Great news!
Catherine Full Body
Other urls found in this thread:
Into the trash it goes.
Okay, let me save you all months of dumb shit and arguing, this is the 'adjust moment' in the new C ending:
Toby: Maaaaan! I'm so jealous! Is there anyway there's a girl that angelic anywhere else out there?
Erica: She's standing right next to you.
That's it, one line change but feel free to freak out and keep making threads about it.
>discord tranny thread
If you didnt intend to play this game with japanese audio to begin with, and don't know enough moon to parse the meanings of what they're saying without subtitles, its your own fucking fault. you've been here for years, either get with it or get fucked.
FUCK Vic Minogna
and FUCK American anime dubs
A follow up news flash for some people: the western release comes with the original jp audio with english subtitles, you can just play it with those.
The said '' No Censorship will be in the game''
Now they bend over.
>implying the subtitles won't be adjusted for bigotry
I have an idea, what if I, as a consumer, make my own decisions about what content I consume and not have some opinionated asshole decide for me?
Trannys are fucking poison. They literally worm their way into everything and bitch about everything as hard as they can
lol weebs btfo
Nuke the westacucks desu
>actually making an article revolving around an inspect element image
>shilling clickbait for free
Nope, it was real, trannies just did dmg control
I still have yet to see any proof that the screencap is actually real
>with english subtitles, you can just play it with those.
Games are translated with next to no budget, meaning that the subtitles will in fact be nothing more than the English script for the dub.
Okay, but seriously. How the fuck is trans even legal? Gays are one thing. I don't agree with faggotry, but I can tolerate it. As long as they aren't overly obnoxious about it and make it their entire personality like SonicFox. They only affect themselves. But trans psychos are another matter entirely. They are a danger to themselves and everyone around them. You can just say "I identify as a woman" and you are legally and socially considered a woman.
In some cases mutilating their own genitals. I don't have kids and I never will have kids, but if I did I would be legitimately terrified of letting my daughter go into the women's restroom because there could be some psychotic biological man in there who is protected by the law because he identifies as a woman. This shit is legitimately scary as fuck. Society is fucked beyond help.
Shup up you heartless sack of shit. Go ruin art somewhere else.
>tfw i can't hate trans people in rehashed videogame: gaiden
literally ruined. the super deep story is the only reason people play this game!
So apparently fictional characters not being as nice as possible and having trouble adjusting to the fact that one of their friends got their dick cut off on purpose in a game set when people weren’t as ok with transsexuals as they are now is a bad thing?
They’re literally complaining that characters in a game said things that weren’t nice about certain people.
I honestly don’t give a shit, but it’s fucking hilarious how fucked in the head these nut job trannies are because they just want to pretend hatred against them doesn’t exist and they’re getting mad at fictional hatred when it’s not even meant to like, represent the developers opinion.
Like people are racist or sexist or whatever but a character in a fucking video game acting that way doesn’t mean the developers are, it’s a fucking story these people are fucking retarded.
Go back to your tranny discord
>Catherine with more trannies and space trannies
Well that settles it, I am buying classic
you are like little child
Why should I believe a random discord post?
Nobody has ever been okay with transexuals, I hope the suicide rate doubles
Trannies give no reasons not to hate them.
Do it.
Full body is just a cash grab.
Good luck getting cutscenes to work
america must die
it mush perish completely
Erica says the same shit in Japan just less subtle. Why are you faggots upset? Your re acting like the cunts who got mad at the game without even looking at the context.
This. They censor, I don't buy. Simple as.
>adjusting """bigotry"""
Another country has to censor its game's story to appeal to our cultural values. We've actually gone full circle and became China haven't we?
No one here is freaking out retard. No one even cares about some shitty anime game. It was the SJWs that freaked out over one line and wanted it removed.
Ignore them, they said
Nothing will happen, they said
How about go fuck yourself, no changes or no buy.
fuckin lol
>I would be legitimately terrified of letting my daughter go into the women's restroom because there could be some psychotic biological man in there
user, YOU are a psychotic biological man. This fear only makes sense if you operate on the assumption that ever man is a rapist waiting to happen.
What does bigotry mean again?
I hate it since the original game handled her character well. There were hints here and there, later it was confirmed, it was never constantly on your face nor you were forced to care. That's how these minorities should be handled in games, in a natural way like there is nothing weird about it.
and now you see that political correctness/sjw-ism is literally communism.
California is owned by China
The answer is always going to be intent always. If it reads the same, conveys the same message with the same impact then that's fine. If it doesn't, it's not fine. It depends on how hard they tamper with the script.
Creative freedom is allowing things to impact us, both positively and negatively. If you want to have other people sanitize and control what you take in and support any censorship however then you're at best a hypocrite and at a worst a bigot
does anyone actually give a shit about this puzzle game dating sim weebshit
these threads get spammed so much
Trannys with aids: waaaaah why does everyone hate us, I'm gonna kill myself!
Everyone: stop fucking with everything and thrusting yourself into the spotlight
Gay tranny with aids: nooo change everything or I'm gonna kill myselffff
People who are intolerant of those with different people.
Bigotry these days mean "people who don't accept me" as children grow into adults these days with the assumption that they're entitled to be liked by everybody.
Man I do not envy Atlus USA at all, what a shitty position to be in. No matter what they do, they're going to piss someone off. The new ending is shit anyways and complete kills the point of the original game
What do you call 1,000 dead Californians with degrees in gender studies piled up at the bottom of the Ocean?
I don't know user, but I assume he doesn't have any diagnosed mental conditions besides maybe autism.
Trannies have several very dangerous psychological issues as is, nevermind that any regular pedo can just say he's a woman and get access to kids.
I realize that most molestation happens from family members and people close to the victim, but you don't need more vectors for strangers to diddle kids.
But the media tells me that WOMAN EQUALS GOOD, MAN EQUALS BAD
This. Im happy with my old copy.
>What do you call 1,000 dead Californians with degrees in gender studies piled up at the bottom of the Ocean?
A good start.
If you're going to buy it, import it, that way you support the actual devs and not Atlus USA themselves.
so this showed up on my homepage and i clicked out of curiosity i swear
lo and behold, CFB is actually good and resetera is full of fragile retards who haven't played the game, trying to blow everything out of proportions to the point where even a fucking trannie has to put them in place
How to play Catherine
>get Katherine (best girl) True End first run
>Hmm, do I piss off the people who are more likely to buy my game? Or the people who will post about it on discord and resetera?
Localizers should all just fuck off.
Get REKED incel freaks!
pretty much this. meh...c'est la vie.
thank god PC got the superior Classic version so we don't have to deal with trannies and trannies from space (feat. Minions from Despicable Me)
>modifying an author's original intent/work in order to push your own agenda
It's like they've gone full circle.
How long do you think we have before they start editing/censoring books before letting you publish? Do these people just not realize they're becoming what they claim to hate?
Fuck man, I'm not angry about these things anymore, just disappointed and tired. Every day it gets a little bit worse...
>>>English subtitles
Yeah, for the English script. I've played enough vidya to know that「行くぞ」 does not translate to "Let's kick bigot ass", but western localizers will make changes like that anyways.
>Incels don't mind if a tranny is in the game
>SJWs want to censor the game.
never thought I'd see the day...
>It would never happen goys
lmao, enjoy your tranny version Sonykeks
Also the subtitles will be changed for sure too.
When you have to censor the whole world to pretend you're more than a man with a wig, you do have to go all the way to censor literally everything.
If it's the line the user said then it has the same exact impact. Look up the original.
There are a lot of books that can't get on the popular platforms. Literature censorship has been happening for years now. Part of the reason I don't support bookstores or libraries anymore.
Books are already being censored by the outrage mob.
Nuke the mutts and trannies will be gone once and for all
>sensitivity readers
Oh god, I had forgotten this absolute retardation was even a thing.
