*clears throat*

*clears throat*


Attached: _104225874_whatsubject.jpg (660x371, 36K)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/"Killing leftists"/

Unironically dropped the game when I got to that city and got bombarded with Rockstar's political agenda

*punches you in the face and feeds you to alligators*

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The gore system is even disabled on her, I shot her in the face with a sawed off shotgun. and her head didn't explode.

biggest cringe is people saying "darkie". Yeah, so immersive, have people talk NIGGER in GTA V all the time but in 1889 political corectness was the shit buddy. Im sure i wont buy gta VI because its obvious rockstar doesnt have the balls anymore.

PS: online could not be worse you lazy fuckers, i honestly regret buying this game.

Biggest one for me was the KKK dudes running around in a time when they weren't around and thay eugenics guy handing me a pamphlet which said "a racist, idiotic pamphlet" in the description
Also Arthur just giving the same responses regardless of what you picked when interacting with these various people in the city
Thanks r* for politicising a series that didnt need to be politicised
>inb4 angry r* shills and buzzwords


biggest cringe is 12 yo magapede polbabies getting triggered and seeing anti white agenda in every video game that doesn’t constantly have characters spout nigger at all times.

>imagine being so far gone, that you think "darkie" is PC

youre "that guy" arent you


>Killing random KKK members gives +honor

Attached: 1540427654005.jpg (1079x629, 50K)

Already did

>no, its retards like you who can't think of other explanation than "muh /pol/". Same retards obviously designed the game and made the "muh white genocide NPC". Arthur cant even talk with women whilst in GTA V you can pick up whores on street or go to strip club. Your ""argument"" is invalid faggot. Rockstar is becoming another sjw infested normie studio.

Uhhhh isn't RDR all about politics and how lawlessness was rooted out because of the government actually starting to get a grip on things? Mexico was all about politics and Guarma was about American interloping in foreign countries by using the even dumber populace for cheap labor.

>magapede polbabies

>strawmen without any arguments

yeah, you are retarded;

Copeing this early in the morning? I'll take it.

RDR is about one thing, a man atoning for his bad life choices and paying for it
Its a wonderful story and its told in a believable way
RDR2 is borderline fantasy it takes so many liberties

fuck minorities, fuck blacks, fuck women, but most of all fuuuuuck reddit!

>Killing random KKK members gives +honor

>killing criminals in self defense going aggro on you gives you negative honor. Looting corpses the quest demands you to kill gives you bad honor.

>talking to girls prohibited

>harming female NPC not allowed kek

it feels so fucking retarded for a sandbox game.
oh and yeah im obviously a nazi sieg heil 1389 !!1

>murdering robbing psycho loves womens rights and black people

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based and redpilled

also, promote game as "immersive". Guys behave like hipster gentlemen half the time with manners better than half of US population. So fucking retarded. You could still have your retarded PC agenda by making the game crual and realistic as it was. INFACT it would have a better impact on everyone. but lets just ban users from it because the history showed us banning and censoring is the way to go.

>>harming female NPC not allowed kek
You are allowed to harm anyone, you just get reprimanded for harming random civilians.
People with bounties, man or woman, don't net you any negative karma for bringing to justice.

The Honor system is flawed, but I haven't seen it treat men and women unequally.

I hate this the most. At least in games like Witcher 3 Geralt was always a pansy, but even then you could literally choose to ignore the plights of SJW-type characters, or even insult them and go about your business if you didn't want to actually side with them. But GTA protags and shit don't need to give a fuck about this shit when they're literally serial killing maniacs while having LESS of a choice to not side against SJW characters.

this is all false retarded weeb

the ability to vote was granted based on property ownership thresholds
not poor men nor poor women could vote
single women who owned land could vote
single men who did not own land could not vote
after feminism, poor men were the only class of citizen that could not vote

really makes you think 'eh?

woah its almost like american feminism is complete shit

>all feminism

why is historical accuracy only brought up when there's women and blacks involved

Its not the only time its brought up
You just only notice it because that specifically bothers you

Left can’t meme.

show me the last time Yea Forums made all this noise about it

Because women and blacks are the one actively trying to change history.

eugenics was pretty mainstream during the progressive era too.

in battlefield 1 when most guns were automatic/semi auto


The way the system was set up, each FAMILY got one vote.

