Zinnia battle theme

Zinnia battle theme is one the best songs in all of nintendo games but the character is shit

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I’d like to hope that Smash could get extra content added into it such as a rematch with Rayquaza added as a boss fight for Pokémon classic mode and Zinnia is the battle music.

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generique song. THIS is a proper vidya song

the design might be ok, but her quotes are truly cringey

Why Japan hates Zinnia? Almost no fanart, one doujin and they celebrated when Fug nuked her in the manga.

Trash instrumentation, fuck off
Posting superior version

She stole everyone’s keystones but they didn’t take advantage of that by making her the only trainer battle capable of using mega evolution multiple times in one fight.

because she's underage ya weirdo

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Same reasons the West does.


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Lillie says hi.

I liked both this and Wally's battle theme until I realized it's like 1 minute of a song looped over and over during the battle. Wally's theme is especially bad at this as the song is 40 seconds long before it loops. It's horrendous how lazy the composers were with how short the actual track length is Although they probably didn't do much since they expected you to finish the fight in under that since the games are so incredibly easy, with the gift pokemon and legendaries that you are forced to use like Mega Ray during Zinnia's fight

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>that smirk that says "you say you hate me but I know you want to fuck me..."

For me, it's Buoy Base Galaxy, the best piece of Nintendo music.

GF tried that hard to make the character likeable
its so pathetic

hurr hurr le violin makes the music better le basedboy hurr hurrr

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Admit it; given the opportunity, you'd hatefuck her brains out.

Has any battle in Pokemon ever been interesting? It feels like there's plenty of design space for interesting setpiece battles in Pokemon, but Nintendo will never do something like that.

The design philosphy for modern Pokémon games is "a lobotomized chimp should be able to beat it".

.....so still harder than every other game before it except Platinum?

Back then, they didn't lobotomize the chimps.

Yeah they used re-raised zombie chimps instead.

fug :D

And they fucked her battle. If only the battle happened before Rayquaza...Game Freak is truly retarded

>re-raised zombie chimps instead.

You probably wouldn't believe it, but it's actually cheaper to just buy new chimps than it is to reanimate dead chimps as zombies. Even lobotomizing them isn't that expensive, all you need is a drill and someone who isn't afraid of going to hell. Also it's safer. Chimps like to bite, and I think you and I both know what happens when a zombie bites someone, do the math.

A community used to reanimating zombies would spend less by reusing the same zombies over and over instead of getting new ones every time.

>and I think you and I both know what happens when a zombie bites someone
That just depends on the rules set by that story. "Just eat" zombies are just as common as "infection" zombies.

Because they force you to not switch out in that battle

The theme is okay by itself but is absolutely wasted by the context. You only hear it for one battle, one battle that does not even have any heightened stakes in it to justify the assault of violins and percussion. Like, what's gonna fucking happen if you lose? Zinnia's just challenging you to sate her own retarded battle lust. The meteor crisis has basically been averted already with Mega Rayquaza by your side, and you're still the only person in the vicinity that lord FUG trusts. And using Mega Ray ensures you absolutely CANNOT lose.

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Of course. I'd sodomize her immediately. Then bash her head in with a shovel. And not bury her irony's sake.

My point is that nobody in real life is stupid enough to repurpose undead monstrosities with an insatiable craving for living flesh for mundane purposes, especially not for mundane purposes that place them in close proximity to the living beings whose flesh they hunger for. Nobody's Umbrella Corporation stupid. Using living, lobotomized chimps to playtest games is safer, cheaper and more practical than reanimating zombie chimps. Good luck training zombie chimps to play video games, they don't care about anything that isn't made of warm, living meat.

because her story and her character is retarded.

You say this but Umbrella managed to make superzombies that take and obey orders.

>Umbrella managed to make superzombies that take and obey orders.

Yeah, but they also made a shit ton of zombies that didn't obey orders.

Because she's supposed to be a heroic character, but the writing surrounding her is so incompetent and dissonant that it would have made more sense for her to be an antagonist. Players being forced to ally themselves with a clearly terrible person because the plot demands it is going to leave a lot of people justifiably bitter.

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Why do you know so much about zombies? Something doesn't feel right.

Anyway i stand by my point.