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Games and female sex appeal
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Would you fuck a zombie, Yea Forums?
Keep in mind, she's a zombie who wants to bite you and turn you into a zombie too, so you'll have to be careful.
And she can possibly get pregnant with a half-zombie child
>so that I can no longer see her enormous breasts
She barely has any tits now, what the fuck is enormous about that?
I like hot women in games, if there's still lewd alternate costumes, I don't care too much
What a fucking great article.
>ridiculous gore
yeah that's fine, people understand this is just fiction not reality
>idealized characters in revealing outfits
ohnonono, people will get bad ideas
Holy fucking BASED article
That guy is truly redpilled
Us gamers, man... Us gamers...
>Another Discord Tranny resetera thread
how does turning into a zombie magically reduce somebody breast size by about 4 sizes?
I can see what the guys getting at here. It kinda makes sense if she's zombie. But the uglifciation it is happening with EVERY female character. So you can't even deny it
Cope and seethepilled
Not everything has to be sexy user. If you want sexy there's 95% of the Internet filled with that.
>lock up a cutie, non rotting young zombie girl
>fuck her whenever, dont have to feed her, shes always full of energy
>just tape mittens on her hands and tape a tennis ball in her mouth
>when she tries to bite and rip you apart it just feels like shes nuzzling and cuddling you
whats the downside?
Did NRS even state it's their mindset?
I only see faggots throwing shit over outfits.
Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence
Google "Mortal Kombat: A Forced Hero" - a story based on MK9, the last real Mortal Kombat entry with actually attractive women - and I am 100% justified in using none of the designs or characters from MKX or 11 for the sequel story
she's not a zombie
It's not so much about consequences rather than it being out of character for elite ninja assassins to wear something you would see at a red light district. Doubly so when you contrast these designs alongside someone like scorpion or sub-zero, who look the part of a ninja.
How will you explain that to your parents?
>so you have a gf yet son?
>well... sort of...
>graphic violence is acceptable
>the female form is unacceptable
How do Feminists resolve the male gaze/empowered woman paradox?
You are weak if undead turns you off
Jade isn’t even NOT sexuallized.. and the fact that her default is a fucking corpse? Yea Forums just needs every girl in a bikini at all times
Mortal Kombat all the way up to this travesty was all about Extreme. Extreme Violence, Extreme Sexiness, etc. It was ripped out of the pages of Edgy Comic Books.
Can't say I'd mind this, but it's cold out here.
encase anyone wants to know where this bullshit started
What's the connection between mortal kombat and this?
>it's the JOOZ
why can't you just stay on your containment board
>m-muh jews
It's germans, user, and gemran culture that find everything at fault but itself. These frankfurt school jews are german down to everything except their genes.
now this is journalism
i want to read more
Feminists only want death and destruction. They killed fine art, they ruined film, they're destroying stand up comedy and now they have their crosshairs on video games.
They won't be happy until it's all gone and all we have left is bland inoffensive comedy and inoffensive games.
yes, if she .... yes
you gotta stop thinking with your heart when it comes to sex appeal.
What the fuck kind of retard news site is this article from? holy shit.
It doesn't help that every new reveal is a non sexual character. Each time just verifys what they are saying. If the next female reveal is a hot bitch with big tits in a bikini then they'll probably chill out.
But I know and you probably know that won't happen because their complaints are right and they ARE stripping back sexuality from this game.
do you know what a konoichi is? it's a female ninja and yes historically they dressed as hookers to lure in their target.
except all the original germans had blond hair the Germans with black hair have some Jewish/arab ancestry
Literal clickbait?
tried fixing her
>out of character
Weird, because I always was under the impression that Jade felt comfortable in her old outfit and she did rather well combat-wise or job-wise in it, so why would that be out of character now?
>They ARE stripping back sexuality from this game
Which is bad why? How does it make the game worse?
I want to fuck that zombie
Because non faggots like tits and ass
Yes, and they also often killed their target mid-coitus and practically never took part in open combat. That does not translate into a FIGHTING game all that well, does it?
because they think its uncomfortable because they wouldnt wear it, you see when a female speaks for her self she means that for every female ever
Because it's weird that the characters suddenly turned fugly the next game
It's actually jarring how different and mutt-y they look
>down to everything EXCEPT the thing that determines how your brain functions
Good God you're pathetic.
oh yes it does hehehehe
you can actually make techniques where they climb on top of the man and go for the kill.
remember folks, ugly monster abominations with hyper proportions are fine but an attractive female showing any skin ain't
It's like The Onion or Clickhole.
I'm still not seeing how this makes the game any worse. Will you have less fun pulling off combos and brutally murdering your opponent because your character is not a 10/10 stunner babe? If so, that's pretty sad.
Yea? What's wrong with blaming the Jews?
Why not have characters like Hulk, but female?
>While Social Justice Warriors, feminists, and activists posing as game journalists are ridiculing, mocking, and condemning anyone who even brings up the masculine nature of the female fighters in Mortal Kombat 11 or their stark lack of sex appeal, there are a few members within the FGC who think differently
>The controversial and perpetually hated e-sports player, Low Tier God, may be considered a poorly skilled player within the FGC, but he seems to be one of the only few gamers within the community with the balls to speak up about one of the most obvious traits in Mortal Kombat 11: the women lack sex appeal
>original germans
Fuck off. It doesn't matter what anyone looked like fuck only knows how long ago. You'll just end up everyone originating from african ancestors with that argument, and I know that's not what you'd want, so please, at least be consistent.
>Jews are spreading degeneracy and trying to destroy western civilisation by covering up women's breasts in video games
but then why change in the first place then? why change it at all? you were making the argument against sexual fantasy yet here you are saying physical features wpuldnt change anything.
Reminder cringeoid cuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence
Wrong. There is no feminist conspiracy. You're just sad that you no longer enjoy media like you used to, and you try to cope by blaming whatever boogeyman you're most fixated on at the moment.
>Why change it at all?
Because they wanted to. It's their IP and they can do whatever the fuck they want with it.
Hair is worse but everything else looks better. Good attempt user
Blame them all you want. Blaming others for your own problems is the untermenschen way of thinking anyway.
we do, do your research.
It's weird how "we're all one people" is only ever brought up when people point to Jews being greedy or niggers being dumb.
This is never the argument being made when someone wants to complain about whitey.
if you want degenerate and ugly 95% of real world is filled with that.
Oh I don't know. the SMELL?
Can you give examples?
no they didnt want to, they did it because of the political shit thats going on, stop pretending that they didnt do it because of the political climate.
this reminds me story about girl getting decease from a guy, that happened to be some kind of little corpse worms. The guy worked in morgue.
Why would you fuck a corpse?! Warm and wet pussy is best thing in sex.
Are you guys false-flagging? Leftists probably expect Yea Forums users to fuck anything that moves.
Then how come we could go back and enjoy MK9/X perfectly fine?
You know... The ones with massive ass and tits and bikinis and haven't been feminist-ized and covered head to toe with "practical" outfits and everyone given man jaws and dyke hair cuts and breathing reduction?
Strange that. Yeah it's definitely us and not the Devs fault right?
she doesn't mind.
