He ruins the fun

He ruins the fun

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No, he adds urgency to the game. If you can't handle him play on baby retard mode, you fat embarrassment. I feel sorry for your parents.

You misspelt Amplifies

That's why I used a trainer and made him stay down the whole game.

I want survival horror kino,
Not run around in circles

It just gets annoying.

>Here whim walking around a room he cannot enter in STARs room
>just fucking wait for ages
>open door get ko'd immediately, try to run but then licktor gets me from off screen

Great game design

Stop replying to your own posts, "survival horror" games always make you backtrack, including the original RE2, and "kino" means "movie theater" you memespouting shithead. Man the fuck up and deal with it.

Agreed. In the original you could hit a door and that would be the end of it. Now I have to run around for half an hour to complete a simple puzzle because he can just track you everywhere and teleports to you from across the map if you have to fire a round.


You spell like a 12 year old. He can't go into the STARS office, you can just wait for him to fuck off before getting out.
Fucking zoomer piece of shit, I hope you choke on a tide pod.

Bro you can literally walk circles around him. It's just straight out annoying and not scary. At first yea it was,but after a I start rolling my eyes when I hear his bitch ass coming to drag out my puzzle solving.

>teleports to you from across the map
psh. nothing personal, kid

Cute hat. Being chased by it is comfy thriller

>Bro you can literally walk circles around him.
Then what are you crying about? You're a waste.

Its unfun
And annoying

Is there a cheat or mod that makes him fuck off and stop annoying me?

not him but he's just an annoying mechanic
he's not scary, he doesn't add urgency he just annoys you
most people don't buy games to be annoyed

One magnum shot to the head staggers him for like 5 seconds. And it's pretty fun, it pressures you to learn the layout.
You're just bad at games, you should wait for Lego Resident Evil 2 instead.

there is one that makes "killing" him permanent
he still gets back up at the scripted events and you'll have to kill him again

And you read like a 12 year old. He said he does wait in the office you fucking waste of skin

>he's not scary, he doesn't add urgency he just annoys you
No, he just annoys YOU specifically, because you're incompetent. I don't think you even know what urgency means.
Stop embarrassing yourself, you 13 year old cockstain.

The only thing thats a waste is time. He literally adds nothing to the game,but annoyance.

>it pressures you to learn the layout
as we've been telling you
it doesn't at all
dodging him is extremely easy 99% of the time
he's just an annoying mechanic that forces you to take huge detours in order to complete simple objectives

>Survival horror games are supposed to be comfy
He adds a sense of urgency and a new element to play around. It's way too easy to murder every last enemy and just run through the station completely unchallenged.

Besides, once you know what to do you can get past his section rather quickly and he either dies or just decides to not bother you outside of scripted events ever again.

Mr. X would have fucked off somewhere else if he did. Why are you pretending to be someone else? You sound like you're starved for attention.
If Mr. X is unmanageable for you, you shouldn't be playing video games at all.

Thanks user. You made this game 10x better.

>Sense of urgency

No he doesnt
He is just in the fucking way and annoying

>forces you to take huge detours
>dodging him is extremely easy
So, which one is it? Are you crying right now?

>he just annoys YOU specifically
sure, that's why you're arguing with 3 different people all of them telling you that after the initial playthrough he's just an annoyance and nothing else

Just got the remake for the first time. What the fuck is this game? I thought it was a zombie horror/shooter. Its a fucking puzzle game where you have to run around contrived maze like building layouts...

People enjoy this? It feels like this game belongs at an arcade.

What a wimpy little cunt, he can't even handle the tyrant.

SPOILER: The only people that bitch about Mr. X are the ones that were bullied in school because he reminds them of that terror.

Alien: Isolation > Resident Evil 2.
Lasts longer, avoidable combat, gameplay options in alternate paths and tools to use, Alien = instant death tension, great design and musical atmosphere.

I don't get the hype of RE:2. Doesn't tickle me. Too much forced combat too that's just not fun.