>I'm not angry about these things anymore
I am. All censorship is bad. Accepting any censorship at all is what lead to the censorship of Bravely Seconds real world physical artbook. An event I'm still ass pained about and finally got me involved in this censorship debate. And before of that asspain I refuse to accept or support any censorship.
Frankly I didn't even know about this news until my friend who shares my opinions linked me that exact same screencap and cancelled his pre order along with another friend of mine. Oh well. Better luck next re-release.
>Readers pounced on what they saw as racially charged language in the descriptions of the warring tribes and blasted it as “racist trash,” “retrograde” and “offensive.”
What, you cannot have fictional peoples being racist even when portrayed as bad?
The fuck is happening to the world? This is insanity.
Time to try and learn nip again I guess, cause I don't see this shit stopping any time soon.
>tfw can just download the JP vita version for free since I hacked my vita and won't have to deal with this shit
Feels good
You're not safe. The games are increasingly being censored at the source now.
And yet these publishers and retailers will continue to complain about declining sales and foot traffic. Essentially complaining about eye pain as they stare directly into the sun. Fools, the lot of them.
We are literally becoming 1984. The world is turning into hugbox where you get shanked if you step out of line.
I'm having to learn spanish to listen to new prog/emo/post hardcore. Do what you have to do to get your jollies user.
>Trannies and fags have lied about Atlus games for years
>Don't even fucking play them
>They might have finally changed one to suit their whims
My god what a joke lol
If you disagree with bigotry and you remove the bigotry from the product aren't you just finding a way for bigots to keep being bigots and profit from it? If they really cared about the message they would just boycott the game but instead they're finding a way to help something they disagree with still make money over borders. I don't even find catherine FB to gold any bigoted views I just don't understand how you can say you disagree with something but then attempt to hide their dirty laundry and help them profit.
If you change it I dont buy it. Simple as that and go fuck yourself my nigga
>censorship of Bravely Seconds real world physical artbook
Fuck you, I wanted to forget about that.
learn to hide and form tightly knit cliques. The future sucks in a lot of ways but you can still have a good time if you keep the cunts away.
>I just don't understand how you can say you disagree with something but then attempt to hide their dirty laundry and help them profit.
You actually think any of these people have values? They just want power over people.
yeah, clearly the dozens of threads of angry Yea Forumstards over the last week or so were definitely not people freaking out. nope, nothing going on here, only rational people here. the funniest thing is that Yea Forums was freaking out over people taking that one line as a political statement while at the same time interpreting it as the exact same political statement.
you understand it perfectly, it's your quintessential hypocrisy. you're over thinking it.
>One game gets censored
>"just ignore them, they'll go away."
>another game gets censored
>"just ignore them, they'll go away."
>& another game gets censored
>"just ignore them, they'll go away."
Professor, I don't think the plan is working.
Banks are already starting to terminate people's accounts for wrongthink.
With the increasing push for a cashless society, in a few years, if you say the wrong thing, you'll be completely wiped from society and forced to starve in the streets.
>nevermind that any regular pedo can just say he's a woman and get access to kids.
you should get those delusions of yours checked out
Pretty much this
You can lose your livelihood if people connect a statement negative toward trans or LGBT people to you, which doesn't help LGBT people at all but this shows how much social control they have and how important it is to them
user. How do you think I felt? I had never given a single fuck about this argument. I just like Akihiko Yoshida. The real irony is I read those posts by American McGee about DOAX3 and thought "whatever. It's only affecting video games"
I was looking forward to that artbook so badly. I have every artbook released by Yoshida and it would have been one of the first times I got his works. But they censored the arts and I was told that they changed his notes completely.
That's unacceptable. And I won't stand or support this nonsense anymore
Will the japanese dub be available?
*I got his works that could be read
You at like this is only happening recently? This has been going on for a long time now.
Remember the book, A Tale of Two Cities? Remember how in the original ending the MC ends up alone and the girl he loves riding a carriage and ends up pregnant with another man's baby? Reader's got pissed off and made the author changed the ending to where the MC ends up with the bitch girl even though it destroyed the entire meaning of the story.
modern american geek industry has been completely taken over by crazy brainwashed sjws
whats wrong with amerimutts? why are mutts so obsessed with twitter and lap up everything sjw there.
When is China going to nuke americuckistan?
Go back to you discord tranny.
The fact that you're willing to chop up your own body parts speaks volumes on your mental state. How you people are allowed to walk free is beyond me, you need help, not acknowledgment
You're implying China is any better. China is the natural evolution of the censorship we're willingly heading towards
everyone playing these kind of games knows enough japanese to discern small but obvious differences in voiced dialogue and subtitles.
just wait for the steam patch with the same edits
what a reasonable response that must clearly come from an emotionally and mentally stable person
Wasn't there a news story recently about some transgender in Scotland trying to rape a 5yo girl in a mall?
I thought China just censors things for nationalism sake and spooky skellingtons, not pro-tranny trash.
They censor things for asinine reasons to control information. It's why shit like rubbing games are allowed because it's culturally inappropriate. It's why Winnie the Pooh was banned in China
The point is that our willingness to accept censorship is driving our stupid asses into a ditch.
Different sides of the same coin.
I've been putting it off for years, but with all the censorshit that has been happening lately, I finally decided to start learning Japanese. Hopefully, in 3 or 4 years I'll be fluent enough to avoid all this SJW bullshit.
So much for being fake.
SJWs still wonder why they are so despised.
>Guy doesn't cut dick off
western civilization is truly based and worth protecting
>>The point is that our willingness to accept censorship is driving our stupid asses into a ditch.
there is still a massive way to go, don't compare this shit to china. the western states have absolutely fucking nothing to do with any of this and don't show any interest in getting involved either. this is the public voting with their wallets, something you faggots always support unless of course it's a vote against what you like.
What the fuck Yea Forums? You told me if I ignored SJWs they'd go away. Now they're straight up censoring games unopposed
>this is the public voting with their wallets
No, it's not. And you fucking know it's not. It's external influence by people who wouldn't buy the games regardless.
Except more more companies that pull this shit are losing money, and yet they still continue to please a certain crowd of people
learn japanese and play based japanese games.
Just so you know, if they censor the game, we will be uncensoring it.
We've already got the necessary engineering done on the JP version in order to prepare to edit the text the second the game comes out.
So now it's only a matter of the game coming out and seeing what got censored.
I have never played the original, what's the original line?
I'm really starting to worry this isn't just another passing moral panic.
what are you going to do when they straight up remove cutscenes?
The same except gender neutral.
it's worth it user, but you'll get to the point where you can't consume anything that's been translated once you recognize that most translators are fucking retarded and inject their own views into translations and localizations
best and fastest way to learn a foreign language?
>this is the public voting with their wallets
It's not only that and you know it.
If that was the case nobody would care because people who like their things uncensored would be able to get them uncensored.
The problem any rational person have with these politically charged practices is that they involve clout, blacklisting and oscratrization to anyone who disagrees with their insane hivemind. These people don't just ignore what they don't like, they try as hard as they can to either change it, or eliminate it for being "wrong". This is a very dangerous mindset to deal with and it's growing.
>Just so you know, if they censor the game, we will be uncensoring it.
Änd how exactly are you going to uncensor deleted content?
Restored them since that's not going to be an issue either, I doubt they will go that far though.
Nobody said anything about deletions though, besides post below yours, I know to someone who can't code this seems bizarre but it's not actually hard to restore scene triggers in case scenes get removed. Nor is it hard to add new dialogue boxes in case existing ones get removed.
history has proven they have and will do so with no problems. be prepared is all that i ask.
Looks like I'm buying the nip version instead.
We're prepared for every eventuality, worry not about that.
>Hmmm, do I piss of the virgin losers who are going to buy my game anyway? Or the people who can actually ruin my reputation?
Shut the fuck up, retard. You're on the wrong side.
what vn is that screenshot from?