>someone breaks into your home and rapes your daughter in the ass
>4channel intellectual: WOOOOW dude you're just gonna blame someone else for your daughter's bleeding asshole? grow up broooo that's untermenschen thinking; what's that? I'm a tranny degenerate that follows an ideology entirely dependent on identity politics and I portray myself as a victim all the time? disregard that bro you're not allowed to do the same
this overwhelming satire to absurdity is really getting out of hand.
why is this always the tactic with discrediting someones argument by comparing them to shit like this when it's not the case?
literally randum humor with maliciousness.
scorched earth when?
she hulk
It's not private property, numb nuts. Games are products produced for a consumer. They make the product the way the consumer wants them, or the consumer won't buy. It's a very basic setup.
Literally she-hulk, user.
Just whack off to r34
But according to your narrative, the people who push for this "political change" do not actually buy or play videogames. If that is the case, what pressure could they possibly place on developers?
And if you do concede that they DO buy and play videogames, are you then condemning a business for taking advantage of market trends?
Some jew raped your daughter? Somehow I doubt it.
we do but last I checked the president of the MCU didn't want to include her because of today's faggotry
>resorts to a rape case that has nothing to do with the thread at hand.
is that all you do?
is that all you can think of as a retort because you are losing an argument.
It's not boogeyman, if it exists
>be gay
>mfw men in vidya will still be sexualised but not women because straight guys are seething babbies and fewer people want to cater to them
feels good desu
She-Hulk was barely like the Hulk though. Have you ever actually read it? She was humourous and broke the fourth wall and was a incredibly smart lawyer.
She wasn't the brutish monster the Hulk is. You just know that a character exists with "She" in front of it and assume shes the same.
How is this the same? See pic.
>If that is the case, what pressure could they possibly place on developers?
You were born yesterday, so that means you never heard, but there's this thing called social media in which people's opinions get magnified and aimed directly at developers.
If you don't want brutally fuck and cum inside zombie Jade you're fucking disgusting basedboy.
She is hot asf, same as Revenant Kitana in MKX.
Funny how it's people complaning the most about the Frankfurt school are also the ones who knows the least about it.
>original Germans
And who are the original Germans?
Yea Forums isn't one person. You'll understand one day, /pol/ newfag-kun.
It's because a) it's about fulfilling that petty narcissism so there's a frantic desperation to demonise your opponents so you can declare yourself not them. The worse they are the better you look, and it doesn't cost you anything. You just create a strawman and the pose next to it triumphantly.
b) it's liberal snark and exists in the vaccuum when you don't have an argument
>Be a faggot
Are you so retarded you can't understand simple analogies? Would you have liked me to use food analogies instead, fat amerimutts?
the new design is better
That does not give them any more leverage than without it, user. If they do not buy games, they have no leverage on those who make games, because pandering to them would provide no benefit.
>But according to your narrative, the people who push for this "political change" do not actually buy or play videogames. If that is the case, what pressure could they possibly place on developers?
Twitter stupid. have you watched the news? people constantly bitching about how things need to change and when things do it's all, " durrrr what's the harm it's not like it affects any one"
oh btw i am not the guy who says these people dont play games I think their lives are so boring they find things to bitch about.
do you actually willfully ignore all the constant bitching on social media over reaching calling things misogynistic?
yeah I dont think many of those people dont play games, they only bitch because their are over privilaged cry babies.
It's not a conspiracy, if no one even hiding or denying it
I can't wait to see the shock and the developer layoffs when pissing off your fanbase once again fails to bring in the sales figures.
Well, you tried.
And you are so retarded you can't understand your analogy doesn't work.
I'm russian, you demented /pol/ak.
what are you talking about they purposly killed Bruce just to give a an Asian hulk and she hulk center stage. it was forced as fuck.
So like, mass effect andromeda, anthem, battlefield V, ghostbusters 2016, sunset, tacoma then?
because she has an angry hulk form. look it up.
God heteros are so degenerate
>nearly 30 years and 10+ games of the women being attractive, sexy, wearing skimpy outfits and having big breasts
>New games removes every single one of these
>You apparently can't question why and just have to accept it
people have shit taste desu, she's way better now
MKX began the trend of toning down the female characters and it was the fastest and best selling entry in the series. You are delusional if you think MK11 isn't going to sell like hotcakes.
are you retarded? because that's not how it works. not only that you were using something called false equivalence. that makes you a retard.
>There is no feminist conspiracy.
Explain how it doesn't work.
It is [good]
And I, the consumer, can dont like it.
Feminists should be trialed and hanged for their crimes like nazis.
>false equivalence
Christ... this is how smart the average discord tranny is....
So basically "my opinion is better than yours, poopyhead" but with more words?
Snark should've been killed long time ago.
Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until SJW Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence
>pissing off your fanbase once again fails to bring in the sales figures.
But I'm not playing Mortal Kombat for the tits, I'm playing it for the ninjas and fatalities. Are they removing those? This isen't Mortal Kombat VS DC you know
I like the build of she-hulk much more
Honestly hulk is just a complete juiced up roidbag with hyper proportions. most men can't even wipe their ass like that let alone throw a punch
she-hulk's proportions are a good combination of both muscle and fat, with not too much in either direction. she really does look like a bazerker
similar situation with Venom looking absolutely nothing like Eddie while She-Venom at least loosely resembles the host. Just change their names to something less stupid and their you go.
or call just get rid of the "she" for both females and just call the males "jack-_____"
There's going to eventually be a bunch of SFM porn anyway, so who gives a shit?
Those were all made by people sympathetic to the SJW cause. The only "SJW" trait NRS has exhibited is covering up their female characters a bit. It is still a game series about murdering people in the worst ways imaginable.
I love new Jade, her voice, her movement, she is pretty compared to fucking Skarlet.
>some random video game journalists = the entire feminist conspiracy
woah these guys sure are powerful, literally the Illuminati
>the entire "joke" based on the idea that no one is looking for sex appeal a zombie
I'm usually not one to REEE NORMIES GET OUT, but you should very clearly look for websites other than Yea Forums.
The Daily Strawman
Even though SJWs are annoying they are nothing compared to you faggots, and that's why you see less of what you demand, because nobody wants to give you insufferable retards an inch.
That is entirely your right, yes. No one claimed otherwise, or if they did, they were and are wrong.
retard the problem is you didnt use ANY FUCKING ANALOGY you just used false equivalence and called an analogy.
She-Hulks build changes with each artists
they did, it's because hulk isnt a title it's his name.
Get help, dude
no they are far worse, they cant rely on facts, If they did they wouldnt be sjws
how is the redesign not hot? are people gay?
4channel then
Following your logic, why do sjws get what they demand, despite being insufferable faggots?
For some retarts being hot means showing boobis and nothing else.
>he doesn't even know what an analogy is
God damn...
My point was that you can't mock someone blaming others for their problems when someone else is actually guilty. Especially since your entire tranny philosophy is based on believing that the West and whites are eternal oppressors of niggers and muslims and etc.
>are SJWs gay?
It doesn't work because you are comparing what you believe someone in the past - collectively - done to your group, to something that is done by an individual who does something in present time.
It's the same shit as german guilt for holocaust. Current living young germans bear no guilt for what their previous generations did.
And it's the same game SJWs play, the collectivist victimhood game, group A wronged group B in the past, ergo group A is eternally evil.
