paywall. DMC5 is extremely generous with the red orbs it gives you, and the option to buy red orbs is for scrubs who are too lazy to replay an easy 10 minute level.
If a game has good gameplay I buy it, if it doesn't I don't buy it. Pretty simple system. I don't care if they fleece retards with cosmetics. I'm not stupid.
Then you're an idiot because other people using them affects you, you don't live in a bubble. Guess what, you wouldn't even have microtransactions in DMC5 if other games hadn't normalized them. And they wouldn't have been normalized if fucking idiots like you stopped sticking your heads in he goddamned sand and didn't let publishers fuck you six ways from sunday.
I've never spent a cent on any DLC, that didn't stop near every major publisher from stripping down games to sell $20-50 season passes and other paid DLC. I haven't preordred a game in 10 years but that didn't stop millions of others from doing it and normalizing pre-order bonuses and other bullshit like that. Silence is implicit compliance.
Microtransactions are always bad, they do nothing to benefit the end-user and their mere presence compromises the core gameplay systems and design goals of the game in which they are found, there is no argument to the contrary.
Here's my counter argument. They didn't in DMC4 and they won't in DMC5. I don't care if some trash game gets ruined by them. If it doesn't affect me it doesn't matter.
based as fuck
>I don't care if they fleece retards with cosmetics. I'm not stupid.
You are stupid for thinking this in the first place, the act of fleecing retards compromises core game design because they way in which they fleece retards is with a mobile game-like skinner box that exists solely to fleece retards. Again, not seeing the forest for the trees, whether or not the loot crates provide in-game advantages or cosmetic items is completely 100% fucking irrelevant, the business model is identical either way.
How other people spend their money affects you. Other people buying Bethesda's horse armor got us Fallout 4's $50 season pass. Other people buying loot crates in games like Overwatch got us microtransations in other games, like DMC5.
If they don't affect the game, then why are they there? Why is Capcom giving players the ability to spend real money on red orbs if they don't actually plan to make any money doing so?
>Microtransactions are always bad, they do nothing to benefit the end-user and their mere presence compromises the core gameplay systems and design goals of the game in which they are found
Then explain how the presence of microtransactions in DMC5 compromises its "core gameplay systems." The demo on PSN and XBL shows that the game gives you plenty of Red Orbs. The demos of the game that's been shown in multiple conventions have shown that DMC5 is generous with the amount of red orbs it gives you. The game doesn't force you to buy red orbs because its possible to attain a bounty through normal gameplay.
how the fuck have they affected the game in a detrimental way? you keep dodging the actual question, you can't just lob around accusations without proof
they got rid of vital stars - good, fuck any game that encourages estus-chugging
scrubs now have to pay for revives - good, maybe this means the game will be as hard as DMC3 too
so literally WHERE is the downside? I don't give a shit about some hypothetical future game, this is the here and now and personally this may be the last game I buy anyways.
Fallout 4 was going to suck anyway. You see how it only ruins trash games?
It didn't ruin DMC4 so it won't ruin DMC5 until you prove otherwise. They're there to fleece retards and casuals and I am neither. Good on capcom for getting those retard bux.
>If it doesn't affect me it doesn't matter
It does affect you. It might not directly affect you while playing this game, but its just telling publishers that they can implement microtransactions in single-player games and make money doing it.
It WILL affect future games and publishers WILL take it as far as they possibly can, they will not stop with cosmetics or trivial in-game boosts, just like they didn't stop with small cosmetics when they started selling DLC years ago and plowed right on through to multiple season passes. Shadow of War tried single-player microtransactions and did it in a way that too many people found unpalatable. Sounds like DMC5 is doing it in a way you and many others don't find unpalatable, so enjoy future single-player Capcom games with increasingly intrusive microtransactions.
I just explained why its bad you fucking idiot, it sets a precedent and every time this has happened in the past its been fucking bad for games and players in general
>Good on capcom for getting those retard bux.
Either trolling or genuinely retarded
Enjoy games as a service, bootlickers
Jesus you just keep naming awful games. You find microtransactions to be a problem because you have terrible taste.
Improve your taste and it stops being an issue. Go play DMC4SE and tell me they matter.
It has never negatively affected a game I care about. You play AAA bottom of the barrel trash. Sucks to suck I guess.
You actually named Fallout 4 and Shadow of war like either of those had a chance to not be terrible.
I like how you never respond to the posts calling you out to post actual proof that the gameplay in DMC5 has been affected in a negative way by microtransactions.
You've got nothing and nothing's got you. I can see your fear cuz it surrounds you.
>what are amiibos
I like the game/franchise and I want to support it by actually buying a copy, but I do not support MTXs. How the do I get out of this dilema?
Ah great now I won't be able to play the game (inb4 "just pirate it bruh")
>Spamming on twitter/making a petition
I do not understand how this works, to be honest.
I am sincerely confused, call me a newfag or whatever.
No, all you've done is bring up fucking horse armor as if DMC5 and Oblivion are similar styles of games. It's been proven countless times that DMC5 has a much higher red orb yield than DMC4SE which also had microtransactions. Have you even replayed the demo for DMC5? Within a few replays, you can get HUNDREDS of each breaker and and all of the skills. You can get 500k+ red orbs by replaying a single mission on a low difficulty level. And if the demo is anything to go by, missions will contain more red orb crystals than those of DMC4SE.
The option to buy red orbs is just an option. You aren't forced to buy them because the game gives you more than enough red orbs. In fact, it'll be more easier to purchase skills in DMC5 than in 4 because there are no Proud Souls. The only currency is the red orb.
>but if the game forces you to replay missions to get red orbs then that means capcom wants you to buy red orbs to minimize grinding
DMC as a series incentivizes replaying levels over and over again. DMC5 isn't doing what hasn't been done in previous installments. Therefore, the presence of microtransactions isn't violating the core design of DMC5. And if you're going to buy red orbs just to buy items, then the game won't reward you with more points/red orbs because you've used an item.
Hold the attack button while dodging, and Bayo will continue to shoot bullets while she's dodging
Isn't that all what it is?
>I've never spent a cent on any DLC, that didn't stop near every major publisher from stripping down games to sell $20-50 season passes and other paid DLC. I haven't preordred a game in 10 years but that didn't stop millions of others from doing it and normalizing pre-order bonuses and other bullshit like that.
Congrats you've just witnessed the results of your protests.