Battlestation thread
This is the room equivalent to only drinking water for game fuel.
Looks like shit and it's really sad you've moved 3 or 4 times and have not changed the layout, blankets, chairs, etc. even fucking once.
Disgusting old shit at this point.
Sorry. It's a little ratty right now.
>not even a chair
pretty based desu
>3 random different sized monitors
>old oak colored desk
>pink chair
>old blankets
5/10 nothing matches and the different shaped/sized monitors really hits my autism
Why did you call your prison cell a battlestation?
pretty bad bed for your battles
degenerate weebfurry/10
user, you can wash blankets just so you know. The chair is like a year old and I'd have changed the layout a bit if I didn't have a big closet on the other side of the room. I can't have anything over there or I'm blocking it.
The ultrawide used to be my main monitor but as much as I wish it was a standard, it was more trouble than it was worth. The other monitor is just one of my roommate's old monitors. What's wrong with my blankets...?
Are you one of those people that make every conversation about your love for cock?
>Battlefield 4
I see you don't have any self-respect.
Nice prison cell.
Hello Jack
Way better than all this tasteless fagged up bullshit that will be 90% of the posts in this thread.
Moving has been rough.
Cool, another thread where everyone reposts the same pictures as last time.
i could never sleep like that, i would imagine someone looking trough that window every night.
You moved the toilet paper to be slightly less visible, good job user! Baby steps.
Why all the cups user?
Woah... dude!
I certainly DON'T love cock; I'm a very straight guy. I love BIG vaginas.
Cus he's a lady disgusting piece of shit that won't clean the used ones
Post the most uncomfy battlestation in existence.
i want to marry you pls
Why bother?
1 for water, 1 was for some shitty beer I bought and the other is for pistachio shells
They make me feel at ease. Like a human.
> joycon holder
where's your switch?
docked left of ps4
>PS2, PS4 and PC all easily accessible from one spot
Nice, really nice. I want to get a PS2 again.
>not keeping a roll in your room in case it runs out
You some kinda faggot?
No... that's certainly not a vital way of confronting a threat! You gotta be STRONG and STEADY like the PHALLUS...!
>like a human
Is that a hint? Well you're not getting mine, faggot. Move the fuck along!
Theres a ps3 under the fight stick and a PSP on the desk
dont reply for me nerd
literal faggot
Good chair, had that one for 6 years but got really fucking disgusting in the last 2. Replaced it with an Ikea Markus last week. It's just as comfy but the mesh back makes it 10 times better.
You have no taste.
Ink Eyes is life
do you live in norwegian prison ?
I want to unload in your donut.
well I can, you just dont need to listen
I changed a few things but I can't take new pics now.
At least I don't taste semen.
crack den?
and ps3 corner
I live in the present.
Pedantic as always!
You win THIS... time!
i hope u are a girl otherwise all hope is lost for you.
Today I bought a 55" 4K LED LG (lg.com
ive been off the crack for about 3 years now, thank you very much
now i just huff my stinky cock and balls
He's a mentally ill that posts really shitty nudes of himself
I get depressed simply by looking at the picture.
A pussy don't constitute a girl, nigger
Fix the fucking mess of wires, and the glasses, other than that this is acceptable.
Just get a better chair
How are you supposed to see shit on that tiny ass screen from so far away?
>No Silmarillion
Into the fucking trash it goes.
so it's based and redpilled
I'm used to playing PS2/GC on an even smaller CRT from even further away, and it had to fit in my shelf
It doesn't bother me at all as long as I have my glasses on
Seriously looks like a mental hospital room.
Do you still have your CRT? I got one purely by chance at a mom-n-pop store. They had literally one and only one. I'll probably never find one again.
If you think that's "based and redpilled" then you should see how I wipe my ass.
I don't
Are you a monk?
>No Silmarillion
I have a collection of more than 40 books (on Tolkien or written by him), I haven't bought The Silmarillion in english. Not yet, because I'm looking for an old edition.
