Any games that take advantage of their system's hardware in a unique and creative way like pic related?

any games that take advantage of their system's hardware in a unique and creative way like pic related?

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such an underrated game, I liked the sequel but it just didn't match the original

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Third game when?

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Last Window was way better

the problem is that outside of nintendo, most systems don't have unique hardware that would allow for something like that. the ds has a lot of examples, some wii games did good stuff with the motion controls, games like pikmin 3 really benefited form the wii u gamepad, and the switch has some interesting potential with that multisystem linking stuff, but I don't see it ever taking off. the only other system that can really do interesting things with hardware is pc, allowing for games like oneshot, undertale, irisu syndrome, etc., but those are few and far between

>Phoenix Wrigth has 7 games
>Kyle only has 2
It's not fair, give us at least a trylogy.

>interesting things with hardware is pc
>oneshot, undertale, irisu syndrome
Their gimmicks are on the software side of things though.

dont even bother with this
it just wont end well

hm that's true. but a console would never be used like a pc to allow for things like changing wallpapers, messing with files etc. in the first place because those just aren't features they have

>Nobody else does anything worthwhile with the Wii U's gimmick except for W101 and Fatal Frame

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That is some pure gaming kino

I loved playing Mario Chase with friends

I legit miss the whole "book-style" gimmick of the DS.

This game literally became one of those hole in my heart that can never be filled. Shit sucks man..

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not it was not, pacing was better maybe but it didnt have the payoff

Link between worlds and mario 3d land, i think are the only 3ds games to my knowledge that use 3d like in those puzzle books with 3d glasses. There is some games like that as well, i think, but not too much of them probably.
Also, i like the book style games on ds.

TWEWY knocked it out of the park with this shit too, something about the DS just inspired this kind of stuff too. I'm sure I can think of like 5 more DS games that do that.

Of late Resident Evil 2 on the PS4 lets you use binaural through the controller headphone jack. The PC version has it too, and I remember Vampire the Masquerade having binaural audio too, but you'd never be able to justify it on console without a controller with an audio jack. A friend and I hooked up a second controller with headphones and we could both hear the binaural too. Pretty cool to be able to share that and use our own headphones without a mess of wires to split the audio signal.

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>messing with files
Nier comes to mind. Crashing your game seems possible. Developers could also hide some things in your save file's description which is only accessible from the home menu. Or have the player "look away" by going into the home menu for a lil bit. It all comes down to working within your limitations.

Kind of a weird pick but Elebits on the Wii would only work on the Wii. I always forget how satisfying messing with phys objects was.

Phantom Hourglass has some good puzzles that could only be done on the DS

I remember Uncharted Golden Abyss has this puzzle where you hold up your vita's camera to a light to reveal a parchment. Stands out because it's probably one of the few vita games that actually used the vita's gimmicks. Also the only game I can think of that used the rear touch pad, aside from Katamari.

I was thinking about nier and while locking out the name is certainly unique, erasing a file isn't as interesting as creating new files you have to find or modifying existing ones as you progress. but like you said, there are certainly ways developers could potentially do similar things with consoles, but I think they're also very limited by what ms and sony will approve. like you say "crashing your game seems possible" but I'm pretty sure any major crash, even intentionally, is an instant cert fail. the undertale flowey fight just fakes a freeze and then restarts the fight, which is fine but it lacks the same impact it did on pc where you have to actually go and relaunch the game (alerting everyone on your friends list with game launch notifications still enabled).

Silent Hill I think? Maybe MGS?

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>top screen is vidya
>bottom is your irl shit with memos and crap
how did they make the perfect game about vidya bros?

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Just pretend that 999 was a standalone game, it was originally intended to be anyway

hotel duck is comfier

lostboy.exe is the most realistic horror title released because of the ramifications playing it has on your system. The devs simply couldn't do it on a puny console.

>unique hardware

It's just a clunkier mouse, user.

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stylus has a more tactical feel then a mouse user, plus hotel dusk makes use of the two scenes as well to display two peoples facial expressions

I want to play this game, but I heard you can't emulate it. What should I do?

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phantom hourglass

i remember when I saw the E3 trailer for Hotel Dusk, I thought the concept was great and I liked the character designs. it's funny how in Smash Bros. Brawl his trophy is the flat 2D portrait in his game, and it has the loop animation for it too. Also Trace Memory was pretty cool

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buy a ds for like 10 dollars
i think its just one puzzle, heres how it can be solved on emulation
>trace memory is cool
how good is it? only familiar with the dusk games really

I bought a fuckin minty fat ds on ebay for 30 bucks. Looks brand new.

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it's one of the first games on the DS, released way back with the first model. you use your stylus to direct your character on an island trying to solve the mystery of your father whom invited you to said island, you go with your aunt and you both get separated, and you try to find her, your dad, and solve the mystery of the island after coming across a ghost child. it uses the both Ds screens really well by incorptating the top screen for current scene and investigating it, will the bottom screen is a bird eye's view of the area and you use the sylus to guide actions. It's great hidden gem on the DS imo.
I think at gamestop its like $3 as a loose game, it's great to have like Hotel Dusk and FSR for kino level of games.

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>stylus has a more tactical feel then a mouse user
What does that even mean?

>plus hotel dusk makes use of the two scenes as well to display two peoples facial expressions
Why do you need two screens for that? The DS screens are tiny, you could easily fit al that on a normal screen for a non-handheld game.

hotel dusk was created as a part of Nintendo's Touch Generation line of games. That line of games tried to promote optional ways of playing with your DS in different orientations, yet focused on the Touch aspect of the handheld. some titles were either mystery games/novels, books, trivia, art, brain teasers. Idk if Rhythm Heaven did the same thing to where you can play on it's side, can't remember that well.

the fact that you use a DS in the game while playing on one is pretty funny. since its a nintendo IP, they legit called it a DS in the game.

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>W101 (arguably)
>Fatal Frame
>Zombi U
>Affordable Space Adventures
>Super Mario Maker
All these games either play better on Wii U or they are simply built around them.
And Breath of the Wild would be in this list too, if they kept the map on the second screen, something they had to scrap for the Switch port.