Revolver Xigbar .
Revolver Xigbar
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Xigbar is based and redpilled
Will this man save Kingdom Hearts' story? He's always been a better antagonist than Xehanort.
>Uhh.. this is just terrible.
>Yeah, this is the last Kingdom Hearts I play.
Why does Jared hate KH3 so much? He loved the FF MMO and FFXV
daily reminder
>tfw all his lines have a bigger double meaning now
>"You all thin you have some grand role to play"
>That close up when YX mentions NoName
>Jiminy Xigbar's possible motive
>BBS calls him a "mystery man"
>Xigbar's shock at Sora's speech
>Xigbar getting angry at Xehanort failing at Axel saving Sora
It's popular to dislike it
Why didn't they make him the Master of Masters instead? it fits
>Xigbar seeing Ventus in Xion now has a completely different meaning
I wonder if Nomura planned all this Xigbar stuff out.
>"You aren't half the hero the others were"
>he said this as early as KH2
None of the Organization 13 members ever stood out to me. Like Xigbar blended in with all the others. Suddenly he's Revolver Xigcelot. I dig it though. Looking back it makes sense. Nice twist.
Jared hates KH in general with a passion. I wish he would just go full apeshit and roast the franchise in one of his videos.
KH threads are dead now
Xigbar became Xehanort's apprentice in BBS and was the one to spill everything to Sora in DDD. It's not surprising that he had a larger role to play.
I thought he was suspicious since the Org cutscenes from KH2 FM. The way he talked down to a lot of people implied that he was something akin to Xehanort's right hand man, yet in another cutscene he's saying borderline treasonous things about Xemnas.
KH3 was so shit the only time people talked about it was to trash it, and then everyone just slowly stopped caring about it. Hahahhaa
The dude likes Final Fantasy 3, and thinks the Remake is a good remake.
I was thinking the KH1, 2, BBS, and 3 have a similar feel to the four mainline MGS games
>tfw Xaldin is number 3 when it should be Vexen
>Nothing about him is special
And yet the flare donald threw out is not even on the scale of the other flares Bahamut and other mega bosses throw out.
Please explain this.
I mean Nomura now knows this shit is going for the long haul so now that the forat saga is over he might finally be able to plan the story out a bit better.
By making it smaller Donald made the dpell stronger like forcing water through a a smaller will make the stream stronger.
>he might finally be able to plan the story out a bit better
You understand that's not how this works and the most likely case is that he'll try to one up all the fuckery Xehanort managed with even crazier shit right?
>that he'll try to one up all the fuckery Xehanort managed with even crazier shit right?
You're right.
I forgot who I was dealing with.
That's the Greek symbol for "Key"
What do you expect after that utter disappointment of a game
Honestly, I feel that KH3 is just Nomura just ending all those stupid plot points he thought were great at the time, and he really wants to do the mobile shit and do that open world city game he always wanted. Probably why kh3 feels so rushed at some points.
If a "universe ending" spell was condensed then Terranort should've been dead. He wasn't, was just blown away.
Donald just used the spell in his capacity and that's what came out. Spells have a difference in power depending on the person using them.
Some say "Kye"
Xehanort had the power to create new universes with the x-blade. It's not implausible that Donald is disgustingly powerful too, Terranort was just stronger.
emrbrase the nonsense user, we all know how much of a fever dream the series already is and now its a contest to see how much further Nomura, the mad lad can push it.
You sure about that m8?
Terranort legit died right there the fuck are you talking about. He literally does that game over death pose
I think an user mentioned he read the story synopsis and it wrote "he was blown away".
Xigbased and Xigpilled
Terranort did die. He only came back after the timeline was reset.
Was anyone actually 100% surpised at the reveal? I thought Back Cover made it pretty obvious
>emrbrase the nonsense user
I already did user.
I just thought it was a possibility.
But I would lie if I said that I am not invested in whatever the madlad has in store for us.
Where did Back Cover show that Luxu is Xigbar?
I forgot this ugly chinless chucklefuck even existed, guess Youtube finally stopped recommending me videos with his face plastered all over the thumbnail.
KH3 is bad
Just finished the game someone explain what the sperg of nomura meant
>>Xigbar's shock at Sora's speech
>>Xigbar getting angry at Xehanort failing at Axel saving Sora
What does that mean user?
Did you watch the secret ending that came after the Xigbar one?
>"I'm going to make Versus XIII even if it kills this series"
Yes the one with Yozura
Their order in the Org isn't rank of importance, it's their order of induction.
>Terranort still survived this according to the journal
>”I’m going to make shit and kill this series too”
Man when LW arrived to fight Terranort threads were on fucking fire.
He's mad at Xehanort because he fucked up the one thing he was supposed to do.
What does this have to do with KH?
But why is Sora getting NORTED part of his master plan and why did the MY FRIENDS ARE MY POWER speech make him so flustered?
What does Sora have to do with his hrabd keikaku?
The timeline reset
the journal outright states he survived, nigga.
His official title is also "The Freeshooter". It was clear as day he was going to betray Xehanort one way or another.
You mess with the Quack
You get the S M A C K
It shows Sora as a threat to the endgame.
Sora getting norted doesn't really matter to Xigbar. They really just need another body. He could've just gone after some random somebody (imagine a fucking Leon Xehanort) and made sure that everything went to plan.
In the new timeline. remember?
Nigga, read the journal to that point. It's before the new timeline where LW btfo him instead
He did the deathpose instantly. Maybe he used a phoenix down?
it doesn't matter when the journal outright states he survived.
How could he possibly survive an energy beam with the power to evaporate a kazillion billion galaxies?
Lol Xigbar recruited Marluxia. Nowadays it fits in with them being former keyblade wielders, but I highly doubt Nomura had that in mind way back then
How is it a new timeline when Donald, Axel, and Xigbar all reference the fact that everyone just died?
How would Jiminy Cricket know Terranort survived? Explain that. Maybe he just assumed it to be on the safe side in case he came back.
It's 1/3 Terra, the guy who outright can refuse death and haunt an armor. His Heartless literally never fucking died as well.
There is a fucking reason why Xehanort wanted his stupid body.
That entire sequence was so fucking weird. Like, you can kill the characters without just making them stand in place and look surprised as Terranort just beats the shit out of them one by one. What the hell was Nomura thinking here?
Everyone died. Then they are alive again.. That's how you know.
This. Journal written by fucking Jiminy. Not best sauce
Nice deflection. You still didn't answer my question. It's not a new timeline because Xigbar and Riku address them losing the first time
>>Yeah, this is the last Kingdom Hearts I play.
>Implying he'd pass up on easy youtube/stream content
Hey remember when KH was the Narnian/Oz-esque story about a boy trying to find his friends and return home while thwarting the forces of darkness? And not convoluted shounenshit?
>disgusting pink haired tranny lazily trying to jump on the meme train
Do they bring ORG13 back in KH3? That was probably my favorite part of the series, fighting all the different members in kh2fm
You deny that the events were undone and happened again in a different way? Okay.
Good news: Yes kinda
Bad new: They've become literal shells of their former selves to the point of being Xehanort's bumbling henchmen.
And STILL you haven't answered the question.
You're asking an user to explain why Nomura had characters remember events from a past timeline? How are we supposed to know?
Shit story with so many contrivances that its amazing people take it seriously
So, about Olette...
you should post her
The fact that Xigbar, Dark Riku, Donald, and Axel literally talk about how they just failed means it's the same timeline. It breaks your headcanon, unless you can explain this gaping hole.
remember when KH was an isekai
He actively tries to hate games that are popular or people have been looking forward to. I'm pretty sure he already hates Kingdom Hearts too so I'm not sure why he would even bother with KH3. I think he said on his stream that he has only played 1 and 2 as well, maybe CoM. He's obviously not a fan of the series and yet he played through the entire game to shit on it instead of just ignoring it and letting the people who like the series enjoy it. I'm also not sure how he has to right to shit on people who like KH when he's one of those queers who is really into role-playing which is the penultimate form of cringe.