But here it is The Silmarillion in Spanish, the one I bought when I was a kid.
I'm pretty sure it's gone now since my parents are selling their old house, the one I grew up with. Old small CRTs aren't that hard to find at thrift stores around here though.
I get that a lot.
But no, I'm no monk.
I just think of cock all day so that diminishes any conscious attempt of interior decoration.
In fact, I'm thinking of cock right now ;)
It's a little dusty in there.
I have memories of that same chair and my back turning to glass on it.
Reminds me of when I was in high school and this is what I'd wake up to. Kinda miss it.
This looks a lot like a friend of mine's setup.
Pure kino
What's that in the chair?
I like the rustic damaged looking wooden desks. Nice
OK, this is fine.
>tfw been so busy I forget what it looks like lately
I never understood people who buy that many figurines
Stop with all the questions.
planning to repaint this ugly ass walls and probably change the layout of the room
user did you get exiled from reality? where the fuck is the rest of your room
Oh, yeah I had to use photoshop to remove my penis from the image or I'd would get banned.
Jesus, it doesn’t get much more based than that.
They look good.
I can imagine the grizzly old fuck that resides here gets confused by the concept of comfort.
Student room.
But what if you get angry and start smashing up the room, that's just more things to pickup after.
are you a gnome or 12yo?
Well for a child I have pretty big dick
I'm not gonna ask why but curiosity is getting the best of me.
ayyy we have same Godzilla figure
Why would you need a fucking fridge?
Go make some e-celeb threads you fucking newfaggot
That belongs in or newfag.
I like staying low to the ground. Can't get my head sniped off if I'm low to the ground.
It's a freezer, I had to put it there since there's no room for it in my kitchen, and not having a freezer at all is annoying
I mean I could probably fit it in my kitchen but it'd require some eldritch sorcery bullshit
Please bully
>where you play video games isn’t video game related
Fuck off retard.
vent is crooked
Stfu dicklet
Hell yeah
I'm short
>playing PC games
>on a television
the only comfy ones in this thread. everyone else please kill yourselves.
I will never understand why people want a bunch of detailed stuff right in their perepherial vision surrounding the TV.
>all that shit taste in one picture
that's not very nice. what if i starting negatively talking about your small penis situation?
I still like this one a lot.
I actually love this.
Someday I'll do some actual cable management I'm sure.
Do you also love broken homes and AIDS, shithead?!
and that's a good thing
imagine the neck pain
>posted from minimum security federal corrections facility
Luckily I'm normal. I don't smash up things that cost me money.
Bet you don't even have the honorary gamer mantits - for shame...
Here you go.
And the video? Im still waiting
Dont be so mean comon you know you are cute share your cutenes whit me
>and here is my COOL ALCOHOL that just happened to be there coincidentally
the male version of making sure every picture has your female hand in it
You're not a real man if you don't destroy everything in the vicinity when angry or upset.
You're just some kinda pussymale.
R8 don't h8!
Girl/fag with shit taste end yourself
Some of the posters are nice but funko pops suck considerable amounts of dick
imagine the smell
Show dick.
I cleaned up the cigarettes
>all these pictures that tell slightly sad stories
What does mine tell?
If I was doing that I'd have put a couple of my guns and actual expensive scotch in the picture, then it would be the male version of that.
Upstairs workstation, sometimes vidya.
My little station.
cute ratto
Might have to upgrade soon.
What are you working on at your workstation? A cure for your autism?
>rock crabs
It's like when old people have a bunch of porcelain figures. It's weird.
Kill yourself faggot
What have you been listening to? Been going through dmx krew and bochum welts discography lately.
I will praise you for having a normal fishtank instead of one with flashing leds or some stupid fucking shape that screams - I don't give a fuck about this fish
Assuming you're not in prison, then I have a weird kind of admiration for this.
Is this an actual prison?