And, only property owners could vote because property owners were the ones paying taxes. (There was no income tax during this time.) Only taxpayers being able to vote made sense, since you're the one funding the government and you're giving input on where your money should be spent.

Nowadays people who don't pay taxes can vote. They contribute nothing to the government, yet they're giving input on how other peoples money should be spent.

No one cared about blacks in BF1 since it was understood that the soldier on the cover was part of a real, historical unit. The controversy was about every soldier having SMGs in an age when they were incredibly rare and unreliable.

Yea Forums is predominantly right wing so that would be pretty hard
outside of this place people bitch about the whitewashing of history almost non-stop though

>no one cared

>Feminist is made hypocritical and annoying on purpose
>/pol/ turds don't like this for some reason
Is there anything you won't cry about?

Attached: IMG_5355.jpg (253x238, 24K)

I cared about it
They were a real unit but they were portrayed completely incorrectly
The french were shown as these oppressors of blacks which is completely false
Americans treated blacks badly not the europeans

Everyone hated niggers. Stop trying to rewrite history to fit your SJW agenda.

ok idiot, i wont make you embarass yourself further

>Yea Forums is predominantly right wing

You have to go back

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Even Hitler had black troops dumbo
He hated jews not blacks

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>press antagonize
>Arthur agrees on the merits of feminism regardless
shit game

It was, is, and will always be
This site has always been predominantly right wing
There's a reason we dont have a left wing political board

>hitler didnt hate blacks
kek, yeah hitler originally produced the prequel to blacked named GESCHWÄRZT.DE

let me guess, you're one of the goyim?

he is canonically egalitarian, he says so to mary beth karen and tilly, that all ppl are shit, not just women. so it makes complete sense why he does that

>all ppl are shit
Does he also listen to slipknot and wear eyeliner

Nobody cares, crybaby.

makes sense

This but unironically.


Attached: lovecraft.png (404x507, 223K)

you cared enough to reply

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I got this

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i dont think they had band tees back then

>playing a Chaotic Evil rather than Chaotic Good
>thinks anyone will will respect you, let alone your opinions

>trying to buy clothes
>hear this uppity cunt harping
>explore the area
>keep hearing the uppity cunt
>go back to doing other things in rhodes
>forced to chauffeur uppity suffragette counts
>return to st. Denis a few days later for haircut and clothes
>hear uppity cunt again
>change clothes, grab horse, hitch it next to shopping plaza facing city exit
>walk up plaza steps, swap explosive rounds into rifle, cover face and aim
>uppity cunt's head explodes into pulp as everyone freaks out
>run to horse and escape
>back in the city several in game days later
>"let me vote let me vote let me vote"
>smile and shake head as I pull out my rifle with explosive rounds

Libtard cunt was so satisfying to murder. She reminded me of the faggot who reviewed Far Cry 5 and cried because Hurk's father is running for Congress and says "Obama loving libtards." The faggot """reviewing""" the game cried about feeling "unsafe" from that line. I can't be the only one who gets an erection from killing libtards.


Fuggen newfags.

Based Hitler was also a closer ally with Japanese than dirty Russian subhumans.

>it makes sense only taxpayers could vote
It doesn't make sense. You end up with a small percentage of citizens actually able to vote who then vote based on their own interests. The elected parties then create laws to maintain the status quo. A (factory) worker who had worked his entire life, contributed to society, earned an honest living, etc. could not vote and did not have his interests represented. It also means a wealthy foreigner could buy property and vote despite having zero ties to your country.