Can't wait for him to get a happy send-off in the next game for no reason other than Nomura's delusional "friendship triumps over anything, including being a despicable sack of shit" view.
Im sorry I cannot explain Nomuras gaping hole. I just know the events happened. And then Sora went back in time to before it happened and it changed and was all different. In the new time, Terranort survives. Idk how the charas remember dying.
Why the fuck you playing this series if you hate friendship beating all other forces
>Plot changes as the series goes on instead of being the same until the end of time
w0w how awful
Because darkness within darkness awaits you.
Yeah, I remember the first game
people still pay attention to that guy?
Nomura has given in to the darkness
No wonder KH3 and DDD are so different to KH1 and KH2, Nomura lost that spark
remember when KH was good?
Their hearts survived. Terra-Xehanort's did too. That's how they came back. But his body was wiped out, just like the others were wiped out.
Now why they remember dying BUT YET STILL act the same way before Lingering Will interrupts, I do not know.
Revolver Xigbar
Yasue is probably going to replace him
>Revolver Xigbar
Revolver Xigbar
Why would his body be back? Nobody revived him.
It means one thing - he survived.
Did Donald kill Terranort? Such a based moment
But it is before he was killed. Time reverted. Remember? The same shit happened again. Until LW showed up.
Don't even
the game sure make it looks like, but the journal stating he survived.
did even time reverted? they all know about their previous failure, they just don't know what exactly happened or something.
Because he is alive after time resets. When Donald does not terraflare him. The Final World is a world outside of time and space.
Everyone who has even the slightest knowledge about game mechanics all refer to his opinion
If he says the game is inferior to KH2, then it's inferior.
Don’t mind me guys just posting a picture of Lingering Will
Didn’t he literally make a video talking about how the games are different listing pros and cons of them user?
Oh like Lost.
And the verdict was that KH2FM is still superior by a long shot. KH3 doesn't even have damage scaling.
Yes.... but you don’t fight any of them until the very end of the game
But that part where you fight them is some top tier shit.
And there’ll likely be data dights in the future
Starring: Revolver Xigbar
And that’s bad because?
Are you kidding me? Do you scrubs not understand anything? Damage scaling is what makes the game playable at low levels, instead of reverting to chip damage. Damage scaling is what stops ridiculously broken shit as well.
If Xigbar was black he'd be Nigbar.
damage scaling means helping scrubs. People who rush through the game always deal op damage with damage scaling
Man it's a fucking single player game man, who fucking cares if it has damage scaling or not? Tired of monkey ass niggas getting tight for no reason.
Blast someone away = kill/annihilate.
It's a Disney game.
The stupidity in these two posts actually angers me
you are being told garbage by bloody that you dont understand
Well too fucking bad monkey, out here getting pissy because a game ain't exactly a previous game stupid retard ape
You're a fucking moron. Ignorance should equal death, because holy shit you're legit cancer. You're the type who says dumb shit like bugs are intended and shouldn't be fixed
Seriously, fuck you and everything your type stands for.
Why Lv 1 runs have always been for the autistic and now even more so
Man shut up pussy bitch if isaw you in real life I knock the daylights out of you boy
>Oh no! No Op damage scaling! Level 1 is not pisseasy! I dont understand the point of a level 1 run!
Are you saying it’s a bug because it’s inherently different than other games?
I'd stomp you into a motherfucking mud patch bitch. You'd be crying to the cops you pussy ass nigga.
Where does it say Terra-Xehanort survived? If you blast someone, you kill them. It's fancy language. If you killed someone with a laser pistol and said "I blasted that guy away." would you mean "That guy's totally still breathing?"
...Do KH threads always have these retards who whine at criticism? Please tell me the actual fanbase isn't this retarded and it's just Yea Forums fags
They're literally saying "Don't improve the gameplay!!!!"
What the Christ.
I bet you were that kid who thought that no one died in SNES JRPGs because they were heavily sanitized to remove any reference to being killed.
Shut the fuck up bitch ass faggot I would stomp with my big feet and then I would mating press your mother punk ass bitch
>I would stomp with my big feet and then I would mating press your mother
You're such a fucking geek.
Blasted away like Team Rocket.
Also, Xehanort calling checkmate with Terra's piece.
He survived.
>we’re blasting off again!
Also someone pointed out it looks like Xehanort still has all his chess pieces in the past when Eraqus is about to lose
No only people who can only say
>there’s no damage scaling
And nothing else and resorts to insults when you question why it bad.
I'll improve your face with my fucking fist but then you'll bitch about that too for some arbitrary reason retard monkey
Yeah? It doesn't matter since I'm a freak in the sheets unlike you minuteman
>No only people who can only say
>>there’s no damage scaling
>And nothing else and resorts to insults when you question why it bad.
Now you're lying when everyone can see your posts? Shaking my head.
You claimed "Chip damage is good and u sux if you preferred the LV1 modes from KH2, KH 1.5, and BBS 2.5!"
Educate yourselves you fucking scrub niggas
The fucking king has spoken.
There was 3 people responding to you user. We’re all not the same guy
No one who has even the slightest knowledge about game mechanics parrot the opinions of e-celebs, underage zoomer retard.
>die in 1 second like KH3 level 1
What am I missing here
Yes we am.
You really shouldn't have betrayed us.
If Yea Forums is one person or a hivemind, what would happen if it got norted?
I'm just glad to finally have won this conversation.
Same lol
Hope you're not bothered about xaldin or lexaeus
>Its another episode of ''Im too autistic to realize disney wouldnt allow Donald to kill anybody and if it isnt outright stated it didnt happen'
Because MoM is big boss, xigbar can't be nomura's love letter to ocelot unless he's loyal to the big guy in charge
As if.
Because all you do is shitpost about how bad the game is. No discussion whats soever.
Complete recap including KH3
>the pedophile is here
I'm continuing my MGS hype with KH for now on.
Some people are too defensive about the game sure, but the thing is that these threads are usually being spammed by XV-kun, a particular shitposter whose goal is not to criticize the game or suggest improvements, but to try to make people see FFXV as the better game by any means possible, which usually entails flagrant lies, cherrypicking and endless samefagging with wojaks and buzzwords.
People just get sick of dealing with that shit all the time and end up jumping on anyone who has any overlap with his "opinions". It's the same (but inverse) reason why saying anything positive about FFXV was impossible on Yea Forums, since it would get you associated with XV-kun.
You're full of shit you lying faggot. You fags and your kind shut down any kind of criticism with ITZ JUS DIFFURUNT NOSTALGIA WHINE WHINE
Fuck off cunt. Blind fucking fanboys who try to stifle any improvement whatsoever and ignore any flaws. Any time someone even remotely criticizes the game you act like they're saying every single thing about the game sucks
I wish I could murder your bitch ass. It'd do the world a favor. I seriously wanna gut you, you piece of shit
All you people do is stifle creativity. if you fucks had your way then 1.5, 2.5, and 2.8 would've never gotten the improvements and patches to make it play better
You're rotten scum. You're garbage beneath my feet
You're utter trash. You fucking disgust me.
Being this attached to a videogame to the point where any criticism is taken as an insult to your soul. Fucking kill yourselves
Your parents clearly never loved you. You had no friends you pedo motherfucker.
You jerk off to underage videogame girls to fill in the hole of your empty life you sad scrap of dog shit. You pile of excrement. Fuck you
3D and BBS was fun
>"Thank you Master Xehonort. You seem like a very nice guy!"
>The smile timed with the music
>having to beat the same game 3 times is fun
But it's three games in one. Not three times the same.
you do the exact same thing with just a few slight differences if you’re lucky, no thanks
I guess I enjoy the grind
The story is different for each character. Unless the gameplay being mostly the same bothers you. In that case, I guess you just like shorter games. Or maybe the fact you have to watch the credits three times annoys you, in which case try out MGSV The Phantom Pain.
