WoW Classic Thread
>Faction, class, race, professions on your first main?
>What are your plans on release?
>Will you level alone or in a group?
>Plans when you hit 60?
WoW Classic Thread
>Faction, class, race, professions on your first main?
>What are your plans on release?
>Will you level alone or in a group?
>Plans when you hit 60?
I will legitimately be shocked if Rogues comprise fewer than 60% of the playerbase.
The game is taking so long to release I have already stopped caring
I'm , also I'd probably play an undead rogue or a mage.
Healbot that will always be invited to raids but never gets the chance to have fun in PVP.
Tank that will be required for raids (and always invited) but PVP is often less enjoyable because of your dependence on a healer.
1.0 class design was mortifyingly boring with the seal/blessing system. The strongest PVP healer in the game but nothing more.
Gimp and is only invited to raids sparingly for innervate on priests.
Legitimately strong but not as valued as a Mage (due to AoE).
You will likely be spending your time as a healbot in most cases. Itemization in 1.0 for any other spec is difficult to come by.
Insanely boring. Only needed for tranquilizing shot in small quantities.
Legitimately the best PVP class outside of organized battlegrounds. Easily itemized. Easy to grind with. Strong raid DPS. Good CC utility for instances. Debatedly the best class choice.
Almost as capable as a rogue in PVP outside of organized battlegrounds. The absolute best raid DPS with great CC. Counterspell is legitimately the strongest ability in group PVP. Unlike a rogue, you will likely be able to get invited to instances or raids. Also the absolute best class for farming/grinding (strong single target DPS and arcane explosion).
What do you mean "taking so long"?
We've known from the start that it's coming this summer, not sooner.
human warrior, will be playing with my irl friend who rolls paladin or priest. cant decide on rppvp or pve server for maximum comfy experience with less zoomers
You only got rogue and mage mostly right, everything else mostly wrong.
Also what about 1.0? The game is releasing based on 1.12.
You only got rogue and mage mostly right, everything else mostly wrong.
Also what about 1.0? The game is releasing based on 1.12.
Nice double post, but I don't think you're correct.
lolwut it said that the captcha was wrong, and how did I double post in less than 30 sec? oh well
Are you going to judge me for rolling a female human mage, Yea Forums? I really don't like the gnome camera perspective and male humans have a shit casting animation.
>Are you going to judge me for rolling a female human
Yeah, female humans look like shit in every armor set with saggy tits and borderline muffintop mid-sections. Enjoy your proto body positive character model.
Agree to disagree.
Hilarious when used right in PvP, don't even need to be shadow but it certainly makes actually fighting back better. MCing people off cliffs is based.
All three specs are completely viable for PvE, and after gearing (which is more important for warriors than any other class) they can murder 1v3+ in PvP with their burst and some luck.
Infinite mana in raid healing. Can VERY SLOWLY 1v5+ in PvP in a tank-heal hybrid spec.
Strongest WPvP healer and flag carry. Is one of the most versatile and powerful WPvP classes for their crazy utility. Lacks in PvE but are still decent healers.
Yeah I agree actually. They start out weak but become gods with AQ-Naxx gear.
Actually no real opinion, as I am an Alliance dog.
I remember even in original 1.12 that my shaman alt could still oneshot with WF twohanded with less than pre-raid BiS in battlegrounds, weeks before 2.0.
Truest "RPG" class in vanilla. Tons of flavor and utility. Not among top 5 classes for raid dps but is one of the top classes in all PvP situations. High skill cap in vanilla.
Ya I agree.
Nah you do you. Fem gnomes have always been extremely cute and pure, and they have the better racials for minmaxing.
Humans are a little boring to some but I see them as the ultimate underdog race.
>Almost as capable as a rogue in PVP
Tbh no class is bad in PvP, you just need a build and playstyle that works with the skill to make it work. Engineering is mandatory for some specs but should just be taken for every PvP focused character.
>Needs on your ironfoe and gives it to his tank buddy
psh...nothin personal kid
People out themselves all the time, my favorite one is when people talk about their nostalgia for pre 60 dungeons. Anyone who is excited to run SM never got to 60 in retail.
WoW is an extremely casual game and I don't play priest, however seeing those old PvP videos of MCing people off cliffs always stuck out to me as something amazing.
Please user don't take vanilla PvP as "anything serious". Group/organized PvP isn't WoW PvP for 95% of everyone who's gonna play the game.
>Mfw people have to bring me as a shadow priest because they need warlocks in their group
>not MCing horde lowbies off the BB boat everytime your guild does Ony
Why wouldn't people enjoy one(or four) of the best dungeons in the game? What's wrong with SM?