>It's external influence by people who wouldn't buy the games regardless.
doesn't fucking matter. the public is giving their views and companies make money from the public. if you don't like how democracy and capitalism work, go to china.
and some are getting money with this shit. wether it works out or not right now doesn't matter either. if it doesn't then they'll learn or go broke. if it does then too bad for you. not to mention that the previous examples of games that went broke like battlefield were also just plain bad so you can't even put it on factor alone.
these people can choose to associate with whomever they want and they can also choose to try and change things they don't like. it's a free world. as soon as they start doing illegal things feel free to notify them to the authorities. until then you have the choice to make your voice heard too.
>If that was the case nobody would care because people who like their things uncensored would be able to get them uncensored.
that doesn't make any sense, that's not a logical conclusion, companies won't shill out the extra money to make multiple different versions, they'll go with the (perceived) majority.
>vote with your wallet
I and other people have on multiple projects. And I and others will continue to do so. And I always hear this stupid "vote with your wallet" argument but at the same time I hear that I'm not nasty person if I don't support the thing I'm voting against when it starts to do poorly. 2016's Ghostbusters come to mind.
In reference to money politics in accepting changes. What exactly are the numbers of people who voted for these changes?
voting with your wallet doesnt work because the average retard wont even know about this or any other censorship
>buy my game anyway?
"we're too big to fail" Ah the mentality that was the case of Blizzard, EA, and Bethesda. That you'd be successful even if you did things that your target audience disliked.
I love every laugh you're giving me.
ResetEra wins again, baby!
Why ha/v/en't you joined the winning side yet?
Uh didn't Atlus Japan tell Atlus USA to not censor shit or we'll not get anymore games?
god's work
i'm sorry, maybe it's because i'm not a native speaker but your post reads like gibberish to me. not trying to be mean here.
>i'm the minority so the system doesn't work
Its not just battlefield and games in general. Look at other things like movies. Star Wars is crashing and burning hard, Captain Marvel has to roll out shills hard to stop presales plummeting and so forth. All the while we're getting painted as bad guys like said for not supporting their woke ways. Its getting sickening
Just start a petition or something, considering workers at Atlus USA are pretty active online, it might actually work when they see that a lot of people don't want censorship
>I thought China just censors things for nationalism sake
>for nationalism sake
Ladies and gentlemen of Yea Forums, these is the type of zoomers browsing Yea Forums today. Think about that.
Get fucked EOPs. Second Gen Japanese immigrant for life.
>been making fun of China's fear of spooky scary skeletons for years
>just now realized we're the same way
fuck, the King didn't deserve it and neither do Jap games
>Star Wars is crashing and burning hard,
and another example of a bad example. the movies were terrible and they hired terrible directors too. even luke skywalkers actor hated the movies.
>Captain Marvel
i've never even heard of that.
Well I cancelled my preorder for this earlier in the week. I guess this is just more evidence it was the right thing to do. It is pretty despicable for translators to deliberately mistranslate a story they have been entrusted with.
Fucking that. I've moved from Japan about 4 years ago and have played some translated games and they change the personality of characters so much. It's worse than the Dub Goku vs Japanese Goku at times. Why do they do this? A lot of English to Japanese games are pretty much the same from what I see.
Why aren’t you learning japanese, Yea Forums?
Based autists.
>they can also choose to try and *censor* things they don't like
>it's a free world
Sorry, but you don't understand what the concept of freedom is about. Censorship has always been, and will be fundamentally incompatible with freedom, no matter how you want to spin it.
The moment the voices of a specific group are allowed to silence and overun another group's, is the exact moment freedom dies.
>until then you have the choice to make your voice heard too
Yeah sure, good luck getting ostracized.
It doesn't matter. The localizers themselves do.
This is an uphill battle because the localization companies are run by woke retards.
based JOP, playing the moonrunes version when there's an official english release
How long would it realistically take user? Say I studied an hour everyday.
It doesn't appear that the Captain Marvel movie is bombing. Not that I care because I haven't watched a comic book movie in like a decade.
>FUCK American anime dubs
>he says this when posting PSG
I posted this news on another forum and they attacked me because they thought I was transphobic. I defended myself, but they still attacked me.
*Learning Japanese isn't easy and it will take time. It's probably fair to say that you can expect a commitment of at least three years in order to achieve something resembling fluency. The average learner gets to the advanced level in three or four years.*
Would take you several years with 1 hour a day
But the localizers seemed pretty okay with localizing "problematic" scenes in P3 up to P5, it's just a knee jerk reaction to fake outrage, I mean just look at Erin Fitzgerald, the person voicing Erica, she definitely seems like the type of person who would be down for censorship, but she doesn't seem to mind at all
People like yourself are too fucking paranoid and wound up over the most retarded "what-if" scenarios to have children. You'd die of a stress induced heart attack at the age of 35 because you're too afraid of the onions they serve at your kid's school
I bet the readers offended by this aren't even black.
The key is to study so much that you could study in your sleep.
>i've never even heard of that.
It's quite easily verifiable.
The projections dropped from 180 million to 100 million down to 80 million. Essentially. Any time Brie Larson opens her mouth and antagonizes the audience, shit happens.
>a bad example
You forget when the narrative was being pushed on how it was still a great movie that lasted for fucking months? Because I sure remember.
What about Ghostbusters 2016. That a bad example too?
So glad I voted for my wallet. It's good to see that these "vote for your wallet" comments are always made before release to try and doctor a view that the people supporting X is right. Until it flops and the studio has to drop all involved and scramble to to release what people actually wanted from the start
And there's still the tiny problem of supporting censorship. Which you seem to be for.
You're doing God's work, user. I wouldn't have hacked my 3DS if it wasn't for patricians like you undoing NoA's censorship.
>there's only two choices
maybe if you're a smoothbrain
learning Kana alone takes about 7 months and that's with studying 3 hours a day. To actually play video games? You need about 15 years at your rate.
>bro the sjws arent ruining your games just ignore them lmao
fuck you Yea Forumsedditors
>review written by cartman
>freedom is only freedom if it goes my way
the public was saying i won't buy your products if this is the case. the company was adjusting to make money. if capitalism and consumer choices are censorship to you then that's really only your problem. you'd first have to argue that that is indeed censorship because it simply is not.
>The moment the voices of a specific group are allowed to silence and overun another group's, is the exact moment freedom dies.
which isn't the case. go write atlus and tell them you like it the way it was. your voice just being one of many is no ones issue but your ones.
>Yeah sure, good luck getting ostracized.
>waaaaahhhh, i'm the minority, everyone should cater to meeeeee ;_;
>learning Kana alone takes about 7 months
Go get yourself checked, you might actually be legally retarded
Once again alienating the people who will actually buy the game by appeasing those who weren't going to buy it anyway.
Out of curiosity, which 3DS game? I did the Fatlus megaten undubs for that one, uncensor patches for Dragon Quest 8 and Dragon Ball Fusions and some other stuff.
>learning Kana alone takes about 7 months and that's with studying 3 hours a day
>7 months
>3 hours a day
what the fuck
Reminder that they're doing these changes based off a poll with less than a thousand voters where over 60% saying the Catherine controversy had zero effect on them buying Atlus games
Really? I learnt Kana in a matter of hours.
Git gud.
>Black Panther‘s $202M
woah, so get woke go broke factually wrong :o who would have thought...
I dunno user, theres so much bullshit going around this film that its hard to know. On one hand you have projected sales for domestic market that bombed 100 million, and on the other people are saying that presale tickets are higher than Black Panther
This only became a serious problem six or so years ago.
>seven months, three hours a day
>for ~50 characters that are used everywhere
lol nigga are you retarded
>if capitalism and consumer choices are censorship
Look buddy, you can call it however you want, playing semantics will not change what it is. It's censorship, the reasons behind it are irrelevant.
you don't know shit about what you're talking about
None of you really learned Kana. Just knowing what each Kana means isn't "learning" it. Seeing a string of them together and instantly being able to read it like second nature is learning it.
