Resident evil thread


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nice try, but the FBI don't hire chinks

ghost survivors is shit. It's so bad i used a trainer and killed everything then put it down like a old dog. Never again faggots and i don't give a fuck i don't speed run like niggers i enjoy my games faggots LOL I s+ ranked everything the game is done unless GOOD dlc comes out.

guys how the fuck do i get back to the underground place?
i just got the 2 electric parts but can't remember how to get there
normally i would just search bit by bit but this mofo won't stop chasing me

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eastern part of police house, 1st floor. through the stairs to the garage by the safe house thats 2 rooms

What do you hate about it?

Go to the spot where that Cop got bitten in half at the shutter door.

She fucks white guys

I didn't even try it when I learned that it's just 4th survivor under a different name

shit forgot about that shutter and looking at the map i thought it was a wall there
thanks guys, hopefully i get to kill my bully soon

It makes my dick hard and i can't concentrate on the game making me angryfap.

nu-RE2 still sucks ass.

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I want Ada Wong to use me as her pawn to achieve her own ends while secretly having a soft spot for me. Please


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Not as hard as your mom sucks.

Talking out of experience?
Look, I get it. Older women can be a turn-on, but going after literal retired seniors? Yikes...

Yes very much experience your not even on her level.

What are some other good survival horror games? I was trying to play The Evil Within 1, but I didn't like it. I finished the Dead Space trilogy also. Tfw no more good horror games to play.

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Have you played Silent Hill 1-4?
Otherwise, try Darkwood on PC (it will run on anything).


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nobody ever said zombies were smart

more like Mada my Dong hard

you should try the nude mod lol


but y do zombys drown in water?
and y do the other zombies get up from water?

because that zombie had no legs and couldn't stand up

Based and redpilled, otherwise would be bestiality

>Suck ass
>Post a gif of a well thought detail by the devs

Fucking Bosses for Information?

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how can zombies drown? They're dead?
And why don't they drown if they have legs or lie waiting under water for an ambush?

Yes, m8, I have all Silent Hills for PS2. Darkwood... I don't know about this perspective tho.

Don't move

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oh shit i get to play with the asian lady!

realistically, they should float away helplessly or swim at you if they still have their arms. I doubt a zombie would be coordinated enough to swim very fast though.
But yeah they probably just drown because you can't see them and it'd be a pain in the ass if they still bit you but were invisible to you

So you wanted him to bite you even if you can't see it while underwater?

Yikes. That pig in a wig is just repulsive

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i wasnt big on top down pixelshit either but for me it worked like old RE games - the torch mechanic (being that your character can only see in a small arc of torchlight in front of him) functions similarly to the fixed camera angles in re 1-3. you only have a certain portion of the screen in which you can see enemies.
if you dig atmospheric games, give it a shot when it goes on sale or pirate it if youre that way inclined

well at least her chin doesnt look recessed as fuck


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Reminder that Julia Voth was 15 when her face was scanned for REmake so if you think Jill's hot you are going to hell.

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> darkwood
devs say they are cool with people pirating their game so go nuts

I knew it. Did she fuck Mr. X too?

If you get a boner, you lose. She was 14.

Mr X is alpha enough to fuck every character by himself

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fuck off that's legal here

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>"Hit from behind!"

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just to clarify, they are protesting key sites i.e. they said that if you would be purchasing the game off one of those sites, pirate it instead so you wouldnt be supporting what they consider a shady business model

Perfect age for breeding

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Started playing through the remake for the first time today and so far it's pretty good. Just got up to the part where Mr X shows up for the first time and as someone who played the original I definitely wasn't expecting him this early in the game, nor was I expecting him to enter the main hall since I thought that was a safe zone in this game. Don't know if it's just that I'm a terrible shot but there's tons of enemies now. I opened a door and had 2 lickers right in my face.I find myself running out of ammo a lot in this game but I still have a bunch of health recovery items.

on my first play thru i got stuck for a brief while trying to get back too, and i also forgot there was a chain lock on in the room at the end of the west hallway :)_
the shutter door is the easiest to forget i think

>"And the award for 2019's Waifu of the Year goes to..."

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How do you open the door in the prison when doing the Mayor's Daughter stage?

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That's just Claire with Ada's hair. Her chin is like it always is. The fact that you couldn't even tell proves her chin is not even that recessed

Alien Isolation.

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Yeah, I forgot about it as well and it made my Leon run brutal, took me so long to find.

I can't see anyone beating Claire. Maybe one of the Death Stranding girls if that game comes out this year, because who knows what they'll even be like (besides attractive)

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>I was trying to play The Evil Within 1, but I didn't like it.
The first TEW is really bad. The second one improves a lot over the first one if you'd want to give it a shot.

>Japanese humour


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there is a pale head with a backpack that has the key for it. he is wandering around near the entrance to the area with 20+ zombies right outside the parking garage

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good horror game, dont know if it is survival horror though

That's a 90's as fuck haircut.

So what exactly causes Mr. X to bust through the press room wall by the interrogation rooms? I've seen plenty of people say it took them multiple runs to see it but on my first playthrough (Leon A) it happened and scared the fuck out of me since I forgot about that happening in the original.