I'm a bit late to join the heated debate on damage scaling and e-celebs but I've never had an issue with damage so I wanted to ask what I'm doing wrong here. Am I just retarded for actually caring about stats in an RPG and equipping nothing but strength shit to maximise my damage? Is my decision to use the three highest physical damage forms (counter shield/agile claws+yoyos/highwind+storm flag) just pure lunacy? I think the damage is perfectly reasonable for a challenge mode and actually lets me experience the bosses without two shotting them like in a regular proud playthrough.
>Nomura make a game with both Disney and FF characters
>but, don't overcomplicate it
>*close up to nomura
The comedic timing on that was perfect.
No because you play games they you want to it's not about someone else's enjoyment it's about yours.
>That entire post
>what the hell was that?
>hey guys, look at all this money we made
>...make a another one
Unexpectedly wholesome reply
Some people say "kye" but the meaning is the same
>just beat 3
>never played coded or the ps4 games
>dont remember any of this
Uhh bros whats going on. Who the fuck is Luxu I thought the series, or at least Sora and the gang's story was over? Why does Sora disappear at the end? What the fuck was that secret video?
>But why-
>I am darkness
>Why not light?
>I like darkness
That's because it doesn't matter if we're anonymous man just be you act like a civil monkey instead of a stupid one
Luxu is a disciple of the Master of Masters from Kingdom Hearts Back Cover. He swappedbodies over the centuries until he ended up as Xigbar. He has a box which contains something important to the MoM. He also passed on the MoM's keyblade to various people such as Master Xehanort. Through the eye in the keyblade the MoM in the past can see what happens in the future and influence events.
The story got retarded when they added time travel and replicas other than the Riku replica from CoM.
Still enjoyed 3 but after BBS it just went too off the rails for me.
Alright, kinda makes sense. Guess I should look up a summary for back cover at some point. I figured it was pretty unimportant like 0.8.
I love how in the actual scene Sora tries to steal Ven's connection to Vanitas. He's about to yell "I didn't ask for this" as if he was the one broken in half and left to die on the Islands, forcing Sora into everyone's feelgood endings was retarded.
Both Back Cover and the secret endings of KH3 are setups for KH4.
I have no idea why people said BBS ruined the story.
It felt like a proper prequel of about Ansem and Xemnas while explaining more shit.
BBS = best story in the franchise
u mad lol
>Mickey about to use the first ultima we've seen
>fucking stopza
god damn, mickey did absolutely nothing, live ventus and aqua
No one did anything besides Sora, Riku was fucking disappointing
I think the main problem with BBS is honestly by spreading it to 3 heroes instead of making a game over one person and make the two other his party members.
Just make Terra goes full Guts, Keyblade graveyard being his eclipse with Xehanort throwing Aqua into the RoD in front of Terra and Ven, something like that. Then Vanitas makes Ven into X-Blade before Xehanort stealing Terra's body and heart because he lost it entirely in his rage.
Then go full Lingering Kino.
Ven's heart still go into Sora, with Aqua
Fuck send it before I finished
With Aqua still being in the RoD
Aqua would be the protagonist if that were to happen, and that’s boring. So no, heavily disagree with you terrible idea retard
not him but BBS is mostly Terra's story
I don't understand why Riku got shafted so hard. He's the most developed character in the series and then he just gets shit on during the entire last game.
>Everyone who has even the slightest knowledge about game mechanics all refer to his opinion
No you dumb bitch. KH mechanics aren't this complicated thing that we have to refer to one fucking guy who says nothing but common knowledge that everyone who plays the games knows already.
Quit fucking shilling someone who basically repeats everything we've talked about for years before him.
Take a long look at yourself
You can deny it as much as you want, BBS was always about Terra.
Seriously? Aqua's story is just her fumbling around getting laughed at by Vanitas because they couldn't be bothered to give her her own enemy, she's a complete non entity in Xehanort's plan.
>he wasn't talking to the Roxas inside Sora, but to the Ventus inside Sora
It's probably an Aqua waifufag who can't believe how much KH3 shitted on Aqua.
This shit was revolting to anyone with more than 2 brain cells, 3 treated all it's characters like fucking trash.
BBS is about all three of them with Aqua being the main lead of the story.
>penultimate form of cringe
Ultimate form being playing Kingdom Hearts and defending its convoluted story and cash grabbing "remix" bullshit right? How you guys didn't give up on this series when SE started forcing you to buy 10 different side games to understand a fucking shounen jump tier story is beyond me. Not only that but they were released on different consoles too, what the fuck.
>Aqua being the main lead
How do you figure?
She’s the main protagonist
I'm not a poorfag so it never bothered me.
but his name is Luxu
I would of still been angry at that moment regardless of who it was.
She was always a prideful dumb bitch. I have no idea why people liked her so much. Like when Zack offering help against Hades and Ice Titan, she just "No fuck off i'm doing it by my own". Or Ven asking to come with her, and she was like "no go home"
She always was "heh I don't need help!" when people offered help like a bitch.
Her trying to tank the fireball was retarded, true, but I don't give a fuck about Aqua so I don't fucking care. At least her fans are crying over it.
Lmao literally who
Entire game is “muh Aqua”
>the very first game is Back Cover that starts with a variation of the "Ok I believe you" meme, a bunch of stuff has been ruined already thanks to checking the story in chronological order, just like happens with the actual games
>its okay because I hate this fictional character
What? already proved this wrong, why would you even attempt this argument?
>f-final episode of BBS was about her!
Yeah, because her story had literally nothing but chasing after Terra and Ven. So when both of them can't do their shit(Ven in coma, Terra stuck in KG as an armor), she was the only one left.
BBS is still mostly Terra story with Ven right after him
how did that prove my statement wrong?
>KH2fm secret ending was entirely about the person behind the helmet of "Lingering Will"
>BBS opening was all about Terra
>people still denying it was Terra's story and about how Ansem and Xemnas are made from Xehanort heart and Terra's body, and how Terra ended up as the Lingering Will
How? Never knew he was a major villain until the end of kh3.
Is KH1 and KH2 Riku/Kairi’s story?
On CoM vexen says to larxen something like “How could you speak to me like that when you’re 10 (or whatever number larxene is) on the Organization”
Literally everyone cared about Terra.
>Xehanort wanted him as a vessel, and Ven to fight Vanitas
>Ven wanted to bring Terra back because of what Vanitas told him
>Eraqus told Aqua to keep an eye on him
The only person who didn't care more about Terra was Vanitas and he cared more about Ven.
If Riku had a playable story in KH1 as long as Sora's story was, maybe.
DDD is Riku's story more than it's Sora's story. CoM is for both of them.
That's because Vexen is a megalomaniacal turboautist. Not a single other member in the Org gives a shit about it, even Zexion was like "dude, who gives a fuck?" when Vexen came to cry to him about it.
What would happen if yensid used zetta flare?
Xehanort never played to use him as a vessel
>Ven wanted to bring Terra back because of what Vanitas told him
>Eraqus told Aqua to keep an eye on him
Okay? That doesn’t mean anything though. Everyone in BBS is equal in terms of plot relevancy but Aqua gets more while being the main protagonist.
So you don't feel exploited and upset that after all of that time and money spent on 10 different versions of the same game you received shitty closure? KH3 was less a game continuing the story and advancing gameplay mechanics like KH2 and more of just a tie-up for the insane amount of backstory and characters that were added between 2&3.
I'm going to have to go over all of his dialogue for this game in detail. At first I thought all of his talk of Sora getting a reward was just him hinting that Organization XIII hadn't given up on making Sora the thirteenth vessel, but now I'm getting the feeling that MoM planned for Sora to sacrifice himself in the final battle with Xehanort for some reason
You must be delusional if you think so.
Xehanort wanted Terra's as his vessel the second he saw him when he brought Ven to Eraqus.
Ven wanted Terra back and chased after him his whole story.
Aqua chased after Terra and Xehanort didn't gave a single fuck about her beside "maybe her death will make Terra an easier target for norting"
>Xehanort never played to use him as a vessel
Oh, okay. This is bait, I was getting suspicious there for a second.
