I want to go back

I want to go back to PURE video game discussion.
I want to go back before tranny drama was a big thing,
I want to go back to where localization could be received without having to think about effects from some screaming crybabies having influence.
Maybe I did this all to myself.
Maybe I need to leave.

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?? people have always complained about dumb shit

Someone apparently hasn't been online before 2012.

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Yeah you're right, maybe we should go back to things never getting localized at all.

>want to talk about PURE videogame discussion
>post image of character who was built for your dick

I've been on game discussion forums dating back to 1998. It's more or less the same shit as today.

go to /vg/ then

Shut the fuck up, you fucking child. No, it's not a fucking new thing.

OP is an attention whore.

>My sweet summer child...
the pre-2010s Yea Forums was more optimistic than the entire 1990s.

>I want to go back before tranny drama was a big thing,
It's not a big thing. It's forced by particular people.

Feels like all hype has died off for this game.

I want you to shut the fuck up and grow a real personality

Should have left several years ago.

Discords dictate what is allowed to be discussed on Yea Forums these days

>inb4 someone calls girl in OP a tranny

Remember when the original Catherine came out, and barely anybody acknowledged Erica, and now it's the only thing that's talked about before the game is even released?

I want to go back.

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>nufaqs will never know the joys of pre-2010s 4chins

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this website never had pure vidya discussion you fucking half-wit

i will take tranny drama and the occasional "fuck niggers, fuck jannies" post over a board flooded with shitty generals and dubs

although, when those things were the norm, i liked them too

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We cant go back op. Majority of people are sjw or align with sjw values. Everyone sat back calling each other idiots while the terminal cancer spread its roots and was supported by the masses. Censorship, pc, and hyper regressive liberalism is the future of entertainment. And if you go outside youll see third world animals wandering around. Our previous generation sold us and there will be no escape, physically or virtually

At least catherine 2011 will live on on xbox and pc though no censoring there lol

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>Yea Forums will never be this peaceful and loving again

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Shhhh, fuck off. /vg/ is full.


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>i will take tranny drama and the occasional "fuck niggers, fuck jannies" post over a board flooded with shitty generals and dubs
what's it like, life with autism I mean

So what's with the 30 threads a day trying to convince people to leave Yea Forums?

Because Yea Forums is fucking trash.

Good thing we're on 4channel then.

im sorry dude but youre a fucking child
you jump in a shit pool and you wonder what smells, i really dont understand you "reactionaries"
just acknowledge that we as a society allow people to choose how to live their lives unless they are hurting somebody
stop reading twitter and retarded sjw tumblerinas, stop getting your fucking politics on twitter dude, stop trying to be AS retarded as the other side

The topic is Yea Forums turning to shit.

why is the "tranny thing" your 2nd problem my dude
what does PURE discussion even mean?
what do you think changed exactly when it comes to Yea Forums? the buzzwords? its not that different my man

haha right on my man. *takes hit of fat doobie* this is good shit. *takes another hit* so why cant we just all like love each other and stuff? *relights joint* seriously trannies are your friends not enemies *checks instagram and reddit*


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Sure people complained but it was usually not so hard focused on sexuality.
Now we have actual retards leading a crusade against what people can't view in a video game. NON. FUCKING. STOP.
I congratulate on those who haven't starting going brain numb because of it.

These things have always been here.
But holy shit, they have been simplified out the ass recently.

Fuck, meant to say Amplified

>Maybe I need to leave.
There's nowhere to leave. Everything is infected. Movies, shows, games, comics, etc.

I havent played this game but could someone post some Vincent reaction images, that motherfucker is funny

Do you have a 360/ps3/xbone/pc?

Honestly, i think you should leave. If you spent anytime trying to discuss things elsewhere, you would probably run back here screaming when you realize how sterile and mandatorily positive discussion is most places, and how a lot of the other ones are full of other kinds of bat shit insane wierdos. but not the fun kinds like here, the angry, preachy kinds or the flat out mentally deranged.

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>I want to go back to where localization could be received without having to think about effects from some screaming crybabies having influence.

Worst part about this shit nowadays. Could care less about what people are bitching about online, but the fact that they're actually affecting the games that I play is goddamn bullshit.

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I have an N64

please dont try and pretend that gamergate, and then the election didnt destroy this website beyond repair

Even the bottom is preferable to what we have now

look up catherine in japanese. There's 0 mention of tranny drama. I'm envious.

Yea Forums, Yea Forums in particular, went to shit in 07-08. Don't try this shit.

>I want to go back to PURE video game discussion.

No you don't. Every fucking time I see a thread on Yea Forums that's purely about discussing video games it never hits bump limits and fizzles out. Stop lying to yourself cunt.

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damn......he's right......

>Maybe I need to leave.

Polarisation has afflicted virtually everything. You won't be able to escape. You'll just be deluding yourself.

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People everywhere are just a lot more angry about shit these days. I want to go back to being able to crack more jokes at least. This shit's just tiring day in and day out.

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Better be careful, user. You wouldn't want someone to think you're guilty of wrongthink, would you?

The main issue is that the Reddit Boogeyman lived in Yea Forums's head rent free for so long, that Yea Forums will now only troll itself to "stick it to those dumb Redditfags!"

No more OC
No more raids
No more making fun of other websites
Just an endless stream of NO U


>Everyone sat back calling each other idiots while the terminal cancer spread its roots
This is the worse part. There were people in droves telling others it wasn't a big deal and to just ignore them.

fucking this.
>just ignore it bro lmao
yeah look where that got us

I've posted catherine's censoring issue in a forum, and got attacked becasue they thought i was a transphobia but i wasn't, ive even defended myself but they kept attacking me