That you're an insecure needy bastard that begs for attention
acceptable, but I saw that one you deleted phone boy
>but I saw that one you deleted phone boy
just wanted to spare people the head tilt sorry
looks like a betta in a too small tank to me
>Fanart posters
I like your room.
>guide to doggos
not sure why THIS offends me the most, but it does.
Another phone boy. Fix the image.
It's 5 gallons. I never see him glass surfing and he's always exploring it, so he's good.
Close up
>Mine Turtle
What's with all the fuckin trannies, I have had enough of these faggots shitting up this board with their shit taste and lifestyle
You either live with your parents or you're not american, which is it
Wrong, it’s says I want to die.
Post that pape
Is that frame on the left just a giant 99% black poster of deadmaus or am I missing something there?
I live in third world Argentina
I'm fine with minimalism. Good on you.
Return to Japan, faggots.
Just plain shit/10
Could be comfy as fuck with a little work.
MANLY kidding though, it's shit
>japanese whiskey
mein neger
The fact someone took the time to do this as a meme lul
What a shit desk
It's a shame it will never find a mate, the only reason for it to exist - desperately searching endlessly until it dies :(
>will i look cool and manly if i put cheap scotch on the wall
Yeah if I had the time to get a new one. Shame I live in a third world ass country
Would go lower if possible.
>heavy depression: the room
>bulleit bourbon
Poverty confirmed.
Good shit, thanks.
2 different monitors. /puke
>hey guys rate my weeb dolls
how about no
>spending hundreds on weeb figures and funko-shit
another one for my cringe compilation
What shithole do you live in?
Wow and I thought I lived in a shithole
you better post a picture of your dog being pet right now
t. autist
Different screens for different purposes. I have TN for vidya and IPS for design work. Same screen sizes though.
Here when go again.
Australian? Argentine? Brazilian?
By the way, install a theme on that PS4.
Lmao pc looks like an aquarium. I will never understand why people light up in the insides of a PC and then have it on eye level.
Reminder this poor trannyanon has passed away due to suicide and their friend continues posting these to keep the memory alive.
Peak Null
At first I thought you were a fag, but then I saw the Berserker Armor
Second chair is for actual studying, I seem to work better with no monitor right in front of me
resquiat in lmao
>bonzai tree
how long did it take you to grow that? i've been wanting to do one for a while but i don't have any window shelves
>christmas lights
for what purpose?
That looks really comfy user
I keep thinking of adding some of those lights in my room, but I don't think they'd fit the rest of the design
They're comfy
>watching kenny vs spenny
based and blackpilled
Here's a better picture for you autists
give it back
who the fuck is infomarvel
If I got that trash in the mail from youtube I'd sell it and have it melted down immediately, if of course it even is silver in any %
Nice :-)
user do you need help getting out of that void?
stop hiding your manly face faggot
I'm alive and well.
Give it back Jamal.
I'm sure it's a operation locker 24/7 server because only huge faggots play that map
I think it's utterly pathetic you named this what can clearly be inferred at a glance.
ooga booga I keepin it sissy white boi
"What do you need?"
"A battlestation. A simple battlestation."
>Oh and I also need a brush for my hoorse
Art prints are lame. You have money to buy an actual painting.
It’s not much desu
I like the chair
Boomercore, nice
I used to have that chair, it’s nice
Understandable, I’m the same way. Looks cozy but those chairs seem a tad uncomfortable
>that lacework under the tube tv
I'd like to do something like this but without the funkos and movie posters instead
Can't you all just have a battlestation without toys and anime everywhere? Even little girls see those rooms and think you are wierd.
>ankle socks
Why...explain to me why any man would want to expose their ankles?
>without toys and anime everywhere?
No. It's how normalfaggots signal to each other that they are good little consumer drones. It also allows them to think they are epicly zany & unique otaku.
you gotta lose some of that muscle if you're gonna be a fuckboi
looks like a slav household. are you a slav?