Sorry that your waifu isn't the main character beside 0.2 bro
>It shows Sora as a threat to the endgame
Either that or Sora is key to the endgame and him falling to darkness is part of MoM's keikaku
>says the exact same things as the post I just replied to
You very smart!
Who else here thinks Vanitas isn't dead?
>10 different versions of the same game
??? I bought the vanillas at release and the collections for like 40$. KH3 may have been disappointing but I didn't sink 90$ into each game or anything.
>"My Keyblade can see the Future"
>"Oh god, its a fucking Trainwreck. What the fuck is even going on?"
This is the worst Ability!
>Riku would’ve been the main character in KH1 if he was playable
>entire story is centered around Sora
You’re being autistic just for the sake of your argument, no wonder you said CoM was both of their stories lel
Ok, time to summon him
Terra fucks Aqua every night, the chad always linger, Terra is the MVP of KH3.
He's as dead as he was in BbS, dead but he can go back again if the unversed gather more negative emotions. In that sense Vanitas can't possibly dead unless you kill him and every single unversed
Sora was just the delivery boy.
>Aqua gets more while being the main protagonist.
Aqua was by far the least plotbrelevant though.
Nort wanted Terra as a vessel an played a big role on his role and Ven was needed to forge the keyblade and had Vanitas as his antagonist.
Aqua is a shotacon. Cope.
The cast for future games is going to be quite expansive, I hope its utilized well.
Either that or it's some nonsense to do with being connected to Ventus. Either way it would be fun if Sora winds up fighting him, seeing as they're both pseudo-dead right now
There we go. sup, Vencuck.
What are you on about?
OK, so the list of not-fully-explained-things that we know will play a role in future games so far include:
>that one card Sora got
>the black box
>No Name
>Subject X
feel free to add to the list and your theories
They remembered what happened before but the point of showing the events leading up to the death right before LW shows up, is to visibly show the one time travel rule in the series of you not being able to change things. So things played out as they were supposed to happen until Namine called for some help
Literally never been a thing. Since KH2 normalfags and casuals have been complaining about the story like they are doing now
>is to visibly show the one time travel rule in the series of you not being able to change things
So even though everyone already knew that was Terranort Ven, Aqua, Terranort, and Mickey were all forced to become blithering retards with the memory of some goldfish because of destiny?
Ok it was hyperbole. I just think it's a bit ridiculous people are using "wait for the final mix" as an excuse for shit not being in the base game when it has been in development for years and they know what the fans like. It feels like instead of giving you what you want they find out what you want and then tease you with it for more money. "Oh we know the fans love critical modes and really hard secret bosses because we add them into the final mix for the fans! I wonder why none of that was in base KH3 hmmmmm better buy the remix to find out!"
TVA shared the protag spot in BBS, Aqua got the most screentime because she's the only one outside of Mickey to have survived the ordeal completely. She starts the domino for a lot of the events in later titles pre and post KG. The most important of the three are Terra then Aqua then Ven.
made a better version
Aqua - Ven - Terra
You only think Terra’s important because he’s the first to start his adventure, Aqua’s story is the most important to the actual game making her the lead role.
>this is your mind on waifufaggotry
>this is your mind on waifufaggotry
>wait for the final mix
That's a retarded argument and anyone who uses it proves they're a casual, Final mixes are gay, but you know what I did? I waited until the collections came out on PS4 and only paid 40$ for everything but DDD and 0.2 because I have patience. The only people who gladly funnel money out of their ass and shit into their mouths are autistic spergs with no impulse control.
>Got you, Aqua. How I've waited for this moment
I mean you bring up memory, but it is Namine who turned the tides and you have to remember that she may still be able to fuck with Sora's memories. What we saw after coming back from the final world could also be Namine removing the memory of the first tragedy from Sora in the same way that in Khux, ava and Chirithy made the dandelion keyblade wielders forget about the tragedy of the keyblade war
Not saying you have to accept any of this as good but KH always requires some form of imagination for you to internalize some physical happenings in the series because the games more or less refuse to say certain things outright
You forgot when Aqua asks who he was and he just grins.
He's Sora and Ven's shadow. So long as they exist so too will he.
Except it's the opposite. It's because she's so unimportant to the story that she's the lead.
That made no sense, but at least you finally came to terms with it and agreed she’s the lead.
>Namine removing the memory of the first tragedy from Sora in the same way that in Khux
But... they all remember themselves dying and getting resurrected just before that, and then Xigbar and Axel reiterate their failure immediately after Lingering Will saves them.
She does literally nothing to the plot beside chasing after Terra and Ven.
She's fucking BORING in bbs. She's miles better in 0.2
Kh3 as a game is better than kh2. I went back to carry on my lv1 run on kh2 and the game has so many gimmick bosses and forced minigames that it gets really annoying. Pride lands, pirates, the tron bike section, magic carpet section, oogie boss etc they're all a chore to do. Sure it has better combat but there's way too much padding. Kh3 stays streamlined even when everything is tripled in scale.
I really enjoyed Toy Box.
Same here. Best world in not just 3, but one of the best in the entire series.
Fuck off jared you girly fuck
Is it safe to say Xehanort is one of the most outright loathsome vidya villains in recent years?
Translation: KH3 is a big empty nothing with less content than a PS2 game from over a decade ago.
Fuck off if you're gonna act like a retard for no reason.
>voicing my complaints with how 3 was handled is acting like a retard
Just because you like having Nomura's dick in your mouth doesn't mean everyone else has to.
He successfully shortened your retarded post and translated it to English, I don’t see the problem
I'm not the casual baby crying that Pride lands is too hard for him and cant get past a 30 second bike minigame
Also KH2 Oogie is a very well designed boss, don't blame the game that you can't into spacing or mob control
>Also KH2 Oogie is a very well designed boss
You had me until here, this is a falseflag.
>... what just happened
>I'm not sure this was a good idea.
>Check out how much money we made.
>Make another one.
KH2 pirates is pure gameplay, youre confusing it with KH3's shitty gimmick fest of ship combat, flying simulator and underwater nonsense while padding itself out with muh crab collection.
>t. Brainlet
Git gud
Twilight Town gone wild when?
Yeah it is still strange but that's just where my headcanon is going at the moment. At least until the Ultimania gets translated to some degree and a more definitive answer comes out from it possibly
My stance on them showing the beginning part of the Terranort part after the final world is that even though it looks stupid and questionable , in Nomura's and the other writers head, they felt they needed to show it frame for frame in an effort to visually confirm something. Either it is:
>a brief recap: you play for close to an hour depending on how you to play out the final world dialogue and Sora catching before chasing the lich so they wanted to keep the scene direction of the first attack being interrupted by LW because for Nomura it is too cool a moment for him
>confirm time travel rules
>it didn't actually happen again but the part that replayed is just for the player and the game broke the fourth wall
Either way its weird and dumb but I think it's explainable
I love everything about Kingdom Hearts, but this shit is still hilarious
Will Nomura give us the kino we deserve in future games?
I love Fuu!
He's meant to be one of those "hiding in plain sight" villains. Xemnas and Saix seem to be running the show when you play KH2 but as the games go on you realize that Xigbar has so much more going on that you don't know about
There isn't a single person who has ever felt good about fighting oogie boogie. He's a fun character until the boss fight happens.
On that note, there's a lot of Disney bosses that are cool characters in the game that you instantly hate and wish weren't there as soon as the boss fight happens:
>in all of Square Enix history
So, are "zeta" and "zetta" different things?
They've always been Xehanort's bumbling henchmen. In KH2 the only ones that seemed to have any form of agency besides being a bad guy you must defeat were Xemnas, Xigbar and Axel
All this video does is show how Damage Scaling ruins a level 1 run and makes it too easy. Why even play level 1 mode if you want to do more damage? Retards lol. This kid is fucking autistic.
>t. mega brainlet
>Darkness (what is going on here)
>Darkness (Oh my god it's the Lingering Will time to beat you up for the hard time you gave me in KH2!)
>Terranort is on the ground, unconscious
This shit is always cracking me up
>never played BBS
The only broken fight is Ursula, and only her second form. Everything else is just you being a casual.
