
I told you Anthem will flop the moment I saw the reveal trailer but you didn’t listen. You made fun of me. Your underdeveloped shitlog of a brain was hyped just because he saw robot men with pew pew lasers and bright pink, purple lights in the trailer.

Well, I’m calling it now. Cyberpunk will flop and CD Project will become just like BioWare.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Cyberpunk 2077 is a shit open world trash game that will succeed regardless. That's my prediction.

>I told you

And most people also thought that. Not so with Cyberpunk. Go scream Tortanic elsehwere.

It was obvious to literally anyone who isn't a casual gamer that Anthem looks odd and uninspired, so if you want to congratulate your little peahead for this huge achievement of brainpower, go ahead.
Meanwhile, CDPR will likely deliver the best Cyberpunk experience in video game form we've ever gotten.

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you really think you're a sage predicting that bioware's cash grab looter shooter wasn't going to be good. it's been relentlessly mocked since its announcement

This open world shit has 0 chance of surpassing the original Deus Ex.

You make fun of me again. Fine. Somebody screencap this and save it for future reference so I can shove it in everyone’s face when the time comes.

We don't know user.
I love the OG Deus Ex, but for Cyberpunk 2077 to be as good as that game, it needs the same level of conspiracies in it.
Level design is naturally just as important but with a lot of approaches to quests it might just end up being as good as DX or maybe even better.

It will never come out

it wont, but you will say it flopped anyway, contrarians call witcher 3 a flop, which is not true, at least in this universe

It won't flop, lol.

>Open world trash having good level design

low iq rambling and psychosis

>Implying it won't be spammed at you when the game turns out to be good.


Are you Spiderman and RE2 guy?

You’re both stupid. Cyberpunk is a children’s game for those waiting to be of legal age to play Deux Ex.

>you made fun of me again...

Anthem's flop isn't unexpected on this board or anywhere else for that matter, it's a game from Bioware under EA of all companies. Don't pretend you alone foresaw this coming.

End of 2019 or 2020 for meme.

Cyberpunk will be a huge financial success regardless of how good the game is

Cyberpunk will have the same age rating as Deus Ex.

You dont take risk for saying everything will be shit since your user. Whats the point?

I don’t pretend that I was the only one that saw it coming. What I’m saying is there was a percentage of people that saw the trailer and it blew their minds for some reason.

That was a trailer with no gameplay.
Days ago in beta people could play and see his weak points.

A very small percentage of people from what I remember. You're acting as if you're a prophet, as if it wasn't obvious EA would find some way to fuck it up or as if Bioware hasn't got a track record of bad games behind them.

You're talking a company that gave us Mass Effect 3 then Andromeda vs. one that gave us The Witcher 3.

Literally everybody thought Anthem would flop

The fuck are you talking about user, everyone knew Anthem was going to flop as soon as they saw 'Bioware' and 'EA' listed. God you're a dumb fuck.

>I told you Anthem will flop the moment I saw the reveal trailer but you didn’t listen.

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The attitude was sarcastic.

Cant wait to see all the butthurt when it releases successfully, Yea Forums is gonna implode.

you're right
you're wrong

see you when it comes out

it will be a 200+ gig marvel of slav engineering & storytelling - the world will enjoy the future, while america rots from within & collapses. what better way to call in the future?

Game made by shit devs is shit, would would have thought?

What are you even talking about? Everyone knew Anthem was going to flop except for a small handful of very vocal paid shills.
Cyberpunk will not flop. I'm not saying it will be great by any measure, but there's enough normies out there who are fucking drooling over this game that it will be a reasonable success based purely on day 1 sales. Whether or not it's actually good, who the fuck knows.

come back when you graduated from nig high

>Defending Bioware
Dumb faggot

I hope cyberpunk is good.
Also if you're such a non fan of the sun, you might as well make your tiny brain work for a second and realize there will be a night 24/7 + heavy fog + augmented neons mods by week 1.

My only complain comes to the characters, I hope you don't have to look lile a poorfag always or drag around that retarded sidekick all game long, because HOLY shit is he an annoying little stain.

There are a lot of normies who drooled about Anthem too. That was OP's point.

