Put two ******s in the cover
>Far Cry New Dawn Sales DOWN 87% on Far Cry 5
>Performs worse than Primal.
What did gamers mean by this?
Put two ******s in the cover
>Far Cry New Dawn Sales DOWN 87% on Far Cry 5
>Performs worse than Primal.
What did gamers mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>main villains were 56%ers
I'm just gonna say it. I don't like people of color.
>two teenage niggers are the villians
Let's be real here, this was released to score browney points, but niggers don't play vidya.
based and redpilled
game was not marketed
also, the nuclear blast was fake. your character was trapped in the bliss. you wake up and realize the father had tricked you to escape. new dawn is literally a blissed out dream your character is having while slowly dying in a bliss field.
>Game that featured prehistoric animals and environments (something sorely lacking during this generation) vs. Farcry 5 with model swaps.
Niggers do nothing else but play vidya, user.
Criminals don't play videogames, they steal them. African Americans on the other hand, love videogames.
>We went and made a game for another demographic rather than for our core audience
>the hired employees with a degree in gender studies and minority reports told us it'd be essential to the game to include nigs, nogs and strong shemale leads
>Why didn't it sell?!
Criminals steal to play
is this the end of big budget AAA titles? It seems like every release for the past 6 months has been a massive failure. will publishers be forced to adapt and rethink their strategy for releasing new games?
>game is lazy effort
>sells like crap
>Yea Forums thinks its just because of some niggers in the cover
No and no.
Which games have been massive failures, user?
This wasn't a big budget AAA title btw.
>game is $40
>basically an expansion of 5
>Yea Forums shits on it for whatever reason as if ubisoft is in the red after releasing it
why are you idiots implying that having black antagonists while the player aligns with a white cult was done to appease "muh sjws" and minorities?
Yea Forums was mad when far cry 5 had a white cultist antagonist who never got any comeuppance in any ending. now you're mad about black antagonists who you kill somehow also being anti-white?
Yeah this is true, I mostly agree that low effort, recycled titles are responsible for diminishing returns on these types of games. However, it seems that Anti-SJW culture has been gaining traction with normies lately.
You may be correct, but I still can't convince myself that using n*ntendo products while high on street grade meth counts as vidya.
I'm pretty sure BF:V under performed.
At least Primal changed the gameplay a bit. This is direct copy paste of FC5.
You can say it's because of the black characters if you want but it's really because no one gives a shit about Far Cry anymore. It's been on a downward spiral since Blood Dragon.
listen, can we just have a game with zero minorities whatsoever?
games should only have asians.
>However, it seems that Anti-SJW culture has been gaining traction with normies lately.
we takin' over
>Far cry 5 just came out, most dudes who don't like left of center shit noticed the themes and cultural suggestions within the game. Many reviews and culture critics shills pretended it wasn't there, even going so far as to claim right of center appeal [insert well poison here]
>cover looks like typical woke shit
>Even though chink launcher is sketch Metro is still the better fps this month
>poor marketing and exposure
It looks fine to me. plenty of things to shoot at. I will buy/pirate/play it eventually.
I bet /pol/ did this.
This. I hate SJW shit too but a lot of anons think that’s the full reason. This whole board is filled with angry 15 year olds that swear they know the world
This. I went to my local black-owned Mom-and-no-Pop game store to pick up a copy of this game and there was a picket line of rednecks in MAGA hats aggressively turning away anyone looking to pick up New Dawn. They were instead giving PoC children copies of that KKK simulator, Kingdom Come
Based and redpilled.
God wills it
>lets plays are being referenced for """"journalist reports""""
the real issue here.
You mean Skyrim 2?
I'm honestly nigger fatigued
I legitimately didn't know it even released. Friend also didn't know it was announced until last week.
Apparently, they just didn't market it at all.
>I didn't see it so it means there was no marketing!!
Why the fuck is this Yea Forums's excuse for everything?
it looks boring and people knew for months that it's just far cry 5.5. not surprising
Probably because my hobbies include video games and browsing video game websites. Makes it easy for me to assume something had no marketing if I did not know it exists.
