What's with "le funny xD" youtubers suddenly thinking their professional videogame reviewers now?

What's with "le funny xD" youtubers suddenly thinking their professional videogame reviewers now?

This dude talks like a child.

Attached: dunkey.jpg (324x401, 34K)

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Are you still salty about the KH review? Move on.

why do you care?


Taking his videos seriously is more of a you problem than it is his.

seething KH3 faggot

What's funny is he has a GF 10x better looking than anything you're gonna get. Doesn't matter if his voice is weird when his pussy game is unreal.

He is a nazi

Who says they're professional reviewers? All they are doing is making a review of a game and people watch it if they like the person. I don't think they consider themselves professional at all.


KH is shit OP, move the fuck on.

What's with you thinking "professional" video game reviewer is such a lofty position to reach?

What did he 'professionally review? Don't get me wrong I can't stand him, but did he actually try and review something or was it his usually "comedy"?

What, you actually trust the "professional video game reviewers" that "play" the game for an hour then shit out a review?

Im not a Dunkey fan but Id rather trust the people who actually take their time to play the game to give a proper feedback of it.

Never played KH

What's with Yea Forums's obsession over Dunkey? Do you secretly love him?



Attached: ayylmao.jpg (500x500, 42K)

Is Dunkey as bad at talking about video games as Critical when talking about films?

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>thinking their professional videogame reviewers
The fuck is wrong with you people. He made a review, then he posted it on Youtube. Same way EVERY other video is made.

He didn't do some special ritual that makes his videos gospel.

Fat people shouldn't be allowed to be successful

She's cute, but not really gorgeous:

Hold the fuck, dunkey isn't black??
Fuck this racist cumstain

If you let any sort of review sway your feelings on a game then you're a wishy washy fag with no mind for yourself. Especially if you just word for word repeat their points. """"Reviewers"""" are all garbage for idiots.

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His girlfriend is a 4/10, but it's the only one who would take him since he's an ugly fat fuck who fulfills her baby food fetish

I hate how cr1tikal got popular among normies. His content has taken a huge nosedive ever since he revealed his face. Moist meter is shit. The podcast is shit. His twitch streams are the most pedestrian shit ever, completely unlike his old gameplay videos.

Nice cope, Dunkey.

I get the impression that she's a real controlling bitch from his appearence on other people's podcasts, either she's straight up with him to keep things in check or even worse hijacks the podcast in the middle of it, she controls the conversation and flow of information, and is the one that answer questions, I'm sure he's just a pussy whiped faggot that'll do anything she says

7-8 years ago I would have had no problem saying crit was the funniest channel on youtube, now most of his content is just trash to fill space


>literal neckbeard
Why not just shave that?

Did Sseth just pick up where Critical left off? His content feels like the natural evolution of Critical's original content

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>fake voice

This. Decide what you like yourself and argue about it with idiots on Yea Forums instead. At least you can think for yourself instead.

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>watch this dude
>he's just boring

Now we can post racism in his comment section and he won' t get any money from jewtube anymore.

What a time to be alive.

hey hey people.

I’ve been watching his shit since 2015 maybe I’m a newfag but I noticed a lot of his new fans are normie women and I’m just wondering how the fuck that happened

I think it mostly has to do with him being a social retard who can only say catchphrases when not reading a script. Dude has negative charisma outside of his videos so he has his gf tag along to pick up the slack.

Idk, sounds like a sad existence to me