Action games are not scary

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nice pic, how much time id you waste on it

what's not scary about FEAR and Bioshock 1?

>system shock 2
maybe a few moments but it's an action game more than it is a horror game, amazing either way.

you have not played most of these.

who are you quoting?

Wrong, bitch

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>Outlast is scary
It's only scary if I'm about to eat and those games decide to put me off my fucking food.

wrong, bitch

Most what?

>you have not played most of these.
>not played most of these
>most of these
learn to read, no wonder you find outlast scary you can't even comprehend text let alone how mundane hide and seek is.

You only posted two of the worst ones gay nigga

The only games your wrong about are the Dead Space games. Every other game is basically a watered down horror game.

>posts the most normalfag game on the list next to amnesia

Most of the best horror games aren't on Steam for me to brag

But where's the proof that you play any horror games yourself, fag?

>Harvester is scary

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>b-but you!
burden of proof is on you, the one making the absurd claim. lurk more, your image is shite.

What's scary about Dead Space? Even on hard, I still beat it only with the plasma cutter

Meanwhile in RE2, you use every weapon you get like the magnum, GL, etc

>I've never heard of comedic horror

Evil Dead 2 and Dead Alive my man. Go watch them now.


He never said he did. Now stop being such a defensive cuckold.

Great thread

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Feel free to suck my cock anytime. I bet you consider FEAR to be one of the best horror games ever - when it's just as scary as Half Life 1 - a non horror game - except I'd say HL1 is scarier with the fish monster.

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>Meanwhile in RE2, you use every weapon you get like the magnum, GL, etc
You can do this in REmake. Your only concern is them coming back, which even then you have enough ammo to dispose of them.

FEAR is not scary.
I never made that claim, your image is still shit.

Now all you have to do is stop being such a a turbofag and maybe your parents will finally love you.

And neither is Resident Evil

>which even then you have enough ammo to dispose of them.

What about him?

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You do know he's only in 1/4th of the game? And absolutely not a threat and easily evaded.

>And absolutely not a threat and easily evaded.

Are you bad at the game like Demakefans are?

RE2 demakefags complained about how hard vanilla REmake was, so I'd love to see them play this mode or invisible enemies

I have no mouth and Harvester both are physological horror games.

You don't know as much about horror games as me and that annoys you, doesn't it?

Shhh, don't tell him there are other types of horror games that don't involve attacking enemies

the game is incredibly easy user.
try to read that sentence again.

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You misread my post dude. Are you a Demake 2 fan? I saw a thread of them talking about REmake and they fucking sucked at it.

If you're good, great - that doesn't mean the average tardbrain who thinks FEAR or Bioshock are horror games can hack REmake.

>condemned is "actual horror"
>80% of the game is tasing and beating up homeless people

Yeah. Love it. See Condemned 2 for when they take the non-horror action parts too far.

>not an action game
I'm convinced you haven't played it op

I enjoyed it, I wouldn't say I was a fan and I'd rather the original games.

If you consider Dead Space to be a dumb action game, then you would consider System Shock to be the same. System Shock is way better and has interesting horror elements be it the audio logs and getting immersed in the story, however you could do the same with Dead Space. If anything System Shock gives you the tools to become a God even early on.



never implied it was bad, just that by your own definition it would be an action game.

That's only if you understand SS2

Dead Space was just never scary to me. It's RE4 in space, with a lot of concepts and ideas stolen from SS2, basically, and I don't consider RE4 to be scary either.

>Limited ammo
>Fights are up close and intense
>World is an eerie, sick world with very few people in it kind of like the movie SAW or maybe Se7en (though Condemned cribs a lot)
>Mannequin section

>SS2 is horror but Bisoshock isn't
>Condemned is horror but F.E.A.R isn't
>SH2 is horror but Homecoming isn't
>REmake1 is horror but REmake 2 isn't
This is the dumbest fucking list I've ever seen.

>but Bisoshock isn't

I might have given it to them if they added the giant squid boss, but no dice.

>but F.E.A.R isn't

Half Life 1 is scarier than FEAR. Does that make it a horror game?

>SH2 is horror but Homecoming isn't

I don't think people understand me. You can fight back in SIREN and that's maybe one of the scariest games ever made. Being able to fight back doesn't make a game non-horror.

>REmake1 is horror but REmake 2 isn't

Correct - people go on about how hard REmake 2 is, as if that makes it good. Blood can buzzsaw your dick off hard, doesn't make it a survival horror game.