Where did you guys spend your 3 saves for S+? I've spent my last before G2, but I think I can optimize it further

After Ada's segement and one when I arrived at NEST.

He already listed Dead Space and The Evil Within, so I think it was worth throwing into the hat at least. I got more of a survival feel from it than I did from RE7 in any case and they're both kind of similar.

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Chief Irons' office, before G2 and before G3. Recently been getting ballsy and skipping the Irons save, though. It's risky as fuck but it adds more tension which is fun.
Finished another run tonight, getting close to breaking sub 60 minutes. First time going out of my way utilizing speedrun strats.

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He just has to be out of the area when you exit the observation room for the first time. Like you can't hear his footsteps at all. Then he busts through the wall as a jump scare since you'd thought you'd lost him.
It only happens for Leon btw.

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>*teleports from the Orphanage to his office*

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Me, mymen, mr X is here.

I think it happens when you get followed by him and you enter the interogation room I only had him not breackthrough once and that was when I didn't had him on my ass when I went down the stairs.

Ahh, okay. Thanks dudes.

yeah even though we said completely opposite things. I dont know what is talking about though, every time I've ever had him chasing my ass as I went to the observation room so could still hear him stomping around when I left, he would just continue stomping wherever he was already at and would not bust through the wall

This is the single player game of the fucking gen and it's a billion times better than the original. I love this goddamn game so much, I can't believe Capcom made a game like this in 2019. Timeless modern classic.

t. 32 year old boomer.

She's not FBI, dumbass. When she shows Leon her credentials, it says WMAF.

>Department of Miscegenation

It specifically seems to happen to Leon after you get the club key, since that area is useless to Leon until he gets it. Whereas, Claire can go there right after getting the heart key from the Chief's backroom. I would be curious if you'd get it as Claire if you wait until after you trigger Mr. X's spawn and then went there. Also, Claire gets the Licker jumping through the window in the interrogation room but Leon cannot

Not gonna lie, I've botched more than a few good runs on the stealth section by not paying enough attention.

based raccoon city police department hiring people who've never heard 'federal bureau of investigation' to shoot and arrest people

based 32 year old boomer.

The door near the entrance opens at the same time as all the cells. Either walk into the hallway, or shoot one of the zombies standing in the middle.

>stupid disgusting chink

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leon would never date a heartless racist like this

Claire is perfection

>keep coping fetal alcohol syndrome goblin

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Neither of those comics are japanese.

She's perfect. I wish she was my wife.

t. Leon

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It would be really weird if someone posted the WMAF edit with the pasta right guys haha

In the first game there’s a zombie waiting in a bathtub so they shouldn’t be able to drown according to that.

Holy shit that fucking stare
My boy is horny alright

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meant for


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post some jordan please

You seem to be missing a finer detail in that image user

>calling an insect an insect isnt racist and fuck cross dressers too

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How many sexual awakenings do you think she'll be responsible for?

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>leon b hardcore
>die before I get to the spade key
>leon b normal
>die before I get any statue medallions
Why am I so fucking BAD at video games

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there's one paleblood with key on the street just above the garage, and another with with second key in the garage itself

>ywn be Leon at make love with her at the parking lot

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can you guys post those webms of sherry's model swapped out for claire and ada real quick?

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They missed an opportunity not calling this the Prometheus mod desu.

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look at this d00d
hard to see but from the side he looks like nothing but a spine in the middle

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Her coat w/o sunglasses is pure kino

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>hear about people having trouble with G2 and G3
>they're the easiest for me, while G1 and Tyrant are the hardest

I want Ada to poop on me

Girls don't poop

RE2R has really got this whole noir aesthetic going

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I spent way too long working on G2 one-cycles today.

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Regular zombies are honestly the biggest threat in this game, especially when you haven't built up your arsenal. Dying in early game is less shameful than dying in late game IMO.

I accidentally did it the first time I ever fought him. You just have to basically unload your flamethrower and other weapons on him before even jumping off the catwalk.


How can white pigs ("""females""") even compete LMAO
Leon chose right

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as you can see on the left, Claire has breeding hips, another reason she is vastly superior to Ada

Claire run so no flamethrower, and I save the shocker for G3. Magnum shots until he's down, knife the fucker, shoot him some more, hit the switch, flash grenade and shoot some more.

>even there Clairenigger is trying to establish his delusional ""superiority""

do i just need to run away from the tyrant on fire in the elevator or do i have to shoot him? i wasted most of my ammo on the birkin fight and the shotgun does pretty much nothing even if i hit him in the face


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>Capcom were too coward to give her the ACTUAL RE2 hair

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>thinking a young girl is hot is equal to rape now guys - don't think about such things or you're going to hell guys - thoughts are the same as actions guys - if you think about murdering your boss you're actually a murderer and the police are on the way guys

>15 but looks 30

The hell is up with anglo genes?

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judging by your emp mine you know exaclty what you're doing but seriously FUCK THAT ROOM my first time through

Even Irons was clever enough to ditch Claire ASAP

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Yeah, I saw a bunch of 'droids and was ready. Fuck the next room, though. THAT caught me off guard.