>giving a shit about socks
either my jeans or my shoes usually cover my ankles but who fuckin cares
This image has caused so much female butthurt.
my third world station
thx for the inspiration everyone
just started building a new PC yesterday and will be moving house at the end of april so pretty HYPE to set up my first real battle station in a while
What kind of room is that?
That's legit what I imagine the chambers in psych wards look like.
It reminds me of the movie Falling Down.
it's nice mate
simply n sweet
Why are you made of wood?
I can smell the scrawny looks and onions from here
Stealing isn't nice
Almost comfy, a bit rape dungeoney
>You see those neckbeards from Yea Forums? They've got curved monitors. Curved. Monitors.
are you living in a legit basement or something?
what's with all those pipes and wood coming out the ceiling?
I'm calling you out as Canadian user
I that an Art & Lutherie guitar next to the tv?
my game room is in my unfinished basement of my house, i bought a large carpet remnant, used curtains for improvised walls, and installed additional electrical outlets.
pic related was what i was working with.
imagine paying extra money for already ripped up jeans
Winters are hell if I run out of firewood but otherwise it's manageable.
imagine being so broke that you have to wear the same pair of jeans for 5 years that you bought on clearance for $7.99
they were pristine when i bought them but when you go outside and skateboard sometimes it happens
Hope you are not mad.
Seriously, what is it with those keypadless keyboard ?
Nice setting though.
Whenever I see these pics I think to myself "what would their fathers think if they walked into their room and saw all that gay shit?"
blyat why stay there?
Lava lamp takes like 30 mins to even start bubbling
Can anyone reccomend some speakers for bedroom, under $150?
not him but generally most of us don't worry about what our parents think because we don't live with them
That's a comfy room you got there. I'm kinda jealous.
i miss my lava lamp
They don't even enter the room anymore after a certain age. Mine just knocked and talked to me through the door whenever something was up.
t. faggot
well i mean it's not bad or anything, just seemed a bit weird having all that stuff pop up of the ceiling. but you did well furnishing that place
It doesn't matter whether you live with your parents or not, you should be a respectable lad and not fill your room with gay shit
Are there any good books on Tolkien’s relationship with Lewis? I’d love to read about it.
Jack! Your room makes me cry!
mine is 'lava the original 27 inch'
i mean this entire thread is people filling their rooms with gay shit
if it were me i'd have a floor desk with a cushion and that's all but people are different thats what makes life fun
is that a dummy made of duct tape
Damn, I really like that 90's style you put in there user. 10/10.
fucking off yourself. trannies are so disgusting, holy shit
work in progress of course, better furniture and actually finishing the basement is on the to-do list but right now i'm focusing on more exterior parts of the house like new siding, already did the garage and windows on the house (the old ones were 110 years old and never replaced!)
>buying funkos instead of rider figuarts
I have the shittiest camera on earth but I thought I'd share anyway
>battlestation on a night stand
and my """"entertainment centre"""" - again apologies for being a cameralet
source on godzilla fig
>rgb mousepad
>buying toys so unfun you dont even bother opening them
miss me with that shit fags
Nice doggy in the chair
Glad I'm not the only one who thought of that
I've got some posters on the way to give some life to the walls, and I'm going to get a plant for the corner of the room soon. Trying to lessen the commieblock feel.
Did the room come with that desk and bed? Is it a dorm or apartment?
top stuff
>pikachu n64
WHY the fuck are so many of your monitors leaning downwards? Doesn't that fuck your viewing angles/colors or you all just sit too low?
I think the majority sacks into their chairs eventually so the brightness and contrast gets all fucked up.
mobile battlestation?
op locker.
I'd argue painting one of the walls to something that isn't white would help with that also
i'm impressed
>beverage this close to the laptop
You are playing a dangerous game friend.
Ayo hol up nigga you got the exact same laptop as me
Pretty much any 2.1 Logitech speaker set. Klipsch ProMedia if you can afford it.
Makes sense, I had back problems because of an injury so now I am autistic about decent ergonomy.