The most I ever heard from normies was that Anthem would probably be good. But when they talk about Cyberpunk it's like their eyes gloss over and they've just taken a shot of heroin. Cyberpunk is getting normies' pants wet all over the planet. It's going to sell like a new mainstream Elder Scrolls title.

At least half of Yea Forums was shitting on Anthem; Assuming they posted about the game at all because it was obviousl that it was going to be a shallow game from the start.

Congratulations on being part of the 50%

This is true, but the sad part is that most of those people aren't interested in a cyberpunk setting with sci-fi heavy elements, but are just following the hype for a city based open world like gta, but in first-person.

>cyberpunk setting with sci-fi heavy elements
>sci-fi heavy elements
no thanks, if i want sci fi ill just play mass effect trilogy or something, cyberpunk isnt sci fi with a rust paint over, its closer to modern

I can guarantee you plenty of it is leftover witcher hype. Witcher 3 was like crack for normies.

Best post on Yea Forums rn.

The only cyberpunk I like is Deus Ex. Everything else is poorly done and for children who like bright pink and purple lights.

Go read a book nigger.

I do read books Hassan.

I want to be grown up and mature like you someday.

Go read more books then.

Stop playing faggot games then.

Deus Ex isn't Cyberpunk. Well maybe the newer ones were, but the original good one wasn't.

Maybe try to use that brain of yours a bit more

I didn't play a single Deus ex game so I don't know what are you talking about

I'm a pretty cynical person when it comes to the gaming industry but Cyberpunk 2077 looks great from what they've shown us. Even if it's generic in it's gameplay the novelty of the style will help chug it along.

No one thought Anthem looked good. Bioware has a shit track recrod. CDPR does not. You do the math.

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Well then you missed on the greatness of asshole JC Denton
*smacks lips* what a shame

Futuristic GTA Far Cry will be GOTY

Will be hilarious seeing how wrong you aer

Only retarded faggots care about Anthem. Not just the shitty FMV tier promo videos but the early beta was a huge warning sign that this was DOA. Apex Legends was rushed to be a band-aid for Origin and to push the Premier service for loot boxes.

Seriously... Anyone who thought Anthem was going to be "good" is a fucking idiot or a shill.

Careful what you wish for bucko.

Attached: Cyberpunk.png (1910x799, 312K)

Second part of this is that it's the same with Cyberpunk... All the marketing speak was lies and the promo we got is just a GTA mod that is hilariously short of what we were promised outside of a nice trailer and years of smoke blown up our asses...




How will a shitty generic cod style fps in a badly lit open world with awful writing and characters be the best cyberpunk experience ever? Have you even seen altered carbon?

Write your address here, I want to send you a letter with congratulations on your character.

Citation required.

no matter how you cut it, cyberpunk is sci-fi
you have flying cards and people living on the moon, as well as crazy augments
I agree that there is a huge difference between the regular space opera sci-fi trash and Cyberpunk, like the latter being more grounded and focused on society, but for normies it is still sci-fi and that shit doesn't interest a lot of people.

Watch the demo, you can see for yourself. game is confirmed shit.

>Second part of this is that it's the same with Cyberpunk... All the marketing speak was lies and the promo we got is just a GTA mod that is hilariously short of what we were promised outside of a nice trailer and years of smoke blown up our asses...

Any source for those promises? Because all I saw was from deluded retards and every one of them with his own version of the game in his head acting like it is confirmed when back in reality you had an answer back in 2013.
>There are lots of cyber games around, but there's not a lot of punk in those games," he said. We want to put more punk into ours. We do not want to make a dark and hopeless world. We are not doing Blade Runner. It will be full of rock and roll.

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Looked fun to me.

>but you didn’t listen.
what? everyone and their grandma said so.

We already live in a cyberpunk world. The only way to make "cyberpunk" games interesting is by pushing them far into the realms of scifi.

>have you even seen altered carbon
Oh god not you again.

Attached: not amused.png (1178x1080, 801K)

We do not want to make a dark and hopeless world. We are not doing Blade Runner. It will be full of rock and roll.

In other words they're not making cyberpunk. They're making some generic gta city with some sci fi shit slapped in.

this kids is what retard looks like, don't be like that.