Enjoy your cuckalizations, EOPs.
I'm bad with remembering but I still learned it with 15 minute drills a day after about two weeks. Kana is very easy if you just use mnemonics
White women are next on the chopping block after white men have been extinct.
>game gets censored
>sells like shit because of it
>Resetera narrative is "GOOD it doesn't matter they catered to exactly what we wanted I still didn't want to buy it and I'm glad it flopped"
>companies will still try pandering to these people instead of their actual fans
do you know about whats happening with stockings VA right now?
cool, i'll put it in my backlog, will probably get around to it once i finish muramasa. what was wrong with the translation though?
>You're a baby
>da-da doo-doo
>grow up
You "people" are embarrassing yourselves talking like that.
>>Yeah sure, good luck getting ostracized.
>>waaaaahhhh, i'm the minority, everyone should cater to meeeeee ;_;
What's wrong with fearing being blacklisted?
We've all seen people losing their jobs over trivial shit for voicing the "wrong" opinions.
You're just a disingenuous retard.
/hbg/ confirmed based
He's off but not by much. 5 years to be able to read and write, and that means every single day worth of training.
Well thanks Atlus USA. You have renewed my motivation to get back to learning Japanese after taking a break for a few months.
>fake screencap that brainlets believe and people who literally just want to be angry pretend is real
Tbh I barely go to /hbg/
Are you retarded? Or are you confusing Kanji with Kana?
I'm guessing it's the former.
Chawick Boseman never hijacked Black Panther to turn into his own personal crusade.
no? all I know is that PSG really had a good dub
why do i never see people calling out shills for direct linking sites like this anymore?
I'll wait and see. I stopped being interested in this '''controversy''' a week or two ago, much ado about nothing on the part of Reeeeera.
if that's what you want to believe.
>What's wrong with fearing being blacklisted?
nothing. but what's wrong is complaining that other people are being catered to and not you. that's being a disingenious retard.
Black Panther was a new IP and an important movie done without encroaching on an already established franchise.
Ghostbusters 2016 changed the continuity of the series by rebooting it and fundamentally using it as a statement
Cute counter statement that means absolutely nothing
And it's funny to me that you're implying I'm against all movies that are "woke" because you're assuming I'm white and male. I'm not. But then, what else is there? it'd be easy to conform me to that narrative if we weren't talking about the problems of CHANGING things for people that never cared about the product.
Friendly reminder that learning Japanese is fun, free, and the only way to truly escape western localizers.
I'm studying VNcore + Core2k in Anki, reading Tae Kim's Grammar Guide, and watching anime on Animelon with Japanese/English subs and full transcript for quick definition checking. I'm amazed at what I've been able to learn in just 3 months.
Resources can be found here, courtesy of /djt/:
Wanna know how I know you're brown?
>trannies on damage control
>buying this game
I didn't like from day one. They ruined the original story with the pink haired faggot. I'd rather replay it on PS3.
Kana. Hiragana and Katakana. You do need a long time to really memorize it to the point it's second nature. 7 months is the minimal in my experience. Learning how to read? That's even longer because you need vocabulary too.
Gay marriage isn't the problem. I'm for that third option. Censorship is the problem.
Atlus what the fuck are you doing?
But I am
The kanas are easy. I was able to memorize both in the space of a weekend. Kanji on the other hand are outrageously hard to drill into memory without understanding what makes them.
>Seeing a string of them together and instantly being able to read it like second nature
that's not something you should autistically grind for 600 consecutive hours while learning nothing else about the language
Knowing something =/= being fluent at something.
That's like saying you couldn't read until you were 20, because you were reading too slowly.
You do it at the same time user...
Yup, you're just retarded.
Its also important to note that their marketing didnt consist of antagonizing a portion of your viewer base
Remember when people said "just ignore them"?
I can't imagine those anglo snowflakes reading a book by Alejandro Dolina or Enrique Medina (both argentine authors).
QUIT being BIGOTED homosexuals and transsexuals SEAMLESSLY integrate into ANY population without any problems or attempting any cultural shifts and pushing their norms onto other people around them CAN'T YOU SEE THAT???
That wasn't the wrong option but we should have probably broke more into the industry. Not ignoring idiots is why Anita is currently renowned
How many kanji should one write and memorize a day
>but we should have probably broke more into the industry
You can't. HR is run by sjws. It always has been.
>Not ignoring idiots is why Anita is currently renowned
but she's not, she's faded and a lot of the SocJus cult doesn't even really like her.
This is why I stopped paying for goods and services.
Apparently "LOOK HOW DIVERSIVE WE ARE" is more important than the money I was giving them, so fuck 'em, they can reap what they sow.
then what's exactly that you're saying? because it doesn't really make sense in the context of the conversation. you said that companies with progressive shit lose money and then claimed that star wars and others are an example of that. clearly, as seen by black panther, it's not the progressiveness but the quality of the movie. as you just said yourself. so what the fuck is your point exactly?
there is nothing indicating your skin colour or gender in my posts, maybe you should check your eye sight?
>CHANGING things for people that never cared about the product.
very clearly they did because they found out about it and then voiced their opinion with their names attached even. something you don't do, so to the company it looks different as to who cares and who doesn't.
whatever you're comfortable with
the more important thing is to start reading shit in jp as soon as you possibly can
>Would take you several years with 1 hour a day
It'd take 5 years max at that rate. Why? Because as you get better things speed up. The first year or two will probably be the slowest progress but once you're able to read basic shit things speed up like crazy. This is assuming you actively consume Japanese media though.
I thought this was fake? I guess if it's real, i'll just cancel my collectors edition preorder. Oh well.
>Using a Discord post as "proof" that the western version of Catherine FB will get butched
Might as well use all of those Yea Forums Smash "leaks" as credible sources. I bet Billy also believed in the Grinch leak as well.
Hiragana and katakana should never take you more than 2 weeks to learn. If you spend moretime on it than that you're never ever going to be able to learn japanese, because you're a complete brainlet.
this is why I think translators need to be held to a high standard of bullshit
its like the silent hd thing, its minor but it still fucking with a vison you have no influence over originally with your own bullshit
Don't want to end up like my English professor who had an anime ringtone on her phone playing in the middle of class user.
would it be possible to english patch the vita version too?
she's been going all #metoo on vic mignogna, a long known pervert/creep. helped ruin his career despite being his "friend" for years and never mentioning any of his creepy behavior. i think panty is in on it too, but theres a big stink going on and i think funimation might be crumbling - i haven't been paying too close attention to it all
Just learning them isn't enough. As I said you need to have it ingrained like second nature.
To be fair, this is a VA involved with the game. To be unfair, it's pretty vague and the western release isn't until September so we don't know what they'll do.
>Implying I care about censorship
I'm buying it day one and will enjoy it, thanks.
Most likely yes, but not all the text is contained in the event files so it would be a matter of checking rest of them as well and whatnot.
Just end your life. It's worthless.
nice try discord fags
This unironically sounds about right.
>To be unfair, it's pretty vague and the western release isn't until September so we don't know what they'll do.
>mfw this thread will be here literally every single day until then and then for 6 months after it releases
I'm gonna post it bros.
I am. I got motivated to learn Japanese because someone posted a "why aren't you learning Japanese" thread on Yea Forums a little less than a year ago. Been studying ever since. I fucked up and wasted a ton of time my first 3-4 months (fuck RTK) but I've been reading and doing vocab in anki since then.
>it's not the progressiveness but the quality of the movie. as you just said yourself
It's like you didn't read his posts.
It's about the fact that one is a new IP while the other was changed into a soapbox. Try that with anything and it's going to make the old fan base leave.
