ITT: scams
ITT: scams
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Yea Forums pass
>7 years later
>13% done
why is this allowed?
You can put any Kickstarter project here.
Back when people had faith in any kickstarter as long as it had important names
I remember this, is this confirmed scam?
I still believe.
Not yet but its going real slow and its been going since 2013
Some ex devs from the people who made STALKER had a project called Areal. Even kickstarter had to suspend the project so much that it was a scam kek
>tfw still remember when tumblr got scammed for 7k and literally got some fucking art and never a word again
it's not 2023 yet user
I almost contributed to this, realized they were over promising to an absurd degree and would never be able to finish. Every few years I would Google the game just to see if they were still updating, and it looks like they finally stopped updating last year.
what even happened to this
tl;dr Yogscast embezzled funds and left the game to "developers" who were exclusively animators from Dreamworks.
There was an update just a few days ago, it would seem.
Buying video games
Season Breeding
They still had a fake funding thing on their own website last year. That whole project had so many red flags it was ridicules anyone even baked it.
Patreon>kickstarter for games.
At least for porn games. prove me wrong.
>it's been so long nobody even remembers how much of a huge fucking deal it was and nobody not even game bloggers even comment on it anymore
Someone please fucking explain to me how they got away with it. I'm just amazed at how much money they siphoned from idiots and the game is nowhere near completion.
Hahaha holy shit, they're 2.5D now. Imagine all the work they must have scrapped. This is even better than them just dying. Now they get to piss off backers even more because they can't even imagine the game they wanted anymore.
People are retards. A majority of the world needs to die.
Apparently it's "not a scam" because they post an update every month saying the doors to a ship open now.
For any other studio one month would be enough to complete a level depending on complexity, anywhere from halfway to fully animate a character, or fix/re-iterate some unfinished core gameplay.
I don't see the problem with 2.5d as long as the characters remain sprites. Reminds me of Ys.
>they're 2.5D now
Now I'll be frank and say that it's kind of an interesting aestethic. Tons of neat Playstation games were built like this. But damn I can't even imagine how much work they must have scrapped because of this. Backers must be fucking pissed, especially those that backed it for the pixelart above all.
It's a cult
1:1 the whole universe isn't an easy task
I've never been burned by kikestarters, but that's because I'm not a retard. I've back LWA, Wakfu, and Hollow Knight. They all delivered.
Are we sure it's not like some giant money laundering scheme, while siphoning money from suckers while they're at it?
Seemed easy enough for Elite.
>backing anything
Investing in a product that doesn't exist never is ideal. As an investor you should accept the risk. The only scam is how you convinced yourself.
He ran out of money, during the development he had a kid, they hired a muslim guy that sexually assaulted a girl and he wrote a slander piece for not getting paid, he was also given an apartment for free which he didn't pay off. Now he has to make some small shit games in hopes of saving up enough money to continue that kikestarter scam project.
It was never going to work.
What gets me isn't that these aren't total scams. What gets me is the complete lack of accountability. The people setting up these kickstarters can just evaporate with the money. The website does nothing and does not enforce its TOS. There is no police involved, there is nothing. You just stop updating your site and you are home free forever after posting some random art to a site and tricking people into thinking you are legit.
>back game
>might unironically die before its released
You should pay attention to the crowd in the rare little gameplay previews they do
those deluded boomers are completely brainwashed beyond repair
This. People have sunk too much money into it to admit to themselves they've been scammed. Its the same shit you see with pyramid schemes and other money scams.
My friend fell for this and he is still in denial after spending around 200 bucks on this.
If the game came out but there were fake screenshots with wildlife that isn't in the final game in its promotional material, is it a scam?
Everquest Next / Everquest Next Landmark.
They got people too buy into a content creation engine, telling them it would be funding the next Everquest game. Then they said some shit about it being a game of it's own, then they canceled it after people stopped buying in.
Well, no. You got the game, just because parts of the promotional material aren't in doesn't mean it's a scam.
That one where you get an email from a Nigerian prince who needs help transferring funds.
Shell games.
It is a scam because a ton of things they promised simply were never added. It is fine if the game does not have concept art that is matching 1:1 with release. It is not fine if they promise individual storylines for each of the races, promise ship-to-ship battles, armor skills and unique weapons and give us a shell of a game that is even less fun than the early access game.
Mansion Lord
I'm just surprised no one's tried to do the concept themselves, as it's an interesting idea.
Pretty much every PC early access game that promises a ton of stuff, then after their game sells well they decide that it must be ported too console and development drastically slows down / stops outright.
I've a friend that simple take screenshots from one of those japanese sex simulators and write some shitty text bellow and make 2k monthly from patreon...pornfags really are depressing
naively left money to the developer, who mismanaged the funds and wasn't capable of developing the game anyway
It's fascinating how chucklefucks have a talent to make things worse, I downloaded the "beta" that felt more like an alpha, it was quite mediocre. Recently I downloaded the post release version, and now there are those cutscenes with awful writing that you cannot skip, it really feels like it manages to be worse.
as log as I can download them from /weg/, I don't care. let whales be whales.
>updates every 3-5 months
>new content can be knocked out in an hour or two
>"hey guys, new rules in place that bans incest. this makes it difficult going forward, but I have a plan!"
>instead of just changing dialogue like every other creator, he claims that he needs to "fix" scenes to make more sense
>more overhauls of art and text
>basically another year or two of being able to leech off monthly subs before refocusing on the shit he talked about years ago
I regret it
what's grind my gears the most is:
>patreon bans incest
>games has god tier girls to fuck
>still catering to incestfags and incestfuck only
I know goth girl will be fuckable in the next update, but I want pizza mom, more profs scenes, class rep, car dealer girl and library girl. Fuck them.
All patreon does is give incentive not to finish the game
but you can mob patreon to remove the game from existence.
It had made a lot of progress, and parts of it are currently playable.
It isn't a scam because there is a transcontinental effort to make the game, physical developer offices and a large team.
Putting together the mechanics to build a AAA universe is a herculean task.and one that AAA devs don't do. It will take awhile and most people who ponied up money understood this from the beginning.