No it means they're making Cyberpunk, not cyberpunk.

did you even play cp77 tabletop?

Go fucking play Observer if you want a game about waddling in fanboy spooge about how fucking great Blade Runner was.

>you have flying cards and people living on the moon
this isn't common in cyberpunk.

Yes, it's ME again.

Attached: AlteredCarbon-FINAL.jpg (2400x1186, 626K)

>GTA mod
You say this like GTA didn't sell like gangbusters. Open world games are popular.

If it was nothing more than GTA with a cyberpunk skin done moderately competently then history is very much in favor of the game's good fortunes.

IT literally means what it means, they are not doing blade runner the game but adaptation of cyberpunk 2020.

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Is this what autism looks like?
>its n-not what i want
>therefore its not cyberpunk

Not the moon but the sprawl books had numerous orbital habitats.

Can't wait for your threads when C2077 pre-orders will hit 2-3 million copies pathetic retard

No, and thank god, i read about it, it sounds retarded as shit, especially the dumb sounding themed gangs

I predicted anthem flop without looking at it, get on my level.

>altered carbon
That show is ass. Shit production, cringe acting, terrible action scenes. Americans can't into good shows anymore.
Fuck off.

Cyberpunk IS about a dark hopeless world, that's the point. It isn't some fucking high school house party with people shooting up drugs and talking about how great it is to get high, towelie.

Everyone knew Anthem would be a pile of shit and everybody knows Cyberpunk will sale well.

It's gonna be like The Witcher 3. So you are looking at a 7/10 game at least, way better than anything in the market really

The show is amazing, you just have garbage taste.

those are some sick fight scenes and great examples of cinematography right there. That's the kind of stuff western game studios try so hard to emulate but usually fail at.

>It's gonna be like The Witcher 3.

So it'll have shit controls with input delay, bad npc/enemy ai, piss easy enemies, and a clunky and shitty combat system with broken shit ruining it?

First half was good, 2nd was pure netflix garbage

Attached: bait.jpg (625x626, 33K)

Yeah it looks better than Witcher 3. That said even if it is Witcher 3 it will still be the best game to come out in X year because all new AAA games are trash.

Cyberpunk as we think we know it from the table top origins is too old to work in modern times since the parallels are unavoidable and it turns in to pure style over substance. We live in that same fucking world we think is "scifi" but it's fucking real just the sadder shitty real life rendition of it where you still have to pay your taxes and the world is still full of lazy idiots... It's just another label to be used by people with no talent who can't do something truly ground breaking so they can advertise their next copy and paste job in order to just survive and pay their data plans.

I'm like 10 seconds away from going up in yo fucking mouth.

Attached: witcherpunk.jpg (1781x2258, 1.63M)

Pre-order right now on GOG

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That's pretty gay you homo.

the irony is least witcher 3's world is dark and hopeless, unlike sunnydale california in cyberpunk 2077

>CD Project will become just like BioWare
They already are the same.

I feel like these images were made by people who don't even like cyberpunk and had no intention of buying or playing the game to begin with.

>living in poverty where you will get shot isn't a dark and hopeless setting.

This kills that Cyberpunk game.

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Oh it will be shit don't worry.

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No its not,at least not to the extent you're talking about. Its dystopian sure but its not 'dark and hopeless', thats grimdark shit. I hate to bring it up since everyone seems to in these threads but look at the neuromancer books. In Neuromancer Case survives, gets his body repaired and according to the later books even gets married and has a happily ever after. In Count Zero Turner goes off into the woods and has his own family. In Mona Lisa Overdrive...okay MLO was fucking weird but Angie and the Count end up together for however long the Aleph has left and Mona manages to con the world into thinking she's Angie so its more bittersweet than anything.

>reeee i can't play as a nazi with a maga hat ergo this game is RACIST.

even if it turns out completely buggy, with low amount of content and shit story - it still will not flop

the difference between it and anthem is - no one wanted anthem, no one cares about anything anthem. cyberpunk might be the worst game ever (which i doubt it will be) and people still will play and probably enjoy it- because it presents them things they want.