Was this after the conquest of Ethiopia?

I can't even

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this +
>no functional prostitutes

just face it people, rockstar is neutered mainstream trash. the edgy and controversial rockstar is no more.

You people get stuck on the weirdest things. I didn't even notice her until the mess weaklings on the internet roused up. But I guess it goes a long way to explain why y'all can't get jobs/women/etc if pixels and words upset you.

He laughs and says that anyone stupid enough to vote should be allowed to. She calls him a petty cynic or something.

The only newfag here is you
Remember /new/? Of course you don't

I don't think we should slaughter all sub-saharan africans and jews, but you have to admit there may be some advantages to it.
some food for thoughts.


I've been here since 2007.

Then why are you being dumb

That sounds like a reasonable antagonization. Why is user so angry about it?

Any civilisation that give political power to women fall to collapse or invasion shortly after.
Probably a coincidence tho

>not dropping the game because of shit controls and obtuse mechanics like losing guns you steal from hideouts on death, resulting in situations in which you'll respawn at a mission checkpoint with no weapons and no horse to restock at
cringe but redpilled

You seem very sure of yourself. Mind giving some historical examples?

Automated responses from programmed idiots.

Yea Forums was liberal as fuck in the early days, during the Bush years. Most of the internet was. That only changed around the time of the gamergate bullshit.

So stop lying about knowing the history of Yea Forums to support your fucking political agendas, cringy faggot.

based retard showing his face in the light of day despite having no facts and only schizophrenic delusions

>daily /his/ thread

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>Yea Forums was liberal

You have to go back. Take the influx of trannies with you.

your bullshit racebaiting aside the game doesnt feel 1889 and it doesn't feel because you would piss your panties had your heard a word "nigger" elsewhere than in 15.000 2019 rap/hip hop songs and in just about every other movie or series.

>1800s experience

>game won't let you be racist or bigoted even in a tongue in cheek sense

This ruined the game for me. Literally no fun allowed because liberals were in charge of development.

Attached: image0.jpg (750x712, 316K)

>never got around to buying GTAV
>never got around to buying Overwatch
>never got around to buying RDR2

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Should be 100%

Yea Forums was always contrarian yes. Nowdays not being a faggot is contrarian. Enjoy your stay.

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Bagdad before being slaughtered by the mongols.
Despite reports of the borders being penetrated, officials were concerned debating how much welfare should be raised.

>rome rules the world, but women rule rome
Expression from before the empire's collapse.

Kingdom of algeria, feminism movement.
Lasted two weeks before literal goatfuckers put bags on them (some were still alive i heard).

Modern western civilisation : on-going.

Pools closed nigger

Emos killing themselves is hilarious

*Que raving hitler gifs*

Where is Hilary Clinton when we need her.

Join the 40%

That number surely shows that natural selection is working but at the same time I also think that number wouldn't be so high if trannies weren't culturally bullied for what they are.


>game ruined because main character doesn’t call people nigger

Every game does this now. The main character has to be hundreds of years in political correctness ahead of their time and surrounded by leftist Mary Sue's. I'm only shocked there was no trans garbage in this game, though the hilariously shallow character from the snowy cabin prologue comes close.

>Yea Forums was liberal as fuck

Sure thing, retard

Truth hurts, magapede. Daily Show and Colbert Report gifs used to be commonplace and we shat on conservatives for being scared, god-fearing corporatists.

Being dragged to the nearest mobile life support station.

Why are you spreading straight up lies?

>cope #1

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>Games try to be woke
>Buyers use it to lynch niggers and beat women

I cant get mad at this game. It is all Ive ever dreamt.

i suggest you start censoring every hip hop rap song and nigger saying the nigger word othervise there is no point, its just a marketing trick to pander on sjws.

Are you implying nigger and faggot weren't common before ?
That's like saying that right now suiss cheese have holes while before they weren't there, which isn't true at all.