I had 3 60's before TBC, both factions.
>not liking SM
Reading this makes me instantly discard your opinion as only valid for people who play the game extremely casually. You'll get one or two laughs out of outside of doing anything serious. Group PVP or organized battlegrounds make this to be a waste of mana/time.
>they can murder 1v3+ in PvP with their burst and some luck.
With a healer. AND with high end gear from raiding. They're one of the weakest 1v1/solo pvp classes in the game due to how easy it is to kite 1.0 warriors.
>All three specs are completely viable for PvE
Unless your guild has terrible rogues you will likely only be wanted as protection for raids (spare for the one arms warrior who exists to apply MS).
>Infinite mana in raid healing.
This is accurate but priests are often more desirable in raids than paladins for renew/PWS/fear ward (for Alliance).
>Can VERY SLOWLY 1v5+ in PvP in a tank-heal hybrid spec.
The second point is so extremely invalid that it calls into question everything you say. You legitimately cannot 1v5 anything in PVP as a paladin unless you are fighting comically brain-dead players who do not have interrupts or mana draining abilities. The only time paladins were capable in PVP by themselves was when reckoning was both bugged and acquirable with repentance AND you fought players who didn't understand what triggered it.
>Strongest WPvP healer and flag carry.
Paladins are a dramatically stronger PVP healer across the board: highest survivability, highest mana pool, blessing of protection and freedom. BoF on a warrior is a force to be reckoned with.
It is true that druids are solely useful for their flag carrying abilities though.
>one of the top classes in all PvP situations
Absolutely not the case. Literally any other class in group PVP is more desired than a hunter, the lone exception is viper sting against healing.
Continued from :
>High skill cap in vanilla.
This is also wrong. You hardly have to multitask (since you have no support abilities) and kiting is extremely basic. Warlock, Mage, and Priest have the highest "skill cap"s (in that order).
Why did you reply to the same post twice?
Moved my comment in a bigger post I was writing.
Why are you mentioning 1.0 again?
Classic is 1.12.
Your replies are pretty much all wrong though. So wrong in such quantity that it's not worth responding to individually. Educate yourself by looking up the multitudes of vanilla class comparisons on youtube.
>however seeing those old PvP videos of MCing people off cliffs always stuck out to me as something amazing.
That is an extreme novelty/troll thing to do. It's never effective against legitimately capable players or in any serious situation. It makes you look like a casual that you even find that a reason to advertise an entire class.
>Please user don't take vanilla PvP as "anything serious". Group/organized PvP isn't WoW PvP for 95% of everyone who's gonna play the game.
No, we're talking about the capabilities of what classes can do. Anyone who plays the game longer than a week at level 60 is going to find out that advice for casual play doesn't match what you actually do endgame.
When I said 1.0 I really meant 1.*. Basically anything pre Burning Crusade.
>Your replies are pretty much all wrong though. So wrong in such quantity that it's not worth responding to individually. Educate yourself by looking up the multitudes of vanilla class comparisons on youtube.
I mean I'm not wrong but okay. Any of those Youtubers who actually played Vanilla would corroborate my claims if they weren't a keyboard-turner.
can't trade loot in classic, fagbeard
>he doesn't know
I can say no more. Just look it up I guess. I've been doing research on every spec since Classic was released and also played the everloving shit out of Vanilla as a 12 year old all those years ago. My opinions are from both experience and dozens of videos made by people who continued playing vanilla on private servers to this day.
>he doesn't know
>since Classic was released
I meant announced.
>WoW Classic Thread
>he doesn't know
>My opinion is right because I claimed to have done some stuff and I don't care to argue with you
>Ad verecundiam
Have a good life.
True, i've ran SM about 1000 times since 2005, but its the first time you get actual blue loot/set pieces, especially with the mail/plate changes at 40.
Speaking of sets, whats the best tier?
Undead Priest or Rogue, depending on what my sister plays
Fuck guilds
Probably just go comfy, not into sweaty endgaming
Paladin tier 1
I love this post. Thank you for pointing out when people out themselves as casuals who only have pre-raiding/non-PVP experience in Vanilla.
I want people to play with. Anyone playing a vanilla private server horde side? I'll join and play as a rogue.
I'm not a keyboard turning downie. I no-life'd this shit till mid Cataclysm and know exactly what to do.
>Banana shoulders
Literally the worst possible taste.
