How the hell did they do it Yea Forums?
How the hell is New Vegas so good?
How the hell did they do it Yea Forums?
I dont know Ive never played it
Are there sex mods?
What exactly even makes it all that good?
>grey and brown
The precise reasons NV and FO3 didnt interest mere.
How can you play it more than 2-3 times ?
How can you not see its a themepark with about 10 things to do in it and it plays the same every time ?
Josh E Sawyer gives a shit about creating an actual RPG, that's all. There are loads of casuals who think 4 is the best in the series, it's all subjective.
Nostalgia. These are the same kind of people who have 700 hours on Skyrim, but only beat the story vanilla once, then spent the rest of the time experimenting with mods to try and make it fun because they don't have anything else to do. They are small minded and don't explore more games so stick to what they already know.
It's a decent game, but has a great framework for mods.
Because it was built on the rock solid foundation and engine of FO3.
No Todd
Decent story, characters, quests, and mostly an interesting location.
yes. why woudnt there be?
Same reason peoble enjoy VTM: Bloodlines, it might be clanky, but it does good, what peoble wanted from it.
I have never see them discussed or even mentioned, its always about skyrim
MemberBerries- the game.
when it released it was one of THE most buggy unstable pieces of shit to ever be released.
only nostalgia fags are jumping on the FO3 or FO NV wagon
Im playing this for the first time and god damn this double barrel shotgun feels great
Nigger I played through it on PS3 (aka the buggiest platform) and it's still my favourite game so fuck off yeah
I had to endure the PSN shutdown when honest hearts was released, it was agony
I don't remember any problems with it at release other than needing a UI mod. Morrowind would crash 90% of the time after leaving the character creation building which was really annoying. Skyrim had missing voice files for meeting Ebern that made the main quest hang the game.
Obsidian made it, that's how.
It was actually pretty stable even when I played it on the PS3, I experienced freezing not more than 5 times in the 200 hours I played. Then again, I didn't install the DLCs. I think those might have caused the instability because they might have increased the memory usage of the game beyond what the console could handle.