No it wasnt. Yea Forums was largely a-political, and those who were political were almost entirely right wing
What kind of "liberal as fuck" website coins the term NIGGERFAGGOT user?
Take off the rose tinted glasses

Can't tell if trolling or as delusional as the mentally I'll in his political spectrum who claim their penises are male vaginas and diddling kids is normal.

that the honor system is fucked ?

At least it offers absolutely nothing than some discount which you dont really need because once you hit chapter 3 you're already loaded with thousands of dollars?

None of that shit is conservative and political correctness isn't what makes a liberal.

Are you anti child love?
That's pretty antisemite of you.

>a girl exist somewhere, at some time
>trigger culture warriors in their dank basements
Every time

I don't understand how anyone can listen to this hag and not realize they made her annoying on purpose. R* takes the piss out of all "sides", you're not supposed to take it at face value

>an hero faggot
>nigger hate threads on Yea Forums

Git r dun!

Did anyone get the achievement for visiting all the gang graves? I wish there was a shitting feature so I could leave Lenny something. Arthur was a retard for following a literal commie and deserved his death sentence for beating a Christian man at the behest of a shekel nursing jew.

Arthur the character is not racist/misogynistic for obvious and story reasons, but you're free to stab and burn every woman you see and spend the entire game dragging a dead nigger behind your horse if you want to. Make a bunch of dynamite arrows and go out to plantation for target practice or something.

"Internet Hate Machine", please.

Oh yeah, that's why Yea Forums trolled the shit out of conservative talk shows, staged demoes against scientologists and why /pol/ worshipped a libertarian rather than a right winger for years.

not the same user but you're retarded. the point is this is not the wild west. Ill give you an example; The good the bad the ugly is often being criticised how "the good" actualy wasnt the good and that's because those we're the different times and if you dont get into their mindset you can not understand that blondie was the good guy. Blondie was The Good, an anthropomorphized ideal of frontiersmenship that, when it came down to it, we're all good. Angel Eyes was The Bad, a horrible human that took whenever he could, abused any power he had, and had no loyalties to anyone when it no longer benefited him. But Tuco was The Ugly. Tuco was bad, good, selfish, selfless, clever, dumb, and very human. Tuco was ugly the same way we're ugly when we see ourselves in a picture. Tuco was ugly the same way our voice is ugly when we head it in a recording. Tuco was bad when it was a good time to be bad, and was good when it was a good time to be good, like all of us. Tuco was the West in its reality and we saw it for what it was: Ugly.

This is something this game failed to delivered and i am saddened by it because IMHO it would make it a game of a decade. the rough, unapolegetic, fuck your feelings wild west.

continue with your racebaiting, im done.

Except the racist, idiotic, KKK, Nazi eugenic fucks!
>get good karma for killing KKK
>dont get a wanted level for beating up the racist guy in the middle of the city
>get a wanted level immediately for assaulting the feminist
"all sides"

Even if Hitler didn't hate them (though he publicly said they were lesser humans), neo nazis today hate everyone, even their own parents like Lane Davis

THIS. The feminist was just as annoying as the white supremacist

I think you're lying about 2007 user
That didnt happen lmao
>/pol/ worshipped a libertarian
Ron Paul is right wing you absolute dumbass
And that wasnt early /pol/
The entire reason /pol/ was created is because /new/ became a hitler board
Please stop trying to rewrite the history of this site and its culture to fit your faggy gay politics, faggot

>implying the underage poltard even knows who Ron Paul is

True. I spent hours antagonizing nigs on the outskirts of Saint Denis, then chasing them to a muddy creek and beating, then stabbing them to death. If there's ever a PC port, I'm doing this dressed as a klansman, you know, the militant arm of the anti-abolition Democrat party who fought the Republican Abraham Lincoln.