Even then, the jews you blame for cultural marxism and such aren't your regular jews. They were culturally germans and were jewish in name only. All these collectivist ideologies were born out of german culture and culturally german people. Their genes mean jack shit in the grand scale of things.
>another discord tranny with sub 60 IQ
no your point was making up a situation that didnt actually happen and try to equate to the subject at hand. false equivalence.
How exactly do you define "German culture"? Just any culture that exists within the territory of Germany?
In an age where one wrong word or one wrong tweet can (and has) lead to job loss, social media has created an environment of ultra sensitivity. The "right" public image means everything. There is a primal fear of offending a certain group of people, and ironically that group of people are easily offended. Sometimes, adherence to a cultural trend is not conducive to business, particularly when said trendy culture belongs to people who praise socialism and communism.
Who are you quoting? Forgot to take your meds today?
Because accusations of sexism and racism are insanely effective especially in an environment that's filled with far left progressives and risk adverse corporate types. It's also hard to rhetorically refute a language of harm, when your main concepts are free speech and personable responsibility in a burgeoning victim culture.
>generic fantasy armor trash
There is absolutely no other reason than sex appeal why Capcom for example is only changing the outfits of their characters ever so slightly, noo absolutely not.
>he still doesn't know what an analogy is
I feel bad at this point. I think the HRT got your brain.
Because there are a few who actually maintain a semblance of civility. There has not been a single discussion on Yea Forums, Twitter, leddit, anywhere, being polite or making a point calmly about why they don't want progressive themes in games, it's full of tantrums yelling about forced diversity, leftists, cucks, feminists, basedboys, NPCs, you churn out shitty buzzwords at a rate to make any blue-haired Tumblrina blush. If devs have to choose between you or them, they'll pick them.
Yes. Even more so if she's a vector for some kind of Cronenberg-esque parasite that causes hypersexuality, but a walking corpse is fine too.
meant for
who cares tho, it doesnt change anything. what does if you go the opposite direction because of the political climate.
>buy this woke game you racist sexist transphobic nazis
get some real education you third world hick.
Are you seriously implying that the redesign isn't even more generic?
who are you quoting
Hm, I wrote that wrong, I was talking about the redesign.
man, lefties can't even do parody well anymore? Are the good at anything besides ruining shit these days?
Mainstream german culture of the time. I've no idea why germans are this way, but it's always someone else who's wrong and need fixing, not the german himself. It's basically the same now.
The way germans think is a well known fact. A meme about 'precision german engineering' wouldn't exist without their worldview. They apply it to everything.
>says the illiterate retard
You only know 1 language, amerimutt. At least learn it properly.
I don't wanna fuck a zombie, I wanna look at her titties since I'm expected to pay $60 for it.
So the Frankfurt School was mainstream German culture, even though it was designed to be subversive within Germany itself?
Video games are a visual medium, a downgrade to the game's aesthetics is a downgrade plain and simple
as long as you cover the vidles, shoulders, and knees, you're fine. else you'll just be having armor of different styles with a "male or female" inside of it.
Is less sex appeal an objective downgrade though, or a subjective one?
The problem is that the skimpy costumes were Traditional and iconic and were always like that until recent. We're seeing fighters like dead or alive which only had one thing going for it dissolve because games left and right are being injected with 'feminism'. I detest game developers that have to bend over for some agenda instead of making the game what it was supposed to be. God bless the likes of Tekken, Sf5, and Soul Cal for staying true and not giving a fuck in the wake of this bullshit age.
speaking English, bad english, retarded hardly makes you trilingual.
subjective, it's only a problem when its outside sources whining about it.
>not being zombie fucking degenerates
When did all you cucks suddenly get standards? Even if it's a revolting, maggoty carcass with flies buzzing round it, it has a hole, and holes are designed for one thing, and that's a big fucking cock.
>don't buy this game you sjw cuck tranny
it's all so tiresome
I'll say i don't give a shit about mortal combat or anything in the FGC but this shit is stupid and occurs because devs are hyper self aware and ashamed. You have a bunch of delayed adolescence devs who are threatened by tits and desperately want to be seen as legitimate so churn out conformist generic crap that exists solely to not offend anyone. Like a group of children afraid of tits because they're mom will yell at them if they get caught.
The joke in mortal combats case is it was always pretty self aware and outlandish. It seemed to be made of a bunch of 80's Japanese parodies and caricatures. It seems like no coincidence that a bunch of the main cast look like they're from Big Trouble in Little China. So applying a weirdly conservative and puritanistic design method to the women in game feels out of tone, esp considering Jade seemed to look like a product of 80's fashion. but hey Helen Lovejoy gonna Helen Lovejoy
In any big culture there is an element of it that seeks to subvert it and overtake it, despite having the same origins or method of thinking, if you will. A culture isn't a monolith.
Anyone else feel alienated by the way anything sexual is being discussed these days?
On one side, we have the people who INSIST that every female character is a 10/10 shoving tits and ass in your face at any given time. I have been 14 at some point myself and even though I was so horny I would have fucked a warmed up, hollowed out cucumber, I never made my preference of a female character dependant on how fuckable she is to the point of demanding that every female character has to be a literal whore towards me, the player.
Then there's the other side that REEEEEEs at any sight of cleavage. For instance, Koei Tecmo recently backpedaled hard on toning down fanservice for DoA6. Regardless of the fanservice, I think it's a good game, but the puritanic types refuse to even consider it because of the anime tiddies.
inb4 "fence sitter" or any equally flawed argument
>the irony of this post
So a subversive ideology was mainstream culture? Bury yourself even deeper, see if you can. Lol!
They wonder why they don't have a voice in what goes in video games in the same threads where they casually drop anti-Semitic canards. The lack of self-awareness, the complete failure to understand why nobody wants anything to do with them, is incredible.
>all these shills seething
lmao, I am still not buying your shit.
>he doesnt know what irony is
>It's le ebil liberal vs good goy conservative
>here is my trustworthy chart! Not fabricated! I swear!!
It's just market play you fucking tool. Idiots like you are just combing the internet through to get another outrage. Fucking mongo.
Her new design is way cooler, you guys need to chill
>On one side, we have the people who INSIST that every female character is a 10/10 shoving tits and ass in your face at any given time.
I don't really see anyone argue this or any other superficial incarnation of "oh god i need attractive women". If anything it feels like a strawman invented by culture warriors. Most of the time i see people say "it's fine, toughen and if you don't like it it's not for you". It's really a battle between libertarian types and conservative progressives (despite the contradiction)
I know you're just full shitposting now, but it's still embarrassing you're so illiterate.
>Her new design is way cooler
My penis disagrees
Did you even read what I posted, user?
Let's try it again. There is elements within any big culture that seek the host culture to be subverted/destroyed. These elements can operate within the same/similar philosophical framework and produce different ideals and goals.
Or are these words too hard for you to comprehend?
You seem mad lol
downloading it right now what am i in for?
>go into strip club
>"wtf is this? Im gonna turn it into a fully dressed club"
>patrons arrive and are discontent with how the established club has changed
That question crutches on the assumption that it was necessary in the first place
You haven't been paying attention then. Let's stay with the example in my previous post, DoA6. Despite the obvious fanservice and plenty of cleavage, underwear and skin in general visible, there is a significant amount of users who will insist the game is not slutty enough and therefore unplayable. Or look at the DMC5 threads and anons claiming the game is ruined now because Trish looks kinda ugly. You can find plenty of examples of users getting mad over any female character that doesn't meet their standards. Instead of brushing it off, they say it's a conspiracy of dem darn SJWs grrrrrr.