I was never a fan of debbie and diane. you right that there's a ton of girls to go after, but he brought it back to these two slags.
library bitch and bank bitch have been in game forever, and not even a quick bj or handjob from either of them.
>tfw pledged 150$ on Godus
Only thing I felt genuinely bad about supporting. I was disppointed by both the Double Fine game and Planetary Annhilation though.
It will come out one day. Semper Games.
Well most of them arent even proper scams, it is SO EASY for someome especially out of college to make a promise and steal a bunch of money just out of negligence
As easy at it is to hate kickstarter, the only two things I've funded turned out great. La-mulana 2 and Grim Dawn
How is this one a scam?
are there kickstarter refunds when a game/project never gets finished? something like paypal protection etc?
me neither, their faces are fucking horrendous.
but No Man's Sky did it in like 2 years and with 10 people?
Shovel Knight.
>never showed any footage while giving "my dog ate my homework" tier excuses
>cancels the game
ever backed it myself or anything but it sucks that flashygoodness wasted their talent on this piece of shit.
When was the last time you heard anything about this game?
Show the project's goal you coward.How am I supposed to know the dev didn't ask for 200k and you guys only pleadged a blue-collar salary to them?
> here's your bioshock, tovarisch
but it's a scam only to company investors, not the end users
About once every month for the past 97 updates.
dumb frogposter
Could've looked it up yourself, faggot.
It was SoE’s fault as they sold the IP to random Russians who didn’t want to do anything with it
>Shenmue III Partnering with Tencent
you beat me, lmao
>invest into a kickstarter project
>demand to be informed about what’s actually going on
>get attacked by a horde of fanboys
Kickstarter pledges are practically donations. For as long as the people behind the kickstarter at least did some modicum of effort towards the project, then you can't hold them accountable. For as long as you don't have undeniable proof that they've intentionally neglected you, you've got nothing.
Kickstarter pledges are not purchases nor is it equivalent to an actual investment.
They post updates all the time, it just doesn't receive much press
Whatever happened to this?
Kickstarter works fine for TTRPGs. It pretty much started a new age for tabletop.
What's crazy is people still play og eq after this happened and its the same fucking company.
>Back The Mandate because it's been ages since we've had a great Space Opera RPG with actual ship combat
>Plenty of design work and lore
>Dies in the ass and never hear about it again
Mostly just mad the game never got mad, it had way too much promise
I backed the MLA Kikestarter and I have the physical games/OST sitting in my room. Feels good, man.
Dark Should Board Game
If you set things up right there is nothing anyone can do. You set up a corporation, make a half-assed effort at making the game, and pay yourself a ridiculous salary. Eventually the corporation tanks and there is nothing to sue. If you at least put a little effort into the project you can argue mismanagement and they won't let people pierce the corporate veil.
If you are a dumbfuck and forget to set-up a corporation, they can sue you for everything you own and it happened a few times with non-video game stuff.
There is this post of him saying 'blablabla we forgot that when you say you're gonna build and deliver a product that you have to make it and not other side projects instead' and then canceled it
Starbound is the definition of a scam. They straight up promised and even showed off things that never made it into the game in any form.
If I sell you a Porsche 911 then give you a Vauxhall Corsa when you come to pick it up, that is a scam. Even if you're still getting a car, it's a scam.
Delver's Drop
You can easily track the guy down because he's a famous book author. Did he go to jail for this?
Can I get a hug, bros? it had so much potential
Wasn't there a guy who sunk nearly 20k into the game and his wife left him?
Starbound did it before no man's sky
Fuck, this looked good
Man, was Darkest Dungeon the only successful crowd funded game?
How did Red Hook do it?
I think in a lot of cases it's less being lazy and greedy and more getting stressed out from the pressure of delivering, and several creators start expanding their game to try and deliver more to their supporters not realizing they'll never get it done with the additional workload they've given themselves.
No, there are tons of successful crowdfunded games like Original Sin and Pillars of Eternity, the difference is they had actual teams behind them rather than randos.
And the fucking rest, people have literally sunk tens of thousands into this ''''''''''game''''''''''''
one day bros....
twice in a row
Shantae was pretty good.
>But damn I can't even imagine how much work they must have scrapped because of this
Generally when making sprites they will have a 3d model they pose and draw over so I doubt they threw away much work
That thing looked like generic indie piss before, but the new Tomba look has me intrigued.
what's up with boomers and cults? it's like they're drawn to em
FTL was also a big success.
wasn't it also the original kickstarter indie game?
>for Chinese distribution
does it turn into suicide cult when developer goes bankrupt?
Daybreak is absolute CANCER and honestly deserves to die and bury every single one of the MMOs they acquired.
>T. old DDO player
>only backed Wasteland 2, Shadowrun Returns, Patherfinder Adventures, and Shenmue 3
Feels good over here.
they're going to hijack an elon musk launch in hopes of finding the promised land and end up crashing on the ocean
One of the first yeah
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA forgot about this one.
anyone remember this?
is your face in shadowrun "fuck drumpf" returns?
I spent 120 on this game and i made a toy chest model in hopes of selling it on their store. Hahaha, Thanks for reminding me about it.
a Empty void of ramdoly generated planet that were all barren.Took them years to fix and they had massive budget from aaa producer.
robaato is a known scammer
he never delivered, just read those comments.
only good thing to come out of his shit is this slut
god damn that faggot is disgusting
>Back this game
>retard dev drops it and develops an entirely new game
>didn't even give it to backers
>fuck drumpf
And still has more content than Scam Shitizen.
oof God fucking damn.
>at 25
You're kidding, this balding cunt looks at least 40
>for Ouya
you didn't play through the humanis arch? literally the most unsubtle social commentary I've ever seen in any form of media
Kickstarter games that weren't scams?
Are videogames the most frequent Kickstarters to never deliver on their promises let alone release anything?
People just need to get common sense and stop throwing money at every retard in their basement making vague promises. And no, just because they got some name from the industry supposedly doing freelance work it doesn’t mean the game will magically pull off.
Crowdfunding is virtually the only way to get niche games nowadays aside of maybe fighting games, because all AAA publishers want is watered down open world shit or the latest multiplayer trend.
