Why the fuck the whole script feels like it was written for insecure incels?

Why the fuck the whole script feels like it was written for insecure incels?
>you're the best pilot in the world Trigger!
>you're amazing Trigger
>I love you trigger
>you're my hero Trigger
>haha you're so superior to me Trigger!
>I want your babies Trigger! please cum inside me.
>take me Trigger!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Can't wait to tell my son how much of a faggot OP is.

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video games are for incels.

>Can't wait to tell my son how amazing OP is because he is just Trigger as avatar, which means that Trigger is in fact him and he's just amazing human being and how loved by everyone he is


I have to admit this self inserting shit is one of the very few things I hate about Ace Combat.
A real MC with real qualities and flaws would have been much better every single times.
Even Zero started to annoys me after replaying it for the nth time
>be an absolute scum and kill EVERYONE, mercenary route, destroying windmills with lasers
>reporter still talk as if Cipher was some sort of hero or something

I wish Pixy actually died in the mercenary route.

I put 3 strikes on the back of my moms car so people know what a hard motherfucker I am

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>Well I guess you actually finished this incredibly hard mission against drones in terribly unfavorable conditions and even stood up to the enemy's dreaded ace pilot BUT REMEMBER YOU'RE ALL SCUM AND I HOPE YOU ALL DIE GRRRR I'M SO EVIL YOU'RE GOING INTO SOLITARY CONFINEMENT WHEN YOU GET BACK

it's so embarrasingly bad

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why does it feel that you are a brain damaged retard?

Can't wait to tell my wife's son

I just write them off as a facebook-tier, CNN watching normie whenever I hear that word.

As far as he knows, you killed the fucking president and are one of a bunch of literal criminal pilots intentionally sent into shitty conditions so nobody of actual value dies in them, why should he respect you?

t. shit writing fans

because they are the best pilots in the army and they are winning them the war

no video game has good writing
you're looking at the wrong medium

But it's literally true : The rest of the pilotes are useless.

because they have artificially nerfed attacks

Because it was a fucking accident? Why is he even in jail?

So you're thinking it's possible that the best pilot who's single-handedly winning the war should get some praise, right?

it's just so over-exaggerated. it's children's cartoon tier writing

I had the feeling that by the end it was much easier to shoot down enemy aircraft. was it game making it easier to make you feel like a god or it was me gitting gud?

Because at any given time you could kill him on your way back home. Because the evidence against Trigger was inconclusive and because aside from Trigger the people are in for minor shit like fraud, and because even if none of this was true, people in general simply don't act like mustache twirling cartoon villains. I can't even believe some mental midget is defending this shit.

its you acquiring skills

>Because at any given time you could kill him
actually you couldn't. he could just lock your weapons

You aim your plane at the building and then eject. No weapons needed.

>the people are in for minor shit like fraud
and murder

And then you get lit the fuck up by the guards as you slowly float down to earth with your parachute. Wow, great job.

Is TLS any good in this game? It looks cool but i'm clueless as to what i'm supposed to use this thing for.

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Playing through 5 at the moment, how is this guy such a chad?

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Its for fun.

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>prison is right next to the sea
Wow, great job. Not to even mention these people are practically sentenced to death anyway. They go from suicide mission to suicide mission and come home to get treated worse than dogs inbetween. It's not so far fetched to think one of them would even go down the suicide route if it meant killing the object of his hate.

It's good for being lazy in MP. You spawn, you burn people dogfighting from miles away. If someone kills you it's okay, you just respawn and burn more people.
I got all the level emblems with it because I was too lazy to use weapons that needed effort.

It's like a weaker, more continuous rail gun. Pulse lasers are better for taking shit out quick, and the rail gun is better for inflicting heavy damage.

TLS isn't bad, it's more a middle step between the two.

Probably the best side character not named Pixy in the series. Spare Squadron's banter and laidback attitude reminds me a lot of him, which is why I really liked that stretch of AC7.

It's a video game where people pilot planes that carry hundreds of missiles and are capable of wiping out entire fleets. It's not that serious.

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>>prison is right next to the sea
What is this supposed to prove?

TLS is the best sniper weapon. Landing EML or pulse shots at long ranges is really hard unless the enemy is coming directly at you. TLS hits instantly so it's very simple even at max range.

That saying he'd "float down to earth" or be anywhere in gunshot range of the guards on his way down is foolish.

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>. Landing EML or pulse shots at long ranges is really hard unless the enemy is coming directly at you.
just learn to lead the target, use yaw, slap on the hitbox enhancing part if you got it, go to town.
if anything, trying to land shots in a close range circlejerk is harder, because you're constantly bleeding speed and opening yourself up to getting sniped.

all ac games are like that except for ac 3 japnaese version. stories dont matte that much. so they do like that like NES games.


The illustration of yourself is rather redundant at this point, but a nice gesture anyway.

