Here's your Dark Souls IV bro

Here's your Dark Souls IV bro

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Fine by me, fromsoft does better with new IP's anyways and souls was getting kind of tired.


you mean bloodborne II

That was Dark Souls III

This is Bloodborne III

i dont care what it is i just want a new AAA game that isnt complete dogshit

you mean demon souls VI

from is AA though

>no stats

on to nioh 2 I guess


ok AA then, whatever it takes to satisfy your semantics

you mean Tenchu: Sekiro


But DS4 is Bloodborne 2 and it's set in mesoamerica

stats were a mistake

Dark Souls III was completely soulless and therefore can't be Bloodborne II.

Sorry you can't grind levels like a little baby bumpkin user.

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Somebody that has the balls to give a challenge. Companies are so afraid to put off consumers it's disgusting.

Do I buy this or DMC5 for March bros?

Or Left Alive?

If this game is like some sort of 3d metroidvania with upgrades far apart, that need you to explore and/or clear challenging side quests, with combat that is an improved soulborne formula, then this game is going to be amazing.
If it is a linear action game with souls combat then it's going to be trash.

wow thanks user!

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>game with no sjw shit
based. I'll buy it.

Souls action isn't good enough to stand on it's own, which is why it really needs the gear and stat progression to give it uniqueness and variety. If you break it down to just the combat, it's really not all that great.

If I wanted an action game I could just play ninja gaiden black or something. Souls needs the rpg formula in the mix or it just falls apart.

probably this and DMC5

>Souls action isn't good

>Souls action isn't good enough to stand on it's own
Hence why they've given Mr. Sekiro a whole bunch of new movement, offensive, and defensive options.
This isn't souls combat any more.

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Well, it better be significantly better by a huge margin to merit giving up stats, otherwise it will be a giant failure.

>implying a bloodborne 2 wouldn't be a huge disappointment

its gonna flop

>Souls action isn't good enough to stand on it's own
>If you break it down to just the combat, it's really not all that great

That's why there are countless people doing deprived/naked runs, right?

Everybody shut up, this is Nioh 1.5

hey retard

you won't be able to do that in sekrio

>No stat customization
>No weapons or armor
>No online

What is Fromsoft thinking?

its clearly a The Surge prequel. the surge 0.5

It's just something Miyazaki handed to the B-team to tide us over while he works on Bloodborne II.

actually Miyazaki is working on Sekiro while B team is making another dark fantasy RPG IP

Doesn't bother me at all. I only play do one play trough of these kinda games anyway. So i don't have to worry about burning points in useless stats or upgrading mediocre weapons.

>wanting 17 varieties of longsword with the same R1 spam instead of fewer more in-depth movesets

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Can you play as a girl?

No, there's no character creator, you play as the dude you've seen

well people who actually play these games and pour significant time into tgem should be worried, because that’s a sure fired way to kill all replayability and make the game die in a week


Dropped then, what a blunder

It's nice to see that after Bioware and other devs went to shit, From Software remains great.

At least Japan can do games properly.

Same way in OoT. Not every game has to be an RPG.

>wanting weapon variation is the same as wanting duplicates
>wanting gear progression in a fucking souls game is wrong

yep, this is gonna flop and you’re a real mouth breather to defend it

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yes, I want to roleplay

autogynephile getting BTFO

It's not a souls game.

Also there is weapon variation. It's expanding on the Bloodborne approach of fewer, more distinct weapons.

>actually Miyazaki is working on Sekiro
Sure, in the same way that he worked on DS3, ie. not at all

I’m waiting to see how deep Activisions influence is with Sekiro.
If it is literally just distribution then I’ll pick it up but I won’t be surprised if they’ve put their dirty mark on this game elsewhere.

You can tell Miyazaki's fully responsible for DS3 because it dropped all of DS2's improvements.

>gook setting
coundn't care less about this game

I was very tired of European fantasy before I played Dark Souls and I absolutely loved the setting because of how differently it was approached
I hope Sekiro will be the same

At least they aren't adding microtransactions to a singleplayer game, unlike DMCV.

hey retard, he never claimed you would and you're missing the entire fucking point

From said that they only helped make tutorials
There was some "insider" who said that Activision made them remove PvP (which would work by invader taking control of an enemy NPC) but that's probably fake

No, you are. There won't be any challenges to have fun competing if every single play through is the same build. The fun in those doesn't come from the raw gameplay mechanics of being naked. It comes from doing something abnormal to challenge yourself further. It is in and of itself a build, and you won't be able to challenge yourself like that in sekiro. You can only play the identical build a few times at best before it becomes a slog

>no character customization
I'll get it when it's like 15 bucks

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That we know of.
I wouldn’t put it past Actinto try and muscle in to development somehow.
I’m going to wait until I hear the feedback from the usual Fromsoft talking heads before buying.

Roman numerals you zoomer

why do souls fags act like they don't get games and don't want from to make ANYTHING new?

then how about not playing these games and ignoring these threads and just waiting for the next dark souls game?

If it's approached in a different way I can be great, but if it's just a regular jap game with from software gameplay mechanics I'm really not interested in it, I think it was smart for them to change the setting so people don't get burned out but asian shit it's just not my thing...

everything we've seen suggests it's like the latter. there were even secrets in the demo.

are people really so attached to the incredibly bare bones rpg stat system in dark souls?


IV is 6. IIII is 4.

>Not Dark Souls
>Not Bloodborne

Delet this

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This, if a game is not Souls or Bloodborne then it's shit

If this at least had different outfits I would be all over it, but lacking that on top of no stats or alt weapons really kills it for me.

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Nice bait, no ones this stupid

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I wonder if Sekiro will have the obligatory tall and/or barefoot girl, Biorr/Onion knight, trap and a million Berserk references.
We know that Crestfallen is in as the immortal warrior.

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I don't think there will be many nods to other games, they already confirmed no moonlight sword or Patches

There will probably be a Patches and Moonblade analogue though

I will be surprised if there's no moonlight sword in some way, they always throw that shit in.

fuck off retard