>oh no this game demonstrates how a confused youth without guidance can fall into the clutches of extremists fighting for a cause he doesn't even believe in
Literally white genocide amirite
I know it predates Kickstarter, but remember when we all had such high hopes for Tuba Croc? Remember before the degenerates got a hold of it?
Sure bro, whatever floats your boat :)
Oh no, anti-KKK propaganda, what SJW cuckery is this?
Yes, especially MMOs. They’re high cost and hard to develop so I guess it’s expected
Rise to Ruins dev is quite based
$3.3 million
>last KS update october 7th 2017
>tales of game's twitter has been completely silent for almost a year
>frankiepixelshow hasn't streamed anything barkley 2 related for over 2 months
Risk of Rain, FTL, Valdis Story, Hyper Light Drifter, La-Mulana 2
>have plans for game
>realize the cost
>don't want to go to Kickstarter in fear of failure
original sin 1 and 2
You people are reading too much comic books to be honest.Humanis IS a shitty one-directional villan that's also a lazy social commentary.
>massive budget
This is not an argument here. Star citizen is loaded
holy shit lmao that can't be real, damn that guy aged like spoiled milk
That one game about necromancers.
They finished it but for some reason the main dev just went silent and fucked off never releasing it.
SRR released in 2013 and DF in 2014, it has nothing to do with trump, and humanis is like that in the TT. It’s not commentary, they’re literally retarded, hate metahumans, awakened humans, and their symbol is a fucking ear.
The same game also let’s you fund a “non-orcs fuck off” campaign and features ethnostates like the tir and aztlan and Amerindians killing all whiteoids with magic and reclaiming clay.
>Star citizen is loaded
>had to go for an investor because backer's money isn't enough
>released in 2013
>dlc in 2014
>fuck drumpf
Holy shit, I remember this! I can't remember the last time I checked up on it, though; did it ever go anywhere?
It's one of the gayest trope in sci-fi and high fantasy settings with different species.
Amateur Board Games are a stiff competition let me tell you. There are always retards who think they can be the next big D&D or Space Monopoly
>T. regular Gencon attendee
>nearly 4 years late
>STILL not even so much as a release window
It's never fucking coming out.
It's cyberpunk with hobbits innit. None of the quests are Hamlet, but they're all pretty good ham and eggers of the genre, I'm sorry if an anti-lynching bent triggers you.
found the europeans who don't know what a pre-election period is
I've never backed a Kickstarter in my life, but it single handedly brought back CRPGs and got a ton of point 'n click games out, so I'll always be grateful for it.
darkest dungeon
I can't imagine making some rules and a board to go along with it fails as frequently as something as complex as a videogame. Why do so many fail?
Literally no one knew of Trump's election promises until 2015
Everyone thought he was a fucking joke candidate you fucker
to the end users it is a jumbled mess of a game nobody on the team knows how to program or where it is actually going.
speaking about board games.
I do enjoy kick starter games based on board games.
Battletech and ShadowRun got me into /tg/.
Hopefully they'll make Malifaux into a game.
i really looked forward to this game but every time i checked it's progress i just see delays
SRR was literally developed before the 2012 elections and released less than a year later.
You're right it was all deep state Jeb propaganda.
>a muslim guy that sexually assaulted a girl
This seems like a common pattern.
>The projected release date is in the second half of 2019
We will see, i didn't back them up but i'm looking forward to this disaster.
Overwatch League. They got teams to buy in with 30 million dollars each, Blizzard scored the money and stopped supporting OW alltogether.
He still is.
>potus is a candidate
How to give an old RPG player depression.
>Somebody isn't a joke if they win.
Well yeah, he didn't stop holding rallies.
Yeah it looks great, which is why I'm mad that it's never getting finished, I'm not even a backer for fuck sake.
Well, technically it does not even qualify as scam. Its just that developers are completely utterly incompetent.
>Spoony shilled the game 24/7
>then got a chance to interview Garriot
>game releases
>it's shit and that faggot also vanished
Bonus game, Underworld Ascendant.
Also shilled by a irrelevant youtuber 24/7 then vanishes after the game turned out to be shit.
This is probably the only true scam so far. They literally straight up said they aren't making it and we are taking the money, deal with it nigger faggots.
at least it seem to be still worked on so there is still some hope
>having friends
>having friends who play Cortex Command
This is a scam? They're still updating on Steam.
Kingdom Come
daily reminder that you can buy 1000$ ships on their website :)
>that faggot also vanished
He didn't vanished, he just decided to be a twitter eceleb.
Shovel Knight
Spoony was done long before this point.
This was the closest I've ever been to backing a kikestarter game
>only 3 hours played
multiplayer update is coming soon, I was told in the discord channel
Not sure but Session looks like it isn't a scam since they stream the game pretty regularly and post updates every month. Though it sure as hell is taking a long time.
Mighty number 9 and Yooka Layle. Just because they suck doesn't mean they are a scam, but definitely another reason to avoid Kickstarter.
psn+/xbox live gold
>post yfw you are a true doom murderhead
Darkest Dungeon.
>former CM Dina going on a rant about how she should have been born a male
Whats the name of the kickstarter game where the dude bought hair implants and drugs instead of making his really shitty looking dreamcast game?
I have come to bless this thread
Yes. Some guy just released a game on Steam made from the salvaged assets of this game. It's called Heretic Operative.
It's a shame because I actually really like this game for co-op but the latest update just destroyed the FPS of both my friends who play with me so we just stopped playing it.
>tfw backed this like a lot of other people
>tfw maybe my kids will be able to play it
>tfw maybe I can play it when I'm retired
>tfw all the people hyped for it might die before release
>tfw Roberts avoids the overhype engine by letting the OG hype-beasts die before release
It's genius. GabeN is likely doing the same thing for HL3.
I remember seeing the old map concepts for the campaign that never happened. Jesus Data was a lazy faggot, he put Notch in his prime to shame.
Then there was the literal decade worth of mods that were deleted with the forum restructuring. There are mods for build 18 that I remember downloading and playing in 2008 or so that are probably lost media now. RIP
I'm glad we're getting Ouya and WiiU versions.
Falco Girgis is the god of indie gaming, delete this
The yogscast stole the money
PS5 remaster when
cancel mac and linux
I played the fuck out of this game back in middle school with my brother and probably spent close to a 1000 hours just building bases and holding off waves of enemies.