Eh, it looks ok. They are two completely different games though. Platinum has been known to shit out some real shit games in the past too. Not sure why people are approaching this with such optimism.

Wait, are you trying to imply that if you deliver games with things that people want your game sells well? Wow.

>Being this much of a bigger
Good one, faggot.

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Every fucking thread user. Can you just stop for one?

>tfw we are already living in a cyberpunk world except we don't get any of the cool shit

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I'm pretty right wing, but this image/article is fucking retarded.

Learn to pink mohawk.

Ofcourse not.
Just morons jumping on a bandwagon to shit on a game they know nothing about or care to even play.

and that's a good prediction

>can't roleplay as a role you chose because of political correctness
Yes this is a problem in an rpg

Cyberpunk isn't about a dark hopeless world at all.

>told you Anthem will flop the moment I saw the reveal trailer but you didn’t listen
Basically everyone said it would flop, because it was a destiny/warframe clone

Sure you are.
What's wrong with it?

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I can't wait for this game to BTFO Yea Forums's retarded cyberpunk contrarians and become GOTY.

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It will not matter in any shape, way or form what Cyberpunk 2077 turns out to be.
It WILL sell millions out of hype and pre orders

I shall take my leave. But have a true picture of a cyberpunk game before I go. Cyberpunk in it's purest form:

Attached: 1529099421402.jpg (1024x576, 554K)

Because it's real cyberpunk, because it looks amazing and because the combat system looks fun as hell.

We've told you to fuck off multiple times. Altered Carbon isn't cyberpunk. If you want /tg/ analogies, it's Eclipse Phase, not Cyberpunk 2020.

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Nobody cares, you anonymous shitbag.

I bet you think the Fifth Element is cyberpunk.

I can't be bothered to give a big writeup over such fluff, but off-the-bat he cries like a little bitch in regard to V looking "degenerate" and "SJW" and then gives examples of what would have better: tattooed women showing gratuitous amounts of flesh whilst have unnatural hair color. Genius.

And yes, I am; trannies and gays should be eradicated, for example

>I can't wait for this game to BTFO Yea Forums's retarded cyberpunk contrarians and become GOTY.
This, can't wait for all the seething just like in 2015 at witcher 3 because it won meaningless goty awards

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>anime shit

>no one in this thread actually read William Gibson

Why does it kill it? Looks like a very different beast. Fun but different.

>shit taste

I have though it's been years since I read the other two books in the sprawl trilogy.

Because it's actual cyberpunk.

>Real cyberpunk
I'm sorry. I don't remember when Cyberpunk involved demons popping up out of nowhere and fighting with some weird stand thing. Not saying that it doesn't look interesting, but calling it "real cyberpunk" is just silly.
>It looks amazing
The characters in the trailer looked weird. The two police characters who are the main characters or created characters looked like they had mops on their head. It's not like they looked like 2b or Bayonetta. They looked bad, dude.
Eh, didn't look any different than Platinum has done before. Looks like they just threw a cookie cutter combat engine in there.

None of this is cyberpunk.
Do you think Starwars is "cyberpunk" as well because it has flying cars and crazy technology...?

Cyberpunk is a sub-category of Science Fiction and it requires specific themes in order to qualify as such.

And so is 2077, your point?

>Because it's actual cyberpunk.

Attached: 1521961285241.webm (960x540, 2.94M)

The only thing of his I havent read is Johnny Mnemonic and thats because I want to watch the Keanu Reeves adaptation of it without getting mad about it being a shit adaptation

This looks like some cringe Kamen Rider shit.

>Say to every game it will be trash

>No matter the result just spam its trash
Lets see:
>This game will be trash
>Its released
>Critics say its a good game
>Normal people say its good

>they even do it synchronized
God damn this is anime as fuck. I love it.
Its not cyberpunk tho.

Attached: laughing madman.jpg (1079x489, 325K)

Can someone put that jabba the hut pic of the gameplay designer

Nar Shadda and the underworld levels of Coruscant are cyberpunk though. Having aliens doesn't make it not cyberpunk. Next you'll claim Unreal Tournament's setting isn't cyberpunk either.

what a wild connection to make

the fuck is this retarded power rangers shit

Not even competition.

weebs have the worst taste though

>Nar Shaddaa and the underworld levels of Coruscant are cyberpunk though
Yes. My brother. My friend.

yeah this sure doesn't look cyberpunk at all right

Attached: nar-shaddaa-player-housing-view-1.jpg (1920x1080, 512K)

Thanks for posting some not Cyberpunk, scrub. Opinion dismissed.