>undead warlock, engineering
>getting to 60 asap
>no guild
>pvp only
I raided a lot in vanilla but still enjoy SM
guiding a bunch of newbies through armory and watching a warrior get all excited about the mail shoulder is nice
Paladin Tier 2, Rogue Tier 2, Rogue Tier 1. In that order.
Legitimately all other opinions are false.
>going into MC again
I'm afraid and also aroused
Yes, that's the joke
I will. Sounds like I'll actually have fun with Classic unlike you.
For the record, no spec is unviable in any place in the game. Winning is all about having better gear and/or playing better. And in the end the game itself is turbocasual anyway and taking it seriously is only a detriment to your own enjoyment.
>better than the fucking walking cathedral that is Tier 2
Never played Wow, I intend to go in to see what's it all about, gonna roll a gnome warlock.
oh boy are you in for a surprise
Judgement, Pally tier 2, obviously.
I also like wrath, warrior tier 2.
Idk why you used female models, but shaman tier 3 looks sexy on tauren/orc male with the giant shoulders.
How so?
Despite how obvious my bait was, you still fell for it
Tier 2 is BLOODFANG. It's the most epic bad ass spooky looking set and the stat bonuses are insane.
Pair it with perdition blade and core hound tooth and you're mo'fuggin GRIM.
>For the record, no spec is unviable in any place in the game. Winning is all about having better gear and/or playing better.
Completely false and this invalidates your earlier claims.
Protection couldn't tank and was useless. Retribution Paladins were not viable raid DPS. Literally Holy was the only viable spec
Protection in raids, Arms in PVP, Fury was only usable in raids and only if your rogues were terrible.
Resto in raids. Elemental in PVP (if you had the gear). Enhancement was legitimately underpowered.
I could go on for each of the 9 classes but you already outed yourself by saying "no spec is unviable in Vanilla". That's just plain sophistry.
Will you reserve names on your main realm?
>he doesn't know
Yes. I'm agreeing with you that Tier 2 for rogues is great. Not sure why you're capslocking me.
>Faction etc
gnome mage/undead lock depending on what my friend wants to play. Engineering either way
Casually level to 60, wpvp and troll as many people as possible along the way
>Alone or group
Level with my friend but group for dungeons obviously
Obviously at some point
>Plans at 60
Farm gold, pool gold, run auction house scam on alts until I’m near richest person on the server like I did last time
Viable doesn't mean "best".
Your opinions are still so wrong that it's funny.
>Retribution Paladins were not viable raid DPS
Not entirely true, you wanted 1 ret pally with nightfall for the debuff.
Fuck dude I didn't even read your original post right the first time I just saw "rogue tier 1" and didn't see the rogue tier 2 in there.
I've been up like 40 hours my bad dawg.
Warlock t1 is so fucking hot.
Daily Reminder to Need all loot as much as possible, Report others as much as possible and abuse the system until they switch to the old one.
>Viable doesn't mean "best".
Protection paladins were completely useless in Vanilla since they couldn't hold threat. What part of that even implies "usable"? Do you struggle with reading comprehension?
AH scam?
Mage T2 is great on female human tbqh.
I was pointing out how obvious it was, bro.
Have another (you). Don't spend them all in one place.
>I also like wrath, warrior tier 2.
Shark fin helmet though.
I'm curious how anything in the AH is a "scam" other than really fucking lulzy pricing. (Stacks of 1 for 1 copper less than stacks of 20.)
Buying mats, making them into more expensive mats and vendoring them. Could do this with cloth.
On (Not naming server) I was so rich I'd just buy out all the rare mats and re-list them for 20g more a stack and make mad profit.
Not him but I've mained a Paladin in vanilla for about 6 years combined across original vanilla and private servers, and while you're right about Holy being the only "viable" spec for raiding, the most fun I had was as a prot/holy hybrid reckoning spec in WPvP and battlegrounds.
There is nothing funnier than getting jumped by a rogue, only to turn around and smack him in the face with a 2hander reck-bomb and watch them instantly explode.
Prot paladins were excellent dungeon tanks and second to none in AoE threat. They didn't tank or even offtank every boss but could still be used perfectly fine on some encounters.
It's getting increasingly obvious that you didn't play vanilla, and your refusal to just look all the widely known information I'm passing along makes me think you're trolling.
I think we're done here.
Imagine willingly paying Blizzard to play an inferior version of a 15 year old game
Always do your stack sales on an alt and only sell stacks when you have a lot of them. When you put them up for sale, add extra 0’s or numbers to random stacks mixed in. Someone will always carelessly purchase the scam stack and then send you mail begging you to plz send back my gold :(. It’s not even actionable under the rules.