People like you are why I hate /tg/ now, fuck off.
Source? She really is a liability huh
oh jesus
Not really a scam, but very close.
The company that got the project from Playdek are very based in terms of gameplay, ost and everything but the art.
The art is SO BAD IT FUCKING HURTS, it really hurts because the game had so much fucking potential after they got it.
Just look at this shit:
And then you compare to something like:
It makes me want to vomit, like holy fuck I lost all of my will to play this game because of this garbage art.
Damn I still have promo art from this saved onto my computer because I loved the character design so much. I was wondering what happened to it.
I swear I'll fucking murder a puppy if they ever use "Inspired by Final Fantasy Tactics!", disgusting art...
I backed Shantae and La-Mulana 2 and I don't regret either of them.
Why do all these idiots try for simultaneous release for every platform under the sun?
Fuck, seems like every fuckwit can get a scholarship these days.
shit Chuck Tingle's a real person? I thought those books were written by and AI or something
Fuck, I got a scholarship, and spent college skipping class and smoking weed
Can we keep this shit floating for another decade?
2017 they stated they ran out of funds completely
as for frankie, he most likely was working for the amount they had already paid him, and now isnt working on it because they CANT pay him
its dead jim
So what happens? Do these people ever get thier money back? Does kickstarter close this out or what?
the best part is streams by background artist (arsenixc) with him thrashing that and calling retarded piece of shit main writer/idea guy
>paying his donators after getting enough money
What a champ
>literally had to be dragged from class to class by friends because I was passed out drunk
>got expelled at one point, but they took me back
>got scholarship
>drop out in final year
Get on my level.
If they were the AI had a keen sense on how to make something so retarded yet also funny.
Besides FTL and Prison Architect, what are some games that were kickstarter/early access that not only got completed, but were actually GOOD
I really really want this to be a good game.
I did not pre order this because im not an idiot, but i would be VERY upset if something bad happens to it.
Hi. I come frpm the future. Shenmue 3. Ok see ya later.
People will shit all over the answer, but Undertale. Shovel Knight as well. Minecraft was also arguably early access for a long time
Slay the Spire. Official mod support really rounded up the release nicely.
I still play at least one run daily.
>tfw it will not release in your lifetime
>get 34 score on the ACT, an aptitude and intuitive problem solving test, get full ride
>turns out my high aptitide intuition is to take the university for a ride while abusing their facilities and producing nothing
Thanks ACT
He kind of is when you think about it, pretty much every president's first term is a campaign for reelection
Freedom Planet, Bloodstained.
They released a prototype build, and it was shit.
>Shantae was mediocre
Also, the stretch goal DLCs were beyond lazy.
Doesn't this game actually have a really toxic community that attacks people for asking for refunds?
did they really think they would be able to fund a game with just 25k?
Haha too true and really quite droll if I do say so myself *tips bowler and rides away on penny-farthing*
I mean, they did release the prototype? it was kind of disingenuous, but I think they only really claimed that as a definite.
It was pretty shit though.
Fun fact is that some people propably have already
Backing a game on Kickstarter is just pre-ordering it extra early with the chance of it never coming out.
>so obscure it's not even on torrents yet
is it any good?
based and redpilled
>I was wondering what happened to it.
Backer updates every 3 or 4 months filled with feature creep and no release in sight.
The furry community got wind of it and started producing some fucked-up fanart, which scared the dev off.
A year or so ago he said on Twitter that there was still some interest in the project, but I doubt he's worked on it since.
When the game was first picking up steam, before anything really bad happened, I posted on a pcgamer article comment that I thought some of the things they were promising sounded like feature bloat that wouldn't really be doable on the budget, I got absolutely shot down and berated by the fanbase, called a shill, and that I didn't understand that it was publishers that ruin games, not feature bloat.
It's always been a toxic, defensive group, the failure of the game to deliver in the intervening years has made this even worse.
5 years and no game it sure fucking look like it
Dawg their original goal was just 5k. They had no idea what they were doing.
Damn you chef don't let it end like this...
>tales of games hasnt tweeted or anything in like 2 years
Honestly those games aren't even bad, they're just okay rip offs. Those kind of projects are unambitious by nature.
Pic unrelated, yeye.
Grim Dawn
La-Mulana 2
I think I am finally over backing Mighty Number 9.
What is happening in this gif
No you're not
>I-it's not a scam. It'll be out in 60 years, then you'll see!!
He's sticking his hand in a sodium acetate solution. He's also just acting.
He posted an update like a week ago user.
What are some Kickstarter games that drastically changed after funding FOR THE BETTER?
They will just throw more cash on it to stop it from going bankrupt
it is common, thats why mudshits and jewshits must be exterminated
but also trannies and niggers must be killed
God that game fucking sucked! I kickstarted it, because I love the idea of largely scoped games, but it had terrible gameplay, looked like absolute shit, and ran like hot diarrhea. I've backed games that outright didn't release that I felt better for funding, just absolutely terrible.
>Here's 1/4 of your game bro
>also none of the characters in our promotional material are in the game
Shovel Knight's DLCs?
I bought it for like £10 during steam sale and even that felt like too fucking much. Fuck them
a hat in time
Shovel Knight
>Grim Dawn
i didn't know they started on kickstarter, the game is even receiving a new expansion soon
The worst part of this was the complete lack of accountability on the part of yogventure, during the campaign they had no issue throwing their name all over the project, when it went south it was all of a sudden an "external project" that only used their brand, completely distancing themselves from essentially scamming people.
I will give them a little credit in that they offered a key to another game to backers, but it was still pretty shitty, they should have outright claimed culpability and apologized.
>when the goyim finally realize it's a scam
>Giving a man that took months to drag a couple of drawings across the screen in dreamweaver hundreds of thousands of dollars
>i didn't know they started on kickstarter
They didn't, kickstarter was to get additional founds after their own crowdfunding campaign.
KS shrugs and says "too bad". There's nothing legally requiring the donated parties to actually finish anything. But hey, at least people who haven't finished their KS projects can't start up another one. That's *something*.