Trust me, I'm an Internet expert

I am not a hater against this genre, but it looks kiddy toy compared to a work such as cyberpunk

I think cyberpunk is surely overhyped, but still has soul than normal western AAA developers. They are not going to mess up as to their work just like Rockstar.

>Nar Shadda
Doesn't matter. Overall its not cyberpunk.
That's like calling Captain America flims "steampunk" just because of a few scenes you saw.
>next you'll say Unreal Tournament isn't cyberpunk
Its not you fucking moron.

You're talking about EA vs CDPR, so which one has a better rep and why? The answer is quite obvious.

preach brother

>a-are those... COLORS? KIDDIE SHIT!
2077 is literally just a bland GTA clone, for crying out loud. Grow up.

I agree, Grand Theft Auto in broad daylight sure is cyberpunk. Clean well-lit cities filled with pink haired diversity hires is the literal definition of cyberpunk.

Cyberpunk is not an aesthetic retard.

Fucking idiot. Do you think that Cyberpunk actually looks mature?

cyberpunk is sci-fi grounded in realism, it's not utopian in nature but a cynical take on world in a usually near-future setting.

>unreal tournament
>not cyberpunk
>setting about a corrupt greedy mining corporation that owns the earth and holds brutal no holds barred deathmatches between convicts and aliens for profit and to quell dissent among the populace by providing them with brutal entertainment

Cyberpunk? Mature? Gee, I wonder if a genre of science fiction set in a lawless subculture of an oppressive society dominated by computer technology qualifies as maturity.

but cyberpunk 2077 isn't cynical, cdpr said so themselves, it's gonna be about parties and drugs and rock n roll and singing and dancing in the streets

Eurojank > shitty SJW NA games

Deal with it kids.

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>Braindead morons still argue about the aesthetics of Cyberpunk because underage faggots ddint know the gerne ist Bladerunner

If you want an idea of what 2077 is going to end up as tonally go and find twodee's shadowrun storytime. It'll be mirrorshades tier.

There is a reason why the live adaptation fixed the lighting in this movie. Cyberpunk has to be dark.

Attached: gits.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

Lmao talking about kids

are you referring to that weeb shit? or cyberpunk 2077? well of course that weeb shit is not mature at all.

>comparing shit to the superior original.

That's not how you reverse-logic.

1. That's the manga.
2. The film is cyberpunk, though it's edging more towards techno-thriller I admit.

With aliens and interstellar travel and more. It takes more than large cities, megacorps or hackers to make something cyberpunk.

Cyberpunk will not flop.
Slavs dont give a shit about "advertiser friendly" product and dont cater to children. They flat out say that they make game for mature audiences
that equals sex, gore, drug use and a lot of edgy meme worthy shit
just remember how meme worthy witcher 3 was, they also introduced kind of "social" quests like hanging with your buddies or going to a wedding. I dont remember RPG games doing that kind of shit, but surely after release of witcher 3 developers started doing this (RDR2, AC:Odyssey).
The game will be slightly more SJW'd than the witcher, thats understandable, but still they know how to make beautiful characters. Just look at this bitch meredith from the 48 minute gameplay trailer.

cyberpunk is about the spirit and ambient of it, aliens dont change that

cyberpunk lives inside YOU

but the left is clearly better. the contrast of black is so good as to represent our anxiety left alone in super mega city. everything about the live-action ver was wrong.

Horse shit. If you've got intergalactic FTL travel and aliens all over the place, it's not cyberpunk anymore.

CDPR has said numerous times Cyberpunk isn't about uncovering conspiracies or changing the world, it's about coming from the bottom and making a name for yourself in a Cyberpunk dystopia.

Now show everyone how fucking god awful the rest of the series is.

Dunno about you but California is pretty fucking miserable.

