Will Outer Worlds be any good?

Will Outer Worlds be any good?

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Looking forward to pirating it a few months after it's released when the worst of the bugs have been patched out.

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judging by the state of nu-obsidian and this obvious sj dyke? nope.

i'm betting on dying light 2 instead.

I dunno about outer worlds....
But Outer Wilds is gonna be fucking awesome

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Worth a pirate at the very least.

it looks like it will be aggressively mediocre

It gonna be alright, not bad but not good.

correct answer. pronounciation on agressively.

Somewhat doubt it. Looks very, very janky.

It depends on how many women they've hired, the more women the lower the quality of the game.
Frankly that's true of everything in life.
>you do you
They seem to have fallen for the women in tech meme like so many companies.

>caring about what a fictional person does with their genitals

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I trust in Cain and Boyarsky. They've done me no wrong when together.

>problem face
>problem hair
>problem eye shadows like a hollywood actor on late night rant
it will be terribly "progressive", at best.
>horribly bad at worst. my nose already smelled the "shekel" influcence, and it is NEVER wrong. hard pass chance: 99%.

kill yourself.

It'll be a 7/10 at best.

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yeah maybe

Outer Worlds is made by the same developer that made the original Fallout games which were only good for their dialogue but nostalgiafags will never admit that because they want to be in the “old games guuud club” so they can feel “in”. After Bethesda bought Fallout they haven’t made anything but shit with mediocre games like Wasteland.

it's Cainyarsky's dream RPG with a huge focus on reactivity, choices & consequences and being an actual RPG with replayability, not open-world trash either
if everything they're saying turns out to be true it'll top New Vegas easily

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It's sjw infested Obsidian. Look at their past 2 games. It will tell you the state of the next one.


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84 on metacritic


Slavs BTFO Obsidian by killing PoE releasing Pathfinder Kingmaker showing how shit PoE was in comparison.
Slave BTFO Obsidian NV, by making ATOM RPG - which is actually Fallout fans wanted from the start
Slavs will BTFO Outer Worlds by own Outer worlds too

also correct. pillars 2 has n!ggers and pirates for fcks sake

Are there any developers that have avoided the SJW virus? Everything it touches seems to go to shit.

What will it take to bring gaming back to how it used to be?

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>I trust in Cain and Boyarsky.
They never actually did anything of worth. The only Troika gams devs with actual talent as in inExile entrtaiment, making Wastelands 3

Better than whatever Bethesda comes up with? Probably

I expect it to top New Vegas but only because I don't really like New Vegas to begin with. Very overrated, IMO

Deadfire was very good

also also correct. holy shit, a correct thread on Yea Forums. what is happeneng

For fuck sakes I actually had hopes for this one.

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I love how the game generates a lot of hype because people expect another chad New Vegas or Skyrim game so the developers try to downplay the game saying it’s not that big as other recent titles. LOL. Ofc Yea Forums will take their side because everyone loves the underdog no matter how shitty it is.

>Fallout 1 is not something of worth
based retard

I want to fuck and cum in the tomboy
Also, Makenna Blue is the best pornstar

>Slavic Mass Effect popamole jank
>better than anything


Them saying that it's not open world trash makes me more hyped for the game tbqh

all they're saying is that it's not open-world, because brainlets expect every game to be open-world now which is fucking disgusting

dykes galore, it's gonna be shit

No romances sadly they said they didn't wanna waste resources on it

probably not
hopefully its good but i dont have any expectations from it

Unironically based


I hope so


Is that it?


Go watch some of their interviews. They downplay their game every chance they get. Clearly they learned their lesson with No Man’s Sky and don’t want to see another huge backlash when the hype balloon implodes.

different cultures look for different things in games. i take a good jank over a gfx sj pr0nfest anytime

>"you see, that's the problem with america. all looks and style. but no substance. nothing of value in this shit country" -user on Yea Forums 2019

Then go play your linear FPS games you backassed contrarian buffoon. Just because developers suck at making open world games doesn’t mean that the genre by itself is bad.

having "worked on project", does not mean he contributed to it to make it his own.

Brian Fargo is the only one who can clam Fallout to be "his", while everyone else programer and janitor that worked in the studio can fuck off

I've been watching every single one and even read the magazine they put out this month, I'm aware of what's been said
they've reiterated many times that people that enjoyed their older games will enjoy this, but we shouldn't expect something like Cyberpunk 2077 in terms of scale

The whole character is a generic "epic zany scienetist" clearly made to model Rick and Morty shit

False dichotomy. Fallout 1 isn't a linear FPS game.

based uninformed retard
Cain and Boyarsky were responsible for basically every single major decision in Fallout 1

I'm not holding my breath, after seeing those twitter caps and the kills-in-shadows shit.