>1.4 million for an RTS
What timeline did these people snow in from?
Because unity makes that pretty easy to do, and it looks impressive.
CrossCode (although it was IndieGoGo)
Assault Android Cactus
I think Volgar The Viking was kickstarted
Basically, if the game is good you probably wouldn't know that it was kickstarted. Crowdfunding always get shat on and people unironically believe that there are only huge successes and huge failures when there are shitload of projects in between.
They did the same for the Vita and Wii U, so only irrelevant platforms got the axe.
Darkest Dungeon
Hyper Light Drifter
Hollow Knight
To be fair, it's not like Hussie was going to work on the game itself, and even having a game at all at this point is a wonder after his gigantic fuck-up.
Hyperlight is mixed, they over promised and never cane through
Morons that doesn't know what estimated means.
Their original campaign raised $2.2 mil so they thought it would be incredibly easy to get $1.4 million on their next project. Idiots didn't realise that they were pissing off the majority of their original backers so even after like 3 weeks they had only raised $384k
Yeah I'm surprised anything released at all
>Hyper Light Drifter
He said good user, HLD is fucking shit with focus on aesthetics and a barebones metroidvania
Any Kickstarter/Patreon MMO. Those shits are legit scams praying on gullible and sad people hoping to find the next big thing. Current gen MMOs are one of the most expensive genres to make currently and lots of game development aspects of it are very niche in this entire game industry. That's why the only companies actually releasing full successful MMOs today are one of the biggest publishers in the world as they have the pre-requisite funds and already hired the most highly qualified MMO developers they can find (Activision, Square Enix, Tencent, NC Soft)
>He actually believes Barkley 2 is ever coming out
They're confirmed out of money for more than a year now, it's never happening and nobody is working on it
>a stretch goal ends up being a better game than the original kickstarter project
I backed this in 2012, and it's still not out. There was a demo years ago? They still update, but frankly I don't really check or use kickstarter anymore.
I did laugh at her comment about people accusing her of having slept her way into an entry level job. People really did over-estimate how valuable a freaking CM was, although she was fucking terrible at it.
But getting mad at her friends for forwarding her entry level positions... I mean, if that's all you're qualified for? She says herself, her only experience is as a CM.
>homosuck fags thinking homosuck is good enough to be made into a game
but that's not really a big budget for games
>almost 10k positive reviews on Steam
What ever you say, Jack. You're the master race.
Sometimes I think there is a sunk cost fallacy these devs are facing, where the game is never going to be finished but they don't want to release what material was created on the off chance they can resume production. At a certain point, they really should make a definitive cancellation and release the content they did complete to the fans.
>making assumptions this big
>not realizing I just make fun of morons
Jeez, so what? it's a kickstarter, the Project were never guaranteed to be done, nor were you never guaranteed a copy of it.
>tfw have time and money to make a game
>don't know shit about making them
Where do I start?
Heart Forth Alicia
Last real update was Sept 2016 saying a new demo was pushed back. Dev claimed he's having health issues. He just live streams every week but its just him playing with some pixel art, no coding or seemingly any REAL work on the game.
Got $230k of 60k goal on Kickstarter. Seems like he is just riding out that money as long as he can. Shame because the game looked solid.
At that rate most of us will be dead by the time the game is finished.
1mil isn't a big budget for a game, ofc you don't know that because you're on fucking Yea Forums
They could definetly just be honest when a project is canned, but they have no obligation to deliver unfinished stuff to "fans", Kickstarters aren't preorders.
I was unironically looking forward to this no of course I didn't back it
Obligation? No, but it would be a nice gesture, there is no point sitting on a dead project, and if people have donated money it would be the right thing to do.
This meme is getting tiresome.
maybe it would, but there is no "right thing to do" here, if anything the "fans" would just complain they delivered an unfinished Product, and why give it away when you can sit on it incase they can secure funding for it in the future, there is no reason to just give away hard work like that just because some people donated to allow them to work on it.
He makes less than $36k a year, lol
>>Product, and why give it away when you can sit on it incase they can secure funding for it in the future
Yeah, sunk cost fallacy, I addressed that, at a certain point that idea is just not tenable.
Hyper Light Drifer ain't even a metroidvania, there are no areas locked behind items, you just get stronger as you defeat enemies and unlock stronger abilities/more life.
It's sad because it's true.
Good news, bad things already happened!
He does work on the game though, and it's in a playable state. I've never been clear why people have such a hate boner for this guy, everyone wants him to put on other devs, make this giant business, but to me it always felt like he was selling a very niche, slow build passion project, people honestly just expect way too much.
What gets me is how either the devs themselves can't fucking stop themselves from promising outright feature bloat and how idiots can keep falling down that rabbit hole.
SC is just the easiest example of such a problem. Then, people (/devs) seem ton conflate visuals with gameplay. If something looks good, it'll be fun to play. Following that, the devs blow all their money on trying to melt the best PCs five years from now just to render a single ship.
Imagine if you actually wanted to put out a space game that let you do almost everything you wanted, while still running 99% of the time on n-body physics. Visuals can be damned, I could play a good space game that did its best keeping the poly count low. It's not fucking difficult, and it lets everything run smoother. All you need to make a game universe is, DEMONSTRABLY, a fucking Russian basement dweller. Everything else is just frosting.
Lol you can buy 15k ships
About the meme being tiresome? Yeah, shame it gets spammed so much by brainlets.
It's really hard to screw up a point-and-click
It wasn't a failure though. Simon got his Jaffa Cakes.
>It plays like the best parts of A Link to the Past and Diablo, evolved: lightning fast combat, more mobility, an array of tactical options, more numerous and intelligent enemies, and a larger world with a twisted past to do it all in.
No idea what LTTP this faggot dev played cos it definitely doesn't play like it.
But episode 2 is on the way
First buy a noose.
No. The fact Bloodstained being shit.
How's it shit?
It was a decent game and definitely amazing if we're talking about an indie game that was kickstarted by amateurs
toejam and earl finally coming out next month after five fucking years
Definitely still being worked on, and has a full trailer, and is in alpha, so no.
