Polite and cultured xiv thread

Polite and cultured xiv thread.

Not enough proper dps jobs edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Want to farm rathalos ex
>Make pf with friends and wait for 1 more dps to show up
>A ninja from moogle joins
>Duty starts and it's revealed it's an male Au Ra with the ''ultimate legend'' title and bragging about having cleared all of alphascape in his search info.
>Guy wipes us 2 times and even dying in the first phase.
>Rage quits
>Later see on lodgestone he has all the ex primal mounts and whatnot.
So was this a nice case of a bought account? Maybe a bought his clears? Because how the fuck can you clear all that and still fail at rathalos EX? I called the little shit out on it with saying something like ''Ultimate legend my ass'' before he left the party and he told me to view his page or something before leaving.
Oh and if it makes matter worse he was from moogle.

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it's a shit fight because a MH-esque combat style doesn't fit with the static ffxiv combat at all BUT
requires you to dodge an attack looking at the animation of the boss
>savage and ultimate
memorize the fight, optimize your rotation

Are you as satisfied as Yoshi is with its design bros?

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Not really, but not in a way people usually are. i found carnivale fight design very underwhelming. Otherwise it was fine realization of gimmick job.

I think it's alright. Learning skills was a bit stupid in that if you didn't just get a 70 to boost you you were objectively doing it wrong. The carnivale is interesting the first time but there's no reason to redo them if you don't want the seals from the weekly challenges.

no, but then again I wasn't expecting anything

>Not enough proper dps jobs edition
Let's not further mock the poor sap, he was obviously retarded.

I want to give Ysayle a big hug

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I just want build variety
I'm so upset that cross-class skills were removed
I'm even more upset that Yoshi admitted that role actions were a mistake by giving every class the ability to take all of them, yet hasn't even shown a replacement for them

It was fun for all of about 5 days, and that's playing casually.
Updates aren't going to fix it, the core design is just not that good.

You mean it's a shit fight because you need a brain for this one and can't just beat it it into your body? Regardless the moment you decide to parade around with your ultimate legend title/weapon and brag about your savage clears I'd expect a certain level of quality and skill. When some rp'er advertising his patreon who joins after does better then you you should just uninstall at this point.
Nowadays when I see an ''ultimate legend'' walking around I almost automatically think ''oh look another ultimate shitter who likely bought his clear anyway''. Rathalos is piss easy and it's not like it was a clear party. it was a farm party with it's pf allowing only people who cleared so he has no excuse.

Probably would have been recieved a lot better if they had made it a XIV original class.
You don't see people bitching about wanting to bring FSH or GSM to raids after all.

even with more build variety there would always be one that is the most optimized/efficient and rest assured that people would only use that


That's why ideally you introduce different situations like AOE/PVP or gear that enhances certain abilities so that you can base your choices around the situation you're in or whatever resources you have available to you, but you know, game design is hard, especially when you can't just rehash what you came up with in 2013.

Would a JP audience actually boo or walk out when they don't get boy bunnies at Fanfest?

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>You mean it's a shit fight because you need a brain for this one and can't just beat it it into your body?
no, the fight is piss easy as you said but it's just boring because ffxiv's combat is very sluggish and the movement options you have are more limited than those in the monster hunter series

SE won't do that, they are not stupid enough to shoot themselves in the foot like that.

That doesn't sound good either desu.

Don't think they would even if they disagreed with it.

>male viera

*yells in Sand-mhigger.*


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>they are not stupid enough to shoot themselves in the foot like that.

Really? You think? After BLU?

Yes it does, it's more interesting than nothing that we have today. In best succesful situations in WoW: Legion you even had things like Demon Hunter's mage tower challenge in which you swapped from a talent set that let you deal with phase 1 gimmicks to a talent set that's more appropriate to single target DPS race in phase 2. People who say that builds in MMOs don't work don't know what they're talking about and are too used to Yoshida's milquetoast koolaid.

Every sign is pointing to genderlocked races.

most XIV faggots never played XI to understand how incredible blue mage is in that game. Legit probably the greatest class in all of MMOs, the poor bastards don't get just how much yoshi ruined blue mage

>guys look at me I'm a boomer, I'm suffering more than you!

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Is the eyemask a an FF thing? Should I even bother leveling it now since the hype has passed and I imagine few do the content to unlock skills anymore? Only reason I had to level it was that the carnivale gave alliance seals but now that I'm in a decent hunt linkshell I don't see the point really. I only need the seals to get the mount increase speed anyway.

Not if they keep damage types in and introduce certain resistances to armor
Also not everyone is a 1% raider, the moment you design the game around them you're not making a fun game.

I'm pretty sure both of these things were in 1.0 in some form or another and resulted in a shit-show.
Play a different game, gramps.

>greylet dps joins with zero ex primal clears and does mechanics flawlessly
The fight is a filter. You can autistically clear all the simon-says content but when they're confronted with an actual game/encounter that doesn't shout out what the boss is going to do or has a set pattern they shut down. Some people unironically told me Rathalos ex can be harder than uwu. I thought they were joking at first but they were being 100% serious about it.

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you are asking for the unfeasible, introducing what you are suggesting would mean revamping the game completely like they did with 2.0
it's an impossible task

XIV is not design with such encounters in mind though. Combat system barely works in them even.

>tfw the class is already 'done' to lvl70 and they're just going to piece-meal it out five levels at a time throughout the next expansion's 5.X updates

When I read up the first Blu fever leaks I was happy with it because I would be a Scimitar wielding melee spell caster.

Just look at this shit. A farcry from what we were hoping for and got. I hope all these fucking faggots in support of the current BLU fucking wake the fuck up because I feel robbed as long as these people keep sucking that Yoshi P dick nothing is going to change.

