It's over


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Other urls found in this thread:

Whats over? I have been enjoying comfy music and google earth VR all the morning

>VR cuck


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We still have AR

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I was hoping they'd make a Sword Art Online mmo by now. Why the fuck can't they make anything impressive, it surely wouldn't be that hard

wtf is going on in this image

more like cuckulus


AR is just VR with a depressing backdrop

Great thread

It is?

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Google's going to bring it back

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I cant play VR anymore. people keep fucking with me when I have the head set on. 1 time, they fart inn my face

Imagine being Valve and blowing billions on VR only for it all to be irrelevant and be a complete waste of time.

>not .hack

>weebs expecting an anime game to ever be good

maybe stop being underage and move out you fucking kid

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I always get so confused reading these threads. Are they made people who don't actually have VR for some reason?

VR is fun. You should give it a try.

this, I can't take the farts anymore
VR was a mistake

Gimme a couple more years

VR will always be good for porn. I'll never regret my purchase just for that reason.

Motion controls are still around and work better than ever.

Don't VRcucks know that being too close to a screen is bad for your eyes

This. Came so fast the first day I tried it

They make billions every year. Better blow it on VR than on gabe's foods or sjw shits.

WMR fixed the base station shit
O+ fixed the SDE
Someone will do affordable and not-clunky wireless soon
What's left? This generation is almost perfected

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>wojak hates his life
>wojak tries VR to live a different life
>wojak sees all the trash shovelware on VR platforms
>wojak realizes there's nothing here truly for him
>wojak throws his VR in the trash, tears streaming from his eyes

They lost more billions in a few years than they made billions in their lifetime, don't kid yourself.

>called VR a gimmick that’ll be a complete bust
>got laughed at by Yea Forums and my mates who were clued in
>mfw proven completely right

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the games, faggot

Mostly more games
Its fine.

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How do you even watch porn on the Rift? Just start a browser and it recognizes it or what?
I own my headset for almost a full year now and never tried porn.

>in house devs
>htc shouldering the factory cost
Valve isn't retarded like sega.

>I own my headset for almost a full year now and never tried porn.

Liar, you tried it many times and could never figure it out.

Nice try but VR adoption doubled on Steam in 2018, and I suspect another bump in next month's hardware survey thanks to some popular sales, the O+ is backordered by 2 months.

>a guy who is kidding himself tells other not to kid themselves

Every time.

Beat Saber is fun

>WMR fixed the base station shit
Base stations are still better and are not difficult to setup. The only problem would be if you want to move around regularly. I really hope that we don't go full inside out from here on to satisfy people who can't manage to put a few screws in their wall.

I take it its difficult then?
And no, I haven't tried it out at all. I am very utilitarian when it comes to masturbation, I don't do fancy shit. I would have a look if its easy to setup though.

People conveniently forget how much VR literally flew off the shelves when it released, when VRChat became big, when Skyrim and Fallout 4 VR became a thing.
These retards think that posting about "Only 300k units" for a fucking ~600$ peripheral is bad, especially when they go out of stock as often as they do.
I'm sure some retard out there is still trying to convince people VR flopped despite selling out all of it's stock several times over, because a peripheral didn't sell as much as the fucking PS4.

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So what’s the best headset to get if money is not an issue?

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People also forget all the normies who have OR and don't use Steam.
The Oculus Rift store has hundreds of games.

The next Vive doesn't have lighthouses and the supposed Valve HMD leak doesn't have any visible sensors either, it has two wide cameras which suggests it does something similar to WMR.
I'd say the only problem with WMR is the controllers messing up if they're out of view but that could be fixed with more solid self-contained 6DOF tracking in them or some other solution.

VR for games is going to stagnate until a technological breakthrough.

VR use for professional use and production work is already making huge changes in pipeline and is the future... today!