>it's all about quality if we take a Fifa game and make it harp on about blood diamonds and how soccer is really leading to deaths of PoCs
fucking hell man
Transsexuality and homosexuality are two faces of the same coin: childhood molestation, sometimes at too early of an age to remember.
>In our study of transsexual people, 55% reported experiencing an unwanted sexual event before the age of 18, with the average age of initial sexual contact being 13.
>Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population.
>Forty-six percent of the homosexual men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men reported homosexual molestation. Twenty-two percent of lesbian women in contrast to 1% of heterosexual women reported homosexual molestation.
>Biometric modeling revealed that, in men, genetic effects explained .34–.39 of the variance [of sexual orientation], the shared environment .00, and the individual-specific environment .61–.66 of the variance. Corresponding estimates among women were .18–.19 for genetic factors, .16–.17 for shared environmental, and .64–.66 for unique environmental factors.
>In instrumental variable models, history of sexual abuse predicted increased prevalence of same-sex attraction by 2.0 percentage points (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.4, 2.5), any same-sex partners by 1.4 percentage points (95% CI = 1.0, 1.9), and same-sex identity by 0.7 percentage points (95% CI = 0.4, 0.9)
>just ignore them guy's
hacking my vita as I type this
What the fuck? This can’t be a real person. Trannies are even worse than feminists.
>you said that companies with progressive shit lose money
The point is that these changes aren't a result of "voting" with your wallet because there are more changes of radical changes flopping than them succeeding. I then listed examples to that effect, nullifying your statements.
>but the quality of the movie
It seems YOU need to get your eyes checked. In the post you're responding to:
>Ghostbusters 2016 changed the continuity of the series by rebooting it and fundamentally using it as a statement
What part talks about quality? Because I'm pretty sure that talks about it's downsides as being rebooting the series and using it as a statement. That statement being obvious to anybody who cares about that franchise.
>something you don't do
You make assumptions that I'm white and male whose against all things "woke" and now you're making assumptions that I never paid close to a hundred of my own money to compose letters and have them translated by specialists in fluent Japanese to send to various departments about the censorship of Bravely Second's artbook.
Keep it coming user. Tell me more about how I clearly don't care enough.
The only boon I have is that IF announced long ago that they were done with censorship.
It's just a shame that censorship is company fucking policy from Sony now.
So good job for being pro censorship, I guess.
i didnt mean there was anything wrong with Himawari's translation i just use random pics i've taken for posts when i talk about japanese
>i haven't been paying too close attention to it all
>knows the positions of random dub VAs for anime released eight years ago
>implying that they wouldn't kill them self already
>there are more changes
*there are more examples
>beautiful girly paradise
I get them hating the way this place is now but where did they get that idea?
I've seen enough threads about this shit
What's the controversy now?
Homosexuality is a sin.
are they trying to r9k Yea Forums now?
If there’s one fucking rule for localization it’s to honor the original message of the game and leave things relatively the same.
Good to see Atlus USA going back to their good old Persona: Revelations days. Gotta fix things for those Americans!
It's legal because the jews make shittons of money from trannies buying up "transition" medications and "sex change" procedures.
Supposedly the localization will change part of the script to appear less 'transphobic'
Read the thread jackass
Can someone redpill me on what is happening?
And it will feature the English script as the subtitles. This was the case for Persona 5 and you could really tell, especially during WASSUP PERSONA
Message Atlus JP in mass. If you want to prevent stupid bullshit by retard "woke" faggots, you have to go straight to the people that can stop it.
Hypothetically lets say due to the constantly outrage all Japanese companies minus Nintendo exclusives say fuck it and stop localizing games. How would the gaming media react?
Way ahead of you. But the damage is done and is unlikely to be changed. The best you could hope for is that the script is accurately translated for the subtitles and doesn't follow the dub.
Which, fat fucking chance.
Sorry, too much shitposting
In what sense?
That’s just PR talk. Nothing to see here people.
sjws are everywhere
sjws are nothing but parasites
On the contrary, not ignoring idiots is what brought huge attention to politically motivated practices that were already occurring, brought context to why those practices were occurring, and ensured that companies engaged in them would suffer PR consequences for them from then on.
People are now informed of what's been going and you people are absolutely terrified of that.
Stop shilling your blog faggot. Whatever happened to pastebin etiquette?
>It's like you didn't read his posts.
all of the movies he named had trash quality. especially ghostbusters.
>It's about the fact that one is a new IP while the other was changed into a soapbox. Try that with anything and it's going to make the old fan base leave.
wtf? this is shooting yourself in the foot. the thing Yea Forums is complaining about is that a change from the previous game is removed again.
>radical changes flopping than them succeeding
see above, you're literally arguing against yourself. and you didn't nullify fuck all. the movies were trash, there were many things that made them flop. you can't link it to one deciding factor that you randomly pick and then say that's the one thing.
i am talking about the quality, numbnuts. quality of a movie has a big part in wether it succedes or not.
>You make assumptions that I'm white and male whose against all things "woke"
that's a straight up lie.
> I never paid close...
okay, then i was wrong in that although you are talking about an entirely different game. you're an extreme outlier on Yea Forums and in this thread though. i heavily doubt that there's anyone comparable to that in here.
>pro censorship
i'm pro capitalism, user. you still need to prove that this can be considered censorship as the state doesn't have anything to do with it and the company is not being prevented from publishing it however they want. it's just that companies want to make money.
reminder Sony owns Funimation
for additional context AT&T owns Crunchyroll
there are not targeting Yea Forums only they want to change the entirety of Yea Forums saw this pic on /fit/ they want to turn /fit/ into a fat acceptence paradise
>beautiful girly paradise
Be careful what you wish for.
>tranny shit
>Atlus cash-in "enhanced" port #354
>cucked translators
so sick of this. The tranny stuff was obviously for comedic purposes in the original
I hate the changes but Usher is an unironic fucking retard and his blog is gay as shit, worst gaymergate eceleb along with the trannies and that one guy from channel awsome who posted cp.
Guess I'm buying the Japanese version then
kek, they're just keeping up the spirit of old Yea Forums
In the sense of not getting accurate translation from japanese, but headcannon from whoever is translating the game
>"you still need to prove that this can be considered censorship as the state doesn't have anything to do with it"
>Private companies can't influence opinions , buy elections , hold monopolies or manipulate the masses
user i...
I shouldn't have to learn another language just to play nerd shit in piece. Maybe the problem is trannies should hurry up and die at 30 already.
Godfucking dammit why is it so hard to just scream or talk into a mic over malaysian animation without getting into politics or getting into controversy. I just want to watch DBZ and hear two grown ass men fighting, not a child and a man fight like in the sub.
>things that have nothing to do with censorship
>thing that is outlawed in every developed country except the US, what the fuck is wrong with their internet companies getting away with this
>/pol/niggers falseflagging in order to justify the tranny voices in their head
This is all a phase. It will end eventually.
>the state is the only group that can censor things
Absolute retard.
Isnt it easy to fake this?
>you're literally arguing against yourself.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt as english isn't your first language
But "change" means "change". As in something that was altered. Nowhere do I talk about the quality.
>the movies were trash
That's your opinion
Rotten Tomatoes says 2016 is fresh
>that's a straight up lie.
Feel free to create a reason why you even mentioned "woke" and used Black Panther as an example. I'll wait
>i heavily doubt
I'm I've spent 100s of dollars importing art. That censorship left a bad taste. Making assumptions makes an ass out of yourself.
>pro capitalism
You're pro censorship. Mask it with whatever you'd like. You support the changing of a product from it's original intent because some people don't like the message
>the state doesn't have anything to do with
Censorship can be done internally. And there can be people internally that fight against Censorship to no avail?
Wanna know what happened to Tom?
He was let go. So much for being allowed to have a differing opinion.
Why does this discord tranny have any clout? Is this the vergeben of Atlas games?