Yeah fucking nah
You ran out of mana fast as fuck, had no taunt and single target aggro gen was slow as ass and had no real reliable way of reducing damage.
Maybe with gear you could do it, but below level 60 this shit really wasn't feasible.
>the most fun I had was as a prot/holy hybrid reckoning spec in WPvP and battlegrounds.
That was only viable before they made it impossible to get both reckoning and repentance in the same spec which is before 1.12.
Legitimately killing people with reckoning as a paladin is dependent on how ignorant your opponent is when it comes to their knowledge of what triggers the reckoning proc. Once you fought someone who knows how it works, you'll likely be pretty ineffective. Also, your ability to deal damage in PVP is solely dependent on people critting you, if you're never targeted in group PVP (which is usually the case as a paladin) your damage will be the lowest in the game (of any DPS oriented spec) bar-none.
Vanilla > TBC > Private realms > WotLK, MoP > Cata > Legion > WoD, BFA
Not him, I'm this guy , while prot paladins could indeed hold AoE threat, the only place that I EVER did so, or saw anyone else utilize it was for the imps in MC. That's it.
As a result whatever tanking gear you were able to acquire as a pala would only be given to you if there wasn't a single warrior that didn't need it.
The people who are claiming that certain speccs aren't viable are blowing it out of proportion though. Raids in Vanilla are a complete joke until you reach the last half of AQ40.
I bet it's possible to clear MC and BWL with an entire raid full of memespeccs.
>Prot paladins were excellent dungeon tanks and second to none in AoE threat. They didn't tank or even offtank every boss but could still be used perfectly fine on some encounters.
You could tank SOME packs of enemies provided your group did terrible DPS. You could NEVER maintank as a paladin for a full instance during Vanilla. Paladins did not have a taunt pre-BC.
>It's getting increasingly obvious that you didn't play vanilla, and your refusal to just look all the widely known information I'm passing along makes me think you're trolling.
I think you honestly just outed yourself by saying that consecrate tanking constitutes an "excellent tank". That's just execrable.
Undead Warlock gang
Vanilla is shit compared to TBC
Know any more buzzwords?
>Faction, class, race, professions on your first main?
Warlock/Hunter most likely
Engineer or leatherworker for hunter? I'm undecided. Tailor/Enchanting all the way for warlock.
>What are your plans on release?
Comfily grind my way to level cap. There's no point rushing things really, zoomers that do that will probably get burnt out within a month.
>Will you level alone or in a group?
One character alone and another with frens. And by "alone" I well mean, "with randoms".
Plan to play with 3 good friends, 2 of which never experiencced Vanilla.
>Plans when you hit 60?
... I don't know. I'll see when I get there. Raiding, maybe, I guess. Or become a jewish gold machine and hire goons to fuck with the Devilsaur leather mafia.
Reminder that Classic will have a larger than any private server playerbase, which will create "a middle class" of raiders, where you're allowed to not be autistic about your class/spec/gear and can still play with good people. Private servers are polarized (largely due to the smaller numbers) and only create low class (utter scrubs) and high class (faggot wannabe poopsockers) guilds. The normal "middle class" players there are forced to join either. On 4chinz the talk about vanilla raiding comes almost exclusively from this polarized perspective. Though that being said the culture of private servers is ALSO like this because there are no normies to mellow out the discourse. It's only underages and keyboard warriors. That too, will get fixed in Classic. Any screeching homo coming in with their list of must-do's and other private server -learned hot takes are simply wrong.
So make the class you want, pick the spec you want and get ready to go home and have fun.
>Cata better than legion
>wod better than bfa
>That was only viable before they made it impossible to get both reckoning and repentance in the same spec which is before 1.12.
The fuck are you talking about? Repentance and ret in general is absolute garbage. Why would you need repentance to reck bomb someone? You know paladins come with a 6 seconds stun, right?
>Legitimately killing people with reckoning as a paladin is dependent on how ignorant your opponent is when it comes to their knowledge of what triggers the reckoning proc.
Wrong again. Reckoning stacks had no timer, you could stock them up and sit on them forever and they won't disappear until you attack something, or change your gear.
In WPvP or Alterac Valley you could just find a random mob, sit down, get guaranteed crit 4 times and prime a bomb. Do your thing as the best PvP healer in the game, then the second someone tries to jump you just smack them in the face and watch them drop.
It's even viable if there's no mobs around, just /sit and let the player hit you. If they stop attacking you, just go back to healing.