>spend 2 days playing this shit with gf
>she works as a model and has very little time for bullshit but loves anything with me
>build a house and do romantic shit together
>mfw really special moments over a zombie game with a hottie
>game updates a week later
>previous saves don't work
>earlier in the week had a small altercation over flight plans and she planned to spend this weekend playing it again
>thinking how the fuck I'm gonna explain the saves, that are on my pc, don't work
I'm completely fucked
It's a big budget for beggars that use crowdfunding.
If they are a big enough studio to warrent a big budget then why didn't they just get a publisher instead.
Mate he's on a pace of one rival every four years. He stalls for patreonbux by adding jank mechanics whenever something popular comes out (hitman, persona, endless memes), and the game still runs like shit.
He was given a competent programmer to untangle the spaghetti, and he just sperged out. He is a vile greedy egoist, plain and simple.
You'd better stop supporting him and save yourself the pain. It's never too late user.
>He's still getting 3k per month to do spaghetti code and post a video a month
they were using rpg maker and apparently started to run into huge engine problems where they couldn't just make the game as they wanted using the engine. Basically the same old story of spaghetti code you hear all the time where eventually they hit a point where a cascade of bugs happen and fixing it will take months and months (if its even possible). Now the devs work on it part time and franky does art every once in a while.
This Is The Police, Orphan, STRAFE
Sperged out? in what way? I have to admit, I don't know the whole story, anyone want to do a greentext?
>one of the very few remakes that is actually 1:1 to the original and the demo released was perfect other than bloom shit
>trashed the whole development in favor of switching engine and pandering to consoles
>then tries to get a publisher for said console release
>gets fucked by the publisher as they bail due to the nature of the game being more of a reboot than a remake since they're taking liberties
>loses almost all the kickstarter money in the process and a fuckton of progress
Nowadays they're trying to beg to the PC crowd to come back and ask for forgiveness as they use their own money to develop it and scrapped the whole reboot idea. Fucking idiots
You're on Yea Forums too.
1 mil is modest but possible. Do the math. Assuming you have a team of 15 people on a base yearly salary of 50k, which is more than min wage in the US, minus the healthcare and other minor fees, 1 year of development from 1 million is completely possible for an rts.
>promises a classic FPS game
>releases something NOWHERE a classic FPS game
>bitches and moans on Yea Forums when everyone celebrated its flop
Yeah no
It looks and plays worse than a five years old art project made by 3 Chilean guys.
the one where the woman making it was told by the sun to stop
Here's a screenshot of the recent Shitstained trailer in comparison.
>was told by the sun to stop
What's the big deal?
If you had to choose between being honest, staying poor and being a nobody
making a shit ton of money from IDIOTS and getting away with it legally with the only negative outcome being neckbeards on mongolian basket weaving forums shit talking you
All of you retards would choose the 2nd option, key-word being WOULD, but you don't so keep typing your angst and being a nobody
>game doesn't have the gaming """journalism""" business sucking it off when it updates
>bro it's a scam
Please snap your own neck you fucking nigger,
That was a board game, right? What was the name?
>"All this time mediocre men keep climbing, bettering themselves with every position. The wool is pulled from my eyes and I realize it was never about how hard I worked or how skilled I was. It will never be."
>then you look at her art
It looks fine and plays like the DS Castlekino games AKA great. Nice try, shitposter.
Normies get out
I bought a book and only the cover was reallly interesting
Ive been following for several years now, I remember that like a year and half(maybe more) he was like "this is my schedule, guys, if everything goes correctly, then we will have a proper demo with Osana as your target playable this month" and then went on to say the same thing the month after that, and the next, and the next, and the next, and I stopped following him because every new video is about something he is planning and not the main thing he said he was going to do, which leads me to ask, is Osana out yet?
It looks "better" which is still not great, no comments on the gameplay, but im hoping great things, the Castlevania Sorrow duology was great and I want more of that.
Why is the lighting and detail so ass for like 75% of the levels? The quality is all over the place.
Kaiju Combat. Fuck Duncan and fuck furries.
Reminder you can still buy this on Steam for some fucking reason even though they abandoned it in 2014
He went to tinybuild who sent him a programmer to clean up and optimize the game.
He claims that he didn't like how the programmer changed (aka improved) his code and made it harder for him to read, so he fired the programmer and cut ties with tinybuild.
Others say he was impossible to work with and tinybuild dropped him.
Pic unrelated.
It's not shit, is just that ''Soul/soulles'' memers shit on Bloodstaiened because is not fully made with rehashed 2D sprites all over again, like Symphony of the Night and every IGAvania that came out after.
Hi fellow retail wagie
If you look up their released financials they literally used like $50-100 million dollars each year, even though they raised like $200+ million they only had like $20 million left in the bank. They've been sinking it into inflated dev salaries
>looks fine
Doesn't like look like it plays like the DS ones. More like Sotn though even slower than that and combat was one of the weaker parts of sotn.
I'd buy one, but I don't want to fuck around with bitcoin
I think it would've turned out okay if the first devs hadn't literally scammed Hussie. Everything else that went wrong is entirely on him, though.
Please just go work on the game you fuck, I need my CyberDwarf
Spreading awareness of scams isn't going to make scams from happening or the morons from getting scammed.
Just post the link to any crowdfunding site.
>Doesn't like look like it plays like the DS ones.
How? Combat's pretty much exactly DoS and PoR.
>More like Sotn though even slower
What? It used to be the exact same speed, but they sped it up since.
FTL was a kickstarter.
>Everything else
He hired literally whos several states away from his house
I'm surprised that no one had mentioned this gem.
decently capable artist
you ever found yourself going through the motions just to see more of the same in their game? the progression bar? that's literally it, the art is the hook, everything else is subordinate
and the game designers have no fucking clue how to hook their own audience without the only gimmick they have, we had so many threads deconstructing their stupidity almost every patch in vg
But the game was finished, they only needed money for marketing from what I remember.
I thought it was music. Either way, mostly done game that just needed monies for one more thing.
Bully hunters.
Now she's gonna leave you for Tyrone with the PS4 version. Cloud saves save saves
i may not be recalling the story correctly but basically this is how i remember it:
>yandere dev is given a competent programmer to help development
>said developer tells everyone his code is pretty much hot garbage
>yandere dev freaks the hell out because someone said bad things about how he's a shit developer
idr what happened next
The narrator and the writing in his lines helps, too. Curious is the trapmaker's art.