Man the voice acting in RE6 is so good, especially Chris. I only finished Leon's campaign but this game is straight kino so far.

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It says she is 13 in that photo

>this is almost 40 super spy
She is just a kid ok?

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he's back

this kicks my autism into high gear. there's no inhibitor coating, he wouldn't retain the mostly human form. without the coat he would mutate. god damn it. shit is still funny though.

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Is leon a claire b the best way to play the game? That's what people have been telling me and that's what I chose.

Am I going to have fun playing claire a leon b or have i seen everything with the first set runs?

Also are the b runs more action? I share playing as claire I had tons more ammo and felt OP a few times aside from dealing with plant zombies with no chem thrower

The inhibitor coating is around his cock instead.

Claire A Leon B is canon and better.

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All scenarios are essentially the same, just play them in either order. But Claire A/Leon B is arguably the canon one.

oh lord

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I preferred running Claire A/Leon B because the fight with Super Tyrant feels more climatic and intense, while Claire's story feels more like a main plotline with her interactions with Annette and Sherry.

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I'm comming Ada!

6 does Chris's story way better than 5.

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user, zombies are also physically dead, so they shouldn't even be able to move, much less desire to eat flesh. Shut the fuck up.

how do i not use all my ammo so quickly, i like killing shit so they wont come back but i understand the game will punish you for it


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It basically boils down to what kind of .45 you want. Wild West or Ghetto Style.

Use the knife more often to finish off downed enemies and lickers.


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Leon is very tired and asleep right now
It's agent Ada Wong

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Good to see Capcom will use the novels as a basis for the remakes!

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what about for ghost survivors when you dont get a knife

I didn't even realise you could hide under that table until like my third Claire playthrough. I used to move around in the 2nd half of the room.

He's right you know. They drown in RE2 because the devs couldn't be assed to program their behavior underwater, which has a precedent in the series.

How can one woman be so based?

Thank God there's a mod to fix the gangsta firing form with Leon.

Hahaha, so did I man.

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As long as you aren't playing No Way Out, the ammo is more for stunning enemies to move past them instead of gunning them down. Get creative on dodging encounters to conserve ammo for when it's absolutely necessary.

The game already has enemies that swim through water. It's more likely the devs just made it so they drowned so they wouldn't be dicks to the player.

You guys do realize some design choices are done for the sake of gameplay, yes?

If you find a body on the ground, shoot it once in the head. If it moves, knife it like crazy until it stops. Then shoot it one more time in the head to be sure. Avoiding zombies completely is still the best option. Once you learn your way around the game you'll find you don't need to visit most places more than once.

Reminder the Redfields canonically murder asian people because of Ada PTSD

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Claire is love

I just downloaded Darkwood and was playing, and holy fug... I didn't expect that. Great atmosphere and the gameplay feels nice. Thanks for the rec, anons, I'll be playing that game. It really has that RE and Silent Hill vibes. Very spooky desu.

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>Fear you can't forget

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is ogre*

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>The game already has enemies that swim through water


It's as simple as putting the ripple effect in the water to mark that zombies position and assign the hitbox to that ripple like it is in 5 and 6. Then you can have them either be landmines like the ones in 5's DLC or move like the ones in 6. They just didn't bother doing it.

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Claire is in love

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She looks gorgeous in this one

Why doesn't it show the rank here?

So it's obvious it was done intentionally to give the players a break. You mong.

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reminder those are the 4 main characters of the franchise and everyone else is a irrelevant jobber

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wow is that Claire? That detail is amazing.

This. idgaf about anyone else.

Screencapped a little too early.

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>Claire, Leon and Jill have their most recent game appearences
>Chris is RE5 Chris because FUCK """"Redfield""" and FUCK RE6

Claire is ____

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for handholding


I’m going to go for S+ rank on Leon A Hardcore today. I’m tempted to use a guide but I want to see how far I get on my own first.

Any tips I should keep in mind?

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Agent Hitler, FBI

>it's obvious

How you stupid fucking retard?

It has precedent in the series and would require more work. So how is it "obvious"?

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Spoil that shit nest time user, jeez.

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who was the culprit?

Keep a list of locker/safe combos and the like. If you hurry, you'll have enough time to get most upgrades and weapons in the S time limit, but it's impossible if you take the time running back and forth for documents.

first char to get me to read some fanfictions...should i kms bros???

Just be yourself man, it's not hard. Don't waste your time with the magnum.

Who else 'gon give it' to somebody on that kind of scale?


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why is leon such a hunk

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That’s good to know. Thanks.

Yeah, I was debating on the Magnum, but I figured it wasn’t worth the time and limited inventory space.

You would also be smelly if you went through a sewer

gimme a 9

Know when you need to save.
I’ve practiced runs and I beat the entire RPD and die unexpectedly and have to restart. Sometimes it feels like I’ve lost tons of progress but it was actually only 15-20 minutes. Just don’t lose your drive

Down zombies to the floor by blowing a knee
Kickers can be stunned repeatedly with the knife
Shotgun to the face is the way to go
Pausing stops the timer so use the map often

Leon's loving wife

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I don’t see Ms. X there


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"Ada is mine." –Leon Scott Kennedy


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thank god because it looked like shit

question, how does a game that has a playtime of 1hour per character justify a 60 dollar purchase?