Reverse progress and fat people hate threads have been a thing on /fit/ for 8+ years
If they want to turn it into a fat acceptance paradise, more brapster and high test threads would be the way to go
She doesn't have any clout. She merely clued people in that Atlus' localization team supported censorship. Which people aren't happy about.
>Godfucking dammit why is it so hard to just scream or talk into a mic over malaysian animation without getting into politics or getting into controversy.
Conventions are what cause it
>already confirmed that there's no "bigotry" in the game
>thot VA takes advantage of the situation to get tranny brownie points, despite being vague as fuck
Between this and what Vic is dealing with, voice artists are worthless cancer. Wouldn't be surprised if Atlus told her what she wanted to hear just to shut her up
Speaking of dbz, goku's va sean is also part of this
I legit don't give a shit about this game. So it's got a trap in it, so what? I'm still playing a sliding puzzle/platformer game on a timer with a
loser of a protagonist in a supernatural love triangle.
>Between this and what Vic is dealing with
Fallout from years of being an asshole and harasser?
>We aren't coming for your games!
This is only the beginning.
It's the Texas branch that's causing all this. Apparently they're the only ones who are stupid SJW.
Neoliberalism is a hell of a drug. Thankfully, support is starting decline even amongst conservatives
so you're not going to say anything about the fact that you're arguing against yourself in this games case when you complain about changes being done?
>audience score 51%, critique only at 74%
>that's somehow regarded as fresh
so that's your opinion....
you can't use my language as an excuse when you're lacking the mental capacity to even understand what i'm saying.
>Feel free to create a reason why you even mentioned "woke" and used Black Panther as an example. I'll wait
have you seen the fucking context of the thread and this conversation? are you being deliberately retarded? the OP outright links oneangryfaggot.
>censorship bullshit
so you're still refusing to actually prove that this is censorship?
i'm done with you
Hi faggot >>>/resetera/
again nice try discord fags
don't you think it's a bit weird that the webm speceficly changes the text to "hurr durr tranny" could've been anything and the webm shows members with a changed username "/pop tranny shill lol" and "EVIL TRANNY" this webm is directly made for anyone who post about the tranny discord server which why i belive that this webm was made by that tranny discord server itself in attempt to make Yea Forums believe that the server doesn't exist
and this pic right here shows a bunch of images which and links making in it impossible to change
Wait, so will the western release be censored or not?
Is the controversy that discord trannies are screaming about really a non-issue after all?
I am hoping that the script doesn't get butchered in the west... but I won't be surprised if it does, and i'm honestly expecting it at this point. Was going to pre-order the collector's edition, but now i'll wait until it comes out and it's known just how much was altered for the west.
Well fuck
Let's see what happens after the launch
Doesn't change much for me personally since I don't own a new system or a powerful PC, but I'm sorry for you guys
Maybe with a PC port they could mod it back, kinda like the Neptunia games
I wouldn't be suprised if they ban any form of contact at a convention to prevent stuff like this
Yeah, which fuckin sucks even more. His Goku voice IS Goku to me. I disliked having to listen to grandma Goku and Gohan when I watched Super. He's taking Monica's side, yeah?
just boot a japanese game and play it. thats how I learned english. t. esl retard.
These studies aren't controlling for genetic confounders. For example twins in which one sibling is gay are likely to share similar levels of neuroticism even though gays are more likely than straights to be neurotic.
Likewise it's not that molestation causes homosexuality. It's just gays more likely to have genes associated with being perps or victims. It's not that reassignment surgery encourages suicide and strengthens depression - it's that trans who are in a state of mind who are willing to take such drastic measures are already at higher risk of suicide than trans who aren't.
>Biometric modeling revealed that, in men, genetic effects explained .34–.39 of the variance [of sexual orientation]
The high discordance in homosexuality between twins probably indicates that homosexuality is caused by a pathogen.
It aint molestation.
>so you're not going to say anything about the fact that you're arguing against yourself
You keep making that statement and you keep being wrong about it. The argument has always been that "changes" are never acceptable. And saying that they're the result of "voting" with your wallet is incorrect with no proof to support it.
>so that's your opinion
It's fresh as aggregated by rotten tomatoes. It' received it's 51% for different reasons other than the objective quality as defined by professional reviewers.
>have you read the thread
Is all of Yea Forums one person? The direct post you quoted is this one and not >actually prove that this is censorship
The proof is in the OP. Meanwhile you've failed to prove it isn't censorship. I'm not even sure you know what that word means given that you implied a localization company can't self censor.
>lacking the mental capacity
No yeah we're done. When it breaks down into insults all you do is admit you never had anything important to say.
Glad to see you're "done" with me though. Reading that somebody is pro censorship is always heartbreaking.
The perturbed player needed more ad clicks I see.
>It's not that reassignment surgery encourages suicide and strengthens depression - it's that trans who are in a state of mind who are willing to take such drastic measures are already at higher risk of suicide than trans who aren't.
no, user. read the statement.
>still considerably higher mortality than the GENERAL POPULATION
it doesn't say anything about trans people who don't transition. for all we know trans people who don't transition could have a way higher mortality rate. the statement is pretty much analogue to
>people who undergo chemo still have a higher mortality rate than the general population
well, duh.
It's like homosexuality is a weird form of vampirism.
Homophobic assholes think two men cant be together.
>racist to japanese and hate japanese games
>still work for a japanese game
what mindset makes this possible
post to the discord info so i can be up to speed on all of the shitposting tactics?
>Maybe with a PC port they could mod it back, kinda like the Neptunia games
the fuck they do to Neptunia? Don't know why these assholes put up the effort into translating the game at all if they're just going to straight up Samurai Pizza Cats the shit out of the game anyway.
Wow, another "guy on Twitter said thing" shitstorm
They want to protect us from the Japanese. One localizer said something like
>Working in loc is half oh God and half thank God I can fix this
They went full epic maymes since re;birth 2
I think it's not as spicy as controversial topics like transexuals, so nobody cared
So Vincent is transphobic.
Glad they'll be correcting that in the Western release.
Bud, if some sick fuck wants to molest people in the women's bathroom, a fucking sign isn't going to stop them from just waltzing right in and doing it.
What is a pengis
>goes from terrible mom to okayish mom
what's wrong with this? i haven't played the games, they're mother and daughter, right?
Stop shilling One Seething Incel.
holy shit people are still getting mileage out of this fake screencap
They are sisters
Right is Neptune, the older sister, represents the unreleased Sega Neptune
Left is the younger sister, Nepgear
fuck me for buying such a shallow JRPG, never buy with your dick
no, sisters
40% yourself tranny
sadly i don't have them all put this is from what i saw
>Calling anyone who disagres with them a /pol/tard
>bringing up /pol/ for no reason
>spamming the copypasta of joining the right side of history when ever a thread like this is made which probably made by them
>they even stated that the raids are quite success because of infighting which you can clearly see in this thread
>denying the existence of the server by saying "well then post the invite link" which is impossible because the only the mods or the admin of the server can post the invite link and it can be with a limted time
I really which had all of them if someone has them please post they need to be exposed they trying to do what this pic says
Would atlus japan care?
Considering how they were concerned over P5, you'd think they'd have to have a say on what happensI'm still annoyed over what apparently happened with him and Peter Kelamis at Kamehamecon
because i don't want to chop my dick off
Fuck this shit, not buying.
So they want to throw any money that they put into localization down the toilet? Why don't they just save themselves the hassle and go find a physical toilet?
Yea Forums
Discord servers
Is this the list of all of our bogeymen over the years?
>Vincent doesn't like dick
changing tactics?
Maple Story at one point
That AnonTalk bullshit too, probably.
Homophobic then.
Remember, no matter what happens, no matter how bad Yea Forums gets.