We can only hope
Have to play devils advocate here, for a hired worker to publicly insult your work is insanely unprofessional on there part, if I was in that situation I'd have probably fired them too.
Got the order backwards there. Evaxephon is unable to comprehend things like cases and switches, so he freaked out when he saw his nested-20-deep if-elseif monstrosities were gone. Fans went what programmer why did you get booted and he spilled the beans.
It was dumb to remake SS1. I played it recently for the first time, enjoyed it but the geometry is hard to adapt to modern gaming standards. I know they were originally supposed to make a spinoff or whatever, but they ran out of money. They shouldve kept making a game similar to SS1 that takes place elsewhere and follows SS1's footsteps, while the SS3 follows SS2 or the evolution of 2.
>but he brought it back to these two slags.
patreon vote on who gets content.
Hyperlight is fucking awesome, I don't know what you're talking about.
Yes, and the dev ignores the vote results.
Bad PR move, flip the script on them and let them publicly show what can be done better, most of the time people who do that have no idea or adequate skill to back their words and if they prove to be capable you end up with a good product regardless. Easy on paper, difficult on practice, especially with huge egos.
I believe they added a bunch of shit with the money they got. Like races and more content.
No. Sorry. That was me cherry picking. Have this one instead.
>ever expecting gamingw to deliver on a schedule
ITT: fags that hopped on the train late
Partially funded, which means the game would be made in either way. Good game but still a KS scam.
Kickstarter is better for board games. I’ve never had a board game not be delivered. Some of em were disappointing, but they always existed. There also were a lot of really good ones.
This. Imagine you, yes you, right now, you're a game dev, but you're still you. Would you deliver something on time? You probably don't even go to bed a normal hours and barely get out of it too. Don't expect shit.
He was incompetent as fuck and hired some friends or whatever to make the game with no sort of contract binding them to not wasting the money
Kickstarter people got the game for cheaper and because of them, there’s a bunch of free DLC that wouldn’t have existed otherwise.
You can buy Pass with Paypal now.
>so he freaked out when he saw his nested-20-deep if-elseif monstrosities were gone
how did they substitute those?
The way I see it is:
What isn't Hussie's fault:
>Getting scammed by those Bard's Tale cunts
>His dad dying
What is Hussie's fault:
>Hiring a studio that's several states away from you, and then having to move to that state, and then move back when the whole thing fucking collapses
>Farming out script duties in a series to a bunch of unfunny zero-talent hacks in a series that's built on a singular person's style of writing/humour
>Total radio silence on anything that isn't a SBaHJ book co-written with Ryan North and Dril
>Not giving us a fucking Midnight Crew series you goddamn fucking hack fraud cunt
It's telling that the best HS related content to come out in years is the dude that makes those 3D porn renders.
>Doesn't like look like it plays like the DS ones.
Not him but it's practically a third Sorrow game. With the exact same movement and attacks, old game mechanics, but with additions and expanded features that you'd expect from a sequel of the franchise.
Everyone says SotN, but it's clear as day that the most similar games are Aria and Dawn.
Someday I will have the time and money to waste on a complete Kingdom Death: Monster set. I'll never have the friends, though.
What's the full story on this? Didn't the dev's wife get cancer and he dropped the game out of despair or something?
Elite was a dozen ships and a hangar.
>even slower
Why do people always say this? Are you blind or have you simply never actually played any of the games?
Anyone have that txt of MikeZ criticizing Evaxephons garbage fighting game and him sperging out?
Also when the fuck does Indivisible come out
requesting the knight buying 30 gallons of gasoline
The DLC was really underwhelming, so the only thing it did was take away development time from the sequel. Thanks KS backers...
I was referring to elite dangerous lol not the game from the ancient times. My b for not being specific tho
>Official mod support
It's literally just fanmade mod support made official. Not complaining though, developers keeping consistent weekly updates for a year was really impressive.
it's all fun and games until this batshit crazy broad finally snaps and burns her house down with all her relatives in it
I expect star citizen backers to actually start killing them selves when Roberts shuts up shop and admits his game is never going to be released, but I don’t think it will happen as long as he still has
Some idiot pay pigs
>The DLC was really underwhelming,
On what fucking planet? You're aware we're talking about Shovel Knight here, right?
>all those pregnant doggy Jade pictures
Atleast something good came out of the entire shitshow
"Left money with the developer, it's their fault!"
Like a month after they got their developer money the Yogscast got an office.
Really gets the noggin joggin.
I'm surprised no one posted this. It's really a master class of how to string along a ton of people and not knowing when to stop.
you will cringe at yourself in the future for believing the scam bro, it started to get really obvious circa 2016, now it's just absurd.
I'm just imagining the kind of talk roberts had with the team when they did that trailer with the sand worm, He just stole that shit straight out of Dune, never to be taken seriously, just for the effect at the end to sparkle your imagination, they never even worked on these worms, he flat out lied about it selling you hopes and dreams.
>tfw the kickstarter also ruined the comic
I like his Rose and Vriska the best, but I concur.
>Assets: Not implemented American sign language annimations 1
>Mechanics: Not implemented Holo Chess 1 2
What the fuck
> NPCs: Not implemented Cleaning and Mopping 1 2
No wonder this is taking forever
Something that included functions and sanity. Original code was a single block that was ran once per frame.
>only 2 results
Stupid motherfucking baka, THE PROMISE HAS BEEN MADE
Yesterday ?
Here you go.
>Also when the fuck does Indivisible come out
First half of this year, during new year they said the game's in alpha now, basically meaning you can play it from beginning to end but there's still art assets to finish and bugs to fix.
He's not a scammer, he's clearly passionate about the project and wants to see it finished.
He's just incompetent as fuck and incapable of receiving criticism
>13% completed
I don't think Yandere Simulator has had a kickstarter.
It’s in dev hell and it has no direction according to insiders
>pitched a game with almost no concrete ideas
>got tons of money because yogscast was crazy popular
>handed it to a developer without anywhere near the necessary skill or experience
>vague pitch led to unmanageable scope and they quickly ran out of money
it was supposed to have one in 2014
I believe in Chef Boyardee.
