Dark spirit has invaded

>Dark spirit has invaded

Attached: detail_nrg_plugs.jpg (1200x640, 124K)

Those plugs are upside down
Ground prong should be on top

Just play offline to begin with then pussy.

>ground prong shouldn't be closest to the ground

Attached: 1409881937340.jpg (559x596, 72K)


Uhh no user you’re the idiot who doesn’t know where the ground is lol

>dark spirit has inva-

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imagine working FOR FREE on Yea Forums. literally try to imagine it. Imagine that this is the most powerful position you've ever had in your life
now Imagine that as a jannie, you aren't even ALLOWED to remove threads or issue bans, nope. only a higher echelon of VOLUNTEER has the privileges to do that.
Imagine trying to work hard FOR FREE on the INTERNET for the POSSIBILITY of being granted the power to delete threads.
Can you actually imagine that? I can't
t. electrician
I don't care, they were designed to be 2 prongs above the ground, nobody's dropping screw drivers near plugs in normal circumstances


>the ground should be up

Attached: fatass.gif (267x199, 1.98M)

>Dark spirit has invaded

Attached: 2013-10-15 12.11.24.jpg (1600x1200, 186K)

Why is that user? enlighten us.

LMAO at USA plugs

Attached: uk plug.jpg (740x500, 24K)

>defending planet sized outlets

Attached: microexpressions-disgust.jpg (524x336, 30K)

what a retarded plug, there's no reason for the prongs to be that robust. What's more, that socket doesn't sit flush to the wall. So you're left with a big ugly box protruding from the wall

Americans are planet sized people lol

Every British person has three marks on their foot from where they once stepped on one of these facing up

>socket doesn't sit flush to the wall
this right here. what the fuck.

>this coming from the country that doesn't allow real sockets to be installed in bathrooms

Attached: 1509837605663.png (327x316, 208K)

>be british
>two faucets with piping hot water and the other cold water
>rest of the world is variable

whats wrong with you fucks?

Attached: preview-13842560-1200x630-99-1492261811.jpg (1200x630, 199K)

>need switches on the outlets because they're too dumb/lazy to pull it out when not needed

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i dont get it, where's the spigot for the cold water on the right?

Attached: absoulte STATE.png (1313x726, 440K)

Best plug coming through.

Attached: 54.jpg (361x318, 10K)

We protected the potable water supply from backflow from disgusting water tank supplied hot water. When the world invented high pressure, mains fed, on demand hot water we switched to mixer taps.
Enjoy your legionnaire's disease from your neighbour's 1970s plumbing.

>one plug per socket
Loving Every Laugh


>Legionnaire's disease

dont just old people and people with extremely weak immune system get this disease? its also extremely rare from what ive heard

I've never seen Brits on Yea Forums be so passionate about anything as they're about their plugs, it's kind of weird.

UK looks like dabbing figure

because that's ALL they've got

Attached: absolute state 2.png (981x463, 37K)

you've been on the interwebs too long mate

It's rare because we engineer water sources against spreading it. But when you or your neighbour's plumbing is cultivating it, the risk of infection goes through the roof. It's still exceptionally rare per capita, but it's incredibly likely for casa de (You).
Statistics is fun like that.

Thats what these are for. 2-3 sockets are never enough.

Attached: Download (1).jpg (1200x938, 40K)

- Dark Spirit Vanquished

Attached: e60.png (680x764, 158K)

2 sockets are perfect for 90% of situations, you really only need more if you've got a computer or entertainment center. most of the time you're just going to have a lamp and maybe one other thing like a phone plugged in

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