It's NEVER Yea Forums's fault.
tell me what discord is this so I can post gore in it
Who the fuck is gonna buy this trash anyways? It's just the tranny version of a game called Catherine. Nobody should buy it regardless of anything.
oh god its so fun seeing retards get baited and triggered from both sides LMAO
changing tactics again? Or is this a false flag now?
How many problems would be solved by nuking America?
Oh well.
I genuinely hate trannies now. They're the worst qualities of women and men put together.
Personally I think giving Muslims access to guns in countries like the UK, etc. would be far more entertaining.
Not like they'd stop them.
None of this will effect the average persons decision to buy the game or not
>people still falling for this fake post after being reposted a hundred times in the span of a day
Yea Forums truly is the brainlet board
>teams up with discord trannies to spread false rumors
what's his endgame?
your vagina is fake nigger
It's still fucking censorship, you fucking mong.
>this kills the discord tranny
how do you know how vaginas even look you incel?
Don't forget that when they say "don't talk about politics", they're never saying "don't talk about how this group's space needs to be readjusted for left wing identity politics". It's just a dishonest way of saying "right wingers need to shut up when it comes to politics and stop threatening the left's agenda". The intellectual wing of politics, everybody.
Traps > trannies
Traps have always been superior, girly guy without the mental illness. Trannies always seethed about them and tried to make trap a slur.
Will this Full Body remaster come to PC too? I want to play catherine but the steam version is the regular one. Also, is this playable on keyboard + mouse?
Stand up... there you go. You were dreaming. What's your name?
>nincels reposting the same post over and over trying to convince Yea Forums to not buy the game and once it flops Atlus will port it to the Switch
What a pathetic fanbase
Do trannies even exist outside of the internet? I mean, I know i've definitely seen videos of them but i've never legitimately met a tranny in person in my entire life. Gays, cross-dressers, and traps, but never once a FtM or MtF on HRT or post-surgery.
Seeing how now exists an equally canon ending where he's sucking pink angelic dick I don't think anybody conclusively wins here.
Why are western voice actors such egoists? You could never get away with this behavior in Japan
Wait what was censored in the art book?
>implying trans isn't just advanced faggotry, when they get the surgery it's late stage faggotry and they are basically a dead man walking
>The new ending is shit anyways and complete kills the point of the original game
Elaborate, because I thought Vincent turning into a demon lord was a pretty shitty way to end things with Cath in the original
>under 5% of the playerbase chooses rin
They do exist but there are such a small percentage of the human race you'll probably never see more than one or two. They just seem more numerous because they congregate together on the net.
It's just the ones in Texas. Read up on it.
I met one, it was a little perturbing as he looked and sounded like a friend from high school, was definitely at "passes at a distance but not close up" level
This is the (wo)man leading the charge to get the game change, he's in this very thread
Say something nice about him!
Sucking 5% of the dick still makes you a 100% fagola.
Outside of the internet they only exist at community colleges and video game companies
Traps have mental illness. Don't get confused. Any man deliberately dressing like a woman outside of a play or comedy is crazy, not to mention traps are overly promiscuous and often base their entire personalities around "muh cocklust"
Really, they're just extremely feminine faggots.
He looks like a serial killer. Or like an alien. Or both.
He's creepy anyways.
Go back to telling spooky stories Crypt Keeper.
Isn't Catherine niche of the niche? Why do people give a fuck
>ruin a video game despite what the target audience wants because they personally don't like it
>ruin a colleague's career because why not, and plus you really want his position
What the fuck is wrong with California?
>discord trannies
>Yea Forumsies
It's so weird to see these groups teaming up
this thread has been posted 10 times since yesterday and you retarded faggots still bump it to +200 replies
kill yourselves you fucking retards
Listen, I don't think Vic is a sexual assaulter, or a pedophile, but not a single other VA stood up for him during the accusations. It's clear he had no true industry friends and was probably a spastic behind the scenes. We've known about how he has a god complex among his fans at conventions for years now.
>niche game
>people like it because it's unique
>censor it and make it closer in themes to all the other shit out there, rendering it less appealing to the only audience that was going to buy it
Boy, I wonder.
>they guy is potentially a douche
>lol let's fucking ruin his entire life, career and chances of recovery by lying about it and faking a swatting
bit overblown yeah?
Good video
When things get censored because those people throw a hissy fit, then it becomes wrong.
>if they censor the game, we will be uncensoring it.
We will continue to give these threads all of our attention and posts.
just wait until persona 6 has a MtF only MC
Newsflash, all celebrities in California have some sort of inflated ego. Sean Schemmel, the voice of Goku and one of the guys saying Vic is a sexual harasser, didn't want any of the previous Goku voices showing up to a Dragon Ball convention because he didn't want any attention and praise being taken away from him.
Overblown obviously, maybe he'll get some settlement out of a lawsuit and be set for life. Let's not act like he'll be living in squalor for the rest of his life just because funimation and rooster teeth fired him.
How about all games have a hermaphrodite as the MC? Then people can stop complaining about having to choose between a male and a female option.
Calling it now they will make being a pedophile a protected group
How is a shit discord screenshot proof of anything?
Catherine is about sex and internal struggles, so a trans character actually makes sense in the themes. It would seem rather hamfisted in Persona.
Based American McGee
Does anyone else want to learn Japanese just to avoid the poz?
>he'll be fine so we shouldn't be upset
Alright, let's just act like nothing happened and keep worshiping the shitty people who tried to "out" him.
There are a few exceptions with dub anime but with the current state of affairs yeah it’s unfortunate
>Yea Forums is whining anti-white trannies
Shoo shoo
It was impressive how they destroyed feminism, something men couldn’t do for a hundred years.
funi is Texas based
no point, modding/piracy scene fixes problems
>putting words in my mouth
user the best thing you can do is boycott the entire circlejerk of Texas dubbing so that they'll get less power and opportunity to continue doing things like this. Fuck the American anime industry.
It’s Minor Attracted Person, bigot, and what if the child consents?
>What the fuck is wrong with California?
Leftism. Nihilism. Narcissism.
Evil, user. The problem is Evil.
Reminder to NOT buy this sorry ass censored game, fuck FATLUS USA
Whats next?, chopping dicks in the new Trauma center game?
California is honestly an Eye of Terror on the makinh, people there are basically Eldar about to create a new Slaanesh.
Atlus JP =/= Atlus USA
It's USA branch doing the censorship.
Give me the post-op trans suicide rates, Yea Forums. Would it really have been better if Eric didn't transition (operating under the original misconception of the ending)?
As someone who preordered the original, I'm not buying this shit if they censor it.
I've got my Vita revved up in preparation to pirate the JP version if they do.
What's the point in going for the endings besides the true ones?
It's already a 2-out-of-5 chance for regular trannies
It doesn't matter if we have a long way to go, we're still going there. I'd like to stop before we reach that point, not wait until it actually gets to that point and then start caring.
Just buy Catherine Classic on Steam to show interest but avoid FB if it's problematic.
fpbp. not buying anymore
I had no idea the ps4 even had cfw
I only use it for exclusive games so barely at all really
>dozens of threads of angry
of course the crypto sjw faggot is pulling out hyperbolics from his ass, dont change anything just to appeal to your world vision, nigger shit
They aren’t ging to buy it, they just want to make sure they have control over it.
Right now PS4 is locked down to 5.05 for CFW in terms of public use but there's a 6.20+ exploit floating around privately and certain groups have access to it.
It's gotten to the point that I now believe that terms like "transphobic" and "homophobic" and "racism" were only ever coined in order to control speech and thought--to vilify anyone that disagrees with said politics, and to superimpose them on the youth. Am I wrong? Because it's gotten pretty out of hand just how insidious today's rhetoric has become.
>Ignore the trannies they will go away
I'm tired. I'm tired of this. I stopped caring. I say just let it happen. Devs just do what they want and say it from the start. Make it the norm so we can just move on.