>if you're never targeted in group PVP (which is usually the case as a paladin)
What kind of retards did you play against? If you're not targeting the enemy healers in PvP, you've lost.
Playing a Paladin in PvP isn't about DPS. It's about being an unstoppable, CC-proof healer. Throw in a surprise burst and you've got what is in my opinion one of the most fun classes in the game, you just never die.
Scammer here. I’ll share my master scam, tripfag. This made me literally the richest person on my entire server and I got away with it before starting one of the most influential raiding guilds in vanilla. I won’t say which because I don’t want to tarnish my legacy.
Buy all of the BoE epics of one type off of the auction house. Could be any one of them, random bracers or some shit. Then turn around and put one of them up. Worth 100 gold? Put it up for 400 or 500 or whatever.
Go on alt or have a friend spam the chat acting like a newb mongoloid. Ask specifically for that item.
Inevitably, someone tries to take advantage of you and buys the item off of the auction house. Every. Single. Time.
Wait a few hours, rinse, repeat, and there you have it. You just made thousands of gold in like 45 minutes playtime.
What? Private servers have much higher population caps than WoW's realms, and the people on your realm was all that mattered in vanilla. You'll see just as much variety on the official realms and private servers.
TBC was literally the beginning of the game turning to shit you mong. Flying mounts were hot garbage and ruined just about everything about open world interactions. Outland being added left Azeroth barren. Adding vertical progression rendered literally everything you'd done before the expansion pointless. Paladins and Shamen going cross faction was a terrible decision and made the factions interchangable. Draenei and Belfs are fucking cancer in general.
Not him, but a bunch of these is a problem with WoW's expansion model in general, not specifically TBC.
The fact that Blizzard thinks that an expansion means basically creating a new game says less about the actual content in an expansion and more about their design decisions.
I personally think that the raids in TBC were way better than in Vanilla.
>I personally think that the raids in TBC were way better than in Vanilla
That was one of the few redeeming factors about it, but there is no reason they couldn't have added them as horizontal progression at level 60.
It's not about realm-specific population caps, it's about the number of people playing period. The chill-but-still-good guy is the rarest of the player types and on private servers with 100k people there are not enough of them that more than one guild will organically spawn, since most of them will get absorbed by the wannabe poopsockers or get discouraged (and quit) by the overall attitude the players have.
Hell, my interpretation of the whole thing is probably a little bit off but what I'm describing is a real thing. Those kind of guilds never really happen on pservers.
>Yeah, female humans look like shit in every armor set with saggy tits
You take that back. Female human tits are the best wow tits. God damn I wish they existed irl
>Insanely boring
Insanely boring for you getting corpse camped by me for 8 hours straight maybe
3/4 wings are literally just corridor after corridor of trash mobs
I'm gonna enjoy sniping at ally fags in Booty Bay and Gadgetzan, letting them hit me back once, and then feigning death as the guards beat them to death.
>warlock or rogue
>pvp server
>engineering / alch
>will have an alt herbing mage for farming mad gold in DM
Will level solo. Will be 60 in ~5 days played. Will probably take the week off of work to do it.
Once I'm server first 60, Im going to go back to the level 40 zones and camp the main quest hub in STV denying all alliance players the ability to level. There will be salt, lots of it.
After that I will likely raid to get geared as pvp ranks take too fucking long. I will continue to camp low level alliance and their mains in my downtime. I did this on nost with finalflash, was a lot of fun. Had dedicated salt threads on the forums about me.
Sounds boring as hell tbqh. I imagine that you're one of those people who suffer from anti-social personality disorder in real life.
>I'm gonna enjoy sniping at ally fags in Booty Bay and Gadgetzan
This shit is bannable on pretty much every private server, you best believe it'll either be bannable or just straight up fixed in classic.
I don't play online games because they're good. I play them to flex on people as win simulators. I like beating other players and watching them get mad.
Classic will be amazing for stream sniping
Tauren Druid - Tribal Leatherworking and Skinning
Comfy Leveling
Complete Dungeon set because I couldn't do it back then BECAUSE THAT CUNT FUCKING WOLF NEVER FUCKING DROPPED THE SHOULDERS
On a private server it was nice having a pala tank in zf since you could gather up 2-3 packs and aoe them down
>denying all alliance players the ability to level.
Except there's going to be phasing in Classic so the majority of players won't even see you.
Womp womp.
I don't see it being bannable in retail, but if classic is on the Legion client then they may have fixed it.
>wish human females existed in real life
user.. I have something to tell you about