>revamping the game completely like they did before
>it's an impossible task
So did they not revamp the game because it's impossible or did they revamp the game and it's possible?

with 2.0 they had to revamp a game that was out for a relatively short period of time but now we are in 2019 and a few years have passed, the game is too big

>too big
lol then how did Blizz do so much with Cata?

>Hunt Rathalos For a fucking living because of fucking PLATES AND RUBYS.
>have all his tells and patterns down.

I haven't done the fight yet but how much of an advantage do I have ?

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>XIV is not design with such encounters in mind
This is true but looking at random boss animations is harder than utlimate fights?
It's just funny how you can't even reach phase 2 with orange parses but then later farm it 15 times in a row with the gray community without issues. Maybe I am just overestimating UwU.

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Most of phase 1 can be cheesed if you stand right under him, in phase 2 you just never stand in front of him.

There's some weird mechanics thrown in there but you won't get hit by any of the really obvious attacks.

>67 NIN who doesn't use his DOT, mudras, or even Aeolian Edge from the rear
I thought people from Gilgamesh were supposed to be better that Balmongoloids.

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Surprise, one world isn't filled with less shitters than any other world.

On average. The outliers still exist.

>what is moogle?

>Phase two.
>never stand in front of him.

Sounds like the typical enraged Rath. Thanks for the tips.

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You basically have the mount already, my nigga

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>run leveling roulette with a mate
>I'm whm
>it's aurum vale
>tank is a leaf
>tell them to clean their stacks with the fruit once they've reached 2/3
>no response
>tank gets to 6 stacks
>repeat at last boss
I'm tired of wowbabbies bros

Wishful thinking but is there any other place for XIV-related degeneracy that doesn’t branch off from /vg/ or /trash/ or wherever they’ve fucked off to? I’d go there to wank but it’s just that bad.

It's fine design for a minigame.
Not for a core FF job.

We just don't know.


Give the guys a break they've basically been playing EZmode and dont expect normal dungeons to have mechanics.

T.Wowfag that Took a chance a year ago and was genuinely surprised at how nice this game is.I love the class depth the game hasits something I miss in WoW.

Story aint too shabby either better written that the trash that is BFA.

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It's on cripplechan now, and no it's all the same vg shitters. You can try the textools discord if you want to dig through a hundred overmodded catgirls and au ra.

That's the issue you get when playing on these big "raiding" servers. There's a big raiding scene, and then lots of absolute shitters who move there because of it thinking that they can then raid too.

Here's your helaer

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This is just as funny as the last time you posted it, which is to say not at all.

yeah but I think that at some point yiu have to be retarded to not reading the chat once and not knowing what aggro is
aurum vale is a lvl 47 dungeon, it's not like you have just started playing the game when you reach it
>no flash, kept stealing aggro with a cure I
>pull every mob in the dungeon

Jobs have a lot of nuance when you start trying to optimize stuff. It's one of the more appealing parts of the game, even if some of the fights are a bit boring.

So when are we going to get an event with actually good rewards?

5 years ago

Previous years.

Hahahaha trannies btfo!

They might give some decent stuff again from events that used to give glamour rewards when Shadowbringers is new, then it'll die down again into nothing after a few months.

Holy shit this. I bet when the data centers split the centers without the ''raiding severs'' will actually be better. I'm on EU and I'll be staying on the light data center espaciallly since most shitters on my bl are from those ''raiding'' servers who'll end up being on the new chaos data center.

the french capital?

XV collaboration in around april-may.

The better question is when will they say fuck ARR only players and have and event in the expansion areas?

I kind of expect that too. Especially when the other servers on Chaos that aren't Rag/Cerb are so bad.

>want to farm ARR, HW, SB relics for all the classes I want them for
>want to get all my classes to 70 before ShB
>still want to get the borb mounts from HW
>playing like this is burning me out fast

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Well, that sucks. Guess I’ll get digging..

It would help if the options weren't a choice between

>lmao niche, inconsequential shit you'll literally never use


>Shit that straight up makes you do your role better (+Defense, +Damage, +Resource etc.)

They could make it like WoW's talent system where none of the options are often objectively better and even in the occasion one talent is, the rest have actual use in other content/situations or synergize with other lesser used talents

>WoW's talent system
No. Fuck no.

Tell me how it's worse than the current role action shit, i preferred the old talent tree my self but the current "pick one of 3 in each row" is still objectively an improvment

No it fucking isn't. It same illusion of choice distilled and streamlined even more to drain any kind of quirky fun builds not explicitly vetted by devs.

You just have to dodge well ahead of time because SE fucked up their part of emulating MHW by having Rathalos snapshot an entire lane-way for a 3 second long dive animation.

Opinions on Baldesion Arsenal? Only those who have beat Ozma may reply.

Illusion of choice is still better than "we didnt think this through so you just get all of them now lol"

Le/La Beau/Belle

Hon, hon, hon, la baguette

Why, why does it had to be so fucking ugly.
It doesn't even have a cool transformation like the raid axes or cool effects like the Zeta and Lux axes.
Why SE?
Fucking why?

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>copied from other races without impact

On par with the lazy coding in this game.

>puts hrothgar before viera
>shows a male viera concept art in this years eu art panel


the leveling for it sucked ass even with the job change method, going about the overworld to learn new spells was fun but that lasted like 2 days maybe.
ex primal rates spell learn rates are much too low for me to bother with this trash as i have already cleared the carnivale (the carnivale was a huge letdown also, since you could cheese most fights by buffing up and using final sting or self destruct and the rest of the fights were so easy you just dodged aoes while spamming the spell the mobs are weak to)

i truly hope they never implement a limited job again. BLU has no future. it will just be the same shit we did on its release and some new carnivale fights when they do increase its level cap