Can you use it as a monitor for programming yet? I want floating IDE windows in science fiction locations

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>shirt is actually a red color and cascading wrinkles all over her body
>but at first it looks absolutely nothing like that
>at first it looks like she's an emaciated half-ghoul

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yes. you can even play games and bring external windows into the game world.
some chick on twitter uses this to paint vidya locations, she walks to the game location she wants to paint, then spawns a photoshop window and paints, while actually in the game world. it's some future shit.

your eyes are retarded

vive pro, but wait for the next version which is coming up soon. it has eye tracking, which will be used to render regions you are looking at with higher detail and shit.

Sounds like bullshit, I heard the resolution still isn’t there yet

>Hey that person is expressing honesty

Odyssey+: Best screen, Best price, worst tracking
Rift: Best controller, Middle tracking, equally worst screen
Vive: Best tracking, worst controller, equally worst screen, worst price

Here, "worst" is a relative term and doesn't mean bad. I personally have a Vive and comments about the other headsets are based on what other people have said. Vive Pro has a similar screen to the Odyssey+ for way more money. I would not consider it unless you are really serious about money not being an issue.

yeah you're honest
honestly retarded

BTFO, don't @ me

recently tried out my friends Vive and it's a pretty neat feeling when you have it on for so long you just start to forget where you really are and what is around you. When you take the headset off it's like, whoa

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No one wants your stupid honesty

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I agree, especially when programming. That said, resolution should suffice on the next vive pro (and it doesn't matter all that much when painting)

Don't be callous your whole life.

You won't enjoy it.

VR is dead and gone, and it will never amount to anything but a failed gimmick.

I'm not the blind guy but this one really looks like a weird ghoul with the lines, someone make her softer pls

I guess I'd feel that way too if I couldn't afford something.

>I take it its difficult then?
No not at all. Just fucking google it.


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This. I have a feeling most of the people who create these threads and bash on VR in general haven't tried VR, or they have tried a shitty demo ages ago and think it represents what VR is today. Pavlov is the most fun game I've played this year.

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Any more games like Robo Recall? That game was VR gold.

Will hololens 2 be the big break out hardware for ar?

OP here, I have never owned a VR headset before

AR will never have a breakout, it's a niche meme not for vidya.

>inb4 shitposting
No VR is not the same.

just for you

okay retard

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With similar high end polish? None that I can think of right now. Stormland looks pretty cool

Fallout 4 VR shows the promise of what could be but it's very janky and buggy unfortunately, even much more so than the flatscreen equivalent.

Aren't there mods to make Skyrim/Fallout VR less shit? Those have huge potential.

I start Deo VR player on steam, go to my porn folder and pick whatever video I want.
You really need to download high quality shit at 60fps for the experience to be great.
There's also streaming but honestly it's pretty bad and annoying to switch between videos.


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Ted Cruz's wedding was weird.

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There are so many things wrong with it that don't just work in VR, like wrong human proportions and absurdly big pistols. It's a lot of work, and I don't think that's how games should work.

If you can dedicate days of time for just modding, yes you can make the game very fun.

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Automation comes for us all.
Don't expect your hoards and gates to save you from those affected the most.

Good luck getting to my moon mansion earthlet kek

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It’s called foveated rendering but I think the 2080 cards are the only ones that currently support it.

The pimex 5k has this already.

Looks like you are having fun with it.
Playing Counter Strike maps in Pavlov would be fun, if I wasn't so much worse at shooting than I am in actual CS.
That and being unable to fit my glasses into the headset.

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i remember vr threads popping up everyday before black friday. wmr made vr more accessible.

Fuck jannies

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based and cunnypilled

that was rude, janny

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>this much coping from vr cuck

What does this even mean? Did occulus rift go bankrupt?

>Google Earth

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I wish but they're making money selling mobileshit sets while sitting on their asses PC-wise.
Thankfully the market doesn't rely solely on Oculus and HTC anymore.

Did something actually happen?

facebook did the same. mark zuckerberg is plain stupid and has no business leading a company.

>tfw tried TheWaveVR last week for the first time and was trippin majjor balls.
I was kamehamehaing "energy balls" back and forth with a random dude for 10min straight and it was amazing.
I pity people who won't experience this.