Anybody but Helena or Ada is fine

6 is the most kino RE game story-wise.


Agreed. They took it in a direction I don't really give a shit about.

>super hard
>super linear
>completely irrelevant story-wise

It's really not fun at all.

>when a rookie cop through luck and grit survived a night in Raccoon City then was almost immediately recruited to head-up the US government's anti-BOW field response and 6 years after the fact was put in charge of the investigation to rescuing the president's kidnapped daughter

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I can't stop masturbating to ada

All classic RE games can be beaten very quickly. You won’t ever on your first playthrough go that fast, games are designed to be speedrun

I see. So those were all ng+ sort of things? How much time does a newcomer / resident evil rookie use on his first complete run?

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pure grit

Does pausing to look at your inventory/map/files stop the timer or do I have pause with the actual options menu?

I remember as a wee lad being really proud of beating RE3 in like 1 hour 25 minutes. It took a hell of a lot of practice.

I think 1:30 was needed for one of the infinite weapons?

5-10 hours per character. Depends on how much you want to explore or how many times do you stuck in the map trying to find key items or solving puzzles.

Maybe because I've gotten 90 hours out of the game doing this shit for fun. I think the last single player game I spent even a third of that time on was Nioh.
For reference, this was my first blind run.

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Not him but I'm no newcomer to RE, I've platinumed every title and 2 Remake is now no exception, but in my first run I did Claire A and it took eight hours on Standard. Hardcore you're looking at maybe 10 unless you're following a guide, which I refused to do. There's safe combinations, weapons and such that unless you use a guide, you have to find film reels, backtrack, develop and then find the location of hidden weapons and items through them. Same for the safe combinations which reward you with increased inventory space, etc. It's well worth the purchase either way though, I autistically speedrun the game now and each run takes me just an hour or so, but my total playtime on RE net is about to eclipse 70 hours. That's a dollar per hour, justified easily.

Cutscenes and options pauses the timer. Inventory, map and files do not.

I think they're really fun, but I look at them as fast paced action puzzles. Could definitely see how they're not fun for everybody, but I enjoy learning how to deal with every situation the runs throw at you.

God damn bros I swear a bit of optimisation and I'll be coming for the Claire A Standard 60FPS record, mark my words.

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Completionist fag here. Can anyone post the requirements for completing challenges/records here? Because the game doesn't told you everything you need to do to 100% the game.

...I've beat the game 3 times and I still didn't know that.

Taking your time blind running the game for the first time and figuring shit out yourself is like 7-8 hours depending on how good you are. There's a fucking ton of stuff to do and figure out first time through and it's got a fantastic atmosphere.


is the deluxe version worth it?

I don't play a lot of RE games. My first run was Claire's on hardcore. Took maybe around 7.5 hours, though I died a lot and had optimized segments here and there just from knowing what's around the corner.

try gamefaqs

Bare in mind that since you're dying and reverting to where you save, your actual play time was likely much longer unless you reloaded from the death screen. If the latter, that's an impressive time honestly.

The only two I specifically had to look up were for the extra character sections. For Sherry's, you need to get out of the first room in under 1 minute. For Ada, you need to clear her section while only using the hacking tool.

you can download the stuff that comes with deluxe separately. if you are only interested in the sountrack for example.

Not so fast bro.

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Good boy.

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video game thread on Yea Forums?
can't have that

You should go for the recky in Hardcore, that's a damn good time. Standard is the most popular so it's the one I'm going for on Console. If you're on PC it's more competitive but I wouldn't be surprised if you got it with some optimising.

Cgi movies are K I N O

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Can someone post the AFWM or whatever version?

Man face

>wears sunglasses
>has to run
>wears high heels
That character is such a fuckin joke, even in its design, jesus christ.
The only other character, I can think of, that has a completely out-of-place design is Excella.
All other female characters are ok or coherent outfits.
>hurr durr Jill in RE3
Nigger, in RE3, Jill is wearing normal civilian clothes. She didn't have time to run back to the police station to get her uniform, she had to leave asap.

Annette so I can seduce the zombies with my MILF powers.

Nah, I'm nowhere near. Claire A hardcore is like 56 minutes? My shit isn't even one clean run with no saves. I'm having fun learning all the dumb tech, did a 1h5m run today that I want to get below 60 tomorrow, but hunting for that perfect run with zero fuckups is way beyond me.

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>that butterface

Irons, he's the fastest pervert in Raccoon City.

Raccoon in RE3 was also in the middle of a heatwave.

trannies calm down

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This looks like my ex-gf's vagina.

Attached: I showed you my dick, please respond.jpg (617x1024, 55K)

And that, user, is why you get nudes before you date them.

Oh that time is 120f. Still, I probably couldn't nail an 60 mins as one clean run for 60f either.

What went so wrong with Chris Roidfield?

