Asalam aleikum brother, do you have any haram free video game?
Asalam aleikum brother, do you have any haram free video game?
Corruption of Champions
video games are kuffar technology
Hadiths, son.
So are AK47.
>the virgin ahmed on his left
How does Bomberman sound?
I think arabs would enjoy Europa Universalis
Anabolic steroids are not halal, this guy is a hypocrite.
Mountain Blade is made by based muslim Turks
Try this
You know this is a good question, are there Haram Videogames? I know that Tomb of Ibn Battuta thing came out years ago
>the virgin muhammed
>The Chad Ali
Goat Simulator
Then he's a perfect Muslim.
Muchi Muchi Pork
What are haram games? I have bloodborne on ps4 and it seems to be arabic copy (it still has english)
You can spread Islam to Europe and America.
But you can also deus vult everywhere, it really is a dumb game for "ugh" incels.
T*rks are fake muslims, fuck them as well.
any game about conquest should suit you
but ak47's can only be used to kill so bloodgod allows them
t. Muhammad ibn Saud
>n-not real muslims!
Nice try, Tyler.
Putting the slam in islam
Lmao religious people are so dumb.
define "haram"
Why do discord trannies get butthurt whether a grand strategy game is mentioned? It's just a game lmao.
Altair it seems my students do not fully understand what is to weild the blade
SMT probably with its whole "kill God" thing.
He's right, Turks are ethnic Greeks.
>the virgin Persian vs the chad Arab
It all fits
tfw no Muslim gf
religious people aren't exactly known for understanding vidya but I'd think most muslims are chill with most games, just like most christians don't think they're sinful
I'm not a tranny and i'm not on discord
>grand strategy game
But it seems to be the only people who blame that game are the ones i've mentioned.
Persians are literal Aryians though.
Arabs are desert Semites.
why are they doing this?
but the god in SMT is not the same god as the "true" god of arabs, SMT god is a false god and thus deserves to die
To get money
I only play single player games online trash is haram
>turks are ethnic greeks
This is only true for a very small group of people in Turkey, where their ancestors were forced to move to Asia Minor during Balkan Wars as well as the population exchanges after that.
absolutely brutally mogging that guy in the background
It is actually the largest chunk of Turks in Anatolia, the second largest chunk is Arab. The third largest ethnicity in Turkey actually decent from Turkic peoples that historically inhabited the area.
I thought there was supposed to be a meteor in there
Dont call me brother you fucking piece of shit. I spit on your heretic bitch muhammed.
I for once, welcome our new overlords the Muslims.
me on the left mirin that absolute unit
This. Half of Turks are Kurds anyway
Turks in Turkey aren't an ethnicity. They all either look like Arabs, or mixed with Arabs, Greeks, Persians, Armenians, and Caucasus peoples. Erodgan is fucking ethnically Georgian. The only binding ties for Turks are being Sunni Muslims and their language, which itself is fairly bastardized.
Also this.
Maybe thousands of years ago, but you know how it got destroyed and rebuild many times and all that
No, there are old videos filmed by rich Saudis about what's inside. I don't know aboit now but a decade or two ago it was just miscellaneous stuff made of gold.
>that guy on the phone
is this incel-core?
Nearly all games are Haram. Game of chance are haram so if you code a game using random variables, it's supposed to be haram.
me on the left
It's okay, I know you don't mean what you say, I forgive you brother
except that discord trannies get mad because they only focus on one aspect in gsg but ignore that pretty much any country in the game can do the same thing. They take it more seriously than the people who play the games and it's hilarious
This is all true yet nobody would deny the Turks their identity or land, I hope for a time when the same can be true of the Germans, English and French.
I meant *play that game btw
Now post the Spurdo one
Sorry for the trouble guys, we are stoning them as we speak.
it's ok discord tranny you can play as muslims too and take over Europe if you want to. No need to get mad because others are having fun.
Why does no one care that hitler the unoriginal retard stole the term aryan??
The average T*rk
>41% K*rd
>21% Armenian pig
>17% Greek
>13% Arab
>5% Slav
>3% Mongol
>100% Roach
Turks have no identity. Like it was said before, Turkish Turks are a hetergenous amalgmation of various ethnic groups like Muslim Greeks, Armenians, Arabs, other Semitic people (Assyrians, Chaldeans, etc...) adopting the language of the Seljuks in Anatolia and then outbreeding their invaders. And as a whole, Turkic peoples have been locusts to human development and prosperity. So fuck them.