>publicly said they were lesser humans
He considered anyone not aryan aka german to be lesser
>neo nazis today hate everyone


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Kkk is a hate group that lynched people for having the "wrong" skin color, and Ye Olde Feminism was a legitimate equal rights movement. If you really can't tell the difference you're too far gone.

>movie analogy
Look, if you don't use at least a pizza, fuck off you worthless nigger.

>everyone I disagree with is retarded and a little kid

Kids can vote in general elections?

Oh yeah, the mongols. I'm sure Baghdad could have won against the most powerful force of the era that destroyed anything it rolled over if women stayed in the kitchen.
Never mind it was the fully male council that refused to surrender to the mongols, ensuring their city complete destruction.

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Isn't "ahem" already an onomatopoeia for clearing your throat?

>Arthur can literally get raped
>its played off as a joke
>ahah he got raped by some hillbilly in a swamp

in fact
>hear about the night people
>cool, aggressive Indians like in Bone Tomahawk
>It's actually another flavor of murkbrood
>2 different factions made of feral white inbred
>get to Indian reservation
>no gunz allowed

Yes, i'm certain the make council was full of strong men.
After all, strong men are renown to let women out of the kitchen.

>ron paul isnt right wing
How fucking stupid can you be
He ran as a conservative candidate for the republican party


The older I get the more I come to despise tattoos and piercings.

If you had an ounce of self awareness.. but you don't, so you keep spouting your drone handbook revisionism.
What's next? Yea Forums never tracked down animal abusers or pedophiles on chat rooms?

They persuade their hick parents to, assuming their hick parents weren't the first to shit paranoid right-wing propaganda into their skulls.

The KKK arent even supposed to exist in this time period
they were disbanded almost 20 years ago in the timeline of rdr2

>crazy guys in tall trees has indians in it
>rockstar added in white guys so it isnt racist
>del lobos is primarily mexican
>added whites
rockstar is dumb gangs arent multi cultural

And preached hard libertarianism.
Funny how the anti establishment culture of /pol/ got eradicated by republican shills who now worships the establishment


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True, but I was addressing the false equivalency.

/pol/ was a Nazi board before it was a Lolbert board user. If anything its become a Lolbert and Conservashit board now more than ever before.

KKK was the militant arm of the Democrat party who used domestic terror to scare blacks from exercising their new rights and intimidating whites from helping them; Democrats started the civil war to uphold slavery; Jim Crow laws were drafted and passed by democrats; every black and white civil rights video of blacks being attacked with hoses and dogs are from Democrat cities in blue states with Democrat sheriffs; and when they couldn't keep blacks down by force they did it by social engineering as Democrat president LBJ said "I'll have these niggers voting Democrat for the next two hundred years."

Maybe get your history from a book and not Steven Colbert.

Ah yes, because stormfront is a forum of tolerance and peace.



Attached: niggered.jpg (320x362, 13K)

They're more peaceful than the religion of peace.

So you honestly think they had a chance against mongols and their never before seen strats?

You cannot miss the point harder.

Dawg the KKK still exist NOW. The fuck is wrong with you

im sure most posters who spout /pol/ are false flaggers fishing for (you)s

And thats a good thing.

I dunno, at the start they focused on libertarianism (since it was the underdog, and they love being the underdog), though possibly by fear that moot would keep his word and axe them if they went /new/.
But then stormfront started raiding in force for months in what, '14? showing that moot wouldn't do shit besides occasionally troll /pol/ so they stayed. Stormfront actually considers /pol/ a colony and useful tools


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>biggest board on all the chans
>no no, we would never crossboard, we guud boise also FUCK NIGGERS x74366th thread

They obvious exist in fantasy lala land where RDR2 takes place.
Like all the other Rockstar games it's obviously not real America but a weird satirical theme park version of it.