What did the eabadplspatreon-guy and quarterpounder have to say on this?
I'm a gamer because I hate women and minorities.
Far Cry Primal was heavily advertised. I remember Ubisoft paying several Youtubers to play it on their channels.
Meanwhile, New Dawn was introduced as an asset flip and barely advertised before launch. These sales figures don't surprise me at all.
>enjoyed fc3, blood dragon and fc4
>get a new pc and fc5
>game looks and runs perfect but pc makes sound
>nothing makes it stop and annoying to listen to
Don't want to try new dawn if it has the same problem.
Average PC gamer, everyone.
Depends on the genre. They mostly like COD, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, and sports games.
this, the game doesn't even look that bad (I mean compared to 2019 standards) but they told me not to pick it up
Niggers love weeb games.
The answer is zero marketing you fucking retards. I didn't even know it was released already.
>i just love the sound of a vacuum cleaner while playing
Other new games run with less than a purr, must be something wrong with the fc5 coding.
t. Argentinian
>ubisoft is gonna think that racism is the sole reason it didn't seel as much
>not that copypasting the same game ad infinitum is fucking stupid
>This absolute madlad
I just didn't want to buy a map retexture.
If was like a DLC for 25 bucks, maybe.
Primal literally reused 4's map
>FC5 worked out well despite Yea Forums initial outrage at the cover
>'well it wasn't that woke'
>FC:ND worked out poorly
>get woke go broke!
I swear this identity politics bullshit is some post hoc rationalization
It was on sale for 18 europoors during the chink lunar new moon steam thing, but didn't buy it or anything else, but yeah.
Primal replaced a regular Far Cry game, New Dawn didn't.
>this game is actually completely unironically a brutally kill angsty teen hipsters, niggers and women gran torino style
>no one even flags that as "problematic"
Are you me? I loved the FC 3, blood dragon and FC 4 but I cant being myself to play anything after 4
They wanted to appease SJWs and they forgot that SJWs are broke faggots, why do you think there are on tumblr all the time, cause its free.
This but unironically
>makes a game called lawbreakers
>puts a black person on the cover art
Is Cliffy B. the biggest secret racist on the planet?
>appease SJWs
>by making a game where you team up with the white cultist from previous game and kill the black, female villains
i understand Yea Forums is genuinely retarded, but how do you fool yourself into thinking everything is the fault of your SJW boogeyman?
The best part is this game ever succeed, they would use your point to claim that the game was woke all along. It is essentially a Schrodinger's Game, if it is broke, then it is woke. If not, then it isn't woke. Hell it worked for FC5
>is this game ever succeed, they would use your point to claim that the game was woke all along
is if this game ever succeed, they would use your point to claim that the game wasn't woke all along
Fucking OWNED by a hypothetical situation. How will gamers ever recover?
Its kind of ironic how this chick is more attractive than Bangalore.
pretty much. Yea Forums loves outrage culture and will twist anything to fit the narrative that they were right all along. it's especially evident when they don't know anything about the plot of the game, but rage based on what they think the cover art implies.
It's okay, they don't like you either.
They refuse to buy games with white people because they're not "inclusive", yet they complain white people won't buy games with only black people, even though that's exactly what they do and complain about in the first place.
Can't wait to send them all back to Africa.
looking at the thumbnail of the vid in the pic OP posted, i dont think ******s were the discerning factor
Far Cry New Dawn is the #1-selling game right now in Australia and New Zealand. Yea Forums wrong again:
>Far Cry 5 model swap sells like shit
Color me surprised
Is it a #1 seller anywhere that matters though?
game is great, but Yea Forums of course just keep shitposting because they can't get enjoyment out of nothing
>Yea Forums continuously shitposts but only ironically
>eventually is comprised of almost nothing but unironic shitposts
>Yea Forums continuously posts edgy racist bullshit but only ironically
>eventually a significant portion of racist posts become genuine
>trannies spam gamers rise up ironically on Yea Forums
You sow the seeds of your own destruction. This cycle has repeated many times before your arrival and it will continue long after you have gone.
fuck niggers, fuck jews, fuck muslims, fuck jussie
How extensive is the character customisation?
