whats with the playerbase recently? why is there so many retards now? first week everyone had basic IQ but now they're all aiming like they're playing with a fucking controller and they all launch solo as if they're some sort of fucking shroud
>HURR play with friends
not always on at the same time and we always end up with 1 random who ruins the fucking game
Whats with the playerbase recently? why is there so many retards now...
Probably younger players from fortnite.
im thinking the twitch streamers brought the players who literally never play games and just sit there all day watching streams
>game crashes without an error every other game
>fortnite killer
>made by EA
I dunno how people play this piece of shit game
At first Apex attracted players that didn't care about BR and didn't play Fortnite. Like me.
Kids and noobs jumped on the Apex train.
It should lower the difficulty to win, see it this way.
you running a rtx card by any chance? if so roll back to novembers drivers
I have an amd card that's basically a hand me down from a friend
The larger the playerbase the more casuals slip through the cracks. Now that it's been a week all the kids who learned about it from youtubers and streamers are telling their friends
>not queuing with a qt.3.142 grill
Solo queueing is almost unplayable due to the amount of retards that are in the game. Every other match you will be forced to basically play alone vs. full pre-made squads of discord fags. I don't mind people being bad at aiming, it's the shit like:
>fucking off by themselves
>looting while being shot at
>engaging enemy 200m away with smgs
>randomly using abilities/shooting for no reason
>not pinging anything at all
>not listening to whatever the fuck I tell them to do
that just pisses me off. And if we manage to somehow make it to top 3 they end up having ~100dmg the whole match while I somehow manage to shit out literally 10 times more without any problems.
I generally have a high tolerance for retarded pubs in vidya but when people randomly drop alone it really pisses me off and it happens so often now
I am not going to drop off with you to some random corner of the map and then playing loot simulator for 15 minutes.
>drops off by himself
>gets killed 1 minute in
wow I bet you really had fun there mate
Exactly every jumpmaster moron keeps dropping in skulltown and it's fucking boring. Drop hard or drop dead
The worst is when you're all approaching an obvious gunfight or you're getting attacked and two of you die and there's some faggot in the backround still looting buildings
it really is a mystery.
>drops in dead area
>loot for 15 minutes
>don't see a person until there's 4 squads left
>die after 20 minutes of nothing
Yeah, dying right away and disconnecting is unironically way better, you can connect to another game in seconds.
>wanting smart players in a f2p battle royale meme game
way more fun then looting shit for 10 minutes or hiding in corner for whole game, at least he had 1 minute of FUN
Playerbase exploded so no surprise you're gonna get a share of retards.
Works for me my dude
>wipe squad by myself
>my randos get in late and start looting while i'm healing
>get ambushed by another squad from behind
>throw incendiary/grenades to keep them off, doing a good job
>spam pings like there's no tomorrow
>see my squad is still looting shit I KILLED and don't bother to help me
>get wiped
makes me furious
Stop playing trash BR games you bottom feeder.
We can all agree bridges is the best area for a gun fight fight right?
what games do you play
wanna group up and play?
>drop in a decent area of loot
>get actual guns with upgrades
>have decent 3v3 squad fights as the ring closes
>drop in with everyone else
>pray to RNG god that there's a weapon spawned in the building you just went into
>even if you get one kill it doesn't matter since there are other squads
>you're nothing but a fodder
m-m-muh f-fun
>game marketed for kiddies and trannies
gee i wonder why
leadership is a skill in itself. get good at bringing the best out of bad players. or stop caring about bad team mates.
if they're exceptionally bad, you can atleast use them as bait against good players.
do you just come into threads for attention because you're starved of it in every other aspect of your life? well here it is user, I hope it makes you feel better
anything BUT BR's and moba's they are a disease upon the gaming industry.