If I wanna splosh zombies / demons I'll fire up Brutal Doom. If I want some atmospheric survival I'd rather launch Alien: Isolation.

I don't really see anything that makes RE:2 special or great.

Oh i see so you haven't played this game
That does explain why you don't understand why you need to lure him away from objectives and places in order to do certain things

>3 different people
More like you're pretending to be 3 different people, because you're desperate for someone else to tell you that you're right. But you're not, it's a needed mechanic to make you think before you move, to add urgency (yes, it does) to the gameplay and encourage you paying attention to where you're going.

I was never bullied like this.

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Flash grenade him. It's that simple. I've ran through for S/S+ ranks like 5 times now. You're forced to confront him only a handful of times. Very first encounter you flash him and can get so far ahead of him that he can't follow you effectively. If you aren't speeding through you should have enough flashbangs to tell him to fuck off every time he appears. When you pick up the tool that let's you move the bookcase in the library, where he's scripted to know right where you are, they even give you a hand grenade to toss his way to give you time to move.

>Completing the ONE mandatory puzzle before X decides to bust in and force you to play cat and mouse doesn't give a sense of urgency.
If he scares you, pisses you off, or unsettles you with his presence then he is doing his job as a horror game enemy. He can seem like a big problem on the first playthrough as you potentially fumble around a not cleared out police station with no idea where to go, but that's where he shines brightest and still has an intimidation factor. On subsequent playthroughs he's super easy to play around and can be skipped rather quickly.

Welcome to actual Resident Evil games

Not him,but you're literally the only fag defending this. How's that Capcom dick taste? Save some for the other bitches you greedy slut.

I thought you said dodging him was extremely easy. So which one is it, you little twat?
And no, all you have to do is avoid shooting like a spastic and he won't come for you. There are rooms he can't enter, you can wait there until he goes away. A single magnum shot to the head staggers him for like 5 seconds, allowing you to go around him.
There are plenty of ways not to get aggravated by him, none of which involve coming here and starting a grouphug thread for sissy boys.
Now, man the fuck up and go deal with it, you little bitch.

No he doesn’t if you can’t handle him then get good especially if you can out run him or cheese his AI

resident evil nemesis remake is just going to be Mr. x extreme mode the entire campaign.

>Now I have to run around for half an hour
>taking half an hour to get rid of Mr. X

God, how badly do you suck at this gams? If Mr. X is preventing you from doing something in a certain room, just send him on a wild goose chase on the opposite side of the police station and he’ll be gone long enough for you to do your thing. Literally takes a minute or two.

Git gud, seriously.

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I'm honestly baffled that people can fap to this horribly drawn shit.

>Your fat and your parents hate you
Doesn't this just make you feel unpleasant to type it at random people?
I mean c'mon. Try doing without it and see what it does for your mood.

>More like you're pretending to be 3 different people, because you're desperate for someone else to tell you that you're right.
Whatever helps you sleep at night dude

>it's a needed mechanic to make you think before you move
that sounds more like the original RE2 tyrant than this one but like that other user pointed out it's quite clear you haven't played this game before

>to add urgency (yes, it does) to the gameplay and encourage you paying attention to where you're going
except all he does is make you rush everything after he shows up so he doesn't track you down

Stop talking about games you haven't played

take a trip into deviantart

Look pal, you can pretend to be 20 different people, it doesn't matter. You're still crying about a good game mechanic because you don't want to deal with it and you think people patting you in the back here is going to make you feel better. That's pretty sad.

>Hide behind a pillar in the main hall and don't run around making noise.
>Mr. X stomps through the opposite door he was chasing me from.
>Looks around confused.
>Turns back like he must have missed me.
Was some pretty funny shit.

>not killing as many enemies as possible and going out your way to board up as many windows before he turns up

If i can do this with hardcore Leon B on a fucking controller you have no excuse.

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The segments where he chases you are relatively straightforward. The only really bad one is moving the book cases if you haven't killed the library zombies before activating X. And even that is doable, I did it just fine, it's just tricky.