Part of my rental agreement limits painting the walls, so I'm doing what I can to make it feel more homey without actually painting the walls. I'm only planning on being here for 3 or 4 years before putting down a payment on a house and moving.
>worried about spills
good taste, literally the last usable windows netbook
thanks user!
dumb vapid cunt without any personality, looking only for cues on how much money someone has. this is why mgotw is a thing
Laughing at you poorfags, most of the lads here are still students or underage
At least they are cucked city slickers swimming in a pool of groids
At least we live
What's wrong with this? Rich cunt even has a TV stand for fuck's sake. And just looks to how much big it is.
Dumb bitch.
And she would decorate the walls with shit like "live, laugh, love"
Someone post that edit
>hand extended in the traditional nigger gibsmedat pose
why you always wants to be bullied?
Damn I actually have that laptop
Why is your ceiling carpeted?
>no faggot anime posters or figurines
pathetic and disgusting
If my room was empty as that, I'd go out my way to make loud farts
I moved recently and made my setup more office-y than game-y.
Because I’m shit.
>shit in front of the window
>Keeping all your anal toys on the table where you game
Absolutely disgusting
Buy a broom
That little black cunt RUINS the image!
do you have a handlebar mustache
>covers up his ugly manface
Every time. Trapfags are pathetic
Rude, please apologize to her.
What do you think lads?
It's obvious that this individual is addicted to his own humiliation/pity.
Whats the gold thing under the computer?
fuck yeah Lunar!
Better be hated than getting no attention at all, eh freak ?
I do not sadly.
It's a little octopus diorama I built. My house is somewhat Jules verne/submarine themed.
try turning on antialiasing user
I think of Pussy.
What of it?!
Here you go.
Judge my life based on my stuff
i need a source on the top left picture on the wall
I'm not surprised, seeing as you've never gotten it or likely seen on in real life you would be confused as to what it is.
how'd you get your case like that?
where'd you get those table cloths and wall scrolls (can i frame them?) and figures also?
basically: you are living my dream, fren
Before I moved this was my setup. Now I just have everything hidden away in a media center drawer. Feels nicer in some cases since i'm not always dusting and re-organizing it every two seconds, but I also miss the display aspect. Ah well, maybe when I get a bigger house I'll re-display it. 1/2
Are those square skittles?
I didn't even though square skittles were even manufactured.
And they're much bigger than regular, circular skittles.
Why do so many on Yea Forums have the same plain painted walls and carpet floors?
2/2 The consoles go back into the detolf when not being used, and vice versa.
I'm jerking off to pussy right now!
But I keep farting which is causing me to giggle.
Those beans "bean" driving me CRAZY...!
>Square skittles
>gorillaz print.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahha, but it's not a signed early Gorillaz storyboard.
Some people live in rented accommodation as opposed to their bedroom at their parents house, and some landlords get anal about sticking or nailing things to walls.
These are my favorites.
A lot of people probably live in apartments or rentals. My lease lets me paint, but I'd have to paint it back to neutral when I move, so fuck it. Thankfully I'll be able to buy a house here soon.
I love being comfy
I have the burgers. AND... am eating burgers right now!
Fate is surely a strange thing.
Billions of years have lead to this moment, and I ain't going to give up now. Maybe in a billions years time they'll be another in my situation (maybe not even of the same species, but of similar human-like cognitive abilities), and I wish them luck.
At first I thought it was a tv.
>all these posts with the desktop on the wrong side
neck yourselves or fix it now
My lord, this is why I come to these threads.
Honestly though, does anyone else ever enter your room.
I've always wanted a portrait touchscreen as a tertiary monitor.
I use my ipad, iphone and imac simultaneously for work and you can't beat that workflow. They're trash for games only.
at least take a new picture you fucking faggot, you always post the same exact one
alpha to the max i guess :P
this is pretty grea-
trannies literally thrive even on negative attention. that's why they post here when they get told to kill themselves.