>i did some coding on the flavour of the month computer game
>take that, high school bullies!!!
how the fuck can you be an adult and still cry about high school shit? as soon as you leave school you realize that everything you thought was important was fucking nothing because youre in the real world. then again,
>sjw has severe emotional issues
what games do you play
Welcome to the world that Fortnite and Overwatch has created for FPS.
Don't you have to reconnect to another 10 min gaming session to loot and die ?
>i did some coding on the flavour of the month computer game
i bet my life she didn't do actual programming part of the game.
>wahh a popular game is influencing gaming!
>this is a new phenomenon!
if you're going to drink swill, dont be surprised when youre surrounded by swine.
solos will be coming soon
But my time is more precious, if I spend 1 minute in a match where I had a tense fight, that's better than spending 15 minutes in a match with one tense fight. That's where I have more fun, have 3 or 4 1 minute tense matches, then finally winning that skirmish at the start and getting 2nd or champion.
This game's success maked people mad as FUCK.
>how the fuck can you be an adult and still cry about high school shit
No one said it is new and you should definitely consider offing yourself
if picking up a gun and shooting people with melee or vice versa are intense fights for you then you might be actually retarded. the final fights when there are 3 squads left are the most exciting and you don't get to play these if you die in the first minute
I mean if you wanna play it right grab three homies and discord. Solo queue sucks in mobas and battle royale.
I'm not even mad, just disappointed because the game crashes and Respawn doesn't know how to fix it
Its popular because it had a superbowl ad and bunch of streamers shilling it
I enjoy market. Especially as bang or path
Same, I played for 130 hours without any crash, but now the game crash for no reason with no errors randomly.
I use a GTX 1080 with drivers from December so that's not the problem.
>grab three homies and discord
a-user, i...
First time I got a Mastiff i wiped two squads HAHA! but then my free internet hour ended and I couldn't finish the match
Yeah this pisses me off to no end, but the game is good enough for me to not really care too much 5 minutes in to the next game.
If it wasn't good, people wouldn't keep playing it.
Most people are returning to fortnite already. Season 8 is in a few days and people are grinding for the free battle pass + the new patch that is benefitting aggressive playstyles
Apex better bring some majestic shit for their battle pass
If you can't survive those initial skirmishes, there's very little chance of you winning those last final skirmishes. What's the point in wasting 15/20 mins just to lose?
what cards are you running? I fixed that "hung" crash by rolling back drivers
I love how this game makes Yea Forums and /pol/ rage. I'm all against SJWs and liberal shit but seeing "right-wingers" seething over legends is this game just exposes them as mirror image of those retarded SJWs that they despise so much.
Also if you are only enjoying the game if you win the match maybe battle royale games aren't really for you since most of the time you won't finish first.
this. it's the reason i dropped. 90% of the time my teammates are retarded now.
i'm waiting for a solo mode now
expect initial skirmishes are 100% based on RNG. you're not winning anything if you just pick up a mozambique vs someone with SMG and a purple shield. playing for longer gives everyone a chance to gear up, which makes all squad play on more or less an equal footing.
>its a squad with 3 peacekeepers episode
this meme again
yeah in like the first week of the game people were actually playing it as a team
now if someone goes solo for a second the rest of the team disconnects
This is actually good. All kids and retards will go back to their containment game so Apex will become even more fun to play.
there should be 30 min cooldown penalties for disconnects to be honest ferm
Why are there so few fucking triple takes??
It's the only gun I may not find a single one in a whole game and it's my favourite sniper
Playing for longer means you'll face off against people that survived as many fights or, more likely, even more fights than you who've been fucking around the map. You either increase your own skill/get rid of unlucky but good players with those initial skirmishes. Or you wait around to get stomped by people who've been killing everyone. If you manage to survive those initial minutes in a dense location, you'll most probably survive lategame as well. Because you'll get better at shooting and surviving.
sounds like a great idea for a game in which you can't even reconnect to a match
I have a soft spot for skull town
Congrats, you now have a dead game
Daily reminder that it is okay to leave the match right away when you are downed if:
-there is a kid on your team screetching in his mic
-both your teammates are below lvl 15
-jumpmaster jumps too late and there are already squads on the ground waiting for you
-there are two idiots in your team going on your own
-your team is looting instead of trying to save you
>if it is not as popular as fortnite the game is dead
you're saying this as if dropping in different locations than everyone else makes you a bad player and that you won't get in a fight until the very end. dropping later gets you almost the same amount of action, only later in the game.