Was I really the only one who thought that entire presentation looked fucking embarrassing? I fucking hate anime games so goddamn much man.

Based. I give The Witcher 3 a 4/10 too. Dark Souls, New Vegas and RDR2 10/10

It was obvious that Anthem will flop.
There was zero hype and people would periodically ask "wow, remember anthem? isn't it amazing how little hype there is?"
A turtle could have predicted it underselling and an ape could have guessed how little confidence the publisher had in it.
Cyberpunk 2077 is illegal concentrations of hype. CDPR could put a turd in a CD and people will buy it. It can't be a flop.

That's the punk part, yes. Cyberpunk will be neither Deus Ex nor Bladerunner. I know that but i don't think most of Yea Forums does. Cyberpunk is closer to Shadowrun than it is to Cybernoir(Deus Ex/Bladerunner).

looked pretty cynical to me, with the protag talking about how the city he lived in was voted the worst place to live in America, all the while walking past some businessman getting robbed in broad daylight on a train.

>Dark Souls, New Vegas and RDR2 10/10
top tier reddit taste fellow pede

P.S. Cyberpunk actually came out a year before Shadowrun so it is Shadowrun that is more like Cyberpunk.

>Cyberpunk 2077 is illegal concentrations of hype. CDPR could put a turd in a CD and people will buy it. It can't be a flop.
This, whether you tortanicfags like it or not CDPR will make their money back on pre orders alone.

Guess how we all know you are fucking retard

I don't want to be some lowlife living outside of the system. Can I be a megacorp bitch? I'd let them chip me and be a good drone if they let give me work.

It will only be "shit" in the way that Ubisoft games are "shit" from the perspective of pretentious Yea Forums users who think it's a sin to enjoy Ubisoft games

>I'd let them chip me and be a good drone
That's probably the bad ending so you might get your wish.

just move to sweden, they will chip you there and work for destroying the nation, pretty CP if you ask me

Maybe in dlc

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Bannerlord will be GOTY

as I understand it, cyberpunk is about a strange and twisted world that has diverged from the utopian ideal. Nothing in the trailer goes against that. It's not a happy world that's shown but a broken one filled with crime and corruption.

I just came back from the shops here in Finland and they had a fucking LED screen advertising Anthem. The thing is going to make such a massive fucking loss.

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>Bannerlord will be GOTY
Yes, in 2025.

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Despite what Yea Forums says I hope it will be good. One of those 1 per decade rpgs. Could be wrong though...

isnt bannerlord pretty much the same as warlords except better graphics?

>I predicted that a Bioware game would flop.


>the protag is a degenerate
worthless opinion right off the bat. Clearly doesn't understand the genre. The point isn't to show an idealistic vision of the world.

Fun fact.
78.34% of all Anons who praise OG Deus Ex have never played OG Deus Ex and only praise it because they see the rest of Yea Forums praising it.

Visually and mechanically Deus Ex has aged like milk. The sound isn't all that great anymore either.
All Deus Ex has going for it is story. But there are better cyberpunk stories in other mediums if story is all it still brings to the table.


Still looks great today


Still plays great today

Then why isn't it mainstream?

>20 yo
Go to /vr/ gramps

such a bullshit statement
I only played OG Deus Ex after Human Revolution and shortly before Mankind Divided and it was the best game in the series + one of my all time favs

>Cyberpunk experience in video game form we've ever gotten.
Objectively correct.

I have the book on my shelf. I got it before I knew about the netflix series with the bug eyed tranny. Is it any better?

Nah man, Cyberpunk will be kino.

Attached: 1542987912256.webm (1092x614, 661K)

I'll make fun of you again autismo because only shills thought Anthem would be anything better than bad.