I have a PC and a few shitty old Linux machines too.
at least you probably play a lot of vidya, unlike some of these other faggots
What if I do like this?
And this was a temp set up when I first moved in.
room ready for the rage
>why is your keyboard all the way on the right side of the table
>where does the mouse goes
>why do you have all those gay fucking figurines
>collapsing chair
>no bed frame
>next to radiator
>canadian NEET oct 9 2018.jpg
Never mind just another syrup nigger shitting up the boards, carry on everyone
Huh. Must be an american thing then. Around here floor carpets went out of style in the 80's.
>just a matress with a blanket
You just cannot be more alpha than this
it means you have a short dick but pretend to have a big dick or at least a average dick
if you're over 30, good, if not you are trying to hard.
Middle eastern/10
Too big, didn't load
"Holy shit I pull so much pussy" tier since it's touching
Best one in the thread of shit. What pistol is that? Is that a shotgun off to the side?
do you /tg/?
Do you live in a hobbit house?
Forgot my bench
But that can't be right, don't get ANY pussy...!
you beat me to it user. i was going to say it's the Architect's battlestation.
You've been banned 6 times for this... Why is it not deleted jannies?
you should consider killing yourself
what would you need the mouse for?
do you sit on the ground or are you chad enough to play standing ?
As far as I know, no. I have some of lewis' non fiction books and some biographies, I've never read more than a few words about their relationship. In Surprised by Joy Lewis says that he was told to never trust a papist and a philologist, yet in Tolkien he found both things.
By the way, both of them (specially Lewis) hated Disney.
>blade runner
Yikes, seriously, stop trying so hard. The best thing about this room is that you can literally crash from pc to bed, and jump right back in your chair.
No I live in your mother's vagina
boom headshot
just have to put the keyboard on your lap to type
right where the mouse is
same raisin everyone else has stupid shit on their desk
a chair is a chair
bed frames are useless
you cant handle the heat?
Hey, good one!
i'd say you're a faggot but i had a pair of those headphones, so i'll let it slide. they are very easy to break, be careful with them.
what do if this??
>wanting your mouse to hit your tower
im guessing you play high sens
To be honest, this looks really comfy. I like bedrooms where the bed is like 40% of the floorspace.
But you should invest in new monitors, just so they're all the same size. That's a legitimate criticism.
can't wait to get a new desk
I'm HURR DURR, I've been doing it all my life.
Fuck off, pig!
HURRR DURRRR reporting in
>shoe stall
nevermind, you're a fag
Are you a midget? How the fuck do you fit in that tiny-ass bed?
I don't get it, why do people fill their desktops with faggoty neon lights?
Pretty much perfect, reminds me of the rapid age progression scene in 2001: A space Odyssey.
Not mad at all, this is a work of art. Be proud of yourself, user.
So where do you keep all the console wires?
current set up behind the couch
this fucking picture again
I honestly don't like my bed being so big. I kind of want to get a double instead.
That's because you're an incompetent, selfish moron with a little dick.
I'm sure others have said the same thing, but this is exactly what I imagined Raiden's room to look like when Rose describes it in MGS 2.
nigger how do you fit in that bed? it looks like it was made for smurfs
get rid of those shitty tables bro, otherwise 8/10 nice floor
Any tips to make a room more comfy? I got a couple blankets and some cushions in warm colors but I'm shit with decorating.
this is peak performance
My father's fault. He had the PC down there when I was born in 94, I got used to it. It's good because I can use the desk for other things.
Seems you like time by yourself a lot but don't mind hanging out friends
are you trained in gorilla warfare?
10/10 cat
Im sorry please dont yell
Guys im stuck sideways please help im scared
>everything but the mouse is on the mat
I have a rare condition which I can only sleep (or intensely prefer it) standing up. The bed is merely for show.
I usually stand errect and lean against a wall like a mop.
I have accumulated some nicknames because of this. A few are: "mopper," "retard," and "phallus."