I fucking hope so.
He named Braig
It's not about being broken or difficult, it's just about being unfun and gimmicked to shit. You don't even fight oogie, you fight the environment until he becomes a training dummy. Ursula is dumb, Pete is dumb and jafar is a joke in every game. Like they never should have been bosses if they are that unfun
Why do you play the series if you clearly don't like it?
So according to this pic, LW went inside to fight over his heart?
you are fucking retarded
This just reminds me of sho's lvl i flare from Twewy considering it made a god have to dodge, he also likes to say "zetta" a lot. Hm.
You reading too much into it, if that was the case it would’ve shown it.
Cum Guardian = Terra's heart
Lingering Will = Terra's soul
Cum Guardian + Lingering Will + Terra's body = Terra
kek i love hoe the dusks nobodies in this pic
You survive eith limited space while knocking away presents, controlling the heartless eith smart use of summons, and safely dealing damage to Oogie in the 2nd opening by using a Limit. I can tell from your bumfuck retarded post you are just another casual who has done a Lv.1 run. Every fight in KH2 is well designed.
>a joke
Post a vid of you safely attacking him during the fireball phase since he's such a joke.
You'll feel stupid when FM comes out.
>no qt autistic gf
>if that was the case it would've shown
Or wrote. And it was.
*who hasn't done a lv1 run
Also post your Oogie clear while you're at it
Why do auttists take everything that characters say in a story as gospel?
They didn't show Xion heart moving from Sora into her. So no, it's not that.
LW 100% abandoned the armor to get his heart back. It's pretty much confirmed in , but the whole thing with Guardian suddenly gaining full control over himself is only possible if LW went in.
despite all the jokes and mocking about kingdom hearts, i still love it for what it is
Vexen hates newfags
So why is it when a "heart" (basically a soul) leaves the body its called a Heartless, and the person who lost his heart/soul is called a Nobody? Shouldn't it be the other way around?
>the state of Seeker Of Darkness
What would such a pointless scene add? If it really was the case it would’ve been added, no reason to add it as DLC if that was what Nomura was aiming for.
Don’t know how that passage confirms it.
>literally everyone loves LW
>people also warmed up for Terra and more than ok with him
heart and soul are completely different things
What the fuck is the difference? I've only played the mainline games
>If it really was the case it would’ve been added
The repeated cutscene before his appearance doesn't clue you in on the fact that the game was rushed out the door unfinished?
What do you want you creepy rat!
Heart = more like your "core" of your existence. Your memories, your emotions, your connections and bonds are there. It's also a source for power. However, you CAN live without a heart.
Soul = Your life force and your conscious(mind). You can't survive with it. If it's destroyed, you are dead.
Body = your physical vessel that ties your Heart and Soul together.
A soul is what happens when you're literally too fucking mad to die.
This isn't correct. Nobodies are body+mind, not just the body.
Xemnas is Terra's body with Xehanort's mind. Ansem is, according to Young Xehanort, Xehanort's heart alone. But since hearts are usually shown to not have sentience on their own, it's probably a special case where some of Xehanort's mind was transferred into his heart form. Xemnas still definitely has Xehanort's mind though.
A soul was never a big thing in any KH game where are you guys getting this from?
Alright, so why are people without hearts called Nobodies and why are the hearts without vessels called Heartless? It should be the other way around
Yes, his voice actor loves voicing Xigbar.
>what is Lingering Will
KH1 and KH2 both got multiple added cutscenes elaborating on what secondary characters were doing behind the scenes.
>t. speedplayer
Xemnas didn't have Xehanort's mind because the heartless (Ansem) took it, which is why he was emotionless, he was literally soulless.
Ansem Reports in KH1 and KH2.
The heart is literally your heart. Emotions and loving connections to others are made there. Hatred can build and jealousy flourishes. Its a spectrum.
The mind has the memories and those are what nobodies retain.
But anything no matter how inanimate can grow a heart if given enough time to build new threads to others. So there could eventually be a surplus or something
with Terra's soul inside it.
>Xemnas is Terra's body with Xehanort's mind
>so... sleep has taken you yet again
I guess that does work for both Ven and Terra, but how do you explain him talking to his "friend" Aqua's armor?
Xehanort and Terra* referencing Ven.
because they didn't think of nobodies when they were making 1 and didn't want to change the names around
So it seems like the mind is almost splintered when you are separated. You retain your identity and memories of what makes you you but perhaps not your current knowledge or even goals and intentions as far as existing goes.
Heartless = Heart that got consumed by the darkness. Mostly mindless unless you willingly turned into one, which then your soul-mind thing moves with you, keeping your conscious inside the Heartless.
Nobody = Body and Soul without a heart. because it's a 2/3 of a person, they can grow a new heart with enough time and still be reunited with their old heart to be recompleted.
Lingering Will = Soul alone, no heart nor the original vessel. He's using the armor as his vessel, but he isn't close to be a true nobody because he's missing both his heart and his body.
Ansem reports, in KH3 Xemnas mention souls as well
Heartless because they are mindless monsters who want to consume hearts. It's more like a nickname that sticked instead what they truly are.
Nobodies is more of the term "nobody", a "no one", aka being that shouldn't exist.
Souls were separate from hearts all the way back in KH1 Final Mix. The Ansem Reports make it very clear how it works.
>When the heart casts off the flesh, where does the body go? Heart and soul are separate, and the spirit remains in the body. But can we
assume that the leftover body and soul perish?
>Where does the body go when it separates from the heart? If the soul remains within the body, is it still considered to be deceased?
>When the heart returns to the Heartless, the physical form disappears. But that is merely true in this world. Perhaps the body exists in another form in another world.
Ansem Report 13 (Kingdom Hearts)
>Three elements combine to create a life: a heart, a soul, and a body. But what of the soul and body left behind when the heart is lost?
>When the soul leaves the body, its vessel, life gives way to death, but what about when the heart leaves?
>A being does not perish when its heart leaves its body. The heart alone disappears into the darkness.
Secret Ansem Report 4 (Kingdom Hearts II)
Xemnas got infected by Terra's body. It's still, no matter what Xehanort does - Terra's body. He invaded there and got infected by the fact Terra's body longed for his original heart and soul.
What went wrong with KH3?
Xemnas had no soul but he had a heart like all nobodies, makes sense his new heart (being just a regrown heart not a completely new one from the scratch) inherited some connections Terra's heart had (since it's a heart that grew in Terra's body)
He got rid of the ff characters so KH would become the next FF game.
As expected of Nomura.
Heartless is made from someone looses their heart.
They are the heart consumed but the remains of the victim are left heartless.
They are named for their actions more than their being.
Nobodies are the left overs from the experience, they have no identity after loosing their heart and feel like they dont exist with no connections to others.
Like true nobodies in the most figurative sense.
They are named more for how they feel then what they are.
Nomura is special
He has a shit taste
Emotions come from the heart, retard. All nobodies start out emotionless, and only gain emotions if they form bonds of friendship with others, which Xemnas never did.
The body cannot exist without the mind/soul, as is made explicitly clear in the Ansem Reports.
>"When the soul leaves the body, its vessel, life gives way to death, but what about when the heart leaves?"
>Implying liking KH3 means you have good taste
Why did kh3 feel like a rush job? Hercules and frozen feel like they were done late in development even though they're some of the first worlds you play in. Around the mid point of the story, Vexen just changes allegiances at the drop of a hat with no foreshadowing of any kind, and that comes with a complete personality twist from the POTC cut-scenes where all he cared about was his research (and this wasn't just him putting on a show for Luxord, vexen is visibly angry when they open the dead man's chest exclaiming that it had nothing to do with his research)
Once you're done with sanfransokyo, you're suddenly thrust into the final sequence of the game with no build up. It just feels like the game is going "oh it's time to tie all loose ends" instead of it happening organically as you play. There should have been more actual confrontations with the org members as you progressed through the worlds, and there were several times that both sora and the members were itching for a quick brawl but sora was "too weak" even though he's been doing nothing but demolishing enemy after enemy.