Fuck transphobes
PRs are infiltrated by hardcore liberals who tell japanese companies their games won't sell if they include anything contrary to the modern zeitgeist
(As in, women being feminine, transgenders and crossdressers not being portrayed as ubermensch, men being manly)
Catherine is already towing the line with all the male on female sexual content so they are convinced it won't sell at all in america unless they change stuff around by companies whose sole job is to make their games appeal to an overseas market
I'm surprised there's no controversy about cathering being a demon as being slut shaming ot something too, in fact the amount of controversy is surprisingly low I think mostly because nobody really gives a fuck about the game
They do and their numbers are increasing.
>I'm surprised there's no controversy about cathering being a demon as being slut shaming ot something too,
For now.
This got me wondering Yea Forums, what do you think will happen if all devs fully and 100% do what the SJWs want? Will the gaming market change at all?
Feminism isn't fashionable anymore. It's all about the trannies now.
No, and whatever happens, some snowflake will find a fault even in a so called SJW environment creating games. And ultimately, games will be banned.
Why would some VA be hanging out in a discord
It happens. It happened for Obsidian too with Deadfire. The devs and VAs hung out in a tranny discord.
I still won’t feel comfortable buying the game. Just because the translators covered up the transphobia doesn’t mean it’s not still present in Japanese culture.
Oh, get off it. All the words mean is that you are letting irrational fears of demographics and lifestyles make you think that people who are different from you don’t deserve the same respect as you do.
This man speaks truth and wisdom
>doesn’t mean it’s not still present in Japanese culture
Fuck off then. Play your Western game and stop fucking being an imperialistic faggot.
What happened to filthy frank?
I absolutely think you don't deserve the same level of respect as a normal person if you think there was any "transphobia" in the original game. I don't think there's a person alive who could live up to your insane standards.
>I still won’t feel comfortable buying the game. Just because the translators covered up the transphobia doesn’t mean it’s not still present in Japanese culture.
Like how censorship is part of your culture, huh?
Control of language has always been a tool to that end. 1984 was written by Orwell who worked at the BBC but all anyone takes away from it is “dictators bad.”
How about you just go play games you feel comfortable with instead of trying to change every Japanese game?
Notable that it was men that ultimately did it
Blood on a male character (removed), a ribbon binding Agnes in a stylized and non sexual manner (removed),
And as I've mentioned before, I'm told by somebody fluent in the language that they scrubbed some of the artist notes
None of these things were announced beforehand, by the way. If it wasn't for that half ass collector's edition unboxing I would never have known. Or rather I would only have known when I put it and my imported artbook side by side and thumbed through. And while I'm certain there would have been no legal action that I could have taken, I probably would have tried nonetheless.
>you think that people who are different from you don’t deserve the same respect as you do.
The absolute hypocrisy of this statement.
I love how Japan makes the degenerates get sterilized. Even if it’s a moot point.
Here’s the brilliant thing, people think they deserve proper respect just for existing instead of indifference, and their definition of respect also includes something no other groups does in the form of “Validation of all of my community’s choices and actions, and removal of any opposition to any aspect of said community”. It’s respectful to not give an earful of rhetoric to some random tranny on the street, it’s NOT respect to demand to be allowed to spew YOUR rhetoric.
I don't know why people feel like they need to change other peoples games. Be the change and make new games that fits your taste.
Making games aren't even hard anymore since coding has become so easy in general.
Well fuck, just get the japanese version instead.
>Just because the translators covered up the transphobia doesn’t mean it’s not still present in Japanese culture.
I guess it's pointless to change it at all then right? If people like you will still bitch.
who cares, most modern games are such utter trash the trannies can have them and keep them and do whatever they want with them
At this point I'm a lot more concerned with preservation of older titles considering there still isn't a fucking workable N64 emulator, PCSX2 is VERY situational (I can't play either viewtiful joe game or klonoa 2 at all on the latest version), ps360 emulation is barely on its feet and nobody ever made a working xbox emulator, while xbox one retrocompatibility is iffy at best (Otogi 1 and 2 do not run on it at all)
Meanwhile most HD re-releases change shit around (the yakuza team is purging the old games from "transphobic" elements in all regions), are missing some elements (mgs hd) or outright suck shit (silent hill which also changed shit around)
Kudos on square enix and capcom for re-releasing most of their catalogue on the widest possible selection of hardware but a lot of shit will be lost and is already getting lost, especially now that they are cracking down on piracy significantly and you know that modding is next (considering undubs or uncensor patches will be taken down just as well as regular isos/roms)
As long as modern games suck as much shit as the new god of war or red dead redemption 2 they can be 20 hours of trannies sucking each other's dicks for all I care
These people remind me of Vegans.
You don't like eating meat? Fine. But I do, so fuck off.
das it fuck atlus
>erin fitzgerald
>discord trannies
>ruining the Catherine localization
SJWs actively ruining videogames on a daily basis
This. Shit like OpenMorrowind is the future. With Project Tamriel we'll eventually have near all of Tamriel. I believe the only thing they aren't doing is Orismer but everything else is being made. Cyrodiil, Skyrim, and Mainland Morrowind is all the furthest in development though.
And before you faggots bring up Beyond Skyrim that is SJW trash with the devs not liking the whole Telvanni and Dres slavery shit.
That's fucking it? And people are going full autism for this shit?
Holy shit, who cares. Catherine is a game that caters exclusively to incels. Fuck off.
They'd still be mad.
>Bitches talk trash about game
>Guess I have to buy it now, these fucks are masterful at finding(and then hating on) good games
>They censor it
Well never mind then, the whole company can burn for all I care if they wan't to censor stuff.
Call me when there's a credible source
I'm going to Playasia RIGHT NOW, order a copy of Catherine Full Body on PS4 from Japan, then rip the game and put it on an iso and torrent that anyone can burn on a blank blu-ray. This is getting fucking ridiculous and I just want to play some fucking Catherine already, and NOT the shitty Steam port again!
I'd really like if they don't change it at all for the Western release. If they change it too much then I don't think I'll even bother.
>irrational fears of demographics and lifestyles
Hahahaha holy shit nigger, this is your argument? NO ONE is afraid of freaks like you resetera
But it was men that did it. Men that dressed up as women and infiltrated their ranks and destroyed them from within just like a rouge military unit.
If memory serves, the term "racism" was originally created by one of the ideological founders of Communism as we know it.
>irrational fears of demographics and lifestyles make you think that people who are different from you don’t deserve the same respect as you do
Oh, fuck off.
I couldn't give a shit if you're trans, gay, bisexual, into animals, whatever.
I don't respect you because you keep forcing devs to censor their games because you don't like it, or have characters be a token X character because DIVERSITY, FUCK YEAH.
Go jump in front of a moving train.
Yeees, the TERFs were rigt to doubt out deep cover operatives, the monosphere expands again..... soon the entire world will become our willing Testeosterdrones......
Godspeed user.
essentially Vincent wishes he could have met Catherine at a more stable point in his life and changes it so they met while he was in high school and they get married
is there going to be a Hong Kong version with english subs I can buy on playasia?
Katherine or Catherine?
Katherine seems like the most humane option but I feel zero connection to her.
someone post this shit again when this thread archives bros.
we'll never let the sjw's not being reminded of their faggotry.
fuck trannies and fuck anyone that disagrees with me. we are the only place willing to speak up Yea Forums
Catherine is better because she's cute slut who'd be down for anything.
Real, Katherine is probably a bad lay.
>we live in a timeline where SEAmonkey translations are preferable to american "localizations"
Well then, what’s the point of delegitimizing their arguments with ad hominem, like calling them freaks? What do you think you’re going to “catch the gay” if you think critically about culture?
It’s OK to be “problematic” if you’re willing to be curious about what that means. And honestly, I was being a little too extreme. I am curious about how Catherine: Full Body handles this issue, whether it’a “problematic” or not. I just hope that we get the full story, so we can really dig into the message.
you go to the moon, faggot.