Pretty much accurate.
How is that little keyboard? Alesis I think? Been looking for a small midi keyboard
>that bed
holy shit, are you a toddler or a midget?
I don't understand why so many people in these threads invest so much into their PC and monitors and then buy shitty speakers.
Looks nice but don't store that much wood indoors. Spiders love to live in places like that.
sup based chums
do they ship artisan shidenkai pads to the US? all I see on amazon are small/medium, i want large xsoft.
Kek, is that a stolen school desk as a chair?
It's not go to a fuckinhg home decorating board you degenerate pig
>look what i stole
spend less money on physical media and upgrade your shitty tv that you got when lost was still on air.
seriously, a 65 inch 4k tv is like $700, if you can afford all that you can buy a new fucking tv.
Spiders are cool though
basedcucks arent males
Every time that picture is posted someone ALWAYS mentions something about spiders.
Do spiders eat wood, or something?
>having a bed for show
wtf is this richfag shit
the speakers are for viewing shitty youtube videos, and the headset is for music. I have better setup for my tv
Got it in Akihabara
It's the only bed since I don't need it. But without the bed it doesn't "feel" cozy.
Based as fuck. I sometimes want to get rid of everything I have in my room and start fresh like this
Where do you hide the bodies?
using up so much desk space with the wii u
have fun breaking your wrists with the orbweaver on the edge of the desk
I appreciate the aesthetic of this, minus the bare concrete and neck strain
>drink in front of keyboard not behind
How many times have you spilled on that keyboard user? also majima best boy
learn how to hold your phone still
best in the thread so far, very clean, functional and well presented
Nice and compact. I like it. Shame the monitor isnt a bit bigger tho, but maybe it would take away from the aesthetic
Can't fool me user, I can see Photoshop and Premiere in that task bar
thats a comfy bed
DVD fag
shit keyboard and mouse + no mouse pad
Looks good tho
redbubble dot com
get a fucking trash can you degenerates
clean. portrait secondary monitor the best
hotel room/10
actually pretty comfy desu
but i imagine your legs get strained after a while?
>autism cannot handle girl tilting herself in the picture so he straightens it himself
top tier as usual
preddy gud
>sweat stained mattress
pic related is mine a few months ago. not much but the desktops have changed. PC is on the floor to the left
dumb richfag
Yes, you can buy them from the Artisan website. They ship to USA for about 8-10 USD.
It's the same deal as Amazon, which is resellers that upmark the $40 pads by $10.
I play PC games on a 60" TV it's breddy gud
Do you ever fall over in your sleep and wake yourself up, phallus?
Where do you sleep, a slab of mud?
That bed is very cheap due to the very small size.
First time posting please rate. Just recently mounted my 2 desk monitors and tidied up my cables
user just tell us your twitch/youtube channel
Looks really nice.
Why do you think I lean against a wall for? For fashion?
>light theme
everytime I hear people say they prefer physical media, I think of shit like this and wonder why people would want the clutter
Humans have joints, mopper. Maybe you bend your knees and crumple or tip over during a spicy dream. I wouldn't know, I sleep in a bed.
>3 monitor master race
My nigga
Look I don't appreciate the use of mean words.
And no, I have never tumbled over before (as I know of).
Why even have a chair at this point. Just sit on the floor. It would be more comfortable.
carpeting is cheaper than wood floors and most tile, and a lot of american housing (both houses and apartments) are constructed en mass with the cheaper construction options used
>being a proud product of incest between two dirty undereducated hicks
Loving every laugh
This only applies to americans with their disgusting carpets. My floor is always clean so i dont get shit in my pc
>can't find a price/comfort chair
Just need something comfy without having to pay more than 40-50.
looks like austin
This you?
Go mesh if you can find a decent one. They're really cool during summer and if you get cold you can easily throw a blanket on top. I advise against leather since it'll stick during hot weather and be awfully cold during winter. Blankets are cheap and can make a big difference.