How do you remain calm after a loss?
Why do some "people" (pic related) take it a whole different level and harm others?
How do you remain calm after a loss?
Why do some "people" (pic related) take it a whole different level and harm others?
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Who are these people?
Quit the game and do something else for a while
All 4 have murdered multiple people.
This is a board for video games
What are their names I mean?
What is the point of this? Whom has YandereDev (Rahexephon) killed?
what did he do this time?
Clockwise, from the top: Manlito Smith, Manletnno Farelli, Manleta Fragenco, Manlett Ismael.
Not OP but I know some of them
top left: angry manlet, pedo that has said he'll kill anyone who disagrees with him in the game and on several streams.
top right: autistic stalker from /vg/ who collects email addresses from people with google surveys.
bottom left: angry manlet, pedo, stalker, schizo and one of the most disliked people on /vg/ and the TF2 community.
bottom right: I think he's the dev for Yandere something? He used to stream and ban everyone after he died in a game or something.
OP is vaguely implying games cause violence. he means when you lose a game how do you keep yourself calm and not shoot up a school
Why is he so based
Losing in a video game is video game related, shitposter.
He's a little prick who wants to be charles manson. In my opinion.
is that neorussia
>one of the most disliked people on /vg/ and the TF2 community.
are you telling me he's still doing this 10 years later
holy shit
How pathetic you have to be to consider him based.
Because Videogames have no actual impact, so failure or success are both meaningless and in a vacuum, that is what make them good R&R, so it is easy to remain calm when loss is so trivial.
Some people take it too seriously and end up having disproportionate reactions, but this is not specific to Videogames, just consider sports hooligans, and i think it can be boiled down to that they are just plain nuts on some level.
seething republitards
This but the exact opposite of that
Reminder that destiny is literally on a child sex offender list
Yeah lmao
Destiny: Based and makes other edgy e-celeb darlings mad, /pol/ is eternally mad and tries to frame him as a pedo.
Who: WHO
NeoRussia: Should be who but a major faggot and eSports wannabe.
EvaXephron: lmao
I love how angry Destiny makes all you retarded /pol/tards
The only thing I know about Neorussia is that he's a paranoid pedo with extremely retarded opinions.
That retarded piece of shit actually tried to get into esports? What game?
TF2 and Dota.
jesus christ, top left is probably shopped but why the fuck is his head so disproportionate to the rest of his body?
In the end, Alex was the real gremlin.
Never saw his name in the top Dota scene. I also can't find anything about him in the old ranked leaderboards and I doubt he used a different name.
His Steam profile in Dota has less than 800 games and he's played a majority of his battles in the "normal skill" bracket which means his MMR is somewhere from 1000 MMR to 2500 MMR which is pathetic because new players start with 3000 MMR and you have to be really dumb to lose MMR and not increase MMR in Dota, especially after hundreds of battles played.
If he said he wants to enter the esport scene in Dota, then it just further proves that he is a clueless retard.
he used to play competitive TF2 like 10 years ago and was the butt of a lot of jokes on a different (now dead) imageboard he used to frequent because of how much of a colossal sperg he is, i don't think he was ever any good
there's a classic copypasta of him i wish i saved
>gets btfo during a debate
>rage quits and hangs up
>continue talking about the debate's topic with your hugbox while talking shit about his opponent
Ah yes. Truely based.
I just realized I was looking at the wrong Steam profile because there are two Neorussias. I'm assuming the Neorussia you're talking about is the one with the anime avatar?
The Steam profile with the anime avatar has played a total of 2927 battles and most of his battles took place in the "normal skill" and "high skill" brackets which means his MMR is somewhere from 3000 MMR to 4000 MMR. That's basically the average person's MMR. Also, if I'm not mistaken, Valve changed a new player's MMR to 4000 in 2016 because of MMR inflation, and Neorussia's last battle was in 2016, which means his MMR is inflated.
His winrate with the most broken heroes are all below 45% winrate and he's a stereotypical shitter. It's impossible for the average player to enter the pro scene in Dota, especially when you can't win strong and broken heroes. This is not even up for discussion. So yeah, if he said he wants to enter the pro scene in Dota, then it just adds more evidence to the fact that he is as clueless and retarded as he appears.
He's smart, but he's a terrible debater.
He's also argues in bad faith most of the time as well.
Serious question, how low has Destiny sunk at this point? I stopped paying attention to him sometime last year as he just kinda became a disgusting human being.
I was from the same community with him. I've got this pic.
Almost as low as his eye level
He's more successful than ever
Wait did meerkat finally snap and killed someone?
How did I miss that.
>tfw this popped up in my youtube feed
He got mega trolled and halfway through it snapped and went back to his former child form. He god schoold by black daddy.
Interviewer act like a retard, but instead of taking the mature way, he just go back to his childish posture.
No I meant like how depraved has he gotten?
He was always edgy but this political shit he's waded into has brought out his edginess to a whole new level.
He's been winning arguments by debating on whether children can consent to pornography on every topic that comes up. Destiny is the worst kind of person. He will say anything to win an e-peen internet argument. You can start a conversation about ethical gaming journalism and 4 questions later he's talking about consent laws.
I thought people said neo was a pedo as a joke, but he was actually one the whole time??
Who the fuck is that in the top right, and why should I give two shits about him?
I was kinda okay with his leftist bullshit but he lost me with the vegan debates, really displayed what a sociopath he is.
Nah, he is pedo. He's banned and blacklisted from a lot of communities for being a creep and autistic.
Manuel "Destiny" Lettison a well known Pedophile, Jack "No room in the west for Blacks" Rolfe a well known Child groomer, Big Jones a well known Bank Robber and Eva "Long Neck" Aucuell who is currently under police pursuit after he shot and killed two people in a parking lot
>after a loss?
I see what you did there.
It's funny how a streamer who went from calling actual black people niggers and koreans gooks and faggots to being the biggest lefty clickbait idol on youtube.