Well Catherine Full Body is fucked


Well Catherine Full Body is fucked.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Improves the lives of the cast
>Erika is still gay

this article looks really unbiased and impartial thanks OP

The profoundness of western arrogance will never cease to amaze me

Western values are right, they are correct, this is barbaric bigotry because we say it is and not because we cant understand the messages present within the game

Fucking hell


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Erica was still going to transition in that ending.

nice Yea Forums reference with the C word there haha

All trannies should be shot.

>More fabricated "outrage" that'll be forgotten about in a few weeks

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Might makes right
They just bullied them into compliance, It's the developer's fault for bending a knee actually

Your right, Korea should nuke Africa, Europe and the Americas. Fucking West

Well they lost my sale. I had this shit preordered. This is all so tiresome.

what the fuck happened?

What the fuck is that headline

As long as Eric does not chop the benis off I have no problem with his transition

This. I don't understand how people can still pretend to care about all this nonsense.

I want to fuck eric AND erica equally, so there's really no problem here.

>bending the knee to people who never had any intention of buying your game and pissing off the people who were going to buy it

Een in the ending he still makes it pretty blatant he's at least considering transitioning with his "there might be a great girl closer than you think" comment.

>community about acceptance and tolerance cannot tolerate nor accept that a fictional person found a different path than becoming a tranny

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>be straight wh*te man
>get cucked by tranny with a bigger dick than you


I really want there to be a tranny I can hook up with. :[

Give it back, Atlus. Is there still going to be a woman+ ending?

The street goes both ways. Why should the people who complain about these things in the first place not have just backed off?

Here's your quality gaming journalism, bro.

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>trannies wanting people to accept them when they couldn't even accept themselves

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When have they ever been about acceptance and tolerance?

Yeah I won't read that until it's posted on an actual news website, not this meme shit.

Sankaku comments are the cringiest things I read. Makes Yea Forums posts seem tolerant and sane in comparison.

sometimes I forget that booru has a pol9k kid outrage machine blog on it

Japan needs to get nuked again. We're in the 21st century and they're still a homophobic country.

It's almost as if they were sexual predators in disguise who want to groom people into subservience.

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Don't see anything wrong with their comments

Who the fuck cares about story in a puzzle platformer?

We need more of this.

These guys are homophobic. That guy shouldnt change his gender so he can be with another guy.

>trans character was happier for not transitioning
ironically if you go to the gay board and ask them this is true

I guess you're mentally stuck in your edgy middle school phase. Don't worry, you'll grow out of it soon enough.


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>using cuck in a headline
yeah im not reading that

This headline reeks of professional journalism

>Both sides are being fucking bitches
Is gaming journalism really this fucking easy?
I apparently anyone can shit on a piece of paper and, publishing it

>"haha look at these trannies being easily offended am I right? let the devs do what they want"

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So again the translators will put their personal politics into a game or anime they "translate".

Fuck these guys.

not nearly as cringy as pretending transvestites are normal

I don't care what they do with western shit
if the asia version are untouched, I don't care

This is bait, isn't it?

>trannies are so happy they kill themselfs all the time

>Atlus Cucks to Trans Catherine: Full Body "Bigotry" Outrage

wtf is that even supposed to mean... imagine that sentence 20 years ago

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Trannies are subhuman so why does it matter?
I like niggers more than Trannies and I fucking hate niggers

>she still transitioned but it was just conveniently "late" so they could show off how she looked like as a man

The most they'd do is change the art so Eric is still Erica.

>he doesn't shitpost on Sankaku
Resetera is down the hall and to the left.

The only correct opinion in this entire fucking thread

pretty much on the level of Soviet translators
thy too left out entire chapters from literary classics for being "problematic"

>implied that changes may be coming to the Western version
ok, guess I don't care
stay cucked localization faggots

Twitter pics wouldn't load for me.
Are they actually censoring shit for the western version? Or is it just the VA whining about it? Despite still taking that check ;)
Even so, how could they possibly censor it? Put a giant censor bar over male Erica in the ending? I'm not seeing how they rationally do it

>literal clickbait

>Yea Forums hates politics in videogames
>there's 500 threads about this shit every day

You're part of the fucking problem.