You're just bullshitting, that's all. Your definition of "German culture" was "mainstream culture in Germany", and now you're equating the mainstream with the underground.
You're basically equating 2 opposite philosophies and claiming they have the same origin because they exist within the same borders.
Dumb analogy, would work if it were about Dead or Alive where that's what it's all about but for Mortal Kombat it's irrelevant.
Both of those are male fantasies. He man wasn't designed based off of what women find attractive he was based on male power fantasies. So that's a false equivalence.
I have never gotten feeling of wanting to jerk off when actually playing a fighting with fanservice such as Soul Calibur and DoA.
I am tired of this non argument of two sides going back and forth and the hypocrisy of the two. What's wrong with not having both gratuitous violence and fanservice? Why does one have to be favored over the other?
Why do people assume that fanservice only applies to the way women look instead of it's intentional definition?
When you compared vidya to strip clubs, I was making that exact same face.
>for Mortal Kombat it's irrelevant
Says who?
Except He-Man is what women usually find attractive.
user I think your penis is broken. Have you tested it out recently on a girl to make sure it works?
Nah their new outfits are a hilarious mess in terms of visual design.
There are ways to cover up female characters without putting assorted garbage onto them.
Say the 99.9% of people who don't give a shit about this.
What happened to SEXY Sub Zero?!? Stupid SJWs invading my games REEEEEE!!!!! They NEVER have the old outfits available as alternates EVER! REEEEEEE
but she-hulk is fucking terrible now basically a new character entirely
Were you using that as an example? because that looks like shit
>has common zombie tropes
>not a zombie
>>caring about hyperspecific NRSMK lore
I didn't equate. All I said is it was born in Germany and is very much in line with german thinking - "everyone but us is wrong and needs to be taught a lesson".
You're not the customer of video games.
There's no need for this masturbatory choir preaching although it is cathartic. Vote with your wallet. The japs got scared by low preorders and called it quits with the sjwtardation in DoA and if that's not enough go SoulCalibur/SFV/Tekken.
Well that's up to personal preference, but yeah it's miles ahead of splattering red and black randomly everywhere and, like I said, adding random junk to your costume.
It's pretty clear this is WB Games behavior.
Are you retarded? You can sum up literally every culture with that motto.
Do those 99,9% of people, on whose behalf you have the audacity to speak, care about MK in general?
Not only is that not rep event , its not true. The argument in that image is that men place unrealistic body expectations on women and that women do it back (I.e. he man) . this is not true as both of these standards were set by men.
*techno music starts playing*
yeah, they did it, the point was that sjw got their way only to have it changed back.
Men would never work out if it weren't for women insisting on it.
Yes to be clear I was talking about 99.9% MK players and if you Google or Twitter search MK11 you will see this BS is uncared about, apart from a tweet by OneAngryDipshit getting ratioed. It's you who's audacious for thinking everyone thinks like an autist on Yea Forums.
user, if you think that's a good example, you are retarded.
MK11 designs are fine, but you are free to dislike them.
sure thing habeeb. keep telling yourself that.
some people on this planet care about being healthy for its own sake, fucking slob
I'd still fuck her.
Hit the treadmill.
Okay you never in your life designed a character.
This is her current look for the record
Not every culture wants to take over the Europe every century.
Fair enough. I do think that the newer looks for the characters are overdesigned (many of the originals are iconic for a reason), but I also think Jades new design is still an improvement over “girl in a bikini-robe”. I don’t think modern Netherrealm in general has good aesthetics
Exception to the norm, and surprisingly often the result of repressed homosexuality.
Most of the shit men do is to get ass. Men hit the gym to increase their chances. Men chase money to get bitches. Hell, men would stop building houses if chicks were suddenly all fine with getting fucked under a pile of cardboard boxes. This is real talk.
They have more influence than you or me, it's time to stop covering your ears.
She looks way better desu. No point of having a She-Hulk that is only a green girl.
So the French, Brits, Romans, Turks, Tatars, etc. were all secretly German?
And you've got some balls talking about imperialism as a Russian.
"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable" - Socrates 400BC
lol ur a fag
live in a real country
I guess GamerGate really stopped all those SJW developers.
see More like Sucrates lol
Fuck you
not that I dont have a problem with unrealistic proportions, but isnt one of the issues sjws have is that they ARE unrealistic?
First day?
And are they wrong? Why would any women want a lazy piece of shit like you? Is it wrong for a woman to be attracted to someone who works hard, is dedicated and strong? I think you're taking out your hatred of yourself on women. Can you blame someone for having standards? Surely you do too.
How many times each of them tried?
Once again, get this identity politics shit out of your head, you can't win this game because it's not yours.
The fact I'm russian doesn't prohibit me from discussing these topics because my ancestors conquered some tundra niggers, for the lack of a better word, at least they were succsesfull at taking the eastern lands, unlike the ambitious neighbours :^)
>if you Google or Twitter search MK11 you will see this BS is uncared about
I have no doubts on that. Google will show the most mainstream media outlets, for which covering this kind of controversy would go against their narrative, and twitter is a hugbox full of easily thrilled retards no different than any subreddit designated for the game. But do those resources represent even a half of MK fans and playerbase?
>Why would any women want a lazy piece of shit like you?
some one to relate too.
I can't believe we're getting unironic feminist talking points on fucking Yea Forums at this point, what the fuck happened to this place lmao
For fiction basically everything but the evil characters should be easy on the eyes unless your story demands an ugly duckling for something.
GG failed, user. That's one of the main reasons why things are the way they are now. It failed.
Sometimes these things happen, and it leaves us in a doomed version of history.
pretty neato
is the writing okay? I haven't bothered with new comics in a while and around here I only ever see these terrible examples of actual sjw-infestation in other series. You know, *shouts in mansplaining* and all that.
I wish we had a V2 equivalent to reset the industry, it's taking way too long to die naturally.
I have no horse in that race, just sayin'. I was merely calling out the false statement that He-Man was a purely male fantasy - something you proved wrong with your very own post. Also, I'm fitter than 90% of this shithole. Including you, cunt.
Real ninjas didn't dress as stage hands, so no, sub zero and company does not look like real ninjas.
Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until SJW Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence
Who cares? They won.
How many times did the German try? Once? Germany has only even existed for like 1-2 centuries, so your opinion is retarded anyway.
And then you continue by saying how cool your ancestors were for having the exact same culture.
You really are a retard. For real.
Don't know what you're trying to say with that picture, mutt.
The only way the develoeps will give you what you want is to NOT buy the game, anything else is just whining.
That and pic related are from here >
I'd say it's pretty ok. In part because everything else is shit or boring when it comes to Marvel.
DC only has GL as a sole good comic with everything else being "MUH DEPRESSION" "MUH PTSD" or Bendis
Femnists will remove the sexualisation first, then violence against women next. Even though you'll say you won't buy it if they do, they know you will.