The only world that i played that felt fully realized was POTC, where you actually went head on with a real antagonist (luxord). Even then, the progression on that world felt a little bit too fast paced. For the most parts, org members were just there to blare exposition at sora and tell him to do exactly the same shit that yen sid/riky/mikey were telling him to do, except sora was constantly "no i don't believe you!".
Instead of this game being a huge send off and a celebration of the franchise, it was just another intermediary between a past game and a sequel, and that was made all too clear at the very end with sora pulling an infinity war disappearing act. Nomura couldn't fucking keep it in his pants and the game is all the worse for it, on top of the worlds largely being worse versions than the movies themselves.
What the fuck is MoM's endgame here and what does the box have to do with it?
I love how he sucks himself halfway across the graveyard to put a rock between himself and the camera before transforming his keyblade into a whip and one shotting me.
I also love how if his fucking jetski hits a wall or a rock he will go infinity speed and whack into me.
Where is the source on any of this. I have played every mainline FF game and have never seen Zetaflare. Also Flare has never been given some huge story importance in any of the games so that's more stuff pulled out of their ass.
>"The body cannot exist without the mind"
>using human rules for nobodies
Going with human rules one cannot exist without the heart either, the nobodies are a special case that break the rules
We dont have the handheld title that plays the other sides perspective yet.
Cant wait for Ansem the Wise to get his game
Stop being retarded. You've misunderstood the mechanics of the series completely. Xemnas had a soul and no heart, like all nobodies. That's the entire point of nobodies. Only some of them grow new hearts over time, if they form new bonds.
All of which completely disprove what you are saying.
My quote is from the ansem reports in the fucking game, moron. No one is talking about the real world, in which souls don't even exist and hearts are just a muscle.
Before someone asks this question - "Why didn't Lingering Will grew a new heart like all Nobodies?"
Lingering Will is soul-mind using an armor as his vessel. He isn't Nobody, because he got no body. He isn't a heartless, because he isn't a heart.
It's a soul, haunting the armor and lingering around by his willpower. He can't grew a heart back because he's literally a shadow of his former self. He isn't even 2/3 like a true Nobody, he's just a 1/3 of what he was., He probably can't move from the Keyblade Graveyard as well because he's probably haunting the place itself (Remember how the chains of light made before the Armor reformed?)
Terra as the Guardian taking full control over himself is only possible when Soul and Heart united in a vessel of darkness (The Guardian Heartless).
Math. You dumbass. Math. Zeta > Tera.
the box has something incredible inside it. the contents of the box definitely will not disappoint everyone.
What if Xigbar telling Sora about what destiny might have in store for him is him teasing that Sora ends up being the MoM?
You don't attack jafar in the fireball phase and that's why it is a joke. You break the fight by looping his reaction command and winning in 10 seconds in regular crit and in level 1 you have to do one type of combo or else you lose. It's absolute shit and a waste of time
notice the seven locks and how the "new game" will have seven darknesses
>Instead of this game being a huge send off and a celebration of the franchise, it was just another intermediary between a past game and a sequel
Completely agree. KH3 was supposed to be a finale but just ends up being what sets up the next series of games. This is one of my biggest gripes with the game as it was supposed to be the ‘finale’ to a franchise that has been going on for 17 years, and it couldn’t even succeed at that. This whole game felt rushed as fuck and was a terrible ending for all the build up.
Also your logic (Xemnas was emotionless because he had no heart because no friends) can't possibly be right because DDD Xemnas and KH3 Xemnas are time travelers and you can only time travel as a heart. The Xemnas from these games was Xemnas heart in a puppet replica so he had a heart, you are wrong.
Nice try, now read above and cope. Xemnas being in DDD and KH3 proves he had a heart
I'm not talking about the real world either, I'm talking about the game you imbecile. Ansem's reports talk about humans and nobodies break human rules.
so was cum guardian supposed to be terra's "heartless" or just his "heart" corrupted by terranort or something
heart - cum guardian(?)
body - terranort
soul - living will
Could you show me footage of Zetaflare wiping out the universe if you don't mind?
so they were fucking, right?
There are 3 on either side as well for a total of 13
It fucking better not considering Nomura's been dangling it in front of us since Back Cover and throughout the entirety of 3.
Perhaps Xigbar being pissed that Sora didn't get Norted is because MoM wants Sora to fall to darkness
The soul is an extremely underdeveloped concept tacked on last minute that’s barely ever brought up
>inb4 someone says it wasn't supposed to end the franchise because you didn't say "saga"
>inb4 "why people keep saying LW is the soul, he isn't Terra"
Tell me, what is a sentient being?
If he can think for himself, ask questions, make assumptions and reach conclusions, suspecting, doubting himself, clearly thinking himself as Terra or at least some part of Terra..
pic related and the fact that right after that LW talked with Aqua in 0.2
Critical mode when?
>everyone here pretending KH has any integrity left and not just Komura's crack dream
As if
At first it was only Terra's darkness, not a true heartless. As Guardian was made during Terranort Vs Aqua in BBS.
Terranort started to lose because Terra's heart kept fighting (even without his soul and conscious, mind you). So he stabbed himself to get rid of Terra. He did so and turned Terra's heart into a full Heartless. Terra's heart last action was trying to take Terranort with him into the RoD and giving him Amnesia.
AnsemSoD still got full control over Terra's heartless, and it's a powerfull heartless, so he used him as his mindless slave.
Body turned into Xemnas, but yeah, Terranort is still Xehanort heart and soul inside Terra's body.
Lingering Will is the soul.
No crit and post game.
The faggot is being superflous. TeraFlare afaik is only powerful enough to destroy a continent(FFVII). Following that logic:
>Tera and Zetta are order of magnitude prefixes. Zeta being 10^21 and Tera being 10^12. Diving the two gives you 10^9, which is 1 billion. In FFVII, Bahamuth's Teraflare can be seen blowing up about the size of a continent. Comparing that to Zettaflare which is 1 Billion times stronger. Sources say that a few thousand nukes is enough to blow up most of the planet, and considering Donald is still at least millions of times stronger than that. Let's put this at a semi-conservative estimate and using our reference nuke as the Castle Bravo Hydrogen bomb by the US, which is 15 Megatons, about 67 Petajoules (10^15). A Gizmodo source says that 9000 of these is enough to destroy the moon, being our reference to a chunk of a larger planet, that would be about 600 Exajoules (10^18). Let's assume Donald is at the high end of that billion, making that 600*10^27 Joules (6*10^29), another source lists that the sun gives off 3.8*10^26 Joules of energy per second. Thank about that, Donald Duck is estimated to be over 1000x stronger than the sun in that moment, a sphere 1.3 million times larger than Earth, which is constantly undergoing nuclear fusion inside.
>I know better than all the information given by the games themselves!!!
I hope you are pretending to be retarded as a misguided attempt at being funny.
level 1 kh2fm critical jafar is one of the worst fights in the game. the camera has a throbbing erection from how hard it tries to kill you. the camera remembers the deep dicking it gave you during the 1000 heartless fight and it wants more and its going to take everything it is going to work you hard and put you away wet. when the fireballs appear you move as fast as you can all the way across the map and if you do not slam into jafar's abdomen to stop while connecting a reflect you are dead because the camera rotates too slow for you to recover if you fly past him. critical level 1 changes a man, nobody that has actually done that shit is going to complain about the finishing leap combo.
>KH 3D: Xemnas is here because he time traveled from the past!
>KH3: To time travel you must sent your heart to the future!
>retards: No, Xemnas had no heart!
Just ignore him and he’ll go away
>can't criticize kh2 unless you have a recording of a crit level 1 speed run on YouTube
these are the same people who get mad at people in the community for defending other KH games
enjoy your mental illness that makes you incapable of accepting criticism of your 'perfect' game lmao
OK, I looked it up and not only are you right, but there's a sigil on it that reads "χsuper"
We know that there are going to be seven darknesses because of the post credits scene with young Eraqus and young Xehanort setting up a new game, where Eraqus places seven dark pieces with emblems resembling the apprentices' masks, and that they're going to go up against Sora.