>I was right once on a very obvious thing, therefore I will always be right on everything

Instead of saying what will flop, better tell what will be good. I see that Tortanic ruined this board as it caused people to fetishize disasters. You know, some of us actually do play video games and would like to play something once in a time instead of just hating them.
I actually gave Anthem a chance during the beta. Some parts of it were really cool like flying and graphics. Yeah, it was shit in the end due to unfun gunplay and shitty missions - but I don't regret trying it out during beta.

why is it not cyberpunk at that point any more.
>be cyberpunk society
>develop FTL travel
>stop being cyberpunk society somehow?
imo cyberpunk doesn't have to be on earth or within certain technological constraints. cyberpunk can take place at any future time as long as there are computers and cyborgs and rampant corporatism oppressing the average citizen. hell, I would even consider something cyberpunk if the average citizen is having a swell time and only a select underclass is being oppressed. I'm thinking of the slums in minority report. aren't they cyberpunk? people are having electronic eyes implanted by illegal slum surgeons, there are cool energy pulse weapons, ... I suppose it's more a totalitarian government than corporations running things, but that could be considered part of the spin on things. it still appeals to the same audience as super stereotypical cyberpunk. it's at least very closely related.

I don't see any utility in trying to keep the definition of cyberpunk as narrow as possible.

Literally this, 20 years of PC gaming experience has taught me what an unispired cluster fuck anthem gonna be and I was right too, it was easy to tell, it was basically the same chewed on formula of dragon age origins with guns in space.
But while you autists rant about the graphics in CP2077 it's easy to see CDPR's approach toward actual gameplay, style and options have not passed unnoticed, it's gonna be amazing and it's easy to see why.

>no fun tabs
why even bother

i hope they also make multiplayer down the line, holy fuck imagine driving through the city with your friends

>political assassinations
>lethal malfunctions
>corporate dealings
>weapons black market

Sometimes I think the people saying this shit simply have not watched the trailer, only based their judgement on screenshots of the game.

>one is a highly derivative game from a studio that released two previous crap games
>another looks slightly more promising and less generic from a studio that releases generally good to okay games
Gee, wonder why I feel more optimistic about the other?

>if it's not bladerunner simulator, it's bad
how fat you have to be...

i dont subscribe to your shitty left vs right worldview, but with that being said, cyberpunk 2077 looks like gta6 2030 edition con un poquito del español mixtad iin

2077's gameplay looked very been there, done that. but for a big budget game that's a good sign honestly. a conservative approach to the mechanics is advisable as it'll take forever to get an alpha version and by then so much time and budget will have been used that it will be impossible to make major changes. you need to play it safe and go with a formula you know will work okay with some superficial tweaking.

Came here to say this.

>he thinks 2030 will look like that
eh i guess i can understand, people in the 70s thought we would have flying cars and etc by 2015

Cyberpunk will succeed just because it will be huge and immersive not because its a good videogame.
And nowadays anything that has a lot of attention to detail and an immersive world is considered GOOD just look at Cuck* RDR2

ok well they could have made everyone browner to reflect 2077 but clearly they want to whitewash. they acted all high and mighty about not including brown people in the witcher but now they wont hold themselves to the same standard. the demographic in california in 2077 will be majority brown and they wont have cheesy mexican accents that are obvious patronization

Fun fact: You might be right, but I'm right too.

Deus Ex still stands pretty strong for its mechanics and reactivity to your decisions.

I liked the way first person combat had that dashing mechanic so you could dodge around and shit.

CDPR is not known for good combat mechanics but it looks like they did a good job with 2077.

ciberpunk is going to be trash
CDPR is just good at reiterating on what was done before and going to a bigger scale.
Here they are trying to do something new, tons of branching systems they are promising and it will end up flopping HARD
gameplay vid was already fucking depressing

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at first glance / in theory I like the movement. but in context it looked like a heavy case of "movement creep". the player can bounce all over the place and do crazy shit, meanwhile all the enemies are just regular guys who at best run a few steps from cover to cover. this is not good. if the player gets advanced movement then so should the NPCs. people always made fun of early AC where all the enemies were just as good at parkour as you. but imagine how boring the chases would have been if they couldn't.
>go up on roof
>you lost them
running circles around hapless opponents isn't fun.

>I told you Anthem will flop the moment I saw the reveal trailer but you didn’t listen
I'm waiting cyberpunk but come on man Anthem would have still crashed without stop acting like a retard.

hope we get special enemy types, kind of like those female assassins in half life or something
enemies that can glide, jump around the place and are melee based or something

>I told you Anthem will flop
anyone with a half functioning brain is able to know that looking at bioware's track record
nearly a decade of shit games

They are running into a buzzsaw with GTA2077.
Shitting on games is the new hotness.I hope they aren't counting on this game to be huge. If they can make a modest profit they should count their blessings.