>reskin the map from predecessor which isn't even a year old
>take away the comfy country setting
>take away the comfy music that helps the vibe of the game
>switch out the somewhat interesting cult with "le angry black women"
>fucking pink everywhere
>don't do jack shit with the gameplay
And they wonder why shit sells bad?
Ubisoft games are just boring. If you have played one Far Cry you've played them all.
Only Far Cry 2 had an interesting story.
Shit Yea Forums makes up 80% of the vidya audience? Didn't know they had that kind of sales power.
>CODEX release is out
well at least it's free.
wait there was a new far cry
Why would I want to play an SJW game? Multiply this by millions of potential consumers.
Can this be the year the industry compeltely falls apart?
Huh, you actually have a point there, user.
the nogs are the villains you mong
pls describe how it is an SJW game.
Look into it.
torrent is out. who gives a shit.
Sold less than fucking Primal, dude
all women are ugly and in positions of power
The games of old didn't have the sjw elements on them, they didn't need it.
>100th installment of a boring open world collectathon fails
>"it's because girls on cover"
are you telling me you assholes would have bought and played this repetetive boring piece of shit for the 101th time if the cover had men on it?
The thing is, these expandalones are just cheap asset flips, this one even moreso than usual. They probably made a profit regardless.
Let's be real, it wasn't the darkies that made this bomb, it was the game being an unbelievably blatant reskin of Far Cry 5 that people were turned away
Yes this is the end. No more AAA games will be releasing after this.
Last good Far Cry was 2.
3 and everything after is just take a bow and OHK everything from 10 miles away while sitting in a bush
The spinoffs should always be something weird and different, Blood Dragon and Primal did this. Why they decided to do a literal copy paste of 5 is beyond me.
I wouldn't even be necessarily against a sequel to 5 in the same setting but I want an actual post apocalypse and to actually see the after math of the events of 5, not this Rage 2 wannabe shit.
It honestly just looked boring at worst and an overpriced far cry 5 expansion dlc at best
Fuck off Cliffy. Bangalore looks 1000 times better than whatever that she-boon is on Lawbreakers
>Why they decided to do a literal copy paste of 5 is beyond me.
Drank their own koolaid and thought people would be engaged with a continuation of their cliffhanger story
I atlest would have bought it, so yes. There aren't that many games competing for my attention in past few years, only thing I can remember atm thats coming out is rage2 from beth, but I have a really bad feeling about it.
It was heavily heavily modified, I never recognized it once when playing through Primal and I only found out it was the base map from Yea Forums. New Dawn is just a copy paste with pink flowers.
Completely different.
There was no hype
It was announced like a couple weeks before it dropped
Nah, I play vidya, I just don't play western shit.
Unless it's a more hardcore milsim like Arma or a nice middle ground like Insurgency, Day of Infamy, or RO2/Rising Storm 2.
I leave shitty AAA western games to white people.
I only like some people of color.
It’s getting tiring for sure, they’re shoehornedinto EVERYTHING along with fat dykes and trans
>Saying people of color.
Yeah, you don't even believe that.
>it’s another “Yea Forums posts about social issues in their basement” episode
I wish. Would mean a happy ending for Father. I hate how in New Dawn you either kill him or have him suffer for the rest of his life, especially after how much of a bro he was in New Dawn
Also has women taking shits which is a niche thing in video games
Now you're catching on.
>Making all those points about Poe's Law.
>"B-but my dudes, the "RISE UP!" meme is actual propaganda!"
How the fuck do you drink anything with all those fish hook holes in your mouth, faggot?
People would give a shit if they put more effort into making a more interesting setting. That's the reason Blood Dragon was so well received.
based, redpilled, lynchian, lovecraftian, kafkaesque
a truly daring synthesis
I didn't even know this was out. Since they just started advertising it, I just assumed it would come out next year.