You’re so deluded that you can’t even recognize it. You don’t see it because no one gives a shit about it aside from a tiny group of virgin neckbeards on basketweaving forums
Your muh biased MSM claim is irrelevant as even if that were the case that wouldn't stop them reporting on it and presumably putting a spin on it, but since it's a non-issue they haven't. Twitter is full of all sorts of different people and it's fucking easy to find anti-SJW sentiment (it was furious about the woman in BF5) but again, nobody cares. You are so deluded you can't even accept the truth before your eyes.
>"free of political interference"
what do you think this is, if not political interference?
>implying we only care because we want to beat off to it
i wouldnt go to an art museum for the sex appeal of the nude art, but i would be understandably pretty pissed if they decided to put a polo and shorts on the thinker, and a burkha on a statue of venus.
That has never worked either m8.
I'm pulling that number out of my ass but 90% of the people who buy video games never talk about them in forums at all or care about the surrounding... err happenings if you want.
Take this shit to /pol/ retard
fucking useless jannies
Mortal kombat has had sexy gaming icons since the original.
Sonya was a total babe and the movie propelled her into legend status.
This new game takes a more buttoned down approach by trying to get rid of some of the sexy characters. It is unlikely ed boon had much input on it. Im sure he is more of a figurehead at this point. Someone who writes the checks.
The real problem are the zoomer art designers who are white but are the social corrupted whites who unironically think socialism is the right way for the country. Socialism and sjw's go hand in hand.
You also have to remember that netherrealm is located in chicago. There are probably less than 10% of the city that have their sanity intact.
Not buying doesn't do shit, you just get to stroke your ego.
At least consumers are more self aware and stop trusting journos. Things like adding females NPC where they dont belong is legacy of GG.
Lol that looks fucking gay, her arms are as big and musclely as his.
I believed this was true, but at this point we can see companies would rather go broke before changing ideologies
Dude. Get a sense of humor.
My point still stands, the german culture birthed all these collectivist ideologies with high murder counts, and you just refuse to listen because you got identity politics for brains, which is probably why you can't understand jokes even when they are telegraphed as such.
You will never win at the game SJWs invented. But go ahead, blame the jews and change nothing in your life and lifes of others, you're really good at it.
And THIS here Yea Forums is why anti-woke gamer backlash always fails, because you can't disassociate yourself from toxic /pol/acks ranting about "socialism corrupted whites" like this mongoloid and you instantly turn most normies against you. Optics matter fucking enormously, don't let anyone tell you otherwise or you won't accomplish anything.
unironically Yea Forums becoming 4channel, neofag imploding and creating resetgenders.
haha yeah that's really terrible
fuck off retard
I just BTFO'd you several times already and you do nothing but repeat yourself.
The only collectivist cultures you might refer to are communism and Nazism. Communism was invented by a Jew, Nazism was invented as a response to Jewish subversion.
So everything bad can literally be summed up by Jewish meddling.
I know this is meant to be satire, but that's actually pretty good article.
This. Also is just a delusional NEET
Socialism sucks, user.
I want to smell her armpit
Except socialists have a dogwhistle list specifically made for anti-optics. The only way to deal with them is literally throwing them off helicopters screaming.
Please take a step back, reread what you wrote, and reflect on your life
Actually this is a good edit. The most Defining feature of Jade is her Dark skin because of how it always pops the green in all her costumes. Her human form with her natural skin, which is in the game, should make this great even more better. The two costumes that were shown for the new game commit the sin of covering too much. Making the pants into thigh highs for the costume balances the whole set well. The other set has thigh highs but fabric is blocking too much of the bare thighs.
translation: sit in the pan while it boils, frog
Well put
why are all the men shirtless and exploding with steroid muscles but the women look like they came from the corner grocery store (or halaal market in the case of skarlet)?
Your fantasy where you LARP as le based Pinochet in an ebin revolution is never going to happen so adjust to reality or continue to enjoy your continued failures at getting your point across.
this is the kind of hulk I'm looking for
No sadly I can be jailed for paying girls to test my penis and I'm too lazy to travel to a better country
I wish there were more of these two. I know there are a few other pictures, but I would gladly throw my money at an anime of these two.
>The jews are responsible for bringing about the destruction of western civilization, they have chosen to go about this by putting more clothes on digital females in video games
This is some real top mind stuff
too bad your self reflection comes too late in your life to fix it.
Please. I’m certain Work safe boards were separated for advertising reasons to spell it out, there’s plenty of advertisers who don’t want their ads on NSFW sites and separating them prevents that, or at least illustrates it easier to advertisers
it's sexism
"feminists" in reality hate feminism and flamboyancy and want everyone to look like men, or just ugly
>The jews are literally raping my daughter because a character's outfit was changed.
yeah nigga I remember when socrates said that live. Nah, bro
its undeniably harmful to the human psyche to be more comfortable with extreme violence than with human sexuality
Did somebody say sexy zombie?
Western devs today are fucking retarded. People buy their games for sexy and good looking characters.
Not characters that are ugly and look like Feminists and muslims.
>no u
shes not sexy but she is a really cool design. mk should have had something like that a long time ago but theyre too busy making injustice clones and empowered hijab women now.
who the fuck wants to advertise on Yea Forums, the alt-right exploding van site full of toxic gamers and horny weeb and gross manchildren?
If they actually were going broke because of nerds like you crying about muh censorship, they'd change course to appease you retards, but the unfortunate truth you're not willing to accept is that /pol/tards that give a shit about this are less than 1% of the audience for these games. The average person doesn't give a shit and isn't measuring tit size
Funny I could have sworn Yea Forums's been seething all week about SJW Apex Legends being so popular
Based zombie fucker
>shes not sexy
100% wrong
i got a 2 for 1, nice.
What is it with basement dwelling losers trying to larp as either Pinochet or Nazis? You all seem to fantasize about revolution but at the same time most of you are probably out of breath after climbing up a flight of stairs.
You dont need to be a /pol/tard to dislike a game new direction. Just look at Bioware and EA.
Are you fucking retarded? It's an analogy.
Why did I have to explain this 3 times to you trannies?
He said
>People buy their games
Apex is a bad example
nah, he's right. if you don't notice a marked change in tone on Yea Forums and particularly Yea Forums over the past couple years you haven't been here long enough
It's a video game user, not porn.
To be honest, I'm not as mad as everyone else about the "sex appeal thing. But the Jade costume does irritate me because, again, they are covering up he most defining feature. Personally the middle costume in this pic is my favorite cause it has a nice balance of both skin and cloth which the edit captures
It doesn’t help when most of the talking points in here keep mentioning /pol/tard garbage
Based Tier God
So people shelling out for cosmetics doesn't matter then? Because otherwise why would anyone here care?
Because your analogy was garbage, ergo I'm making fun of it.
oh look, another grey alien with lots of makeup
the fact that you equate attractive women to porn says alot about you user, get help
>Game had nice looking girl
>Game stop having them
>People who refuse to buy are /pol/tard man babies
MK11 will still sell well cause the gore it is actual gimmick and that have evolved. Other fighting games doing this would not be able to afford this though
You do need to be a /pol/tard or brainwashed by one to bitch about "forced agendas"
Your argument is entirely false considering you don't represent every woman out there. How do you know that every woman likes twinks and not muscle men? Oh... did you just generalize women, femanon?
Yeah glad he continues to have retarded opinions, making it that much easier to laugh at him.
