What went wrong?
Why did Wakfu never really took off when Dofus was such a hit?
Are you guys looking forward to Waven (Dofus Cube)?
What went wrong?
i watched the wakfu series up to season 2, what animation has ankama done since then?
Dofus was popular because it was more focused on doing dungeons and quests, not taking care of the environment. The artstyle and music were better too and the characters were more fun to play as.
Waven seems to be more like Wakfu than Dofus, which is a problem in my opinion. But the again, for the moment only PvP is implemented so I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
>Dofus was popular because it was more focused on doing dungeons and quests, not taking care of the environment
Didn't they drop the Wakfu environment schlick very early?
Also I very much prefer Wakfu's artstyle, it was as charming as Dofus' but much smoother (especially water / island landscapes, Sufokia forests and beaches were the comfiest shit despite the faction being the least popular), I can understand why they chose to go with the Wakfu graphics since everything seems to revolve around islands.
>released with region-lock
>no developer interaction, ever
That's basically it. They condemned the game from the start.
That was the worst shit ever.
Trying to transfer my account from the UK to the NA server was a fucking Herculean feat. At some point I even had to prove I was myself by sending a Facebook page and a passport scan to customer support.
Like what the fuck, it's a fucking videogame and I felt like a goddamn multinational company trying to tax evade with how much I had to justify myself to Ankama, just to get my account transferred.
Please don't post cats, They are ugly.
>Please don't post cats
Maybe it just wasn't fun enough.
Sometimes sexy girls just aren't enough.
It didn't just have sexy girls though, it also had sexy trees
>no developer interaction, ever
Funny that in 2019, this is still the case for Dofus.
Anyway, Dofus was a hit, at least in France, because it was released during the wow era. The game cost next to nothing compare to wow so it make it a good option for a lot of kids back then.
>Funny that in 2019, this is still the case
For shame.
It would be really sad to see turn-based MMOs disappear, are there even any real alternatives should Waven fail?
Put five long years into the game played on three different servers to cap gave ankama way to much money
I don't really regret it because I did have a lot of fun when the game was good but it's literally unplayable now. I wish we could have easy private servers
is the game dead at this point?
i remember loving the artstyle but was put off by the forums being dead and constant doomposting
I think it's safe to assume it is at this point, unless something extra-big happens like a reset and a mobile release with one big server for everybody, I don't see it resurrect out of nowhere
the dofus series, the dofus movie, the wakfu ovas, and wakfus s3. you're pretty behind my dude
Any news on season 4?
>random Wakfu thread
>not even on Ravioli day
Remikiddo still plays Wakfu
yes. it's not good
the gist is "netflix doesn't want to pay for s4 because no one wated s3, france 4 wants to pay for it but they're going bankrupt"
I enjoyed the classes in Dofus more.
Anyway the devs are retarded and hate money, Making a fucking card game instead of improving their unique SRPG MMO.
To think it was a legit rival to WoW in France, it's sad how it all went downhill.
Ankama is kill
cleo best girl
Playing it with Yea Forums was fun as fuck back in the day. Shame they fucked the game so much
>Making a fucking card game instead of improving their unique SRPG MMO
Card games were supposed to be the "next big thing" with Hearthstone' success, just how everybody and their grandmother suddenly started doing hero shooters when Overwatch got announced.
It's true that they completely abandoned their games though, Dofus because it's old and its playerbase already milked dry and Wakfu because it's deemed a failure from the beginning.
I may be dumb but I actually have high hopes for Waven, I think they've grown cocky from Dofus' sudden success and started doing things THEY wanted, but now that everything they tried has been a complete failure I'm pretty sure they will start focusing on what the players actually want this time, they want to emulate the success of Dofus again
>a mobile release
Dofus pocket exists.
>It would be really sad to see turn-based MMOs disappear
At this point I wish some japs would clone it and adapt it to their own franchise.
Wakfu homogenized the looks of player characters into copy-pasted models, making most classes feel cheap and underwhelming as opposed to actually different characters.