>ea closes Bioware and battlefield studios
>market panics sell offs cause ea stock plummet
>sell old dead assets / franchises to raise cash
>double down on buying sport exclusivity
>other companies hit hard by sell offs
>Activision shuts down completely, sells off all assets
>people sell all publicly traded game stocks in panic
>many companies die
>indies rebuild from scratch
I’m ok with this
Conveyor belt cashgrab excuse for a game isn't selling well
Gamers rise up and gangweed died immediately for a reason: it was proven to be some sort of moral crusading faggotry from other sites attempting to “change” this place. You know this but still make this garbage post, interesting.
I actually never heard about this until a week or so before coming out
I also pirated far cry 5 and it was one of the most boring uninspired games I've played in recent memory, it had barely changed since 3 which was the last title I played
also brown mutts on the cover and some gay looking pink style immediately tells me it's a shitty wacky spin-off
Game is okay. But not 40 bucks okay.
>physical sales
this is just a sing that the world has moved on and people are accepting digital as the future
>Put two ******s in the cover
call them what they are NIGGERS
based and nigger pilled
I think even moderate sjw retards are shitskin fatigued at this point.
An accurate assessment of the ethos of this site.
>start flipping assets releasing half-baked garbage every 6 months
>people are fed up with that shit
Let's be honest, negroes have nothing to do with that flop, this game is total rushed garbage, even the blindest morons see that.
>two ******s in the cover
Kill yourself. Get cancer.
Death to mods, niggers, faggots, trannies, jannies, hirshyuki and advertiser kikes.
ps.Short massage to all the cucks that here that aren't rebelling against the cancer killing Yea Forums.
Get cancer, corporate cucks.
based and redpilled
The game looked and most likely is absolutely soulless cash grab.
This, I can not for the life of me realise why we have to sit here and act like we are glad to have niggers and sandniggers shoved into our faces because of retarded Western Game devs. Western cucks want it? Ok. We fucking don't. Stop this shit for Christ's sake.
cute feet
You’re the cancer that killed Yea Forums, you underage faggot
Thank you for the massage
>it's black people that make new video games bad
>it's not that they're actually terrible fucking games
>id totally like them without blacks
you and our peers at large shouldn't be allowed to have money
>Game gets early releases
>turns to shit
If you've played anything beyond 4 you need to kill yourself right now.
i am still baffled that they fucked up primal so much, all they had to do was making the planet a recruit world ala warhammer 40k and in midgame they come down take you with them and add some spaceship boarding battles
It hopefully means people are tired of the same shitty far cry formula they've had since 3 and they'll try something different.
>It was heavily heavily modified
If this is supposed to be implying those are the only areas you can actually access that's false.
You can't not like people of color. That's against the rules you BIGOT SHITLORD.
Oh man , Papers please 2 is looking pretty savage!
Its really obvious that you're just replying to your own post. Not that many people are actually bigoted and racist, just a small vocal minority.
>No-one thinks to try and break a window
>or even just turn off the gas
Also shouldn't a location like that have more than one exit anyway?
I just want to play and discuss vidya. Fuck this irony bullshit we are having FFS
I like them :^)
Based and niggerpilled
no one likes niggers
I remember all the WE threads when that was shown off.
niggers have been good to me. probably cause I don't clutch my fanny pack every time I see one. so far got no reason to not like em.
Tell us more
>around blacks never relax
I'm sure that there's a small minority of actually decent black guys the ones niggers call "uncle toms" but a vast majority of them are iredeemable subhumans
>no one likes n-word
First of all don't say that word. Here's hoping to mods doing their jobs and banning you. Second of all if no one wanted diversity then why do we have so much of it in games? It's a great thing, and if it wasn't they wouldn't be in video games.
holy jesus.
this... now this...
this is based...
and, my god...
>First of all don't say that word.