>Hating something means you have to ignore it

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>biggest misconception in 1 post
The time reversal doesnt improve the lives of the cast, it improves the life of Vincent.
But western cuckolds are to retarded to even read a summary, let alone try to translate the ingame dialogue

You're baiting, but I don't understand how someone could type this out without their head exploding from cognitive dissonance.

The crazy part is people are shoving full maga shit into anime and games where it doesn’t belong meanwhile I got in trouble for too much causal profanity
Most translators
>It’s not like I like you are anything Baka!
>It’s not like I LIKE like you dickhead!

I always want the directors original vision unaltered. However in this case his vision clearly wasn’t to offend or imply her life was improved or whatever. If you’re not a faggot and watch the ending with the transcript it’s clear as day it’s just a random timeline change.
So altering the word choice to make the creators intent more clear isn’t changing the vision so this is fine.

I don’t really see how this will change the minds of people who are offended tho. They still think the Japanese version did that to begin with.

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Didn't know SC were pandering to the GG/Altie crowd. Then again i noticed how for a supposed weeb site, the owner seems to hate anything japanese that isn't 2d like a decade ago.

>imagine play a japanese game in anything but japanese
>imagine not knowing japanese

>the gay board
/lgbt/ is like 90% MtF and that's not much of an exaggeration

t. Niggastream

Someone explain to me this shit. The waitress "chick" is a tranny/shemale who still has their penis right which is why they were effected by the same nightmares as the MC and other men were right. What's the change with the Western one? He reverts back to being a normal male? And this makes LGBTQalphabet soup fags mad?

>I always want the directors original vision unaltered
Its not always for the best.
Nier daddy edition>>>>>>>>>>>>Nier twink edition

I hate trannies. I like that they kill themselves. I like that people kill them when they try to trick them into fucking them.

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If only all trannies were like Sarina Valentina and Line Trap.

>He reverts back to being a normal male?
In a different timeline.

This is fake, right? The game isn't really getting fucked over, is it?

I imagine there are like 5 decent trannies but the rest are mentally unstable faggots who try to compensate for all of their mental issues by blaming everything but themselves

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the game isn't
but your cucked western version is

What is the fucking issue? What the hell the game is transmonophobic or whatever.

Well, like 80% of the "articles" nowadays are excuses to post cheesecake or outright porn of anime, games, etc. You're obviously not going to appeal to the SJW crowd with that stuff, so might as well go full throttle in the opposite direction.

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didn't care at first but you all keep bringing it up so now i'm interested, what actually happened? from what i've read a little is that in one ending the trans character is no longer trans because of a localization fuck up? something to do with time traveling to a point before the character was trans and everyone got mad thinking that in that timeline the trans character didn't go through with it or something?

>The "source" that this shit game journo site has is a bunch of tweets and one Discord post from a VA that might have no real power in the localization team or even no real confirmation of Catharine FB getting a butched western version
Have a (You), OP.

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True. Though i recall when i first started reading it over a decade ago it was heavily focused on japanese politics, and with a haterboner about anything japanese culture that's not related to games or anime. Half the articles were just bashing japan for this and that, the other half was like "Hottest anime girl of 2010" lists

Well, guess I won't be buying the game if it is getting changed in the west.

Well I don't care

>imagine being a retard that enjoys having games altered by some dipshit

conservatives and progressives live in both america and japan, it's just a matter of which one has the upper hand in its society. Just like how there's people rejoicing here there will also be people rejoicing in japan, they're just a minority.

There are two /pol/takus now? Yikes.

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FtM don't need a board to bitch on because they can pass easier and can actually make friends with real people

His vision was more realistic. It wasn't meant to offend - there are legitimately a large amount of trans people who only trans because they can't accept who the fuck they are and instead try to run away from theriselves thinking it'll magically fix their mental illnesses. There are many reasons why post trans people have high suicide rate, and this is one of them. The realization that just because you chopped off your peepee and threw in some gel balls into your chest, that your problems are STILL there. And the realization that it takes time, effort, and hard work to be that 10/10 banger they were hoping they'd get to be, so instead they just look like a dude with fake boobs.

