Who plays Ck2 (Crusader Kings 2)
Who plays Ck2 (Crusader Kings 2)
Who doesn't play Ck2 (Crusader Kings 2)
Should i
Best mods?
I play the Geheimnisnacht mod. Should get back working on my ogre empire.
I fuck my sisters to keep the bloodline pure
i dont have it.
Is there a game that's like Ck2 (Crusader Kings 2) except in space?
Stellaris (Stellaris)
Advanced Trade Systems
HIP - Historical Immersion Project
Improved genetics
Game of Thrones mod (forgot the name)
Dark World (nsfw mod with cool events and mechanics)
I'd recommend pirating the game, cuz the dlc are too expensive, but I still bought it, cuz I love the game
You should check out other paradox games
Stellaris is more of a 4x, than a grand strategy
I find vanilla more enjoyable than any mod desu. They tend to add more unfun shit in the name of "historical accuracy"
historical immersion project (or ck2+ whichever you prefer) for vanilla+
when the world stopped making sense for fall of rome fun
elder kings (svn) for elder scrolls fun
dark world no matter what overhaul you play
haven't played it in a while and I know the original devs stopped working on it, but after the end was pretty promising for a silly post-apocalyptic america
it's easy to pirate the dlc with a legitimately purchased copy of the game though, so that's what I do
did HIP get updated for latest version?
well i guess I lost a lot of money.
butt could you link the method to other people though (cuz i tried to find it, but couldn't)
btw does HIP work with DarkWorld?
>cant plot against my own children
what a load of horse shit
Has it been updated yet?
yep. I've not encountered anything that doesn't work with dark world
look up creamapi
It's completely functional for a long time. They recently added custom unit models for orcs and dark elves.
What? I thought you could
>TFW Avatar mod is ded
you can mod it
and you can mod 14 y.o. to be fuckable too
Everyone plays the same
>tfw had a char who died at 85 with 1 leg and eye
>had defended the realm valiantly, even if it was his father who had been overthrown by his brothers family
>Had 20 kids, outlived 7 of them
>Popped one out in his 80s
>Managed to wed the 25y/o queen of Norway at 65 and take her kingdom into my realm and put 5 babies in her
He was a top lad
Autists who consider themselves like armchair historians and yet get all of their history from video games.
There's non-armchair historians?
>Game tells me me that there is a "King of Germany" in Crusader times
Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht and Elder Kings are two of my favorite total conversions.
Mythos 2 is kind of fun if you like just fucking around with being overpowered, but adding moderate magic really alters the direction of the game while technically not adding much content.
real history is shitty and predictable, at least in games you could do interesting shit
Yes. Great game for people who like RPGs or strategy games.
a friend of mine always tried to get me to play it but I never ended up buying it, now he's gone and I'll never play it cause of that.
Isn't Elder Kings still stuck for version 8.something?
Wow, the guy who did it seemed so active too (I mean this non sarcastically). It had a lot of room to grow. Damn shame.
get the svn version. it's updated frequently
After the End, for a pretty well thought out medieval post-apoc America.
Personally, I love to play as the Holy Columbian Confederacy, the Southern Empire that claims to be the successor of old America. Every region in North America has been pretty well fleshed-out with their own cultures, religions, etc.
After the End (the fanfork version) is still getting regularly updated by the devs, but it's taking them a lot of time to get the mod up to date with the more recent updates.
According to their discord, the mod should be updated around May, with a new system for the Brazilian Empire thrown in.
Yeah, got to roll back those betas. Assuming you didn't pirate the base game (seriously, it's so much easier if you have the base game on steam and just pirate the DLC. So glad I finally broke down and did this). I play so many mods I roll back and forth without a second thought.
Fucking paradox and their constant mutually exclusive updates.
Where did he go user?
some Russians released a Warcraft mod a few months ago. It's pretty bare-bones, even though they were working in on it for two years, but I've sunk a few days into it.
>(seriously, it's so much easier if you have the base game on steam and just pirate the DLC
Huh, may have to consider this then. I've just been pirating it every few months
Removed and blocked me everywhere I knew him out of nowhere, so I don't know. I just hope he's alright
Well, if you don't play Paradox at all then you might as well just go full pirate to see if you like it. But if you're like me and love using different mods for different moods it is indescribably easier on yourself. They're all stuck on different versions of the game.
Especially since some of the teams like Geheimnisnacht team like to make it difficult for you if you're not a paying like them. Jerks.