>Because you'll get better at shooting and surviving.
getting lucky enough to pick up a gun before everyone else doesn't make you better. also good positioning and playing smart is more important than actually being able to aim.
i disconnect instantly upon getting downed UNLESS
- i'm playing with a mate
- i know that my squad is actually decent
Where are the pathfinder lads at
The difference of gear isn't as severe as it is in PUBG tho. There are plenty of viable weapon options and legendary drops almost never decide the match.
Unless the champion squad is damn good, "Tactical advantage" will eventually win out over gear. Especially if someone gets cocky and thinks Kraber is an IWIN button.
i mained pathfinder and got 400+ kills with it before realising that his hitbox is fucked and you're way more likely to survive gunfights with bang or wraith
cringe zoomer logic
>first week
>playing solo
>have my NEET advantage
>win most games
>week two
>playing solo
>75% of players disconnect within the first minute
>I disconnect within the first minute the rest of the time because I can tell my teammates are incompetent
I don't care if you're bad because I am but if you're actively sabotaging your team it makes me sad.
>tfw your friends are from overseas so you have to play solo most of the time
If you're going that route bloodhounds objectively the best. But pathfinder has the advantage from attacking at literally any angle from any where any time with his grappling hook. It opens up so many options of a attack if you aren't a brainlet that it nearly makes him the best in the game
enjoy watching your rando looting for 4min then running away from the beacon because he's afraid to lose 10% of his hp outside the ring
i made some great flank plays with pathfinder (like using hook to jump over buildings and rape other squads from behind when they're reviving eachother), but for teamplay it's pretty useless. also the hitbox difference is huge, this is why most """pros""" play wraith, she's the hardest to hit. pathfinder's hitbox is bugged and you can damage him by shooting through his legs.
nobody is mad kid just stating facts.
>dying in the first place
if your randos are so scrub then why arent you using them as bait? i might not win but i rack up a tonne of kills and have FUN
>tfw your ""friends"" only play league of legends
>everyone i added through the game wants to talk on discord and i don't even own a mic
>Down to the final two squads
>2-man squad, 3rd guy ragequit cause he died and the other guy looted his crate
>Playing Pathfinder, look up the next ring location
>We're already in it
>Just sit on the highest rooftop and wait for the other squad to move in
>They do, with a Pathfinder of their own
>They zip up to the rooftop next to ours
>I zip over to their rooftop and flank them, downing two with the Mastiff while squadmate takes care of the third guy
Goddamn that was more gratifying than it should be.
I'm sure the pubg population is absolutely fine with the state of the game after all this time
i'm not going to wait 5min before my randoms realise that we have to move, they spend half of the time going through buildings that were already looted for fucks sake
But you disregard the fact that I can just quit and get in to a new match within actual seconds. I lose far more by staying in a game where I land in a dead area looting for a ridiculous amount of time, and I might just fucking die to the first squad I see. Dodging people at the start and coming out on top is way more tense, then I loot their crates and I'm all set to get the next squads. Then I can chase other squads for the whole game and get great fights, without wasting huge amounts of time doing nothing.
Network issues, constant crashes on premade teams, 10 year long ttk.
Why do I still play this piece of shit game instead of Titanfall 2?
This is exactly why I hate these fucking games.
It's retarded cunts like you that make it feel like a fucking job. You're total miseries, everything has to be so rigid, instead of just actual fun. Deviate from the group and you're chastised.