Attached: protective chris.png (587x241, 32K)

>game actually got reflections in mirrors.
Such a rarity nowdays that its impressive they actually put in the effort.

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First, Claire, then Marvin and finally Annette
Is that Jill with the minigun...?

HUNK of course

In Classic RE2 Leon overslept, either because he had just been drinking after he had broken up with his girlfriend(which also explains why he's so drawn to Ada) or just randomly because, so he just happened to sleep through the worst of the siege and the infection spreading into the survivors barricaded in the RPD station.
Then in the course of events he just happens to get involved with the daughter of a high-up Umbrella scientist and a corporate spy which nets him the chance to infiltrate an Umbrella lab then haul ass on one of their inexplicably elaborate rail networks out of the city before it's nuked.
He's a talented fighter and by Ada's judgment apparently a genius, and he does take well to government agent work, but a lot of him surviving RE2 is just happenstance and could have gone very badly had he not met the right individuals.

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she looks like one actually.

>K I N O
I wouldn't say that, but entertaining? Yeah definitely

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Fat Leon

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Alright, so what is the easiest scenario to speedrun? I watched the ESA run by distortion2 and he went Claire B. I also tend towards it because I find Claire less stressful than Leon and you get the Colt.

When you get to NEST, equip the flamethrower. Its embers reflect on the laminate doors, it's amazing.

What's some stuff you'd love to see added in DLC?
>Add in the option to wear hats you unlocked in Ghosts for the singleplayer campaign (this should already be a thing honestly)
>Add in a raid/mercenaries mode
>Add in a randomizer mode

Attached: 1542428712133.png (700x721, 897K)

Claire B, easily. You can get her SMG with the suppressor before Birkin 1 and body him.

Also >using Distortion as a guide
the dudes a massive aspie, you wanna follow Carci or Waifu.

A runs are easier than B runs as enemy placement in B is way rougher in the RPD so a lot more can go wrong.

Tofu or bust

For a remake by capcom they they put in a surpricing amount of effort.
Still wont make purists happy because they even foam out of their mouths if they hear anyone use alternative controls in RE1 Remake.

Some kind of mode to use the deluxe costumes in and have fun

>Taking the SMG in a speedrun
Yeah nah. All you need is the SLS, grenade launcher in NEST, shocker and a knife. Shocker has been super useful for G3. Never found a need to waste time on the SMG.

Patrician taste is to use alt controls in REmaster except when on Stairs because d-pad tank controls makes skating easier.

Oh, so you faggots can stay, but DMC Threads get kicked out.

Ill say it,


>as you can see on the left, Claire has breeding hips
Damn you, I was about to say that

Scenarios aren't inherently easier or harder. Whatever scenario you are good at is easier/harder. I do Leon A because I know the route really well.

The SMG can carry you through the entire game, a whole mag will guarantee G2 dies in one crane swing. A burst will down Mr X so you can save your flash nades. I used to grab Spark shot instead but now I take the SMG because I have to go back that way once I come in from outside RPD at the start, anyway.

But that's just wrong you fucking retard.

Did DMC threads get banned? Holy shit. I post in them a lot but I've had them filtered since last week because I dont want it spoiled.

yeah and they had so much confidence in him that the us military equipped him with a handgun and a couple of bullets

these ugly creatures frighten me

>Mercenaries/Raid like
>Accesories available for story mode
>Infinite ammo for all weapons but unlocked separately
>More costumes
>Story mode remix that actually makes sense canon wise

Not that guy and I've done both in S+ Hardcore, but in Scenario B you basically get the Magnum/SMG and its first upgrade handed to you since the Jewellery Box is in the 2F Shower. I would probably go for it.

>Hitman 2
are working mirrors a industry standard now?

I actually don't want to follow anyone, I managed Leon B Standard blind in 2:40 with intentionally going back to the police station to grab some stuff, so I could have been easily 20 mins faster.
But for the hardcore runs I would probably just do one run to see how it feels and then try to get S first. I actually am not sure whether I should even try to S+ because I remember the minigun and RL being rather lame in the original, so I am not sure if the hassle is worth it.

Kek, they moved you to /vg/.

It's the thong. Contain the cock, contain the mutation.

Claire must cook well. That's a dad bod if i've ever seen one

Who's "waifu"?

She’s clearly from the Femdom Bureau of Investigation

I got the s+ ranks because I wanted my records to look consistent, I haven't even used my inf weapons yet.

Go look at /vg/'s catalog. They stick out like a sore thumb.

I want a co-op campaign as DLC.

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Top_Tier_Waifu, dude looks like a fag (what runner doesn't) but he's crazy good with claire.


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Yeah, makes a lot more sense in the B run, I hadn't considered that, but I can one cycle G2 without it and have an abundance of flash grenades by the time I return to RPD anyway (4 on my last run), just doesn't seem like a huge deal to me.


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excella's outfit is appropriate or the character, she's an arrogant aristocrat who thinks of herself like a queen and wants to seduce wesker.

Kek I can't believe jannies finally did it.

I need mods that enhance her assets.

why are you asking capcom? modders can do that.