>shitlog of a brain
Wow a totally unfunny cynical asshole, we don't have enough of those people here

>"Hey guys, every single AAA game will flop"
>Game eventually flops
>"Haha I was right! See?!"

it's barely ever done right. what i said extends beyond movement to general utility. half life is an example of good enemy design. some of them can move fast and melee you, others can shoot accurately at a distance, others have projectile attacks. as a collective the enemies match your powers. hl2 was also decent in this regard, although the gravity gun tilts the balance more heavily in the player's favor with enemies having no response. you can keep hurling objects at them and if they try the same you just catch the object and throw it right back.

>glide, jump around the place and are melee based
enemies that go for melee attacks are usually too easy to cheese. I prefer fewer but more versatile and powerful opponents. make them use their movement for defense or to flank you. the wall crawling and jumping snipers from mass effect come to mind. those were fun to fight, at least on PC. on console I found them too annoying.

> The best cyberpunk game evah.
That is a fairly low hurdle.

Calling out flops is the new dubs posting. Just because you call it for every new game doesn't mean you knew it would happen.

Why did I move here...?
I guess it was the FUCKIN' WEATHER PENDEJO!

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el ciberpunk es lo mejor videojuego en el mundó, probablemente todó del mundo...

>I told you Anthem will flop the moment I saw the reveal trailer
You were pretty slow on the uptake then retard, everyone else knew it would flop the moment it was announced.

first game I decided to preorder, I put my trust in you CDPR

Attached: gondola.jpg (800x600, 24K)

Because neo/v/ actually takes fun tabs seriously now and it would derail the entire thread when I post that pic later.

It will be just a better GTA, but nowhere near a flop.

I can't understand why people compare GTA to this. It's NOTHING like it.

>I called made a binary call and was right
>you should listen to me I am always right
>why are you so stupid and dont listen to me, some unknown faggot?

give us your personal information, then, so we can congratulate you when you are right again.

Nice buzzword faggot

i dont spend more than $100 on videogames per year..
i think the only thing from stopping me from preordering this game is my budget rules.

because cyberpunk only appears in a society turned completely inward.
if you have the possible concepts of space exploration or alien contact, society develops outwards. if people are fed up with corporations they leave for the stars, if there are actual non-humans, the question whether someone consisting of 45% metal and 55% flesh is *really* a human does not emerge, because you have the backdrop of something that is absolutely not human.

cyberpunk needs societal depression, you cant rebel against the system when the system is not all encompassing and therefore oppressing.

Because most voices you hear the loudest belong to pretty stupid people?
A modicum of intelligence prevents people from opining on things they do not know enough about, eliminating a giant swathe of possible comments from the middle ground of the IQ curve.

>a game flopped because some user said so

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>perfectly normal english word
I see one of us has a really shitty vocabulary here

are you american by any chance?

So is Half Life 2 cyberpunk to some extent?
The world is oppressed by aliens, humans are held hostage like stock, the populace is heavily controlled and monitored, as well as manipulated with poisoned water.
Only way to get a better living standard is to opt into combine police force, which means giving away a big part of your humanity (both physically and psychologically) and turning into some half-alien thing locked under a mask.

aliens make it sci fi, without the aliens it would be a perfect cyberpunk

I think Half Life 2 is borderline cyberpunk, but not cyperpunk per se.

>I told you this water will be wet
>thinks he's hot shit and he predict things

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Literally who the fuck defended Anthem?

Just like The Witcher 3 was gonna be horrible right?

Let the guy have his shitpost thread

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>this depiction of ciri
>shows mock up of ciri
>or this augmented beauty
>shows literally a second mock up of ciri

Half Life 2 is a communism analogy. If the giant CCCP sign didn't tip you off to that then I don't know what to say.

>All the characters are degenerate
>We should play as this woman who walks around naked instead
Ahh so the writer of this article is using the "Things I personally don't like" definition of degeneracy.

>Ubisoft games are "shit"
Why did you enclose "shit" in quotation marks?