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Yeah, except EML travels slowly enough in this that people can dodge it if you're firing at long range. Unless you can read minds and tell where people will be then aiming it is hard. If they're actively dodging you (go on, hit someone barrel rolling) then it's nearly impossible.

My issue with this game is there's too many fucking Sukhoi planes, jesus christ. We could have had some other really cool planes instead but the devs wanted to add a bunch of goddamn variants of the same Russian Slavshit plane.

>"Thunderhead, this is Razgriz 3, roger that!"
His VA did a damn good job for such a niche title. Too bad you never meet up with Thunderhead afterwards.

Not him but I disagree, the hitbox is really huge even at longe range.
I didn't try TLS on AC7, is it OP like it was in AC Zero?

I know this is a bait thread, but this is why I honestly liked 6's atmosphere the most. The entire air force felt like a well-trained machine rather than a bunch of retards sucking you off because you're the only one who knows how to tie your boots in the morning. Better banter, allied planes felt like they actually mattered, and being considered the best of the best among them felt more meaningful. Shame the story was crap.

Well, what else has Russia come out with? The only good plane that Europe has come out with is the Tornado.

Is this your first AC game?

most MP players don't seem to realize this, so its a moot point. i've gotten enough MVPs with EML just by staying out of the furballs and sniping people rushing in to the center to know that long distance EML shooting is totally viable.

No. The laser in 5 and 0 were OP as fuck. Pretty much anything you touched would die instantly. Not the case with in 7.

Honestly, it feels less like cheating when you use it, which is a good thing. I'm all for OP shit, but you can't just have a stream of it. The rail gun is much more suitable to that kind of power.

I don't think he's even done more vidya stuff since. It sucks, he's so good.

> The only good plane that Europe has come out with is the Tornado.

The Tornado would have been nicer actually.

It's Kojima level anime drivel alright. It nothing new and has always been like that.


He has, looking at his IMDB page.


>if you see a plane with 3 stripes count to three and the enemy's gone

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It's a lot weaker now. You need to hold it on target for a second or two instead of just touching someone once to instantly kill them.
Well, regardless, TLS is still a lot easier to use since you don't need to lead at all. It's also better for hanging back and sniping since you can kill multiple enemies per shot instead of needing to reload after every kill.

yeah, the issue with TLS and PLSL is that they're completely negated against targets in or behind cloud cover.

>reporter still talk as if Cipher was some sort of hero or something
doesn't happen
both narrator and the interviewees think you are some sort of maniacal demon (hence the name) who lost in history, not a hero

That's only really relevant on valley night. Valley night makes it really fucking hard though, yeah. Not only are there clouds everywhere but the wind makes precise aiming incredibly hard too. Definitely use a different special there.

At that point no one knew drones that look like an F/A-18 that can spoof the IFF existed. Also (You) happened to be the closest guy when that transport got shot.

They come to realize that later and made the 444 an official unit.

anchorhead bay can be a bitch too, since there's a nice thick layer of cloud across the center of the map where players can just slip into at any time.

I thought that the hacked satellite changed the target to the Pres as you fired?

and it seems like from the outset people doubted trigger actually killed harling, since mckinsey talks about how the general staff office reopened their case in transfer orders.

They only cared about Trigger and Count. Everyone else in 444 got shipped off to that island to die.

It wasn't really a problem in AC5 and 0, since you had to finish the game multiple times to unlock it.

AC has always been about extreme player enpowerment

I managed to S-rank Faceless Soldier both on Hard and Ace. It's by far the hardest mission in the series.

I even feel like they added more wind in the Ace difficulty to fuck you even harder

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>''accidentally'' blow up a few refugee camps and convoys

Haha whoops.

fuck refugees

The general in the escort mission explicitly said they planned to kill him using drones with fake IFF.
I'm not sure what they planned to do Harling hadn't been hiding behind enemy lines needing a rescue, since it'd be incredibly obvious something was up if a random plane that never talked to anyone just flew up and murdered him outside a huge chaotic battle. Kinda strange.

>All books have good writing

Is there a more cucked squad than SOL?
>Your leader has a flying fetish
>Your next-in-line gets killed by a fucking drone coded after the skills of your leader
>You ally with the people that decimated your forces, destroyed your heritage and robbed you blind.

Some books do. No video games do. All good writers are either in Hollywood or writing books.

>>Your next-in-line gets killed by a fucking drone coded after the skills of your leader
you can actually save Wit if you down the drones fast

Oh what the heck, I thought I downed them pretty quick.

Usually you can't save these guys, guess it being the final mission gives you some leeway.

And there's a Mew under the truck, we know.

>He's never played an Ace Combat game
>He doesn't like being the absolute chad of the skies

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Why the fuck does the whole script feel like*
I'm so sick of you fucking Brazilians.

>not wanting to play as a turbo Chad badass
why are you so insecure OP? who wants to play as a scared weak little bitch?