Okay for non-retards in this thread,
Does anyone know a good way to watch YouTube 360 videos for Vive?
The YouTube VR app on steam is absolute dogshit

Tried that just now, and it lags like shit, HDD usage on 100% at times.

Microsoft will announce something AR/VR related tomorrow, I wish they just went all in in WMR VR sets instead of that HoloLens meme.

0*2 is still zero

I overclocked my GTX 780 to VR ready status. Gotta flash a new bios so I can't push the voltage further and then it will be even better.

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Don't kill your GPU, user.

Worst case they could put cameras in the controllers too

Gotta say that's some pretty good mileage out of a 780

I won't go above 1.25 volts or so. I found a thread with others who overclock their card so I can try and match their clock speeds. Water-cooling the VRMs so I should be fine

Rift for $300+ a third sensor. Then either spend the rest of your money on a beefy GPU or save it for the next generation of headsets in a few years.

No point spending more than you have to and the Rift is perfectly fine as long as you have a system the can run games well. I have a feeling that anons who say that the Rift is inadequate either haven't actually tried it or have shitty systems that can't run games above 30 fps.

Would look better in ms paint lol

that's legacy tech by now

>get into flying and driving sims
>stop playing other VR games completely

iRacing is fun if you avoid their Jewish tricks.

Also I think we will be having incremental upgrades on the current HMD + 2 controller setup rather than new generations, I'd consider a new gen to be something that breaks hardware compatibility in some way.

Who ever got the red outlines? i'm curious.
Been using VR for over a year now and never noticed that shit and i got a big ass head that only fit L-XL headwears.

SAO games are good.

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The giantbomb guy did and only because he's a tard that strapped it extremely tight.

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I've been noticing I get it after a few hours of sim racing.

Oh fug I never saw this picture big. It makes my face slightly red, but never produces welt-sized bands.
Holy shit his face was getting no blood the dunce

i tried this and it wasn't very good

H3VR and Onward is enough for me to justify my Oculus rift. I want more realism fps games
I found this, there are mods that make actions more VR-like rather than being menu options and other interesting stuff, SkyrimVR might turn half-decent.

What's the difference? That AR "takes place" in the real world?

I realized how much fun people had in these threads and it triggers me because i'm too poor to buy my own gear. Thus it's my duty to shit on it 24/7 until everyone is as miserable as me.

AR as a concept is virtual augmentations to real life rather than a virtual world like VR, that webm can barely be considered AR since it's just an anime girl in front of a video feed.

it's a catch 22

>Masses dont buy into VR because it has no games
>Developers dont buy into VR because it has no mass appeal

AUDICA release a on steam march 7th

again retards claiming VR is dead, meanwhile a new generation is at the door at 6000$, eye tracking and what not. shit will only get better and cheaper. cant wait to fuck my waifus.

Did something happen today?

I'd say low-cost VR ports of AAA games like Skyrim VR and E:D would drive the early market but you have popular stuff like Beat Saber and VRchat dominating the hype so I have no idea anymore.

Now if only modding skyrimVR wasn't a chore. I have over 150 plugins for Skyrim LE, but can't for the life of me get VR to actually work. Even after careful modding to ensure the game boots rather than CTD right away, after 6 hours i found that the moment i start new game i just get a CTD

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E:D really fucking needs touch control support FAST. Playing with M+KB when you can't look properly at it is a fucking disaster in waiting.

SkyrimVR is just an extra .esp on top of SE, I haven't tried VR but SE is far more stable for me than LE.

probably allergies to the factory chemicals used in the plastic/rubber

>having to look at the keyboard at all
>playing E:D with a keyboard to begin with
gamepad brah or HOTAS if you're a richfag

user checked his bank account

You're supposed to play with HOTAS.

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While somewhat true, the VR SKSE isn't nearly as stable yet. You COULD teorethically use any SE mods with VR, but it requires extreme carefulness when building the "brick house".

I already bought a VR AND the game+exp. I really, really don't feel like shelling out even more cash, especially not for a single game. And HOTAS strikes me as expensive. At least if you want a proper one that's not just a joystick.