Saying that there doesn't need to be any representation for people who legitimately go through this struggle (and there are a lot out there) is counter intuitive towards "normalizing" the LGBT community to be honest. Just like how almost certainly have mental issues and have unhealthily focused all their attention on one lacking aspect of their lives under the assumption that their issues will magically just "fix" if they just finally landed a girlfriend (only to realize that, surprise surprise, their issues run too deep for that to fix); there are many trannies who do just this - but get fixated on the "magic fix" being irreversible body modification.

Transitioning is okay if it's just what you want. Like it's your life, do whatever the fuck you want with it. But it's obvious that there's an overwhelming amount of people who do it with a myriad of unchecked mental illnesses under the hood influencing that goal. We're being too PC as a society to actually help those people, and instead just encourage them to make changes that will just emphasize and magnify their illnesses. You don't "fix" someone who says they believe wholeheartedly that they're Batman by encouraging his behavior and letting him run around in a Batsuit all day roleplaying. So why do we do this for trans people?

FtM don't need a board to bitch on because there's like 5 of them on Yea Forums

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>Atlus cucks to
What does this even mean? Why are white people so obsessed with cuckoldry? He could have wrote Atlus pussied out

You're not a man Abigail fuck off

Yea Forums: ree gaming journalism shouldn't be political! we have to create a whole cringy movement and properly embarrass ourselves in a futile effort to do something about it!

also Yea Forums: i love gaming journalism that spew my brand of politics

Just think, if this shit was written 6 years ago, nobody would know what the fuck it means

Making Erika a Futa is a change I would happily accept...

This is the truth here. Even though you stated this all in a kind, empathetic fashion, you'd still get called "phobic" or "nazi" or whatever. Because that's just how BADLY they don't want to face their own issues.

>cucks to
who the fuck writes like this

>cucks to trans

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>this article looks really unbiased and impartial
Just like the liberals who forced the changes?

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Censored games are censored forever.


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>no arguments
>just a bunch of name-calling and 'yikes'
Every time

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Really makes me think how impotent alties are when they can't "defeat" a bunch of estrogene filled faggots making tweets for their 50 followers.

So what about those walls of texts and TLDRs? Guess selective reading is your speciality these days

Are you implying they made valid points?

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>cucks to
Who writes this shit?

They made a transgender character gay which goes completely against the whole born the wrong gender thing.

Pretty much with the director's past performance it's saying someone chose to be transgender instead of born that way.

Only developer that didn't cuck to the sjw crowd had a successful game, and then another company bought their devteam to make sure it didnt' happen again.

How can anybody give any fucks about this?
"Localization" teams are barely any different than fan translations in what they do.

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As much as those faggots can manage, but there's still arguements in there if you read it. Just dumb one that should be easily destroyed by the finest minds of Yea Forums.

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Incels. Proper ones fully buying in to the concept.

Crap about morons not knowing the butterfly effect aside, this is most manufactured drama of recent memory that will be forgotten the moment the game hits US shores in favor of the "W-where's the Switch port? Switch please?" begging shit that plagues every game

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I think shemales are hotter than full snip snip trannies.

it's been that way for at least a year
I think it's because the regular crowd is smart enough to use adblockers and block scripts so they go after the outrage culture teenagers

S-shut up. It's the SJWs constantly bringing up identity politics. It's only okay when WE do it.

Pretty clever, really. That's the market that will shame each other for not "supporting /ourboys/ by giving them ad clicks"


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They all just say "that's bad" without telling me why exactly its "bad."
If those are arguments, they're the weakest fucking ones I've ever seen.

Why do you people always discuss this same fucking shit over and over and fucking over again? Why not go out there and find a soapbox to stand on instead of beating every horse to death on Yea Forums where people just move on to the next thing in a few days?

I don't see anything wrong with this. It is blunt, but factual.

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ContraPoints is unironically based

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he's good. but he needs to accept that he's hotter as a feminine prettyboy rather than a 'woman'.


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>tfw you will never snuggle with Natalie while watching a movie and then she legally adopts you as her son the next morning

It hurts so goddamn much.

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>Imagine being this much of an insecure retard

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It means zoomers obsessed with the word cuck wrote it.

Why do white shill for trannies so much?
Like shit, even countries KNOWN for their trannies like Brazil and Thailand don't shill for trannies like white people do.
It honestly feels like it's just more white dudes trying to maintain their relevance by playing the victim card to appeal to other retarded white people and feel better about themselves.
>I-I'm not an evil white male, I-I'm a trans woman, p-please ignore my privilege, I'm oppressed! Just like you!
It really is pathetic and disgusting.