>Thinking L4d is supposed to be remotely scary

OP is a confirmed retard

>taser has infinite ammo
>above+mediocre ai makes every fight piss easy
>one brief moment in entire game

Valve designed monsters that were meant to be scary. The tank for example has his own horror theme to warn you and you're meant to be scared of him.

>I don't think people understand me
They don't understand you because you use the terms "action" games and "horror" games but then only distinguish between the two with your own subjective perspective of what you find scary. That's not entirely how genres work and you make yourself out to be a retard by using such vague requirements.

>>one brief moment in entire game

I was scared of the farm and having to go into the basement knowing monsters were in it.

There's lots of good moments in Condemned

When Yea Forums says something like "all indie games are bad" - does that mean every indie game ever is bad? No. People with brains know what the good ones are, and what the bad ones are.

We all know what a good horror game is (or at least some of us do). The top games are terrible horror games, like the indie games we know are bad (the asset flip ones)

Outlast was not scary to me but tedious, because of this it's not a horror.
System Shock 2 was very fun and interesting, however I was not scared, because of this it's not a horror.

In Mount and Blade I was losing with no form of retreat and I had a ton of money on me, because of this the game is horror.


Monster slasher found footage film

>System Shock 2

Science fiction body horror

>Mount and Blade

Medieval jank simulator


So going by your logic, the top are horror games.
Good job user.

you always were a kidder steve

> The top games are terrible horror games
See, now you even have to shift the terminology to them being bad horror games instead of action games. To what criteria are they bad horror games? Is it because you don't find them scary? As someone who plays a fuck ton of horror games, I find that a ridiculous criteria to go by since I haven't personally been scared by a horror game since I was 12.

>Dead Space

Science fiction body horror

The hornet lady was p spooky

No no

>>Dead Space
>Bad rip off of SS2 and RE4

>any game being “scary”

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>I haven't personally been scared by a horror game since I was 12.

I haven't liked a Kirby game since I was 12, but I can still recognize they're good games.

You're just as vulnerable in RE4 as you are in SS2.
Tell me what separates RE4 from SS2 from being a horror game game.

To what criteria are they bad horror games?

That actually has nothing to do with my statement. Good job disregarding everything I said.

The way SS2 tells its story.

RE4 has tough guy cheese with one liner machismo. It's basically Escape from New York but in Spain.

I mean what do you want? A break down of every single game?

And in b4 SS2's nah

That's ONE fucking line.

You're a more capable person in SS2 than you are Leon in RE4. What the fuck are you talking about? Goggles is badass.

Compare your main enemy

>The many
They're literally telling you to get away from them and to run. Some good horror stuff here.
>The Las Plagas or those goofs from Bioshock
It's too late for them, they get no sympathy.

>I mean what do you want? A break down of every single game?
No I want know how you are judging something as "good horror" more than the vague bullshit in the OP picture and more than "I don't find them scary"

I don't get how that changes anything. The setting is just taste, if that constitutes as a good horror then Dead Space would be brilliant.

It's like art

Compare Hereditary to The Nun.

Could somebody say why they like The Nun and break down why it's good or scary? Maybe

But history will show them to be a retard

Hereditary for example has great cinematography and acting along with spooky ideas and concepts

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>then Dead Space would be brilliant.

Ripping off SS2 does not make Dead Space good, by default.

>It's like art
>that entire rest of the post
You haven't really thought hard on these matters have you? I recommend spending time evaluating what constitutes a good horror game to you so you can actually articulate it well to others instead of looking like a faggot.

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So using a concept that was already used makes is an action game and not a real horror game, okay retard.
All you've done is move the goalposts, go hang yourself.

Dead Space is as much of a horror game as System Shock 2 is, it's not as good as the game but it's most definitely a horror game.

Not that guy, but wait, what exactly did DS rip off SS2? Being a futuristic space horror?

Not him but I would say the Audio Logs were inspired by System Shock 2.
But if that's all you need for it to be a ripoff then I guess SS2 ripped off Alien and thus not a true horror game. Because hit criteria for it being a horror game has shifted.

This. Anyone that gets afraid of a game must be pretty emotionally immature

There's a shitton of games with audio logs, also movies from which this can also be ripped off.

In my opinion, if anything, Dead Space subtly ripped off The Thing.

You may notice that there are many good games on the top and about 2 on the bottom. Why do you think that is?