>Here's hoping to mods doing their jobs and banning you
this isn't reddit
>Second of all if no one wanted diversity then why do we have so much of it in games? It's a great thing, and if it wasn't they wouldn't be in video games.
because it's being forced down our throats you disgusting npc
Agreed; about half my friends are black and they're all cool to be around.
fuck off, reseterababy
>because it's being forced down our throats you disgusting npc
Proof? No one is forcing you to buy the game.
saying the nword outside of Yea Forums has always been a bannable offence though
>if no one wanted diversity then why do we have so much of it in games?
Because game industry is full of these SJWs parasites?
What about me? :)
seething reseterafag
>>Here's hoping to mods doing their jobs and banning you
>this isn't reddit
Sorry sweetie, Yea Forums has always banned racists like you back to /pol/.
Why don't they just go back to Africa like Far Cry 2?
Yea Forums loved Far Cry 2 because they can shoot niggers, but everyone hated that you need to pop pills every few missions.
omg oh no a gay is in muh video game now I need to gas jews
is there anyone more mentally weak than a fucking internet nazi larper?
so hows your first day on Yea Forums
Absolutely heroic
kill yourself, nigger
>niggers don't play vidya.
they actually do, it's the sjw's and a majority of women who don't
not bad I hope I get as edgy as you some day!
>Post about this game have been up every day for a month.
nice meme, you really are a redditfugee arent you
>sub-50 IQ brainlets falling for obvious bait
Needlessly adding blacks, nonwhites, and females into a game in appreciable where there previously were none is a sure sign of a decrease in quality and enjoyability.
What a mess and already cracked as well.
I think a lot of people were put off by 5's no win scenario. Like at least with 4 you could argue that the secret ending was the best one, but with 5 there's just no winning move, even not playing gets you fucked. Either everyone gets nuked, or you let Joseph continue brainwashing everyone, or you get arrested by Burke. Like shit, what's the fucking point?
That's not even getting into how the Resistance System worked making it impossible to go through the game at your own pace.
Are those two really the main villains? I played an hour or so of it last night before getting bored and they really aren't interesting villains, they're more like the type of sub-sub villain you kill in the first 2 hours of the game.
Also the writing is fucking unbearable, every other character speaks like they're from a rick and morty or some shit netflix cartoon.
Most fun i had when i played it was kicking and punching the asian girl at the start
It's a stopgap release that is 1) a direct sequel in a series not known for those, so it doesn't feel fresh 2) another copy-paste in a series of diminishing returns, and 3) less than a year after the release of the previous entry. This series needs to take another break like the gap between 2 and 3.
>he cute
based salvini
seething retard with nigger IQ
>I saw a .webm so I'm an expert
classic Yea Forums.
Destiny got absolutely AMAZED in this post
woah woah woah buddy, you can get banned for saying that! you would knpw, being a retardera drone
I assure you video games do a fine enough job sucking ass even without the inclusion of minorities.
Oh no no no no hahaha, he's even too retarded to say anything else.
>$40 standalone expansion pack with almost no marketing
>Yea Forums tries to make it seem like this is a big mainline game and the end of UbiSoft if it fails
>being this much of a nigger
Not based
absolutely seething
> cater to minorities
> surprised they lose profit
Are they ever going to learn? Is this shit ever going to stop?
My dick got hard
Can't argue with that.
discord tranny
Who the fuck cares. No-one buys physically.
They are the villains and you kill them, why people keep screaming sjw?
guarantee most of them are falseflagging/baiting
not to mention the majority of Yea Forums posts are done by like a collective 100 people who are all extreme spergs/shills.
They're black people. Quite different from niggers. Even famous black people have pointed out this difference man, you should know better than making such an uninformed post.
Fuck off trannynigger
Shoehorning minorities into the game just to boost the marketing of a very shitty game is a good reason to hate it. Most of the people bitching about the minorities are doing it for this exact reason, not merely because they dislike minorities you dense potato
And that's fine
>people of color
>instead of niggers
Based but only a little bit
Marry me
>a reskin no one wanted
Wow, it didnt sell? Say it ain't so
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character
um no sweetie
it was shit
just because it has weapon jamming and an empty sandbox with the same mission repeated over and over does not make it good