>not mr. X/sherry sfm

You have to go back.

>There aren't multiple people disagreeing with me. It's all one person. My opinion is the correct one!

At least we can dab on him so he can fucking stay down for a while

I can't wait for all the threads full of zoom-zooms whining about it.
>literally impossible
>this is worse than dark souls!
>hold me bros, I don't think I can take it!
>I-it's not hard it's just not fun!

This, he actually has very simple perception. He has to look at you directly or hear you run/shoot. Since most areas he's in are hallways you don't notice it's actually very easy to trick or hide from him.

Dodging him is easy, he can't really hurt you, but he's an immovable object that gets in the way, you have to avoid him, but he's not an offensive thread, he's like a walking barrier.

>on a fucking controller
now disable the auto aim

>people actually have trouble with mr. X

If it isnt your first run you have no excuse. Stop being a fucking turbo nerd.

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Nice try, never used it.

don't bother
we already told him this several times

Welcome to the internet, boy.

It's sad how you think it's one person responding too you. Maybe just maybe you're wrong and a lot of people agree that it's a shitty mechanic.

>capcom bootlickers in full force defending a shitty design
>something that was even more shitty than the orignial

I play on console 99.99% of the time and very few games do I leave auto-aim on. That shit fucks up trying to aim at heads. It takes away control which is fucking dumb. Hell try it out. The game wants to prioritize center of mass instead of heads. Which makes sense but it's still shit.

One time he was upstairs coming at me and I was down somewhere past the front desk. He stopped after coming down the steps, turned around, and went right back up and in through the door he came out. I was just standing there near the front desk in awe.

He was scary for the first 15 minutes, then you get used to him following you and it just becomes a chore. Ruins the tension really.

>He ruins the fun
He shakes things up right at the point when you are getting to comfortable at the PD and makes any previous threat recontextualized. I thought he was great.

You king sized faggot of unheard of proportions.

this but dont be a fucking console pleb. get it on pc like a sane person (pirate it nigga)

Explain why its shit.

>calling out people who clearly aren’t good at the game makes you a capcom bootlicker

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He may piss me off at times or pull a punch I feel I for sure dodged, but I like him. He makes you want to hurry up, but also do your best to not confront him or the Lickers that spawn along with him. I also like zombies taking several shots to down because it makes them a threat instead of just fodder that mean nothing. If G-Birkin can regenerate over and over again after pushing his shit in 4 times, a human infected and turned into a zombie taking more than one headshot seems believable to me. Granted some zombies do have insanely high amounts of health, but I see these as more roadblocks the game wants you to either deal with effectively or avoid all together. That zombie at the door of the morgue for example? Shotgun or grenade launcher him in the face asap because fuck him.

He's always physically on the map and mainly only patrols the halls. If you avoid firing your gun and determine his location from his thumping, he's very avoidable. Also learn how to sprint dodge his attacks and youll learn he is slow as shit.

Because going into a saferoom then waiting 5 minutes real time is hard lol.
Or you can just literally run circles around him.
He ruins every bit of tension or scarefactor whenever he shows up because he is just fucking comical
>big trench coat wearing fedora fucker who is too fat to catch a tiny girl and cant even talk

How exactly? He is slow as fuck and it's incredibly easy to juke him. Throw a flash and he stays down for fucking forever. He's a literal non-issue.

looks more like a joke to me, but i'm definitely being naive

I agree. On my third playthrough and he's just old. The very first time he's interesting but after that he's just a time wasting pain in the ass. There is no benefit in fighting him, so you either run in circles or save point until he runs off.

so are the anons who are complaining about Mr. X upset that he's ""too hard"", or that he's just an annoyance? Cause he's not really hard to deal with, and he certainly is persistent. Is the issue his persistence (literally just being annoyed that he's a constant thing rather than being annoyed because he's hard for them)?