>Everything is /pol/
I have been called /pol/ too many times today and I am not even aware of world wide news. I guess this is rent free
There's a difference between attractive women and attractive women wearing what is essentially a bikini in a fight to the death setting. It is by no means practical and just done to give teenage boys boners. If you want to see half naked or fully naked women, go watch porn.
t. resetgender tranny trying to force an agenda
You should be gassed
Is complaining about new designs or cut content imply i am complaining about a force agenda?
It couldn't possibly be because of the venomous self-righteousness of the average anti-SJW today, could it? I remember back in 2014, 2015 when it was all more moderate and you even had lefties calling out tumblr morons, now it's just a shit heap indistinguishable from /pol/. I bet a lot of people calling you out used to be just like you then grew up.
Cosmetics are cheap user. How do you think Apex would sell if it was a 60 bucks game?
Remember this thread is full of the tranny discord posters
It's fictional fantasy, if the aesthetics were like that from the beginning (which it was ), why change it. But of course, here you are complaining about "MUH REALISM" in a fictional game. Do you know how dumb you sound right now?
I know people love the MK9 costume but that MK3 one has always been my favorite. Simplistic but yet still very sexy. I''m sad that its not going to be in the new game.
How was it garbage, faggot?
And you didn't make fun of it, you implied it was a literal example.
No more dumb than the man complaining that a character in a fighting game who is showing less boob.
WHY make new game if the old one is perfered?
I thought as a creator and developer and with marketings lead you would like be informed and watch the trends of your product and see what the customers like and expect and try to go one step further the next attempt in the franchise.
At least that's how I'd look at it from the agenda perspective of making mad dosh.
They aren't trying to make money here, they are trying to convert people to something else.
But that's not even true
Check many video game news site covering the game
Check Facebook posts relating to the game
There are many who don't care for the new designs
99.9% my ass
You will never be a woman
>mfw most of those objectives would actually make society better
>mfw people's obsession with traditional roles makes them weak
guess I'm gonna have to yeet off my foreskin and herd the goyim
Is her whole lower half a giant vagina? Is that what they are going for?
Before even reading your post I was going to say the middle one is my personal pic. The slight bit of asymmetry is nice too
I made fun of it by implying the comparison you drew was unreasonable and ridiculous.
So its not dumber than that? Really?
How then did SJWs get their way without purchasing the previous games?
But it's pulling in huge numbers and getting good reviews isn't it? Even the fact that it's F2P doesn't matter because the market is saturated with them and people won't waste their time if you don't have a good product. Accept that most people care more about good gameplay than politics.
>sip soi
It simply reveals your own sexual insecurities. It is completely fine for the men to all be in peak physical condition and often wearing rather revealing clothes, but not for the women to do the same. Was it ever about equal treatment? Do you argue in good faith?
That's pretty funny.
>"B-but you want the boobies so I ignore everything you just said."
Ah yes, the typical and dumb tranny. tsk tsk
>The argument in that image is that men place unrealistic body expectations on women and that women do it back (I.e. he man) . this is not true as both of these standards were set by men.
While I kinda agree He-man is a little exagerate in term of proportion for what women except for a man but can feminist stop pretending they doesn't desire fit men specially when you have twilight (a film watched by girl) with male actor showing of their abs ?
Because this is exactly why I find the "muh unrealistic standard and sexualisation" hypocritical.
Wrong. Both violence and sex are natural aspects of the human psyche. Being violent doesn't change a person because people are already innately violent.
Think how shitty your game mechanics have to be for this to be a real issue on either side of the fence
>I am not even aware of world wide news
Did you just admit that you are as ill-informed as your weird comments imply? Fucking hilarious
It was an analogy.
What are you even trying to say? How was it bad?
>s0ileys will still buy this
Corporations are turned to as arbiters of virtue and morality these days, its why the execs try to cater to people who don't even buy their products. The recent Gillette commercial fiasco is another example of this.
>Anyone who doesn't think this matters is a onions boy!
Back in 2014? You mean the height of gamergate? that was the moderate period? You're not entirely wrong however, sjw's escalated and started this shit back in 2012. When you have several years of social media shaming and constant attacks / accusations of sexism racism don't be surprised if a counter movement manifests. It's naive to believe you can go round attacking people and politicizing certain spaces and not end up polarising people. Oh and the idea that lefties called out tumblr morons is laughable, if there was any kind of moderation you wouldn't have this current political atmosphere.
That first design is fun but is too simple and reminds me of the 70s for some reason. I like how cheesy it is
You know I was gonna be an asshat for the kicks and say "both of you have shit taste" but that middle costume is good and really sexy. I think I understand why the Op says that the skin "pops the color of the costume"
are you operating with half a brain, user? You weren't even able to fully address the point to counter it.
That's all you've said, retard.
No, it isn't. We've argued over the meaning of culture, the definition of a people, etc.
You've lost it all.
So what's your favorite out of the 5?
Insomuch as there were moderates willing to lend their support to the movement yes, in fact that's WHY it reached its height. Then degenerates like Milo started joining and it lost legitimacy.
anyone who still enjoys western games is asking to get reamed by the social terrorist jew
Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until SJW Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence
I wish there was a second season of the anime in your image.
posting pol shit ironically still makes you a retard user
Reminds me of that short story where someone fucks a zombie. Think it was from Yea Forums.
No, I imply that I am just as apolitical as it is posible. I got no interest in political boards neither.
>who works hard, is dedicated and strong
Lol, and what do western roasties have to offer in return
>m-muh bodypositivity abloobloo
Fuck all, that's what.
>Twitter is full of all sorts of different people
Lol, sure, if you know how to use burner phones.
If you think Boon is an SJW you probably need to rethink things
Its gonna have to be the MK9 one. Where did the middle outfit come from anyway? Don't remember it being in any of the games.
Jesus, learn what shame is.
>SJWs don't play video games.
>Ed Boon, the literal co-creator of MK, is an SJW.
there's nothing ironic about my post. western games are ruined. even rockstar can't get away with making a gta to mock this garbage (they said so a while ago). look at the artwork in artifact vs the weeb card games
if you still buy western games, you are asking to take it up the ass
>woah these guys sure are powerful, literally the Illuminati
Well considering that they've stopped "problematic" games from being sold in the US, and the president of Sony went on record saying they were "a difficult problem" yeah. They are pretty fucking powerful.
There is no way Ed is an SJW considering that he allowed a character like Johnny Cosh to be in the game.
Argued? I answered your questions, you didn't present any arguments. All you did is blamed the jews. What else are you going to pull out of your ass?
>anyone who still enjoys western games
Well, I don't enjoy them anymore, and sure as fuck i stopped paying for them, problem is that western cocksuckers are doing their best to destroy even eastern games. I seriously hope for a big economic crash so all of these late sipping fags die off and leave the world a better place.
he is, or his bosses are making him be one. this is literally a word for word explanation straight out of anita sarkeesians videos.
>Ed Boon, the literal co-creator of MK, is an SJW.
does he play it though?
No user, he's never once played the games he's designed and programmed.
if jp games are also ruined (like doa6), stop buying them. it's that simple. h-games and mid tier games will continue to exist, and these are a lot harder to ruin. even so, just don't support garbage. money talks. the end
>here are a bunch of things, not even all real, that really get me MAD about today's culture
>I will assign them to this group and list all of those things as explicit stated goals of said group with no evidence
>gta to mock this garbage
Being edgy and controversial is GTA's (and MK's) shtick. It suck that even they have met their match.
