Waifu threads are the only good kinds of threads on Yea Forums these days

Waifu threads are the only good kinds of threads on Yea Forums these days.

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Waifus are why I play botes when there's nothing to do at work

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They're pretty much the only thing I come to Yea Forums for. Also, I love my waifu very much.

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Just wanna say I'm here before Tharjafag.
This prove that I'm more dedicated to her than that negro.
PS. If you're reading this TharjaAnon, I'm stealing your girl away don't @ me.

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Luci's voice warms my heart when nothing else will.

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isn't that more suited to what do you even do in these threads, just post pictures and say "nice" to each other?

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waifu bump

>tfw no yandere qt whos actively stalking me

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I'm glad three houses scared away most of the waifufags

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You either get them or husbandofags, pick your poison motherufcker.

You must be easily entertained

I always imagine him getting a kick out of explaining Luci's voice.

No they're not, they're off topic circlejerks. You're contributing to the shitty state of Yea Forums.

"Y-y'see, Laura Bailey is a qt and all......"

Laura Bailey isn't even loyal to the character, since she dropped her in both Warriors and Heroes. Fuck her.

Eh, it is what it is.

It's not about Bailey.

Christ, why does Yea Forums hate Bailey so much?

>come by peek at some titties and leave
Could stand to be a little less gay with each other, but at least it isn't 500 posts of being mad at dumb shit like almost every other thread that actually gets attention. Keep doing you.

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Because she's likeable and Yea Forums doesn't like liking things.

She won't ever return to voice a character unless she gets some sort of ridiculous pay. It's like she's not even invested in the characters she voices.

Yeah look at how remaining loyal without moving up turned out for Vic

Weird way to spell cunny threads

Indeed. These threads are the only real reason that I still come to Yea Forums.

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Except Bailey hasn't actually tried that sort of shit with her fans

>vic gets literal who controversy
>Funimation and RT fire him
>say it wasn't because of the controversy
>oh yeah actually we never liked him, he was an asshole
Yeah, he was an asshole for 20+ years and he gets fired now because of some heat. Fuck off with that shit, Monica.


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Not signing gay shit shouldn't ruin your life

Never got Bayonetta's appeal, I fucking love older women but I never found her hot.

That bit's fine, but the harassment stuff is kinda off

Waifus whose games you don't play anymore?

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She somehow came back for Catherine FB so it could be possible. Also who gives a shit if she isn't in Heroes, it's a fucking gacha game.

I find her proportions kind of uncanny but her facial features are nice. I love her the most for her character. though. Not too many female characters in vidya nd probably media in general with that fun and over the top personalities. I just know I would never be bored with her around.

Superior waifu since 2000.

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Fuck actual game discussion right haha. retard

She is the only reason I can keep going.

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It is physically impossible for Tharja to be likable in any way.


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