>What will it take to bring gaming back to how it used to be?
Total civilization reset.

I feel like it's going to be the Dragon Quest of RPG, something very traditional that boomers like me can only enjoy. Just don't expect something revolutionary.

fuck off

The only "achievement" of Cain and Boyarsky is ruining Diablo 3

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Looks to be about a quarter as good as New Vegas if we are being generous

probably not, considering PoE2 was garbage
everyone woth a penny already left the team, and got replaced by some demisexual genderfluid woperson

NV is great but the world itself is shit, you're railroaded at the start, the overworld is devoid of content and uninspiring, and New Vegas is fucking tiny because of consoles so it's split into 3 little zones between loading screens

this seems to have more replayability and systems too with stuff like the flaw system and picking a job, and there's actual working dumb dialogue unlike NV with its 3 low int checks

You’re being generous too kek.

kek. yes. pretty much.

who was the writer for f1? that is your guy in terms of game design & story.

Boyarsky was the story guy. Cain was the guy in charge of the game design.

yep. and the first game was no prized fuit basket either. it was pretty mediocre and with way too much blubber/text, like walls of text syndrome.

>What will it take to bring gaming back to how it used to be?
It must return to being a niche hobby for kids and outcasts with too much social stigma to be taken seriously

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As long as her personality doesnt revolve around being a rug-muncher then who cares. If it does then its just poor writing and shows why they were bought by Microsoft.

a single player rpg always has some bright spots so i know i'll enjoy it, even if they shove sjw here in there.

wrong. he was the art guy.


Holy shit why do 90% of game devs have that pronoun shit in their bio. What the fuck is going on

"in 1997, he finished his work as art director on Fallout, where he set the recognizable 1950s future graphics style"

story was obviously anderson


>he designed the overall gameplay refinements and main story arc, quests, areas, and characters

designed. not wrote. learn 2 read.

>Muh pedantry

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>Will Outer Worlds be any good?
With the SJW writers on board?
Hell no.

>raging bethesdacuckposting


Come on, does anyone really believe that "Dream RPG" bullshit? That these old farts' Dream RPG is really just a New Vegas in space?



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I don't know, especially as I won't buy it until it's $20
inb4 $37.71

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rick & morty created zany scientist now ?

state your age

I feel like one of the director's said in an interview that it was based off Rick. Don't know if that's true or not. This requires digging.

Obsidian never made any good game themselves. Just look at Kotor 2 or Fallout New Vegas, their best games and then compare them to the games they made completely.


Let me guess, you thought the future was gonna be just like your sci-fi movies and novels? That we were all gonna be mighty ubermenschen conquering the final frontier of space after having solved all issues on our own planet? Well too bad because those pronouns are the future. Welcome to the golden age of humanity, xir, where Science! rules supreme.


it's so fucking cringy when you people use review sites as a metric to measure a game
literal cringe

no, it's an obsidian game
it'll be mediocre and obsidiots will claim it's GOTYAY

>implying sci-fi wasn't dealing with gender identity since its inception

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>he didn't get the joke
user, stop being retarded.

Given the state of obsidian these days I'm not getting my hopes up. Every fanboy or NVfag on this board seems to not realise that pretty much everyone who made NV so great has since left the company save Sawyer, and he's getting more and more sjw by the day and worse in general with his no fun allowed balancing autism and shitty writing when you look at characters like the bird nigger.

Isn't he just suppose to be based on doc brown, which is what Rick is suppose to be based on as well? Also I heard you can actually betray him really early on.

Probably, it's from a bit of an sjw studio but hopefully the guest Devs and everybody being killable will keep that to a minimum.
Can't really comment on much else since we still don't know shit.

I think this thing will be shit but
>No open world
>No romancable NPC's
Neither of those are bad things. Vidya romances are almost always shit to begin with and not every game should be open world just because.

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The creators behind this had gay characters and allowed gay marriage in their games before SJWs were even a thing.

He said that the scientist is kind of a mix of Rick and some guy from Serenity or Firefly or whatever the fuck that sci-fi show is called.

kek. a goatee?

falllout 1 is from 1997. it was a different time.
whatever comes today, is from hell. gender bender hell.

Yeah, but we didn't have a SJW persecution complex back then. Now we're /pol/tards living off outrage culture.