>waiting for 5 min in a room is better
>shitty meme copout picture
stay blasted, bootlicker

>having to wait in a save room for FIVE minutes because you’re too scared to sneak past him

Shitter detected.

He only appears at the end of the RPD and you can simply plan your routes. He's nowhere near as annoying as some fags made it out to be.

you can lose him by running through enough doors. if you're that worried about it just go the to the west stairwell save room. hell go to the east stairwell save if you have it open. this X is leagues easier to deal with than og daddy papa Mr. X. you that are experiencing him for the first time don't get the full package. he used to make a fucking mad dash for you if he so desired, and occasionally kicked.
>forces you to take huge detours
nah god, i'm now one of those fags that mass replies, this isn't a good feeling

>running around detour is better
stay blasted

Fuck off, retard.

>this is worse than dark souls
i unironically think that if 3make does happen, jill will need a dedicated dodge mechanic similar to ds or bb, probably more like bb. just so it's reliable, and repeatable this time.

if you know routes and clear out the library before he spawns he's a total non-issue

Seriously if it weren't for him teleporting to you when you grab the lever you would NEVER see him after the initial spawn

you can literally turn 360 degrees and get a away from him. the meme actually works in this case.

RE2 doesn't have it.

Literally stops following you through the pd once you get the last component and touch the basement, did that and backtracked to get all the items I missed no stressing

How can he ruin the fun when he is so easy avoiding?
Just flash bang his ass in the puzzle room.

it might surprise you to realize that not everyone shares your mindset and in an uncontrolled environment people are free to express that. just ignore him?


G-guys? I think I got myself kinda soft locked in this prison cell. What should I do?

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>Coming to 4channel to spread positivity
Here's your (You), faggot.

From the RE2 threada I thought this game os gomna be a huge hassle because X. But when I finally played it I saw that all you crying fags are just fucking retards.

OP is right, he ruins the fun, because he was made for casuals.
He's nothing more than a background music beat.

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Once you learn how to lose hom he gets even more scary, imho.

>lose X somewhere while doing shit on the otherside
>X derps out and chills out on the side he lost me
>come back to that side a few minutes later
>don't hear him because he's standing, looking around right now
>run around corner
>X right there
Gave me some nice "wtf moments".

Bout to he a hard lock when my boy Mr. X gets his hands around you.

>He ruins the fun

That's the point of him, he's supposed to give you a bad time. If you don't like stalker enemies then you're going to hate RE3R.

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This. By the time he spawns the RPD is basically fully explored already, so he adds a new layer of exploration which forces the player to plan and learn the proper routes. It's pretty great. If he was just some boss fight on the rooftop, the RPD would get even shorter than it already is.

>he adds a new layer of exploration which forces the player to plan and learn the proper routes

That's pretty much the point of scenario B in the original, to make the run unfamiliar thus increase the dread.

>I don't like tension and urgency in my games, I just want to run around and take my time and pick up every paperclip in every room on my own time

What a faggot lmao

>*grabs you by hair and puts you on your knees infront of him*
>*drops thong and swings hips back and forth and pierces back of your head with erect tyrant cock.

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It's not Tyrants fault you don't know what you're doing. If you play normally he's in the game for 3 minutes. Do you need waypoints? Just look at the Objective, focus on that instead of running around like a headless chicken and achieving nothing, because he's not going away until you complete said objective.

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You can though, when you go for the Magnum parts after the second secret lift, the whole station is available to explore and no new enemy spawns, so it's nice and quiet.

>It feels like this game belongs at an arcade.
You haven't the foggiest clue what an arcade game is like, do you?

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>easier to deal with than og mrx
uhh no? the original died in 3 magnum shots and would give you 7 shots for the trouble

You're just not an RE fan.

You are right though.