Not ripped off but clearly inspired, listening to the audio logs while which determined the fate of the crew members while not being in a menu etc.

Do you consider the original RE2 to be a horror game?

Yeah inspired is the correct word here. I forgot it exists.

Does scary mean good? Because most of the games you listed as really scary are not as fun as the action games. I don't see why something arbitrary like whether you or I find something scary would change whether the game is fun to play or not. What exactly are you trying to prove?

>action horror
>campy horror

Horror games aren't scary.
There cannot be an intelligible horror genre because the very idea defies how horror works. Horror is scary and its nearly impossible to be scared by mere imagery without any psychological interpretation. You preload a bias to lock yourself out of the memes of psychological interpretation when you try to consume a horror product by insisting that "scary games don't scare you", aka you won't be scared by much else than the cheapest of thrills like jump-scares; so imagery is all that is left and at most it might only disturb you, though mass retailed videogames need to be ESRB rated so even that imagery has a finite upper bound of what can be conveyed.

As a child playing a game featuring frightening imagery, you may be scared, but these same tricks aren't going to work on you past puberty much less throughout the rest of your life. The horror genre therefore literally and unironically exists for kids in a greater capacity than fischer-price nintendoshit.

I find BotW to be a horror game because it's contents horrify me related to the psychology surrounding and presented within it. You expect fun-loving things and entertaining color palettes from Nintendo games, you expect safe and moderate content with E-for-Everyone rated games, and you expect some level of quality and coherence from Legend of Zelda. BotW is an E-Rated, Nintendo, Zelda game -- yet BotW contains content that defies assumptions about all of those by featuring cross-dressing for the already effiminate Link and dog-eating.

Real horror is that which defies expectations. This is also why you're still a virgin. You're afraid your advances will be denied and your expectations defied.

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Horror movies aren't scary.
There cannot be an intelligible horror genre because the very idea defies how horror works. Horror is scary and its nearly impossible to be scared by mere imagery without any psychological interpretation. You preload a bias to lock yourself out of the memes of psychological interpretation when you try to consume a horror product by insisting that "scary films don't scare you", aka you won't be scared by much else than the cheapest of thrills like jump-scares; so imagery is all that is left and at most it might only disturb you, though mass retailed films need to be R18 rated so even that imagery has a finite upper bound of what can be conveyed.

As a child watching a movie featuring frightening imagery, you may be scared, but these same tricks aren't going to work on you past puberty much less throughout the rest of your life. The horror genre therefore literally and unironically exists for kids in a greater capacity than fischer-price nintendoshit.

I find DL to be a horror series because it's contents horrify me related to the psychology surrounding and presented within it. You expect fun-loving things and entertaining color palettes from children films, you expect safe and moderate content with E-for-Everyone rated films, and you expect some level of quality and coherence from Dextar's Labratory an E-Rated, Cartoon Network, children's cartoon -- yet Dexter's Laboratory contains content that defies assumptions about all of those by featuring DD tormenting Dextar.

Real horror is that which defies expectations. This is also why you're still a virgin. You're afraid your advances will be denied and your expectations defied.

The relationship between dexter and deedee is never ambigous and is a plot device in the goddamn opening sequence of every episode, nor is dexter's lab a non-original product. Even if the idea of an older sister annoying a younger brother triggered you, you have pretty much zero reason to have watched more than one episode to ever get emotionally involved and open to the terror.

Gay and autistic.

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reddit is that way, spic

Autohiding was surprisingly effective this time.

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one is about nintendo, the other is not.

Nigger you didn't even complete Jill's route.

I did on the Gamecube

I'm old, I know.

Neither are.

Only 6 hours, barely doing any of the extra hard invisible modes..

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Most so-called horror games aren't very scary though.

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>Calling Survivor Horror action games
>comparing Outlast to resident evil
>Outlast being any good
>Implying that there no horror that can come from left 4 dead

Also Outlast and amnesia are mad Boring, Doom 3 have better scare and horror atmosphere than these two games

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FEAR is a fantastic shooter but it isn't really scary at all. It's way too obvious when you're in a funhouse "spooky" segment and when its time to just blast the shit out of everything.

Oh ok now it's fucking scary! Btw I was being sarcastic.

>it isn't really scary at all
I've always found it scary, but not from the horror segments for the reason you mentioned. The fucking AI is so aggressive that even with your magic Woo powers the game manages to be tense as fuck. Fuck the horror segments though. For every well done one you have 2 screamers.