>Why do you people always discuss this same fucking shit over and over and fucking over again?
A lot of people here are unironically autistic; so making the same threads every single day is a common thing. It's always been this way; are you new here?

Good to know Erik is not American.

Notice how it took you like 15 minutes to reply, had to photoshop some of those (You)s out huh?

Imagine unironically writing that headline

People will forget it until the game releases in the west censored

Hey, the majority of mainline gaming "journalism" is centered around an identity philosophy that's become near-religious so why is it so bad for Sankaku to take a diametrically opposed approach?

Protip: It really isn't and we need more of this in order to create a balance.

>copying how polygon and kotaku try to get ad money from SJWs and changiing it for the outrage culture
horseshoe theory

Thank god for alt right media and their unbiased redpills, just what this generation needs to wake the fuck up in an easily swallowed memestorm

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>Notice how it took you like 15 minutes to reply, had to photoshop some of those (You)s out huh?
Not even 5 minutes my man

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I'm just so tired of seeing this no-effort template tripe and media shilling day in day out. Filters don't even work anymore because these shills will push it in your face no matter what.

Because conservatism leads to death and oppression and should not be normalized.

Reactionaries gonna react, internet/twitter is particularly good at it.
Something tells me there's more to it than "she goes back and fixed everyone problems and this cures her of her gender dysphoria"
just like there's usually more to it whenever the right gets trigger happy about something
twitter a shit

Why are we still pretending that SJWs aren't terrorists?

>be less than 1% of population
>whine the hardest to get your own way

trannies are disgusting and the LGBT community are a bunch of loud whiny faggots given power by the weak cunts who bend the knee to 'em.

Wow... you spend another 10 minutes editing the timestamp along with (You)s.

>a balance
I would rather just burn the whole thing down

>proven wrong
>"h-he must've cheated!"
absolute state of (you)

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You almost had me replying to you seriously with that one.

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If you had any self awareness you'd reformat your post to avoid the painful irony. But you don't since that requires independent thoughts

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Facts and statistics show anti-SJWs are more likely to be terrorists.


i r o n i c

>The controversy around CatherineFullBody being transphobic in one of the new endings is taking the ending out of context. I have watched a video of the new ending (sendvid.com/39ldd924 ) and there are no lines about trying to improve Erica's life by not having her transition.
Just as I expected. The truth is people love drama, especially when they're the victims, so of course they'll make a big fuss over nothing.
Delete your worthless thread, close Yea Forums and go play video games.

Not him, but explain the irony.
Bear in mind that I am not white and thus am not a faggot and am part of a much larger percentage of the population than you.

>absolute state of (you)
Stopped reading there.

>go back in time
>do something
>anything, really
>fucking butterfly effect changes everything
>suddenly someone who was on the fence about getting silicon tits and cutting off their benus doesn't do it

shut your fucking disgusting faggot mouths

See, SJWs used to be terrorists. Then their positions were normalized.

>am part of a much larger percentage of the population than you.
The autistic, slightly retarded zoomer population?

So basically
>Trans character decides their happy not transitioning
>trans people who won't transition bitch about how unrealistic it is

So you read the whole post?

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why does it have a pineapple head, it cant be the HRT it has to be fetal alchool syndrome or something.

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Yeah man I'm pretty pro at the screenshot and paint combo

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Nah, the black population.
Since, y'know, we're not a bunch of faggots like you guys.
I still don't understand why white people shill for trannies so much.
I mean, I kinda do, white trannies are still just white dudes, so they need to retain that relevancy and have people suck their dicks.

Damn, didn't know people like Dylan Roof was an SJW, nor that Lane Davis faggot. Or Breivik. Or...

each and every one of them deserved the rope.

Go woke, go broke.

Desu TERFs are like the only women I feel some degree of sympathy more since everyone hates them and lefties are clearly way more comfortable threatening them with violence than rightwing men

Everyone thinks their values are right, that's what makes them values you fucking moron.

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I've seen other anons declare where they stopped reading and wanted to try it for myself. What a great experience.

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>Nah, the black population.
you disgust me