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>you get an achievement for shooting his hat off
>it makes him madder and faster
Game actually made me chuckle, thanks capcom

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>He can't literally take the 20 second detour to his destination

At least you can kick the shit out of nemesis for a nice reward (sometimes)

>user is too stupid to shake X before going through the licker corridor to get the handle and exit through the west office back into the main hall, go up the stairs into the library, unjam the bookcase, move all three of them to the right, move the fourth to the left, go up the ladder, into the clock tower, insert the cogs, get the electronic parts and hightail it back to the kennels


You mean most of the time.

Even from inside the STARS office or the dark room, X loses interest in about 20 seconds and you can just walk away from him.


Anyone crying about mr.x is literally retarded and should probably stick to mobile games

In the first playthrough where you dont understand him he adds a ton of tension and forces you to deal with extremely hard enemy setups

When you learn to manipulate him with sound properly and actually know what to plan around he simply forces you to play a more efficiently optimized route that lasts for a few minutes

You can LITERALLY lose him before he even lifts the chopper

>Lasts longer
this shit fucking drags on and on and on, it's just awful

>literally the best part of the game
>ruins it
Shit opinion thread?

It actually doesn't. Shooting him in the face in general makes him powerwalk towards you, the hat has nothing to do with it.

>kill marvin
>x comes barreling towards you


It's a tense survival-horror game, he's perfect.

LOL Op are you serious nigger? He is the easiest enemy in the entire game to deal with. Not only are you a fucking pussy, but you are also shit. He is so incredibly slow you can literally walk around him without ever taking a single hit. I can't believe how shitty of a gamer you are. Also, anyone who uses a trainer to by-pass him should legit kill themself. Not figuratively either, actually Kill yourself because you don't deserve to be alive you fucking, loser.

Attached: X gave it to her.webm (732x1080, 2.99M)

Can’t wait to see Nemesis make everyone his bitcth

They managed to make X look actually intimidating here, I wonder what they're gonna do to Nemesis' anime ass design.

smell it

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I want casuals to go. Games being annoying or hard or frustrating is a good thing.

On my second play through on claire b i legit only even saw him for like a grand total of 15 seconds i dont get the complaining


>baby retard mode

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No he doubles the fun.
I just wish Birkin would also wander around some of the areas too, or if there was a mode where you play as Hunk and you have to find Birkin and destroy him before he mutates too much.

That's not backtracking, that's organic level design, a map that opens up more and more as you progress.
Are zoom-zooms so dumb that everything must be a straight, linear path(preferably a shooting gallery) or a huge empty field, in order for them to comprehend?

>having to be around him for more than 10min

Just leave the precinct bitch

Birkin fucks gray hulk up he wouldn't stand a chance

weenies get upset Mr.X is coming for them.

T-00 is the ultimate pleb filter. It determines who likes survival horror and who just want another mindless action game. This is an indisputable fact.

You could do that in RE1 and it was pretty fun and comfy.

Get good, smelly nigger.

You zoomers think this is bad? I cant wait for the amount of asspain nemesis is going to bring.

>open the map
>go to destination
do this and he'll never catch you

og Mr.X could even die with some handgun bullets. Embarassing for a monster who's hyped up as an unstoppable force.

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>forces you to take huge detours

How about you become proficient at this game.

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Heard you talking shit like I wouldn't find out.

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I want a survival horror game, not things that scare and stress me like Mr X

I like him, being hunted by Mr X feels like your a character in a 80's slasher movie.


I played Slenderman, TRUE horor. Not this hokey bullshit

Slenderman was shit, in the original there is only 1 place that he can fuck you up

>some people get so stressed out by the Tyrant that they want to mod him out
He's a great addition to the game though, the A playthrough adds him when your at the point where zombies and lickers are getting old and easy to deal with.
He's actually pretty simple to avoid anyway, his real power is psychological - his theme and footsteps are designed to freak you out and make you panic and fuck up. Learn to get over this and X is just another mechanic for you to overcome.

>Not Juking his punches
>not using your flash grenades as a last resort
>Not using the rooms he doesn't go into to make him walk off

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>people actually had trouble with him

Im honestly fucking baffled.

run past him goof