So you're a fucking idiot saying they aren't supposed to exist in game

There's really no difference between Dylan Roof and jihad john, just flavour they use to justify their need to kill

RDR was about politics... in the 1800's

not modern politics

pretty childish

>it's a "/his/ has penis envy" episode

Attached: Red Dead Redemption 2_20181110111345.webm (853x480, 2.58M)

And funnily, if you use image hashes, you'll find that half the non vidya images posted on Yea Forums was posted on /pol/ (or Yea Forums) first

Dude, I'm black and this political correctness to protect my minority feelings is fucking annoying. I'm am adult, I know that they was saying Nigger back then, this need to protect minorities from hurtful things is racist within itself, but that's a different topic. Rockstar just better get it's shit together for GTAVI

got any evidence to back that up?


that really showed them libtards

>Yea Forums posts

>he thinks this is conservatism

Attached: 1470015605775.png (625x480, 228K)

this goy is very upset!

>What kind of "liberal as fuck" website coins the term NIGGERFAGGOT user?
Yea Forums, you nigger.

Based and truthpilled

>that cigar lighting at the end

Attached: MissFinland.jpg (1024x576, 248K)

We need a Blood Meridian game. It would be the perfect Injun genocide simulator.

Attached: 02FD07C9-9F0B-4436-BD6C-72165CE7EF3B.jpg (730x411, 178K)

if you take the political content in this game at face value (rather than noticing the obvious allegory for modern politics,) you might actually have autism

gun is the closest thing


GUN was an awful game. RDR is pretty good though. Also the sky is blue.

too much rape desu

>Ruining immersion for the sake of PC culture is good

Sorry, cuck

He didn't say anything about democrats, calm down dude. He said the KKK were bad, and you seem to be accidentally agreeing with him in that regard with all your examples of "how evil them KKK democrats are"

No, THIS is /pol/

Attached: 1541771464899.jpg (4240x1536, 1.69M)

Yeah they're completely retarded, it's like they're completely unable to read anything past it's face value.
They got all butthurt at watchdogs 2 because it had an obnoxious fat ugly dyke in it and they failed to realise she was an antagonist and kinda not the greatest representation of a lesbian in the world

>KKK dudes running around in a time when they weren't around

Ten seconds of searching tells me that the very first KKK group was founded in 1865/56 and by 1870 was notorious enough that the government was passing legislation aimed partly at stopping them from fucking with black people.

Yeah. It was the women's fault that the ruling government refused to surrender to the most effective invasion army seen in history despite being promised to be spared.


How is anyone supposed to read this motherfuck of an image.
Make a TLDR one or fucking die.

>that all ppl are shit
I'm an equal opportunity racist, I hate everyone! lul xD so edgee

>Arabs only lost to the Mongols because women had rights
Holy shit, this is the most idiotic thing I've read this month.

The game forces you into a violent confrontation with the "white supremacist" and there are no negative repercussions. Killing innocent KKK members rewards you with good boy points. If you attack the feminist the game considers it a crime.

Attached: 1449326422631.jpg (353x353, 27K)

>innocent KKK members


>"innocent kkk members"
Found the retard.

Are you also going to compare the KKK members to the feminists in the game too? As if somehow they're just two different sides of a political spectrum and nothing more?

>"Before I examine you, I need money"

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>dressing up and burning torches is a crime

Of course she's fat and ugly.

Attached: 1538654399214.jpg (566x500, 135K)

They're holding a rally in the woods minding their own business. You throw a stick of fucking dynamite into the middle of them, killing them all, and the game gives you honor points. If that's not pushing an agenda nothing is.

Why else would they lose? Women are behind 99% of all defeats in war, with the last 1% being due homosexuals and trannies. FACT.

Yes, and?

I heard the word nigger twice in my playthrough

>Dressing up in traditional christian attire and voicing your dislike for certain people is a crime

Rockstar of David isn't some fair and balanced ebin centrist developer, they're very blatantly leftist shills.