Oh okay. Reading back I can’t see any social/political garbage posted that I know is from you. I personally don’t like the new MK designs, but I do think they’re better than some of the old ones; I was just making the claim that many detractors on here can’t seem to separate poor visual redesigns from their autistic obsession with /pol/-esque arguments
Reminder that if a westcuck ever moves into your neighborhood (most likely due to the shit that he pushed for back at home as hard as he could), get your neighbors together, drag him out of his home and integrate him.
It is the only way to keep your neighborhood safe and country prosperous.
You're getting tiresome, vodka nigger.
Its from MK Shaolin Monks. It was a beat'em up that came out around the same time as MK Deception. Really fun game.
You young little thing.
Just because someone designed and programmed something doesn't mean they actually play it, that's the play testers' job.
See Blizzard, Bethesda and basically every other game maker.
While I am in no way defending necrophilia, that story was literally fake news.
This is probably just someone representing the art team. Boon isn’t even mentioned. You’re talking about the guy who cocreated fucking Mortal Kombat.
Fuck yeah Shaolin Monks was a great co-op beatemup. They should make another
if this article was written in the 90s
>Political correctness gone mad: There's no blood in muh fighting game!!!!
Its funny that you can rip a woman's organs out, but got forbid her belly button shows!!!! That's so creepy and weird! Brutally crushing her spine is okay though
From what you are posting I can see you are pretty paranoid and would label anybody whose opinion you dont like as /pol/
You are saying that Ed Boon never plays video games, then goes on to successfully code and design one of the longest lasting and most famous franchises in the history of the industry. You are literally too retarded to argue with.
Lol, slap that article about wanting to fuck zombie female less under this one.
I hate sjw corruption but saw a comment somewhere saying now we can pick MK females w/o seeming like perverts. I'm thinking that's why they toned down the default costumes but I'd bet money they will put hotter costumes in the game
Wut? I just admitted that there are people on here who don’t like the outfit and aren’t being pol autists. You can’t honestly scroll through this thread and deny that there’s plenty of idiots that are only able to tie it to agenda bullshit, though.
>You are saying that Ed Boon never plays video games
No, I never said that. I said that a guy who made a game doesn't actually have to play it because he has people to do it for him.
>elite ninja assassins
>Wearing green power ranger outfit
This shit id not appropriate either you faggot
Well SEX BAD, unless you turn on music channel and there are flocks of niggers in underwear jigabooing to the rhythms of low IQ lyrics, then SEX GOOD.
Political movements are almost always the govt in disguise. The left has been hijacked user
>Still no games with good gay sex scenes
This doesn't appeal to my female fantasies at all.
NRS has been bad at making faces for years user
>now we can pick MK females w/o seeming like perverts
Yes, because performing fatalities will now be okay to do in front of your grandparents during family reunions now that the problematic belly buttons have been dealt with.
>proceeds to spread snuff and gore porn to millions of children
Yes because you're a moron who doesn't code.
>The left has been hijacked user
As eastern European I can tell you that the left is still the same.
Sex is only bad when there's power+privilege dummie. Mortal Kombat, Star wars, Comic books, these are all 95% male markets and they need to be reeducated.
>it's okay when they're figthing ahistoricaly
>but not whaent hey wear ahistorical clothes
Always makes me smile to see how easily you kick yourself in the balls time and time again.
That's because it's popular to hate whites right now because muh oppression when really the problem is the government
This. Oh noooo cleavage on pixels is outrageous.
In America the left is not the same anymore
I'm so glad they made female proportions more realistic in this game and reduced boob sizes and leg lengths. I don't want disgusting sexism and denigration of women to get in the way of my 3 hour montage of Sonya being brutally snuffed out.
I mean that you can pick a woman character without being judged for only picking because her huge tits.
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door. Reddit is two blocks down.
game devs deserve to lose their jobs.
>the government
Yes, I'm sure that's the source of it all. LMAO!
Fuck off, there is nothing wrong with having sexy characters in games.
Sexy characters should be encouraged in game development because creating them requires more time and effort than ugly character.
If we continue with your mindset long enough, character design quality will eventually drop to same level as post modern art museum.
male nipples good female nipples bad. why isn't this guy covering up like the women? he need to protect himself from those sharp weapons, right? really makes you think.
All the people here painfully aware of their own impotence and inability to do anything about this. Must be sad.
This. all these people have proven to be subhumans that deserve to lose their job and die hungry on the street.
>i bet money they will put hotter costumes in the game
why bet when you are going to pay a premium for it anyways?
it will be altered instead of the original design as well.
>inability to do anything about this.
Wait until you see th- Oh no no no no
>Be 2019
>Have internet and worlds knowledge at your finger tips
>Still too retarded to realize they are being taken advantage of by a small group of people
user, I...
What the fuck is pepole like you doing in Yea Forums?
I blame it on kikes, not just the government at large.
They come here to try and "fix" it
I don't pay for DLC or games anymore. I gameshare will a whale who I provide xboxlive for which I get for free. Also you have no basis for your assumption.
Oh shit user you're right, I can see the headlines now, Exorbitant Mortal Kombat Piracy Rates Linked To Jade Having More Clothes. It's not like it's only Yea Forums that cares and nobody else gives a shit.
>download the game from piratebay
>tip the crack maker
>make 10 hour montage of all fatalities done on women
>upload to youtube
>monetize it
>get 300 k views
They are just an over arching group that has worked together for so long they've managed to embed themselves in a surprising amount of things. They aren't the root of it though
Imagine showing that image 20 years ago. We're living this nightmare.
You know that a lot of edgy people during the 80s and 90s turned out to be sjws and libtards.
For example, Jimmy Kimmel used to host a show called the Man Show that was about men being men and women being women, but look how he turned out in the end. He became another sjw libtard.
Don't underestimate basket weaving forums
HOLY FUCKING SHIT Jade is so hot. Where can I get a brown qt gf bros?
>pirate the game
>"Heh I sure showed those SJW devs!"
>game industry only becomes more progressive
Then again you're a frogposter so you're probably not that smart to begin with.
I want to see who has enough balls to actually make a god-like playable character that wears next to no clothes but is female. The defense of her nudity would be that she transcends mortal norms and refuses to submit herself to them because they are lesser and pointless
Is this a question or a challenge?
You mean they grew up?
you've paid before so yes you will.
>Exorbitant Mortal Kombat Piracy Rates Linked To Jade Having More Clothes
Last year people were eating tide pods, you think this can't happen?
Screams of denial.
>comic book industry shrinks by a solid percentage every year
>stars wars universe and fandom is vanquishing as men drop it and no zoomers care about it
>anti-men and anti-white game companies start laying off HUNDREDS of non-programmers, ideological crony employees; if not; breaking completely
>white liberal birth rate is at all time low and will be an insignificant minority of the population
This is the beginning of the end for you, you soulless shitstain. The pendulum hasn't even begun swinging back and most of the liberal establishment is imploding.
Is everything you don't like a false equivalence? Expand your vocabulary you fucking retard.
LMAO! Who is, then?