Voice chat in these games is always with a group of smackhead twats that all know each other and have music blasting in the background of their shitty squat.
Playing with friends, I've fallen out with people. Instead of light-hearted fun games, I have laid by people screeching at each other, so I see them in a new light.
I can't wait for all of this to fucking die. You treat it like a job or a fucking sport.
Get outside and actually use that time to build up your health, learn a new skill or hobby.
Pathetic cunts.
are you saying you're in constant gunfights 100% of the time? even if you manage to kill everyone at the beginning, mr. wanna-be-shroud, you'll still be looting and moveing around the ring until you find another squad to engage.
Its in the title, Ape X
>m-m-muh f-f-fun
go ahead and have fun with juan.rodriguez2008 and his best friend ForniteLover09, retard.
people are fucking NPCs you think the meme was a joke? most humans who live on this planet right now breathe air eat food and consume media and are so utterly incapable they only subsist on the bare minimum requirements
>deviate from the group and you're chastised
obviously, it's a team-based game and you're trying to play solo even though we all know you'll move too far away, get shot at, scream for help and then rage when you die and disconnect What the fuck do you expect to achieve by going solo? do you think you're going to win at the end against 6 people?
Influx of chinks?
How long til cheats take over?
Nope never said I'm in constant gunfight, but I can guarantee gunfighrs in populated areas, I can also look around at surrounding areas to see where others landed and go there. But if I land and loot dead areas for 15 minutes that's 15 minutes of guaranteed looting, I don't get the point. What is it you're even arguing for? Looting for ages? I don't understand at all if I die in the first minute I lose a minute of my time, if I loot for 15 I lose 15 minutes.
>maked people
The genius playerbase of Apex Legends, surely a top notch product
D is next to S so it's obviously a typo you fucking ape, just like my D is in your mums asS
>new legends are 4 months away
fuck I wish they released them incrementally and not all at once so we at least get a trickle of new legends every other while
Look at this Dr. DisreShroud edgy boi
Yikes you have shit friends. Most of my bros tend to just banter and occasionally bitch about the Mozambique drop rate.
Where my pathfindas at?
>where I had a tense fight
Sorry user, but those of us popping our ults, tossing out grenades, landing shots from 300ft with a 10x digital scope and performing flanks are having "tense fights", you're running around like a headless chicken plinking with the single P2020 you managed to scrounge.
I hope bloodhound is german the only reason I play him is because he's the closest thing to hitler.
I feel like there are already cheaters, I've been playing fairly often but there are people with 5k+ kills on characters.
Post your nickname so we can play. No mics, just pinging.
Why don't you play a game that isn't infested with fortnite kiddies?
>No mics, just pinging.
not him but i am
>If it wasn't good, people wouldn't keep playing it.
This line of logic literally doesn't work with anything else in life, and it isn't going to magically start here for the convenience of your argument.
Accurate 100%
>tfw you get paired with the retard who's only ever hot-dropped and doesn't actually know how to fight someone with actual equipment
These people are the worst, they always pick the stupidest spots to land and if they do manage to survive for more than 3 minutes they're essentially dead weight, since all of their experience comes from fighting white-shielded Mozambique users and not legitimately threatening opponents.
He’s not though. He says words like “Taka” and “slatra” which I assume mean take and slaughter respectively. Blooth Hoondr only sounds German because of his accent or something.
Reminder that the game is crashing so much because of Origin Overlay.
Disable it immediately.
of course EA would be the cancer killing this game
>boot up game for the first time and do tutorial
>start playing
>pick someone at random
>everyone on voice chat gets mad
>uhhh okay lets go here
>everyone on voice chat gets mad
>game forcing me to "be in charge" even though they have hundreds of kills and I have zero
>shoot at someone
>they disappear and then I die
okay thanks for the game
>imagine spending 15 minutes per game looting then lose because you have next to combat experience.