>being this much of a brainlet
Agree it's too chaotic, but you only need to look at the right side to get the gist of the modern day /pol/ mentality.

give us the quick rundown since you're such an expert in the board you're obsessed with

Yes. We dindu nuffin we guud bois

What are they doing in the game to warrant killing them and then being rewarded with good boy points? Saying things that hurt your feelings is a crime worthy of death in your diseased leftist mind?

You seem awfully upset. Is this a "as he screams while stabbing you" thing those Jews love to do, but with a larper instead?

They've had shit like that in their games forever. But back then it was stealing a car and running over peaceful Hare Krishnas for a big bonus instead.
If you're that easily offended why are you even playing Rockstar games in the first place?

They werent doing no harm and even look at you weird if you give them a nigger to lynch

Well, you fantasize about killing leftists daily for thinking wrong, so you seem to know this better than me

this post is bait

>Well, you fantasize about killing leftists daily for thinking wrong
Prove it.

FUCK those heretics. It's only agenda pushing (And always wrong) when it's my great grandfather getting killed by a loony liberal

saying mean things is literally worse than thievery, rape and murder


Attached: 1550764954065.png (1181x969, 189K)

BASED and REDPILLED conservacuck snowflake

Attached: Average Christcuck.jpg (1104x927, 84K)

Cope harder

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/"Killing leftists"/
Some choice bits
>You don't understand how much joy I would achieve by killing leftists. It would be beyond cathartic, to the point of being almost self-actualizing. Please kick off this civil war already, I can't wait for it to start
>Killing leftists is not a crime, it's an act of patriotism.
>You should fear someone like me, because when the civil war we are in turns hot I will be relentless in killing leftists like you.
>I'm not voting at all. I'm just going to start killing leftists and jews.
>If they remove him (Trump) I start killing leftists.
Thank god for the archives forever immortalizing your type's posts

No, they haven't had that shit in the games forever, they had it once and have shied away ever since. If they were interested in being fair and balanced they'd reward you with good boy points for killing the feminist in RDR2 too. They don't. Instead it's considered a crime.

You lefties are very delusional

>posts to some random anons on /pol/ who could just as easily be your faggot ass trying to falseflag for all anybody knows
You haven't done a single thing to prove that I fantasize about killing leftists, you retard.

>Literal brainlet
Or most likely a nigger ESL too retarded to understand the english language not being direct face value all the time.
In the context of our conversation, i say "you", as you defend the same people who most likely use /pol/.
But i see this discussion will be pointless when you can't even read like an actual human.

fuck white people and fuck trump

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Attached: invade.png (1020x665, 64K)


>Blizzard BTFO after hiring diversity instead of skill
>EA's stock value is deep in the shit after "muh strong womyn in ww2" fiasco
>Bethesda sowing what they deserves after focusing too much in propaganda and too less in games
>Ubisoft forced heterosexual DLC showed how small is the number of faggots who played what was praised as one of the most inclusive games (Steam rate absolutely unaffected)
>Telltales Games LITERALLY died after bankrupt caused by forcing incompetent niggers and women in the staff
>Bioware on the verge of destruction over too many women on the team
>The only way a new franchise can be woke and succesful is by giving it for free
>RDR2 (Toxic masculinity and animal abuse) sells 17 million copies from based white males
>Even in games that try to push a female protagonists, these are played by a minority
>Companies cant go PC without unsleashing a huge backlash
>All Netflix series forcing minorities are bound to fail
>Noone will stop me from saying FUCK NIGGERS

Can I propose a toast for us /pol/boys?

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lefties say they wanna kill far right kids all the time whats ur fucking point faggot

>green background

>as you defend the same people who most likely use /pol/.
No I haven't. You're desperately trying to shift away from the main point of the conversation, which is that Rockstar is clearly biased toward the left. You defend this, being a faggot leftist yourself, by insisting that they attack both sides equally when they clearly don't.

"Hur dur day of the helicopter"
"[x] should be gassed"
Retards who post shit like pic related

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