So who are the other six? Because of how χ-whatevers work, they're probably going to be light.
Hes being retarded along with that image.
Teraflare fucked up a whole continent , so going by the logic of past FF games zetaflare is the next step above that and absolutely world ending unlike teraflare where its only mostly world ending from the aftermath and resulting dust clouds.
So a zetaflare focused into such a small laser is fucking insanity by any and all accounts.
People keep forgetting that only Mickey knew the highest forms of magic like Stopza before.
Donald is this niggas Royal Magician so it stands to reason he can cast shit that takes his own life force to get out.
Then goofy is the Captain of the Guard like what?
These are Mickeys absolute finest and they fucked shit up when needed
Of course not, besides that was a time travel Vanitas right? The real one must be still inside Ven, and KHUX will explain how the boy has that much darkness that it manifests as a edgelord.
>Every thread turns into Terra/Terranort/Xemnas/Ansem SoD/Guardian/Lingering Will discussion
Jesus christ.
>Teraflare destroyed a whole continent
Was this in the MMO?
I'm not sure he's time travel, I thought that his heart was shattered after BbS, but then the Unversed collected enough negative emotions to reform him, meaning that unless he's fully destroyed or united with Ven they can keep doing that.
As for how he's so strong, my guess is that Xehanort did some dark shenanigans with the darkness he rended from Ven's heart to make it stronger
Final world
Daybreak town inside KH.
Eraqus and Xenny were trained in daybreak town
The pods on twilight town
There is probably more.
I know a guy who's like that. He also claims he can eyeball input lag and that when weapon animations don't match the speed of the button press than the game is unplayable.
It's literal autism.
Xemnas literally states directly in DDD that SOME of the Organization members started growing replacement hearts.
Multiple Organization members discuss their lack of emotions throughout CoM and KH2. Axel is shocked in CoM when he feels something when saving Naminé, showing that this is the point where he started growing a new heart - several years after becoming a Nobody.
Xemnas time traveling without a heart is simply a plot hole, something Nomura will have to come up with some excuse for if he ever bothers. This inconsistency doesn't suddenly make everything the game directly tells you false. Read the Ansem reports again, both from KH1 and KH2, and watch the DDD cutscenes.
you do not know what you are talking about until you beat the third nobody fight in the cavern of remembrance on level 1. get good.
according to Luxord the box they're looking for contains "hope" which made me shout "but we already established that Pandora's Box wasn't the black box!" at the screen
Ultimania is out? Oh boy.
>terranort oneshotted ven and sent axel flying.
>goofy just shrugs it off and sends terranort bouncing back
>donald seeming evaporates him
why are we relying on fucking sora when these two big dick chads are around?
The question is, Hope for who?
can we talk about how doanld's zettaflare only tickled terranort
and how these are the supposed weaker versions
This might even be a good defense if you could do this from the outset but at minimum it requires you to beat the entire game once so it falls apart.
>info about the humans should apply to nobodies I promise
Tell me more
>powerlevel autism
There has never been any real consistency in -flare spell power levels.
Exaflare in FF14 is much weaker than Teraflare for example, but simply harder to react to.
>mfw Disney BTFOs edgy OCs
>gets left with 4 gigatrillion heartless defending Yen Sid
>shows up later without a scratch
I'm just imagining them using all their special moves, goofy always getting donalds back and donald getting the cures while clearing out miles of heartless getting to you.
Shit could have been its own segment honestly
Git gud, I literally spoonfeed you faggots and still you remain as casuals.
The rundown on 2FM
What the game states in plain text applies, you humongous faggot.
I dont have a fully functioning theory yet but I believe the same kind of magic that the old keyblade master predecessors before eraqus and Xehanort used to make land of departure become castle oblivion was used to change Daybreak town to Scala as a way of protecting it and preserving it.
Because there are Scala architectures in the Skein of severance in the keyblade graveyard and Scala contains Daybreak Town under its waters. These connections always end up meaning something down the line but I just don't know what exactly
Wheres the Crit Level 1 guide?
Zettaflare literally blew him the fuck out, there wasn't even a body left.
>Final world
That one is self-explanatory: it's just purgatory, the last stop everyone goes to before passing on into KH's afterlife.
>The pods on twilight town
>Daybreak town inside KH.
>Eraqus and Xenny were trained in daybreak town
OK those need explaining
>supposed to be a finale
It never was, retard.
Honestly of all the things to imagine, Yen Sid getting his moment was not one I was expecting but glad he got
KH3 was supposed to be a finale for Xehanort's story. He's no longer going to be an active force in the story, and MoM is seemingly taking over his role
To add to this, Xehanort flipped around and moved around pieces of Scala not exactly like how castle oblivion became LOD again in that cutscene but with similar imagery
Based and 2FMpilled.
Also fuck kh3
>Xemnas literally states directly in DDD that SOME of the Organization members started growing replacement hearts.
Which doesn't mean he didn't have a heart, your point?
>Multiple Organization members discuss their lack of emotions throughout CoM and KH2
Yeah thanks to Xemnas' tricks since his plan needed them to think they would never have a heart again without KH, your point, again? Axel and Roxas had a lot of emotions when they were eating ice cream (which is basically half of the game) and they still went "uh we don't have hearts and still laugh haha so weird"
>Xemnas time traveling without a heart is simply a plot hole
So contradicting your theories makes it a plot hole? wew
>read the reports that never talk about nobodies again
No, thanks
>what the game states about X applies to Y
Maybe if you are literally retarded.
the actual game mechanics are the least disappointing part of 3
kek I clearly know that faggot that’s why I said ‘finale’. The story the games will take onward will be very different from the previous games, it’s a finale of everything since KH1, and a horrible one at that.
Did they tone down the size of the x-Blade in 3? I remember it being much bulkier in BBS.
>mmo shit
Nah m8
I'm going by FF7 where it is a massive beam from space that would fuck up a continent like Europe easily
>The pods on twilight town
When you examine them in KH2 Sora says it looks like they've been used before.
Literally everything aside from the Back Cover stuff got resolved user.
Sora just needed an excuse to fling himself into his next big adventure as recklessly as possible
Kbmstudios (lv1 crit wr holder) has a good series of videos covering the tactics for most fights on lv1
I don't know if I'd take those as canon.
They managed to make the violin at 0:59 better than it was in BBS. The chords are much sharper
They don't have hearts. When you kill Marluxia and Xemnas in KH3 they start to feel again.
Roxas and Xion are a special case, they made their own hearts. And Axels connection to them made him feel his own heart again
Ven and Vanitas are children, Xehanort is a grown ass man.
>that lingering will guide
>First 5 minutes of the video is about the first split second of the fight.
Gotta love Terra.
Every FF has it's own canon separate from the rest.
Like? All KH3 was bring up new questions and bait for the sequel, instead of being its own thing and a finale of everything so far. KH3 has the worst ending out of any KH title ever and not in a good way like BBS or Days, KH3’s ending was garbage and everything in the last few hours felt like a halfassed checklist of things.
Twilight town had more pods used for sleeping, either for the masters or Marluxia and company.
Also even though Nomura said he was done with Xehanort we still dont know much about him, in the flashbacks with Eraqus he seems like a good kid but the young xehanort we see in 3 is a prick, what happened.
>Literally everything aside from the Back Cover stuff got resolved user.
You mean all the carrots they kept dangling in front of us while they throw some cheap happy endings around like confetti to pretend they actually cared about any of it while they plan KH4?
gothwood9 was very helpful when I got stuck during my level 1 crit adventure.
Oh they is
In other RPGs your have the MC literally running among the stars through space and shit. Am I not suppose to take that literally as well?
Its anime shit man thats why being the most over the top is so great.
KH is just the culmination of the mindset so of course they had to one up teraflare in the finale
People defending kh3 ending think people criticizing the game somehow hate the franchise or something. I wouldn't be talking about KH if i didn't give a fuck. I played as much of the games as anyone willing to call themselves a fan did, fags.