Do I need to have autism to understand this game? These grand strategy games are too fucking complicated
CKII is the easiest and most casual of all grand strats. If you can't play this, then they're all off bounds for you. That being said, they're all a process of trial and error in the beginning.
get bent, Frankish fucking shits
Just been playing it again recently. My liege just sold one of my counties to an adventurer with a bigger army than me. I revoked it and executed him.
I like to start off as a single county ruler and work my way up.
if you learn one, the others have mostly the same mechanics, if we are talking about paradox games
I have friends who play stellaris and hoi games having panic attacks when playing the game
>I like to start off as a single county ruler and work my way up.
This is the only way I can play. Far too boring starting off powerful
Going back to vanilla for achievements.
counts go through long periods of doing nothing
i mean there's also a chance for pre-british unified ireland
I would but I just cannot understand how battles and war works.
Geheimnisnacht if you're a supreme autist who enjoys learning everything all over again, except 10 times more complex
After blobbing more than half the known world as Flanders and Brittany I want to try something different.
Any fun pagan starts? How do I go about making a Baltic Romuva Merchant Republic?
Between fabricating claims, general intrigue, and the fastest speed setting, it's easy to become king in no time.
Hell, on the GoT I started off as a count with nothing but good diplomacy. Managed to become a high count after taking a neighbor, then the king was such a shit his vassals forced elective monarchy on him, and they elected me as king. Waited 10 years, changed back to primogeniture. Easiest rise I've had in a while
awaken your inner Haile Selassie and eradicate islam as Abyssinia
>fabricating claims
>fastest speed setting
so pretty much map staring for years
>started to realize how to play as a minor lord under a liege
>plot and scheme while I maintain good relationship with him
>12 g/month so I build up and get more levies than liege
>try to turn the kingdom into one where the council gets the power
Sometimes, it's better to play as a secondary character while avoiding all the negative attention.
>ultra-patrician tier
Giving up on some of the complete horseshit achievements and fapping to incest mods.
>Game about cementing your dynasty over a potential period of centuries needs patience
Besides, with all the dlc (just pirate) there's a metric shit ton of events. It's become more and more like a generational-rpg as the dlcs have come out.
Just a tip from anyone who plays After The End, turn off Adventurers and Peasant revolts.
fat loser neckbeards and autists
I'm surprised there are people who don't play as single county counts. Everything else is far too easy. And yeah it's a slow build up at times, but when you strike it makes the years of planning worth it.
recommend me a good character to play in 769
I don't like the start date but I'm going for an achievment.
have a higher number of troops than your enemy. don't attack over river crossings or into mountains. conversely try and have your enemies cross rivers or attack you while you're camping in the mountains. have strong commanders. not just martial strength, but they should have good traits. commanders with the flanking trait should obviously go on the left or right flank while direct leaders should command the center. if your armies are mostly light infantry and you're fighting people who aren't also light infantry (tribal), then you'll need even more troops than your enemy. there you go, you now know combat. as for warfare in general, controlling land is more important than winning battles. siege leader is a great trait to have.
I basically never work my way past being a grand duke honestly. I also usually play as a vassal.
No where near the norse, unless you're playing as them. You'll be dealing with shitty but frequent raids every few months
>I like to start off as a single county ruler and work my way up.
me too
>have a higher number of troops than your enemy
80% of the time this is all you need desu
Also if you know you'll be outnumbered, if possible, try to destroy the AI forces before they can form their stacks
i don't know if I plan on playing as them or not
maybe I'll start as an African from Sahel?
I wholeheartedly recommend playing as the Ironborn on the GoT mod.
>Raiding and reaving
>Taking the wives of kings and lords as your slave-concubines
>Opportunistically waiting for rich counties to take part in a war so you can pounce on them
>More money than you can spend
>Give a shit ton to my family
>Some of the more ambitious ones go off to carve their own empires across the ocean
>mfw the sons and daughters of the women I've raped and enslaved are some of my best and most loyal troops, trained for the way of the Ironborn since birth
GoT mod is unironically shit. After the End is the best total conversion mod.
I'm enjoyed it, friend. It's a bit of a retarded community, but fuck if they don't add plenty of content for fans of the series.
I haven't played After the End since 2-3 years ago, how has it developed?
is this game fun?
fuck off, please com back.
You can sneakily inbreed your entire dynasty if you want and that alone is good for a laugh.
The content they add makes the core gameplay worse. Dragons are a retarded mechanic, too much shit that railroads things, and the map is a fucking mess.