Add to that they made the world just a big grinding zone full of absolutely nothing under the pretext of making it player driven, but the actual player drive was not there because there was nothing to do but whack things and try to keep up with the confusion every time they remade the skills and levels and shit, which they did, what... 7 times? Awful.
>Wakfu homogenized the looks of player characters into copy-pasted models, making most classes feel cheap and underwhelming as opposed to actually different characters.
I got no idea what this means in relation to dofus.
Dofus Classic?
Doesn't this game get a lot of server resets which cause players to lose toms of progress
Has anyone actually played the game
I thought it was all illusts
They stuck to the same formula without any addition, they didn't diversify their offer, I'm still waiting for a fucking single player isometric rpg, I would literally eat that shit up.
Dofus classes had for the longest time entire different models for each race and gender, with unique animations, different heights, etc. The upgrade made them more neutral, but it still kept different idles and so forth.
Wakfu uses the same model and animations for all races, just with different cosmetics attached to them, making every character look 100% the same unless you play either of the "robots", and even then they too have the same idles and animations.
I did last year for that new server launch, fresh economy and level rush is great for a month or two, then I dropped it again.
>I'm still waiting for a fucking single player isometric rpg, I would literally eat that shit up
It's still extremely stupid they haven't even tried that
They have all the systems, they have the writers, it's like they enjoy blueballing their own fanbase
I would have loved if Waven was a single player RPG with the multiplayer mode being the base-building feature they intend to do with upgrading your island with more nods, units and defenses so people can connect and try to beat "your" dungeon while you collect stuff to add to your island in the single player mode
I really liked the economy of Dofus but it was kind of ruined by multi-accounting and botting.
Wakfu's beginning and multiple betas were way too rough and by the time it finally released I had stopped caring.
>reward multiboxing on a FUCKING MMORPG
>huuuuh why is nobody playing XDDD
>they have the writers
let's not get ahead of ourselves here, nothing relating to dofus' or wakfu's writing that is anything more than whimsical nonsense is any good
>single player isometric rpg
Yea can't wait for Iop protagonist
I'd rather have it stay turn based, making your own party like DQ IX
I was going to call you a faggot but then remember that the gay frogs love male Iops and never use the female ones
>Implying there will be a choice
Trust in Tot
They made a server specifically against that where you're only allowed 1 account signed up per IP.
That's because huppermages are the better girls
Usually when I find something with a quirky/silly name I don't even bother looking into them. Explains why I don't even know what you're all talking about.
IS Hero System deleted yet?
For Dofus, not Wakfu.
>hey guys I'm an uncultured swine,how about that!
That's how dumb you sound.
Most fun game I could never get any of my friends to play with me. Neat classes.
>added a server where you cant multibox
>not outright stopped it
really, thats even worse. i cant honestly understand someone being hyped for dofus cube after that.
Honestly I think they pretty much abandoned the idea that Wakfu would ever have a healthy playerbase no matter what, which is why they expanded so much on the multiboxing / hero system as some kind of band-aid to allow the playerbase dedicated enough to pay a way to complete content that requires several characters
>haha guys I'm a pedantic hipster creaming myself over literally who franchises!
This but I did succeed in bringing all my friiends to play and we're having a blast
>Eca going full commando
>tuft of hair over her cunny
I would do inhuman things to do that cat
The problem I had with Wakfu is it's too open too early. Having absolutely 0 idea whats going on and what the goal is kills it for me.
At least Dofus had that starter island that had a clear progression across it and by the time you go to the end you knew exactly what the game was like.
Best Dofus class is summoner and best Wakfu class is blood warrior
I'm happy for you user. Enjoy
I really like the core gameplay, but it feels like the usual MMORPG where there's no reason to do anything but to rush to max level where "the game really starts". In Dofus you can get a nice piece of gear that will stay with you for 100 levels or so. In Wakfu everything you have will become weaker when you get to the next "tier" of dungeons.
Wait, they're making a 3rd game? What's it gonna be like? I mean I remember them saying that they were gonna make a new game where shit like the skills you chose would change how your character even looked but that sounded a bit far fetched for them, this isn't that is it?