No, they went even further left. Rock music in the 80s for example while edgy was left leaning
>white liberal birth rate is at all time low and will be an insignificant minority of the population
That's an awfully weird framing user.
Surely you meant that the white birthrate /itself/ is at an all time low, and not only that, but Generation Z is even more liberal than millennials, as found by Pew? Even amongst white Republicans?
Make no mistake, you're not just losing. You've already lost.
You’d be surprised what you can go nose blind too
T. Plumber
>oh no no no you can't do anything about it
>i'm not buying these garbage games get fucked
>m-media will get more progressive! it doesn't m-matter! buy the game please!
>Still blaming Jews for everything
I don't pretend that I know, unlike you. It goes beyond them
Attractive women make the best assassin's though, easy to lure in male targets and humans are hard wired to be kinder and think more highly of them since they're the best breeding live stock.
>You've already lost.
Is that why trump is in the white house?
t. kike
This will be the ultimate victory for the feminists, this is the point dudes that like sexy females will admit defeat and just buy their games without question from here on out
What the FUCK did the mean by this?
oh my God, it's literally white genocide
> but Generation Z is even more liberal than millennials, as found by Pew? Even amongst white Republicans?
FALSE. You are misinterpreting data. Young people area always more liberal and will just side with superficial "feel good" narratives, it doesn't mean that they'll actually be morel liberal when they grow up. You are comparing a 50yo guy with the 10yo version of himself.
Birth rates and genes are everything; white liberals will face extinction. In terms of geographical territory, white liberals will be losing terrain against hyper religious hispanics.
no seriously what the fuck
Via an electoral college system designed to favour slave states. Anyway, it's a death rattle. An anguished cry from entitled white fucks who can't stand that the future is now going to look more brown. He's a one term president whose damage will be cleaned up.
>it's not Jews
>b-b-b-but I don't know who is....
If you don't know who is, then why are you so sure of who isn't?
Gamer, it's time to rise up
Wrong. Generation Z are more liberal even at the same age as the previous generations once were, as the data shows. You clearly haven't read the study in full, it's impeccably researched with a full methodology.
>T. Brainlet who thinks he found the root of the world's evil from a YT documentary.
You really think the group running shit would so easily be found out? Not only are you retarded for that, you're retarded because you stopped looking for anyone else it could be because you found one answer and stuck with it
"I hate what you're doing!"
"If you don't like it don't buy it"
"no ill still buy it, thank you master netherrealm please let me lick your taint"
Remember when the grand prize for doing the hardest challenge in the game was a costume where Mileena was more naked.
Really makes you wonder.
Never thought I'd see the day LTG was right about something
Eh, I'll just buy it when it's 20 bucks or less.
ah, oneangrygamer, the pinnacle of western journalism...
I'm not saying anything said about them is lies, they fucking suck, I'm saying they aren't the root of it.
How do you know?
How are you this dumb? No one said anything about a conspiracy, and it's not a boogeyman when a feminist agenda is actually ruining games in reality. Dumb fuck.
Women would have anyone more attractive than them be forced to wear those Hijabs if they could. Females are the enemy of female sexuality because they hate competition.
Who let the dogs out?
But the Zombies in the RE2 remake were hot as fuck
The voices said so
It always goes deeper user. Khazars are a problem for sure but I just don't believe it's so easy to point out the secret Force pulling strings everywhere
>when separated by gender zoomer men are about the same or less in accepting gay progressive shit
>zoomer women are way more accepting
I think I realize what the problem is.
You can't really know anything user. You can find what seem to be constants and base assumptions on that. All of what we know is just assumed tho
>I have a feeling
LMAO! Fuck off, retard.
The methodology page mentions the test done on adults and not on teens. What an absolute retard you are.
But there's more
>Study doesn't take into consdieration racial differences
A hispanic ethnic nationalist who defends his own hispanic nation in the US; who attacks white privilege, is not the same as a white liberal
>only 53% of kids finished the survey
47% of kids won't even bother going further into the study; which will obviously bias towards the progressive type of people who want to give the "good answers"
Wake up cuckold; america is more religious and hispanic; america is more white conservative, america is less and less white liberal.
Good reenactment of a solid 2017 bait. I give you 7.5/10.
The constant seems to me to be the presence of Jews.
Lol you have no more proof that it's the Jews than I have proof that they are just pawns too
It's the richest people in the world that want ugly women and mutts. It just happens a lot of those at the top are sons of zion.
They have covered jaina's boobs in HS I expect Overshit to get censored next.
Funny thing is that HS is dying faster when they did this
>trying to accuse Pew of being biased
They're one of the least biased organisations around, even fucking /pol/ consider the one they did on global Muslim attitudes prime redpilling bait. They weren't so happy when they saw this one of course.
>ruthlessly executing a defenceless female combatant and then graphically desecrating her corpse = A-OK
>the exact same thing, only with edgy 90s cleavage = big no-no
Maybe MK would've been better off dying out in the 00s than being forced to operate under a mountain of WB suits and sanctimonious shitheels, no?
The inventors of literally every subversive ideology are Jews.
I'd actually be impressed if you could name one philosophy that isn't created or largely supported by Jews.
Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence
Google "Mortal Kombat: A Forced Hero" - a story based on MK9, the last real Mortal Kombat entry with actually attractive women - and I am 100% justified in using none of the designs or characters from MKX or 11 for the sequel story
come discuss the story with me here if you want
So just because the are publicly known super rich who present a public opinion you trust what they say 100%?
You know how retarded that sounds?
They didn't go full retard in MK 10 though and their faces got improved compared to MK 9
You never go full censorship.
>subversive ideology
Like what
Not to mention your own data shows that white conservatives are sub-replacement fertility anyway so it's irrelevant.
Oh yeah, and this is my favourite graphic. Even the conservatives are getting more liberal.
>sexiness is unrealistic
>no mention of the realism of surviving a broken skull, shaking off being stabbed, or losing all your body's blood from a uppercut
Do you wonder why people think you're either an obese ham and roast beef clubslut or an sjw faggot, or do you realise your agenda is obvious?
Like Marxism.
Opinion? They control the world, look at what they did to youtube for a couple pizzagate shit-posts.
>appeal to authority
>appeal to "credibility"
>you are just saying this because you have feelings
I'm glad that people like you will not exist in the future and that white people will finally be free from you.
Like I said they have managed to embed themselves. They are collective mafia type organization that always try to work with each other
I bet you think the study that says trans are not mentally ill is legit. Be honest, it's anonymous here.
The fact of the matter is that the biggest proponents for less breasts or the ones writing this off as nothing are absolute brainlets with stunted palates. Anyone with an appreciation for oppai will tell you the subtle ways it impacts the overall tone and delivery of any scene it's a factor in, but the people who are fine with less breasts are the kind of retards that can't understand this, because they're the ones whose minds would go numb while ogling breasts or not appreciate them at all in the first place. They're merely projecting their flaws onto others.
Oh shit that's a hard one, who do I trust, people with a proven track record, or some idiot on Yea Forums who reaches for excuses like "the other kids thought it was going to biased!"? The absolute state of conservatives.
Right, and they subvert every host nation they migrate to. What do you disagree with?
And be sure to tell your buddies you approve of Hispanics being the majority in America, just because they're "more religious".
We have to go deeper into degeneracy.