Why? Her body is perfect

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Imagine your inventory space without packing any handgun or the sparkshot in Sewers, user. I dont use the SLS at all until I get the magnum upgrade, and don't use the SAA after the first courtyard. SMG also seems to fuck over DA: with the pistol a headshot MIGHT stagger, but a burst from the SMG always decaps a leg, and the game throws white powder/smg ammo at you constantly, especially in NEST. It's a beast and I'm surprised Patch 1.3 hasn't nerfed it because the consistency I have with it is disgusting.

are these created by umbrella

>2 player co-op campaign
>Parts of the RPD are boarded off
>There is one spot that both players can interact with each other and trade items
>Have to ferry key items from each side and pick up ammo the other player can use
>Work together to escape the Station

Attached: 1533411099786.png (967x802, 765K)

I like the sound of that. Give one player a radio inside Irons' office, and another inside STARS ala RE3, and have that be the only time they can communicate over voice. Itd be like RE:0's switching system but good.

I don't need inventory space during sewer. My inventory is my SLS and a grenade. That leaves room for me to grab the magnum ammo, the T bar, the 3 chess pieces and the shocker.

>dude looks like a fag
That guy is not a tranny?

I thought he was but somebody asked him in chat a few nights back and he seethed and said no, he's very much male. Could've fooled me, kek.

Just started playing and just wanted to say that Claire has some great fucking cheeks, especially in the rain

anyone have those webms where they model swapped out sherry for claire at the fence and claire for leon on the train?

Attached: best wife.png (664x394, 448K)

Pinchable and huggable.

Zombies in RE arent dead


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loli fag

It has begun
There's no turning back for you now, user

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this is true for both kinds of cheeks desu

The Redfield harlot claims another victim.

Don't talk about Claire that way

Lord have mercy on my ballsack, I'll download a recording tool

t. Ada


Attached: ahem.png (651x798, 714K)


a cuck

I want swat gear claire


Something you always fail to do, loser

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bride of gakuen
or bride of rakuen

One is an open thread where you can openly discuss the various aspects of a series of released games, the other is a literal daily shill thread where the same 70 or so people jerk each other off, repeat the same posts over and over and chase out anyone who threatens to burst their bubble.

Good fucking riddance, those threads are fucking embarrassing and show just how much faggotry there is in the DMC community.

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finally someone posts /ourgirl/

Hey user


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A true gentleman and a scholar

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looks like leon dressing up like ada so he can beat off to his own reflection

Request it on the re modding forums, they tend to be quite helpful.


One is chinese and the other is indonesian

Kelly, buffalo Leon

How can you type when you're blind?

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It really does, her face has weird features.

I know about the nude mod, but I'd rather be teased with sexy clothing if you catch my drift


I'd rather tease you in sexy clothing haha

Yeah, more skimpy mods please.

One is Chinese the other is Thailand.
t. Indonesian

I want miss X to give it to me.

Attached: Miss X.jpg (1384x1957, 261K)

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>SWAT team roadblock scenario from RE3
>Harry, Elliott and Eric out rigging main street with high explosives in order to wipe out the horde shambling through the town square
>Dorian, Raymond Douglas and Arthur and evacuating civilians from the area near J's Bar
>David, Elliot, Rita and Marvin enacting their desperate getaway plan

Untold tales of the RPD when?

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Okay boys what's the best Leon jacket

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Resident Evil 2: RPD Chronicles DLC
make it happen, drawfag, sell lewd art of the characters to CAPCOM to fund it.


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6 unironically

should've been only the pants or the spades

I wish they do that. I want an Outbreak type of remake/sequels because c'mon, the Raccoon city arc is OBJECTIVELY, UNEQUIVOCALLY the most kino arc in the entire RE series.


Attached: ahem2.png (651x800, 580K)

Damnation Leon is the most based Leon, and cutest

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>when those lickers an-hero'd against Tyrant to save Leon

ngl bruv I got sad

>2nd run Hardcore S rank requires under 2 hours to finish
Literally how?
I just tried and the furthest I could get in 2 hours is just after Birkin 2.
I got an S rank for Claire A but this is ridiculous.

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What's this?

This happens only in Leon B?


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Unironically go faster. B route is way quicker and gives you the magnum as soon as you enter RPD. You have no excuse.

Same for Claire's SMG.

My final times for B route are better than my A route times.

c-clar y-ou don understaaaan *hic*
l-leav me aloneee *burps*

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That's some sweet armour Chris is wearing.

A great game but ded as hell. Wasn't this named Resident Evil Online 2 or some shit back in the day?


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I'm in.

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Claire A, Leon B was always the canonical choice.

Claire leaving Sherry to kill Birkin is out of character for her.

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But Grim Reaper.

Ada has strapped C4 to the Extraction Point. If you try to capture her she'll set it off.

Stop samefagging pathetic incel

Code Veronica fans should be sterilised, but that would imply they could get laid in the first place.

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Were you there, one or two days ago, in that nice comfy RE thread where most anons genuinely picked Claire as best gf option?

rcs' chris carries 6 tbqh

Pics that didn't age well.

With a million bucks I can buy all the extraction points I want!