This is why Bunker is the best drop, you get good shit while also having to take it away from other people.
Go home Haydee, you are drunk
>playing with friends
I knew the Apex fags in these threads are normiefags
>Picking first
>Being dropmaster
Bait harder faggot
Also, there is a button to give up the drop responsibility.
>literal copy pasted weapons from Titanfall
>don't keep any of the movement options beyond sliding
What a waste
fox profile? added you - Snake
While I understand your sentiment, it IS a team game. Out of everything else, that’s something you’re going to have to grasp if you want to play this one.
The rest, I sort of hear you on... it’s why I quit Smash recently. These guys devote their lives to this.
>how the fuck can you be an adult and still cry about high school shit?
90% of the anons here do this
Solo drop when
>get 2 decent randoms (both with ~400 kills)
>we easily wipe every squad
>they actually know how to aim and use their abilities
>end up with 21 squad kills
my god i just realised how easy this game is with pre-made squads
People with either Nvidia or AMD get these errors. I really doubt it's a specific brand's driver version's issue.
I had constant crashes until I rolled back my drivers. just trying to help faggot
>absolute dogshit at aiming
>have to play smart to win
>play team game 100%, ping out valuable things, work to make sure entire squad has ammo, or preferred weapon
>always have a retard who thinks like or
>some are even more retarded and drop with bad solo shit like Caustic
>they die without even getting one person down
the most retarded thing is that even when you drop with them, and they die, they d/c while you're on your way to drop off the banner. Why don't you niggers fuck off and play CoD Team Deathmatch since your attention span is too short to try to aim for a win or 3v3/3v3v3 engagements instead of dropping in an area where rng is the deciding factor.
If you want to hotdrop every single game, find some friends to do it instead of subjecting randoms to deal with cleaning up your diaper when you shit yourself.
I had a Caustic dive an entire enemy squad to get my banner with his ult. He downed two of them and made a mad dash for the Artillery respawn beacon. We went on to win the game. They might be rare, but there are some really good Caustic players.
caustic is shit most of the time, such rare circumstance where he can be useful
It's not that Caustic is shit (he sorta is), it's that as a solo Legend, Caustic is probably one of the worst choices you could pick.
How does helping release a game show she's not a minority hire? I'm thinking she is one now that she said it.
Yeah, he's definitely in a rough spot right now. With randoms he's usually terrible, but he can get real scary when combined with a Bloodhound. Shitty thing is, they can't really just buff him without only making him better at what he's already good at and still shit everywhere else.
those people are just as bad as homos who wait far too long to jump or never mark the zone they want to jump into.
The same way you take it out on women because none of the girls paid attention to you.
RNG Royale, such a hawt genre right nao.
look everyone it's that guy who thinks he's good and then gets wasted within a minute and while you're running and surviving on your way to pick up his banner or revive him the bastard leaves right as you approach the death box because it took you too long mopping up the squad that killed his shit ass to get there
RNG only if your aim is bad. Good players can down an enemy in one clip. One character shows the next ring. Loot is also very generous so everyone is fighting on the same level.
Get the latest drivers for your AMD card from the AMD website and add this string to your registry:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers] "TdrDelay"=hex(b):08,00,00,00,00,00,00,00
This worked on TWO AMD GPU PCs that I have.
Fix the random crashes on both.
his dot damage is disgustingly bad, also his traps are fucking massive you have to be a blind cunt not to see them and to top it all off the traps usually fall through the fucking map or have clipping issues
based and truthpilled
Find 2 buddies who aren't retards to do in with. Heck, when you get matched with a rando who isn't a retard tell him that he isn't a retard and you wouldn't mind playing again with him.
>Play Apex
>Remember how all assets and guns are ported from Titanfall
>Reinstall Titanfall 2
>Have a blast going fast as lightning and shitting on people with the based EPG
See ya later homos
>Games are easy if your teammates aren't retarded
No shit