>desperately responding to your own posts
Go mow your lawn, boomer
Seething KH3 shill
>reports that never talk about nobodies
Several of the reports in both KH1 and KH2 are exclusively about nobodies and how they work, dumbass.
Imagine being you, thinking you know all of this so well, while you actually are completely ignorant and probably haven't even read the reports.
Imagine being such a fucking fool.
I dunno, I played all the games aside from 2.8, just watched what was on there instead of buying more than I really need.
All the major plot points aside from teh box and shit that was only in X/back cover is pretty much said and done. All wrapped up with a neat bow.
I never once said it was the best or well executed just that they got it all in across the 9 games.
And we all know theres probably going to be a handheld title that explains even more shit along with connecting to KH4
Fuck if I told you the one I actually like the most you think I'm stupid because I literally dont care about the combat in thees games.
They’re still in the honeymoon phase and can’t accept KH3 is heavily flawed.
Xemnas might have a heart, at least a very rudimentary one. Nothing in the games outright disproves this.
But it's a FACT that he has a soul and that nobodies cannot exist without one. Disputing this makes you a retard who ignores explicit information stated in the games.
>I literally dont care about the combat
faggot alert
I'm an exploration fag so 1 is choice for me with how backtracking actually felt worth it.
I always play at least on proud though because I'm trying to still play a game at least.
>All wrapped up with a neat bow.
More like hastily slapped on duct tape.
I was more intersted in what Union was leading into than Xehanort anyway
Nah this is just how you shield yourself from not accepting people don't agree with you. What most people can't accept is that there are people like me who think kh3 is pretty flawed but ultimately still a good game. There's a crusade among people trying to get everyone to agree with their conclusion that a flawed game can't still be good and its tiresome as fuck
What major plot points? Like everyone coming back and Xehanort losing? All of that was seriously halfassed and terrible, Roxas just falls from the sky and the power of waking was in Sora all along. The explanations and “resolutions” were just horrible and as I said felt like a checklist. Not to mention, it brought up more questions in what is supposed to be the ‘finale’. I can accept things like the black box being unresolved, but bringing in new points like this mystery girl and such constantly is just inexcusable. It felt like them setting up for the next game instead of trying to conclude the one they’re working on.
come forth
blue eyes white dragon
>17 years of Xehanort was irrelevant now that we got our gacha story
That doesn’t excuse it being bad user, everything was fine until KH3.
>It felt like them setting up for the next game instead of trying to conclude the one they’re working on.
Because it was, Nomura just wanted to get this over with and make his bootleg Vs XIII in KH4.
Nah it may be duct tape but it was definitely neat and polished to be the shiniest duct tape it could be.
>didnt read the whole post
So you missed the part where I literally said it wasnt the best or even well executed.
I see what you mean but its nice to finally have xehanort "done" after way too long.
>There are people who enjoyed Kingdom Hearts 3's ending.
Hey guys.
Its okay to like things that arent amazing.
Its even okay to like things that are bad.
Some people genuinely enjoy 358/2 days and others its Re:Coded.
KH3 isnt a bad game and your a fucking memeing parrot lost in echos if you try to spin it any other way.
Doesnt mean its a great game either, thats reserved for GoW4
Vexen's asspained about seniority
If rank was related to importance then Roxas wouldn't be 13, and Saix would II and not VII
Yeah dude I can't believe people are different from me lmao, let's just keep ourselves in a bubble without accepting other tastes and perspectives xD
>it was definitely neat and polished to be the shiniest duct tape it could be.
He says this when there are unexplained plot points out the wazoo and no less than 3 instances of pointlessly repeated cutscenes.
It certainly felt like that. The biggest give away is how they made a fucking CGI movie for Not!Versus13 in Toy Story, not even any of the fights in the KBG get that treatment, but some Disney worlds and this Versus13 clone do.
>You didn’t read my post!
>Doesn’t read or respond to my post
What made you think I didn’t read your post because I called it bad while explaining why and going through what you said? Okay buddy
You don't have to be a major villain to be a good villain
I didn't mind it.
Except for Kairi dying like a fucking scrub, that is.
But it is, have you played it?
>Except for Kairi dying like a fucking scrub, that is.
See, that along with Xehanort's non-existent comeuppance, as well as a rushed rehash of KH1's ending but this time just plain insulting and pessimistic in order to force you to buy more games was the last final fucking straw for me. If I bought a physical copy I'd probably smash the disk with a hammer and lit the box on fire.
>no one talking about terra
wth bros... every thread is supposed to be about him... what... happened...?
>how dare a game gets tons of content and release on multiple platforms all with unique games
You are right, not getting a game at all for 12 years is much better
Brainlet with bad taste confirms himself as an raging autist. It's almost carthatic.
If you're someone who even entertains the idea of getting physicallly mad over a video game, you have no credibility
Also the factor that we're going to have a fuckload of half-assed side-games before a conclusion that is likely to be 99% rushed ass if KH3 is any indication.
>bad taste
Please explain how the ending or from BH6 onward is good.
How do you think Star Wars fans who saw The Last Jedi felt? Same exact fucking thing.
They are the same autists who render themselves invalid whether or not I or others agree with them on any level
Also he calls Xehanort an 'old coot', which probably translates to something really disrespectful in Japanese. Also the scene where he sees Ventus in Xion (which was probably more so to do with BBS than anything).
I'm just glad this retarded shit is over
>I'm just glad this retarded shit is over
>if you complain about feeling cheated out of your money by hacks pretending to be creative geniuses you're and autist
Damn, that corporate dick's all the way down to your stomach.
Because Nomura's going to eventually get bored again and just want to move on to his next big thing. This series should have been taken away from him after 2.
kill yourself nigger.
You can convince someone otherwise. The most you get is a capitulation of agreeing to disagree on different tastes. It's the same reason why people watch or read content on a movie or videogame of a certain perspective to strengthen their confirmation bias and only focus on the community reaction of content that leans the opposite way, rather than the actual argument itself. People are more concerned about finding people who agree with them and dissaccoiating themselves from those who don't, rather than being malleable
I'm confused by the whole Guardian = Terra thing. Maybe I'm stupid and not remembering correctly, but didn't MX have Guardian before he possessed Terra?
The difference is that in BBS she could handle all of that besides the very last boss.
She even defeated Vanitas two times without problem so her loosing against him in KH3 was even more absurd.
Does Vexen vocaroo user still exist?
that scene was BEYOND POINTLESS. Xehanort was the cause of literally all of Sora's grief since he was twelve, he didn't need any more reason to want to fight him. If Nomura wanted to force Sora to kill himself with the Power of Waking to save Kairi in the end he could have at least given Kairi some agency and had her get glassed by taking the bullet for Sora or something like that. They spent so much time hyping up the fact that she'd get a keyblade and be able to be something more than a living plot device, but all we got was a living plot device. And then the secret ending basically confirms that she's not going to have a major role the next time we meet Sora either. Like, I get the notion that Sora and Riku's friendship is more fun to flesh out that his romance with Kairi, that doesn't mean she has to be useless!
No, he only showed it off in the fight with Aqua in Radiant Garden.
It’s sad how no one who defends KH3 can actually defend it. All of them just give up when you ask what they like about the game or from a specific point. This just shows me they don’t have any reasons, and they just turned their brains off while playing and engulfed themselves in the nostalgia. They don’t defend the game because they think it’s good, they defend it because they feel like they have to and can’t form their own opinions that can be backed up. There’s a reason why they hate all those who actually have reasons to why they dislike the game, see any KH3 thread and whenever someone posts criticism you’ll have people brushing you off by calling you Barry. Just see this thread for example, some e-celeb disliked the game and they started to personally attack him while ignoring/brushing off his criticisms and points. It’s pathetic, these people need to grow up and act like adults.
What makes it even more fucking worse? Kairi's murderer gets to fuck off to heaven or something with his buddy while Sora has to sacrifice his existence to save her again.
Seriously the series ended after KH2 and there's nothing you can do to change my mind.