They should make single player turn based game a la Darkest Dungeon.
lol no, sets were for 10-20 levels , 30 if you're lucky
Some items were useful for many levels. It was similar for Wakfu before they made every piece of gear be able to give bonuses to every element.
Also this, the fact that it's just way better to just play with 2 accounts with 3 characters each on a MMO sucks.
This but it was 5 years ago, then everybody dropped the game one by one until everybody left, and we never played any other rpg since
Now I'm thinking about it and I'm sad. Fuck.
Is Waven PVP only?
It is, they're alpha testing it right now
I'm not sure about what's going on right now because I can't speak frog, but apparently the appearance of your character now changes with the weapon you equip, not the spells
Used to respect France until I saw this degenerate cartoon. We should have handed it over to the Nazis, or at least not give them freedom when we saved Europe. Like half the cast is negroes and furries
>play Dofus with /vg/ in the monoserver account day one
>fun as fuck
>everyone fucking dies suddenly
God, I fucking miss it
I didn't even know they were making a new game due to having dropped Dofus quite a while ago. The pre-Dofus 2 era was still the best time I've had in any video game due to the great community. I miss you Sulour
Because those dipshit frenchies can't make a game without it being a P2W shitshow
I remember the monoserver launched. When every friend suddenly wanted to play this game again. It was fun the first days.
Then we all remembered that we had to play thousand of hours to get lvl 200, and the only way to do it was farming dumb monsters with a full prespic stuff. One week later, everybody left.
In other news, water is wet
Interesting, though looking at it I don't know if it's exclusively PvP or not.
Dofus was made during the years when flash games were the shit, I stumbled upon it when browsing a french flash games website back in 2006.
while Wakfu is running on a way better engine than dofus, I find wakfu's gameplay to be way more repetitive than Dofus, and the deck system only made it worse.
honestly the only class I play on Wakfu is osamodas because new summons give some fresh air every now and then, rather than repeat the same shit every turn for 200 levels.
it doesn't matter because Xavier Houssin isn't working on Dofus or Wakfu anymore, he's busy with Waven
the new artist they got for Dofus is fucking awful though and is killing the artstyle.
>THE SHUSHUS WEAPONS (And personalization of character): Well, reading the descriptions of the different objects, you had to deduce there was no hat, no cape, no belt... So in the end, no way to personalize the character. I will explain why we made this choice and especially to talk about the alternative. The alternative is the Shushus Weapons. For now we are leaving on it but once again, everything concerning the BG can move. These weapons are very important because if we go on a free-to-play, they will be at the heart of the economic model. Because these weapons will allow you to completely change the look of your character. When I say completely, I'm talking about a new skin that may be much bigger or smaller... I've been frustrated for a while on our MMOs. In the end, all the classes of the same level carry the most effective tools when they get them. In the end, whether you have a Cra, an Xelor, a Sacrier or any other class, you have a 90% chance of all of you finding yourself in the Gobball Set in your first hours of play. And in the end, all classes end up resembling each other. Fortunately, the animations make it possible to find oneself. I am not even talking about the technical and graphic problems that this creates. So the idea to palliate this and allow players to get weapons that change 100% of the look of their character. We can have the templates we want for all classes. In the end, we have no less work but the advantage will lie on a real multiplication of styles within the same class.
A big french youtuber said he will help financing the project because he's a fan
even though I never played or cared about the games and only watched the shows, I still love seeing all the new art xa puts out for waven. he's so good
I know youtubers can make big bucks, but I feel like he's underestimating the millions of dollars that producing a full season of something like wakfu would require. but I hope something does come of it. who's the youtuber?
help financing =/= financing
maybe he will just advertise a crowdfunding or something
Did anyone even reach level 200 in this thread? I did, played for a total of 10years man.