I wouldn't expect something this based from claireposter

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But they will be just that, meaningless Extraction Points paid for with dirty money.

They won't be YOUR Extraction Point!

Code Veronica is a great drinking game.
Watch the cutscenes and take a shot every time Claire says Steve.

What are all the unlockables modes, lads? There are only the two B runs when you end A scenarios or there is more?

Attached: Claire wut.jpg (310x313, 25K)

>dat qt nose

Oh shit
Another samefagging incel spotted

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Hunk and Tofu modes

Take a shot each time the game makes you want to off yourself and you'll keel over either way imo.

Sherry's girlfriend.

>outlandishly tall and physically imposing woman with an unflinching Real Doll expression
>eternally coming after you whilst her heavy, earth-shaking heels go TOCK, TOCK, TOCK, TOCK
>if she catches you in her unbreakable grip, she stares you straight in the eye and sensually strangles you to death
Unironically a better concept than Nemesis desu. She should take his place in R3make.

Attached: 1550691041149.png (1304x1902, 664K)

>No shotgun/grenade launcher
>No subweapons
>Clear the game on Hardcore

Any recommendations?

I think this is easier on A side even though you can get the STARS office weapon earlier on B because B side RPD requires you to pick up shotgun/grenade launcher or use subweapons.

It would be perfect, since Mr. X doesnt even speak.

And his final form lets out a very girly growl.

Attached: Uikugio.jpg (246x157, 39K)

>another samefag
Do you even know what the words you use mean?

What I have to do to unlock these modes? Also i thought Hunk was "the 4th survivor" in the mode with Kendo and the blonde grill. There is another Hunk mode or the guy there, is not Hunk?(then why "the 4th survivor"?)

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I'd probably go with Claire, just because Final Tyrant with no Flashbangs sounds like a no way fag to me.

Probably expected him to princess-carry her in case they needed to run. And then she got turned before finding out Wesker would have probably just drag her by her leg.

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Read posts above and don't @ me ever again subhuman forever virgin low IQ goblin cuck

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>caring about story in resident evil
but why

>the 4th survivor
1. Leon
2. Claire
3. Sherry
4. Hunk

Ada being alive was an undecipherable mistery back then.

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Is that thing really useful?

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vendetta leon is holsterkino

Do it on B-side as Claire. Reason being is her revolver can empty 6 rounds at a time, so its like having the SMG but with more kick. Couple that with the abundance of handgun rounds you'll find, then the SLS magnum later and sparkshot, the run is cake.

Ghost Survivors don't actually survive
They are what-if stories
To unlock them, beat the game. That means an A and B run

For 4th Survivor you need to complete one A and the corresponding B scenario.
For the Tofu modes you need to complete 4th Survivor.

Ghost Survivors is an entirely separate thing. One of the scenarios features a different soldier than Hunk.

4th Survivor is canon to the RE story, all the rest is not.

It obliterates big G's and stops flower men temporarily so you dont waste precious grenades.

>removing her limiter coat makes her hornier

Attached: 1547450438737.png (365x423, 152K)


Unironically the Raccoon trilogy has some very enthralling lore.

>oneshots lickers
>oneshots zombies
>pops G3 eyes



How is Claire able to do G3 with nothing but the SMG and pistol?

Woah...ok. I'll use it then.

user the SMG is disgustingly good even on console, it'll pop eyes and shred zombie legs effortlessly.

I'm doing it on Leon A, just got to the sewers and regretting it a bit so far. G1 was actually pretty hard with pistols-only and now i'm wondering how i'm gonna deal with the Lab lickers and Mr. X without grenades.

Are you allowed to pick up Weapon Upgrades and such?

Cause the Upgrade/Side Ammo for Claire's Pistol is basically a Magnum.

How do azns cope with Ada liking BWC

The SMG is really good honestly, and as this user said Claire's gun basically has a magnum mod

>Lab Lickers

Literally just walk user. The First time they drop down you have plenty of time to walk past them. Then from there, they sort of hang around the big pile of dead zombies and you can swooce right past.

I see...thanks!

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She is hafu herself
No one unironically likes asian males lol

SMG doesn't do good damage overall though. It's really good at hitting weak spots, but that's about it. You actually have to DPS G3 when his eyes are popped. On hardcore you can easily dump 20+ shotgun or acid rounds into G3, not counting the eyes.


That's literally the Desperate Times scenario from Outbreak. In one room there's a safe on top of a shelf, but the player can't reach it. The player on the other side of the room has to push a crate so the player can get on top of the crate, open the safe, then give the player who pushed the crate the emblem in the safe through the shelf.

Yeah Super Tyrant is scary but I know for a fact you can do it without grenades. You just have to understand his attack patterns very well so you will have to die a couple times first.

>10 smg rounds on hardcore pop G3's eye/s
>180 when his chest is perma exposed finishes him

I did an SMG only HC run, I'll die on the hill that it's a beast.

it was fitting that they went from chris & the bssa having pretty grounded gear and real plate carriers to goofy scifi vests for vendetta

Spencer deserved better.

Attached: Spencer_wheelchair.jpg (1152x1580, 482K)


How many are you dumping into his chest while they are temporarily exposed eyes?