No open world or romancable NPCs is a good thing.

in your dreams. show me one dyke in f1. just one.

there is none.

The whole trailer reeked of "woman writing"

it reeked mostly of cancer. or nu-game shit, whichever is your preferred term.
whatever it's called though, it's shit. just take whiff.

You could be one in Fallout 1. In Fallout 2 on the other hand you can actually marry a guy as a guy and a gal as a gal.

nog? check
dyke? check
nu-faces? check
pew-pew? check

well check mate 4 horseshit. i'm almost 50, you can keep your shit.

It'll be above average and put on a high horse by people burned by Bethesda and Bioware

No mod support and they managed to make it look like clunky gamebryo shit using Unreal Engine. Pretty pathetic.

lol. okay. whatever floats your fantasy..

Hopefully. I actually think the turn away from "open world" is good. If you're going to do lots of choices in a story, it's much easier to do it the more focused the story is. You get insanely ballooned choice trees if you go the open world and want everything to fit together nicely, or you get a whole bunch of really small quests with shallow choice trees. Every level can now be something along the lines of Beyond the Beef.

We'll see though.

At least you can kill everyone.

i'm not holding my breath for anything than some far cry rage combo with a pinch of mass effect mixed in for good measure. the usual aa+ fantasy of how a game should be.
good thing we do not all have the same fantasies

Do you really have to be such a tryhard? You could sleep with at least two women as a female character in Fallout 2 and marry one of them. As a male character you can marry another male character. In Fallout 1 you can aske Shani to have sex with you as a girl though she won't accept. But there is another woman who will offer to have sex with you after you save her regardless of your gender.

It has nothing to do with anyone fantasies, it's the reality of the game. You're the one who's deluded here.

I'll get home and make one shit post that will end the thread right there.

i'm not. that's what i think. it's called personality. you might get one too if you grow up

anyway, time to bail. misses hardass needs her ass hardened

You mean ‘emphasis’, not ‘pronunciation’, user

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>Not Open-World
That's a good thing also I thought you were complaining about it being too similar to other games
>NO Lockpicking or Hacking Minigames
A gameplay mechanic no one likes
>NO mod Support
Yeah that sucks but that's what happens when you're using a new engine instead of the same one for a decade. Might get some later but who knows
>NO romanceable NPCs
And that's a good thing
>NO third-person
Only really matters because you can't play dress up with your doll's outfits

>these kinds of people actually exist

I bet he runs straight back in here to be defensive in a faux apathetic way because of a (You).

I sure hope so because I am craving for a good RPG and like an actual RPG.

They are overdoing the LOL SO SILLY XD thing.
The ugly characters don't help either.
And since obsidian isn't that big, it's just going to be ignored and forgotten one week after its release.
Not even worth memeing about it

No, everyone responsible for New Vegas' godliness is not involved with this piece of shit looking game, I don't understand, this board actively shits on Randy and the horrid writing present in his games but by the same token they're excited for this game.

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As long as there are multiple ways to complete quests I'm content. Hopefully the phobia system turns out to be good and not a nuisance.

I hate how accurate that image is. Can quirky writing work? Or has it all been tainted by Gearbox?

Does everyone fucking think this is made by the same guys responsible for New Vegas or something? Because it isn't, it's made by the shitheads responsible for PoE: Deadfire, why the fuck do you retards not only have hopes for this game but are also actively defending it? Obsidian hasn't made a single good game since New Vegas and that's a fact.

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the silliness is just the surface, as with many of their games it's only base level but with much darker undertones, they spoke about it here;



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It's weeb shit?
Then no, know your audience

For some reason the bluntness of the "normal line" gave me a hard on.

Quirky writing can work, But it cant work with the ironic 12 year old filter as stated in that image
It needs to be more genuine or just not really commented on, the mother series is a good example

Fallout 2 was Avellones baby and he's a cuck hack coasting off the one decent story he wrote 20 years now.


How did i miss this? It looks amazing


Yes, I believe it will. However Yea Forums will hate it regardless as it does with any new game. Contrarianism and the 30 layers of irony have grown out of control. When the RE2 remake came out everyone was praising it and even a lot of the people on here were having fun with it. You still had faggots trying to nitpick it, call it 0/10, shit game etc. just for the sake of (You)s. Even threads dedicated to classic games end up filled with a sudden wave of contrarians. Outer World isn't even out, yet look at this thread.


Unironically this is common topic in sci-fi. Watch Star Trek.

Obsidian is super pozzed nowadays so I highly doubt it.