I even applied to be a moderator in the distant past and got approved lel,
moderated the game for some 3~ years, it's probably still active and a perm subscriber
reaching 200 on dofus now is a joke
His name is Squeezie
He's pretty big so I'm sure he can help, also he's affiliated with a big web industry called Webedia so meaning can be pulled from there
>be relatively new sadida
>challenged out of nowhere by a iop at least 10 levels higher than me
>decked in piwi gear so had a fuck ton on control points
>couldn't do shit for damage to him, but constantly had him locked down with dolls sapping pretty much every point he had every turn
>fat doll was able to heal me back up from the few times he got close in the beginning
>eventually had him boxed in with dolls to the point where he literally couldn't move anywhere in range to attack me, or use enough attacks to KO a doll in one turn and he surrendered
That's my only standout wakfu memory. I do like how it plays, I just never really got into playing it for long periods of time.
that didn't work out so well last time. and I'm pretty sure they did something with selling in-game items to help fund the movie or s4 or something and called it like dofunder or something (I don't remember the exact name and I can't find it atm), and that didn't amount to much either
I think I reached level 120 or something and lost interest because most of the people I was playing with stopped playing
Kek, so he got fiddy bucks to spare or something?
>TFW they cut the xp needed to level up from 199 to 200 by 50% (!!)
Such a shame, getting to cap as a single accounter used to be an actual challenge and require effort.
oh no he's a liquify abuser
not only that. but you can also reach 199 in two or three hours by exploiting certain monsters with idols.
I never got past the pizza puzzle at the beginning
fucking kek if true
>reaching max level is too easy !!!1!1!1!1
>gets PL'd
I'm not really fan of his content but I know he have a lot of influence and loadz of cash
he's a millionaire
i would say its the same problem as the marjority of mmos. wakfu is a very nice game in the beginning, specially to play with friends, but over time you just have to keep grinding to shit. people nowdays even play alone by paying the heroes package in 2 accounts
He's pretty much a french Pewdiepie copycat. For the better or for the worse.
Mediocre content, clickbait titles, but an overall decent guy at the end of the day. And I won't bite his hand for feeding Ankama.
best mom
wish the MMO had more porn than the shitty cartoon
Actually they tried to add too many features during the beta and ended up by cutting things left and right.
Despite the bugs and other shits, the beta was the best period of the Wakfu.
Dofus f2p when? Any news french bros?
2.0 is souless
I'd fuck a lot of things in those french games.
>samurai Iop
I didn't know I wanted this.
Not sure about Waven. I haven't kept up with Ankama since I lost interest in the middle of Season 2, and while I liked the Wakfu beta I didn't play anything past that. Not sure what happened, but I also remember Dofus being impossible to get into.
The guys have talent, but I feel like they keep fucking up for some reason.
Remember getting your first subscription and hearing this fantastic tune while you roam around the plains underleveled just marveling at all the things you couldn't access before?
Good God I miss that feeling.
on the monoaccount server it's rather easy to get p2p with ogrines, especially during weekends.
you can get a month worth of p2p with a few hours of mining.
first 2D fap
A couple years ago I played for the first time in a discord, I loved it but we all lost interest in a month or 2
Foggernaut was so fun, all the good times of my harpooner blasting one of my teammates randomly
The /vg/ one? It was fun as fuck. There were a lot of people there always wanting to play. Ironically what killed it was the lack of interest instead of the usual discord drama shit
I want to play dofus since I only ever played wakfu, where should I start? Is the version on the dofus website different from the good versions?
play on the monoaccount because it's actually playable in there, the economy hasn't been ruined by sad fucks running 8 accounts all day
>Is the version on the dofus website different from the good versions?
what, there's only one
1.29 is a ghost town and the mobile version is ages behind in terms of updates, it's even missing classes
_ ____ __ ____ ____ ___
RIP Krosmaga
>tfw parents didn't let me pay the 5 yurobucks a month when I was a wee lad
I can now, but the SOUL is all gone.
>play Dofus specifically because I can be a skelly
>a skelly invis backstab hoe
>skelly shit for years with mad cackling portrait
>oh shit wakfu coming up
>Skelly is now an edgelord in body tights
It deserved to die.
That's a neat idea, I like it. Hopefully that also means that there's no single, optimal build but rather all weapons are good in their own way or balanced in a way that makes it all viable.
I got around that by asking my grandparents whether I could use their phone for that. I remember spending an entire hour trying to get a year-long subscription through codes that lasted a week each as my birthday present when I was a kid. I feel for you though.