Muhhh godhood.

I'm surprised this isn't a reward for shooting all the Mr. Raccoons instead of an unbreakable knife
>Unlimited charges
>Lets you instantly escape from any zombie grapple, and you get to keep it
>Stuns enemies if used like a knife

Attached: stun-gun.png (400x320, 40K)

Claire is love and hugs

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the woman I love.

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Aren't you tired mexican goblinafgagot?
How many posts did you make there 30? 40?
Kill youself

Yeah i'm not that worried about it actually, hardcore with multiple saves is a breeze after getting S+ ranks but i must admit this challenge has been a bit harder than i initially expected.

Attached: RESIDENT EVIL 2 2019-02-22 20-57-17.png (1920x1080, 774K)

Big if true


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10-20 because I don't want to take chances. At most, 40 before the final phase, since he exposes the eyes twice.

>Claire is love and hugs
>tfw she's actually pixels and polygons

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Why are SO angry at someone enjoying a video game character?

Another samfagging incel
Claireniggers are sure pathetic

t. virus

take your meds, spergatron

Not incel or a samefag, this is my first post ITT.

You CANNOT enjoy anything! This is Yea Forums you stupid incel samefag cuck tripfag

what is the appeal of hunk.

Attached: lz.jpg (4227x4264, 910K)

Been playing through the entire main series; beat 1,0,2,3,CV and just finished 4

I think I liked it the most

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Based and barrypilled.

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kek if you say so soiboi

he's cool as a cucumber and since he hasn't taken a starring role in a mainstream RE he has added appeal

>doesn't brag or shit-talk, no nonsense
>completes the mission
>does everything the protags do, but does it in a fraction of the time without help

pay your respects to the best RE character

Attached: mike.jpg (1200x675, 62K)

That he is a mystery.
I am more anxious to know who thought codename HUNK would be appropriate?

Ms. X is a big girl

Apparently it was a typo for Hank.

>codename HUNK would be appropriate

you mean it ISNT?

Attached: hunk.jpg (815x380, 51K)

RE2R was so fucking easy, I feel bad for anyone who spent $60 on this shit. Also Claire's campaign is nearly a 1:1 copy of Leon's, which make the game value even worst.

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Spencer did nothing wrong. He simply wanted us to evolve.

dont worry we will get more DLC eventually.

Even Nighthawk wanted to fuck him.

Attached: Dzs14qRX0AIw7kg.jpg (1200x675, 61K)

>Nighthawk's fuccboi voice
Muhh dick.

are there actually .50 Magnum rounds in real life? Don't know much about guns but I thought there are only .44 an .357

.50 AE

Well, no, unless you want all the other mercs to be jealous, especially guys who got names like Nerd or Twink.

>zombiechan is the only one not thinking about hunk
Based loyal zombiechan only thinking about her one and only, leon

does Ada pack a Makarov?


Attached: Resident.Evil.full.1778053.jpg (1030x728, 222K)

she's just there drooling on a corner.

Attached: 1550714749023.png (1691x2032, 581K)

mauser hsc, probably picked because it looks like a ppk for the bond reference

so it's named incorrectly in the game?

Claire best girl

tfw just want hoard mode and not mercenaries meme modes

for you


Bitches love mystery men!

Why is the revolver such a shitty weapon?

lol shut up nigger

Or "Ghost", the self fulfilling prophecy.

all the guns have fictionalized names

>I wanted to meet the Grim Reaper
He was down to fuck

>mysterious masked operator
>sexy baritone voice
>stylish black uniform
>completely dependable
>calm under pressure
HUNK's dreamy as fuck, user.

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Attached: why we're still here...just to suffer.webm (1920x796, 1.89M)

I will need some evidence of this claim.

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I love the fact that Chris wears that armour through the whole movie, even when he's socialising with Rebecca.

Sherry is.

Because you need to be named Ocelot to make it work to its finest.

>full armour whole file
>adds a leg holster to go fight Glen and that's fucking it

You can never be careful enough around Rebecca.

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Playing on a PS4 Pro, how do you people have your brightness set up? The game is dark as fuck with default settings, but I also don't want the game to look washed out.

They fixed jew nose and stuff to make Katherine beautiful
Disgusting goblina next

Attached: Previews02-Mesa-de-trabajo-1.jpg (640x360, 35K)

>HUNK having to deal with girls
>This is dumb
>Zombies are dumb
>I hate sewers
>My feet hurt
>I wish I was at my extraction point

Attached: Hunks.jpg (1920x1080, 82K)

they should make her look like Busty Buffy.

Attached: e9368d9456a8657ca288f7544d36a7be.jpg (682x1024, 98K)

chris' idea of casual is taking the mag pouches off his vest before going to her hotel, it's great

I put min brightness to the maximum value that still let the 3rd brightness window's background appear as black, while ignoring the "pattern barely visible" prompt. For max brightness I just went for the "pattern barely visible" maximum.

For the 3rd brightness setting I then went for whatever made the game look good.

>make her uglier
>call it a fix
Modders were a mistake

they should mod everyone to be Hunk, even with muffled voices.