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I love AC7 but understand the OP to a little extent.
Ironically AC3 had the least make-the-player-Jesus script of the story-driven type games in the franchise.
I mean the game basically anime and it's most likely judged to be an incel's hoby by normies regardless of the quality or presentation.

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It's done.


Licensing my guy and last i heard they can't get the Tornado due to licensing issues

You're retarded

AC4 is putting me to sleep

>All good writers are either in Hollywood
Hahahaha funny bait

Yes I'm so glad they got a critically acclaimed book writer for Assault Horizon.

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>AC is no longer a niche series and become a part of regular series that will get shitposted occasionally

Welp, this is the end comfiness

How can people play this game without falling asleep? It's dull as fuck and the story is your typical animeshit.

By not being an ADD retard

Please. Slower. You’re giving me a headache

It all started with the HOTAS fiasco, which honestly is Bamco's fault

>By not being an ADD retard
If I am an ADD retard how come I can still enjoy slower paced shit like metro and kingdom come?

>Pixy: I found a cause worth fighting for
>Starts shooting missiles at you for no reason
What the fuck did Pixy mean by this? I understand why he's hostile at the end, but not when he first defects.

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Even it's working, it will not be spared from the shitposting.

>pc version
it's the devil's curse my friend
every fanbase goes to shit when console games get ported

>Kingdom come
Found the whitey incel

Because you're a shit tasted zoomer

>t. mutt

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t. seething incel


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This is the fastest I have sorry

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Did some touch-ups. Finally wrapped up the drawing. Hopefully it was worth the wait.

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>I fucked german little girls as old as you!

Tornado made it to Infinity and that was only a few years ago. I think it's more likely they just didn't want to model it. Especially since it's an attacker, because attackers aren't really very good in single player or DM.

Which one do you want to play the most?

>AC3 remake with the after-simulation story
>AC4 with Yellow 13 as the protagnist
>AC5 with Yuktobanian-side story
>AC0 with Belkan-side story

>babby's first japanese game

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Do you think yellow 4 was as scared as Brownie was?

game's amazing adn you're stupid

Because you have absolute garbage taste.

I want to make princess my wife

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Also if you take down that one drone with MG fire, the cutscene shows the fatal missile coming from offscreen behind Trigger's plane. Not sure what to think of that, other than "Belka"

I don't mind the player circlejerk because it's usually just confined to actual gameplay moments aka the time you have real control over the game, so it feels like all that praise is for you as the person piloting the planes and not the character you're controlling.

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Appreciate it

>snipes you immediately after spawning
heh, nice try QAAMfags

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I believe OP's issue isn't the content of the sentences xer is quoting, but rather the fact that they are sincere. I believe xer is one of them irony overload wretches who cannot deal with anything that isn't sarcastic, ironic or self-deprecating. Xer favorite character was Count, yes?

>Tfw most deaths come from hitting the wall/ground/cliff


He probably correctly predicted that he would have to deal with you in time and wouldnt be able to take you down in a proper fight. Might as well do it now when hes got an easy shot.

>get a few buddies to squad up with and make all our loadouts to be the same
>4 dudes join our room
>4 f-22's/qaam with the same emblems
>tfw squadron vs squadron fight
this is pretty damn fun flying like this

4F22s with QAAMs? Fuck them.

Yeah you fuck them with your QAAM Berkut.

>Su-47 is good again after being shit in ACI
I like this. I actually did end up levelling one in ACI eventually just because I like the plane, but damn was it bad. Your only ground special was shit, and if you used air specials instead you were just like a fighter but worse. It's nice having it be useful again.

>tighter turn radius
Even worse
Real men use HCAA

>AC3 with the after-simulation story
>Except you play as an Belkan newbie test pilot that wasn't part of the simulation
>Everything goes tits sideways because you accidentally Nemo

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Is bamco gonna release the ost anytime soon

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Probably for at least 6 months. It might coincide with the summer DLC release

>haha let's put belkans in even more games belkan memes are funny
No fuck you.

Glory to Belka


is there any way to mute off the warning sounds? when I have 5 bandits in my tail the spam sound is fucking annoying considering it's almost impossible to be hit by the missiles

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Just shoot them down. That's what I do

Have you watched war movies? Command being assholes even to regular troops isn't limited to video games, guess they've got "shit writing" too though.

>Belka during the belkan wars -> Nazi Germany
>Belka after being BTFO -> Jewish people who infiltrate nations and instigate wars

what did they mean by this?

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Well as the player you did pretty much all the work. If someone irl did all that, they would get far more than just all that praise.

I wouldn't be surprised if Osea got a lot more cautious about accusing people after 8492

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KEK if you really think a videogame has good writing, name one
MGS is absolute dogshit, and that's beloved. Zero videogames have good writing.

You can turn down one of the sound options and the game becomes way better.