What!? Since when and where?
there's a whole conversation about it going on you nonce
>Mighty n.9
>not even bad
Did you even play the game or have you ever played a megaman game before?
you shouldnt. the money ran out.
I'm one of few people left without a hate boner for this guy but it's so incredibly frustrating to see one poor decision after another. I actually went back and rewatched every single video because I wanted to make a video about it (which I didn't do because I realized the comments would be a drama shitshow) but the picture I got was genuinely one of incompetence, not malice.
It took THREE FUCKING YEARS for him to realize maintaining a twice-a-month update schedule is a fucking terrible idea. 2017 was so full of filler videos because he had instilled an expectation of regular updates in the audience. In early 2018 he seemed to finally learn his lesson and only update when he had something to say, but then he proceeded to misunderstand his fanbase like an idiot again and start a whole new wave of drama.
I still feel like this could all be made right IF the game is released because it has some solid design ideas, but fuck man. It's just painful to watch.
>Something that included functions
i though it was more complex things like patterns and classes, dividing a long block into functions is just a basic thing to make the code more readable
wait what? explain
Okay, so stardew valley was winding down and rune factory looked like it was dead forever. Then all of a sudden this pops up. It's a harvest moon/rune factory clone that actually looks really good from the teaser they showed. Their presentation was so well done that it looked like they had a ton of the game functional and completed and it would be done with just a little more time.
So they get funded on Kickstarter and they deliver a ton of these really well done art pieces and content updates that look really promising, then hard silence for a bit. All of a sudden steam keys go out for an early access of the game and everyone got hype.
The demo was a genuine pile of filth. Controls barely worked, the time system was broken, events ran on the calendar (which turned a cozy farming game into2 an anxiety trip since the story forced you out of relaxing to deal with garbage), the npcs were either broken or had max 2 lines, and the map was stupidly small, all this on top of random crashing.
So people complain, and the devs basically say it's fine, it'll all be fixed. Then radio silence for 6-8 months. Then an announcement that the game will be episodic (episodic farming game, my fucking sides) and they will Kickstart the rest separately. Then after some investigating people realized they sold the project to a new company, and then it got buried forever.
but the scope of this game is way bigger and apparently its been full spaghetti'd. there's no money and the code is so fucked that most of it is unusable and untangling it would take ages
why does Kickstarter even allow the creators to run with the money?
Chuck Tingle is Zoe Quinn.
read the linked article???
I did, there's a difference between bad and just an okay ripoff.
Come on now. He's dragging it out for as long as possible.
I can't draw but take my low effort edit instead
jesus. fuck kickstarter.
Just go look at the discussions on its steam page, that's all you gotta see.
There's no actual gameplay, the entire trailer was a pre-baked render.
time traveler confirms this thread will never 404
I've heard some people say it's good for storytimes but i can't think of any other uses
never realised there was something as "too white"
Found the idiots who doesn't know how the industry even works on a basic level.
>game is coming out a few years late
>"SCAM!" despite the fact that it's coming out someday.
I feel like Psychonauts 2 is too little too late.
I feel like if this was 2011/2012, there would be more excitement for this, but in 2019/2020, I doubt anyone really cares other than diehards.
I haven't been keeping up with this, what's been going on behind the scenes?
>7 years and nothing to show for it
lolokay, I guess I shouldn't complain for another 10
What? The base game has been out for years along with a ton of free DLC. They’ve delivered.
miyamoto once said bad game soon no, good game late yes
take time make game no good if you make it rush
Most of the team took the money and left (like the fucking cazzies they are) and are left with a couple of programmers who have no idea what to do with the game, both design and gameplay wise.
Neither do you.
Yeah. Such a simple thing made the code UNreadable to our dear friend YandereDev and he threw a shitfit. Dude's living in some kind of reverse world.
i'm more hyped by this than bloodstained desu
It's produced a cult that tries to shit on every other melee game, so it's a success in my mind.
Shame about them running out of money in 2017, the game is never coming out.
This game was fucking shilled on Yea Forums and 7 years without nothing to show for it other than streams, which have gone silent.
What they showed looked lackluster and such departure from the original game. Shut up and Jam 2 will never come out, I feel like that is certain.
there's no money left dude
>paid EA
>paid release
>goes F2P as soon as playerbase dries up (i.e. after 2 months)
>stop updating the game after like 4 months
>1 year of zero content only to announce a Battle Royale mode
>which isn't a mode anymore but a paid EA game
>where your unlocked champions don't carry over, gotta pay another 20 bucks
>finally release some new skins at least
>... which you can't buy with your massive stash of shards, pay up goy only 30$ for 5 skins
>Oh and we're also doing battle pass now, pay up goy
>FINALLY a BIG UPDATE to the original game, one of its most prominent features being a slight increase in movement speed
I can't believe how fucking scummy this dev team has been. They had a legit great game on their hands and their esports wasn't even that bad before it got canceled after a few months. Just had to supply some decent content and add a bit of variety and they'd have a great game. Now they're stuck with 2 dead games and they're doing their best to nickel and dime their already almost dead playerbase even more
so uh, who wanna make a game? seems like we could make some good money
Most dislike him for really dumb reasons, but there are some legit reasons to dislike him.
He's frankly a pretty bad programmer and it's obvious this is his first ever game project.
He's also just creepy as hell.
Jesus, what a shame, the concept was pretty nice.
FYI, the creator comes here and used to shill it on For Honor threads saying its better. I mean FH is shit, but that's a scummy move
Was there any chance that a guy making "Yandere Simulator" wouldn't be a creep though? feels like it comes with the territory.
This game started out good, carrying over the tribal aesthetic from Bloodline Champions. Then they hired some SJW bitch to redo the entire design into a shitty, bland, Overwatch-inspired, streamlined piece of trash. Then they made that SJW bitch the lead designer, and they haven't released a good champion since.
Bloodline Champions was great and superior to battlerite in every way.
console online subscription overall is a scam
Is this a porn game?
Eh. Dude had a bit of a reputation even before starting this thing. Even if he made the wholesomest game in the world folks here would still shit on him and his creepiness, and for good reason.