Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding.
Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding
>we are so deep!
>lol jk! It was a logic error
Vanguard of our destruction, eh? How's that working out for you, big guy?
ill never not be mad
>not even bioware was able to understand them
>yfw the reapers were just robot nazis
>everything evil is a form of nazi
Such lack of nuance.
Seeing normal people's reaction to this scene is strange.
Most of them get irrationally angry at Sovereign/the game for some reason.
I fucking hate this kind of bullshit in any form of writing. Trying to make something that humans cannot comprehend is lazy because it means you aren't a good enough writer to come up with something that's both comprehensible and scary. And something that is so is far more frightening than some dumb vague reliance on fear of the unknown.
>Most of them get irrationally angry at Sovereign/the game for some reason.
Wait what? People do that?
You cannot understand
>ayy yo, herd you don't want to get kilt by synthetics, so we are synthetics to kill you so you won't be killed by synthetics
Well, it was right, just wasn't expecting it to be because they were retarded.
Not necessarily lazy, since they did have it written but not revealed so others could get to play the other games in order to get more explanation for what the reapers are. It's called "withholding the information".
It isn't literally because we can't understand it though, it's because we are so worthless in the eyes of Sovereign that it feels it a waste of time and an insult to explain.
>And something that is so is far more frightening than some dumb vague reliance on fear of the unknown.
Fear of the unknown is literally the most logical thing to be afraid of and anyone who says otherwise is either in denial or has a low IQ. It just so happens that the concept is incredibly hard to actually write without it coming of as contrived or unintelligible..
Say what you want about the ending but it created a lot of top tier maya-maya. Also, shitstorm kinda brought most of the community together.
You're retarded. The issue is that they try to describe and explain the incomprehensible as something comprehensible. It just makes it look like the reapers are autistic.
knowledge is power! If we understand something, we can at least hope for a way to beat it.
When something is so beyond the scope of humanity that our minds are literally incapable of processing it correctly, we're just fucked.
I agree it's usually done very poorly but the idea is worthwhile.
The fear comes from being completely unable to rationalize something. When its motives and desires are so alien to you that from whatever angle you approach it you just can't reason with it. It's a very cool concept, the problem is it requires a skilled writer to pull off. Not the kind you'd find at Bioware, even during their better days. You can see the effect of it right here though. This moment is more memorable than just about any other involving the reapers because you feel like you've stumbled on something truly alien.
I have no reaction image for this.
M-mein Fuhrer? Was ist mit dir passiert?
'Distance', like in the military term, is quite powerful and fantastic, so long that you never break it.
That's why characters like the Gman, reapers, Lich King, God Emperor are so liked. Once you're fully acquainted with them the magic is gone, and even the character destroyed if bad writing replaces it.
The Outsider from Dishonored is another example of this.
>First game: Mysterious entity that drew in thousands of players
>Second game: "Actually he's just some dude" and everyone felt disappointed.
>Yo we know robots are going to wipe out organics eventually so we robots decided to wipe you out to stop you from being wiped out by robots
Vetra IS Best Girl
Also Post Shepard and Ryders
stop, she reminds of all the other nice things stuck in bad games
>no krogan romance
Is it worth it for Vetra?
It's just the conversation with the Kohr-Ah except they forgot to include the bit where they explain themselves and justify their actions. Which makes it meaningless bluster.
It's actually brilliant man, it's all control scheme inner..self stuff..
How bad was Andromeda really? I recently replayed the trilogy and I wonder if I should get it when it goes on sale again
In my opinion its not actually bad
Yes it has some flaws, but you can still have a great time with it
It worth it for like 10 bucks. Writing is subpar and villian is almost a non entity. You have 6 or 7 planets to explore, which do look good, but theres nothing interesting to do on them, if you explored one, you've seen everything that others have to offer too. I liked the terraforming bit though, it was cool too see planet changes after doing certain stuff
We do.
Why do people meme that Mass Effect original is good?
The story was shit in the first place, ME3 just added to it.
Shodan did it better
what where the villians of andromeda again?
i forget
Sovereign >>>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>> Harbinger.
>impossible to grasp alien murdermachine
>uses the polite form of adressing them
this is why just about every german translation is utter garbage
I've had that sitting on my hard drive for a while, but never turned it on because I heard it was poop. That being said, I've been fiending for a comfy space opera recently, and I'm a sucker for games where you build up a base bit-by-bit, and/or gradually restore an area from corruption or whatever, so I might have to check it out.
There's no base building, its all automatic and tied to side quests
Ye and FPS mod, gameplay is very nice, but story and most characters aren't very good.
I find it impressive that their supposed b or c or whatever team managed to create a better gameplay loop than anthems main team. At least weapons in andromeda felt good to use
guys behind gameplay were the same ones who did ME3 MP
*tips fedora* tier writing.
Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding.
its just the writers dabbing on your sorry ass
So that's where they got the speech from.
The rest was just a copy-paste of Shivans from Free Space.
Mechanical, check.
Giant floating monstrosities framed after sea creatures, check.
Perpetual cycle of destruction, check.
Last time, the civilisation devised a way to fuck them over, but failed at the last moment, check.
Leftover tech to make sure everything evolves as they want it, check.
Super shields that are not beatable by anything, check.
Defeat the super big boss only to find out they have a full army of them, check.
Et cetera, et cetera.
>Yea Forums still doesn’t get the Reapers
So this is the creature lovecraft was describing...
Mein gott.
Well done for outing yourself as an absolute moron.
God the Reapers are such a fucking let down after Soverign, he's the only one that feels like what one of those things should actually be.
what i loved about this was before that encounter you had no clue reapers existed
>eradicating cultures because of a percieved moral flaw isn't reminiscent of Nazis
Are you mentally retarded?
>3 dimensional creature
>11 dimensional creature
>"Please user, explain to the 3 dimensional creature what the 11 dimensional creature looks like."
>You: "..."
Except you do? Shepard's beacon vision is about machines killing everyone, Tali's geth data is a recording of "the return of the Reapers" and Liara tells you the galaxy has been regularly pruned every 50k years. By the time you get there you already know what it is and what it does, you just don't know why.
mass effect 1 was interesting because it played itself straight as a grounded, treky sci-fi setting where everything is explained then it dumps in a comsic horror enemy threat about 3/4 of the way through
something about that shouldn't work but it does, and it makes the reapers threatening because a grounded and practical setting like the me universe is completely ill-equipped to defend itself from cosmic horror stuff
its pretty middle of the road desu
The twist is that Saren's flagship is an actual Reaper, and Saren is just a stooge of Sovereign.