How is this website possible?

how is this website possible?

Attached: Screenshot (80).jpg (3840x2160, 1.22M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Yea Forums

Why wouldn't it be?

they are closed source roms for obscure architectures

>contains a much easier to navigate version of the Dark Souls collision map than the one I have already
>Dark Souls 2 too

Attached: !.png (1024x768, 255K)

Assets like textures are very easy to extract

God I love Sunshine water effects

there's programs like ninja ripper that can extract scenes from games, although it's usually kind of messy when I try it

Attached: 318476.png (873x643, 337K)

>Luigi's Mansion 3D
Neat, that's pretty recent


webGL & html5.

>they are closed source roms for obscure architectures
you can google how to extract it you retard

>the wood planks in mario galaxy actually have eyes on them

Attached: 1550584659199.png (1233x851, 1021K)

>Dark Souls 1
It always makes me mad that you can't see Darkroot basin from the Valley of the Drakes or vice versa. They do this with Firelink and Blighttown, and it's fucking sick!

Attached: 1441384165564.gif (500x279, 1.89M)

If you want to be mad, you should open the DaS2 collision map

any way to get botw map to work?

>man how they gon' get those models and textures outta roms, it's like, closed source and shiet
Exactly the kind of retardation I'd expect from a redditfag.

Attached: 1549250366315.png (500x333, 262K)

It's basically OpenGL but for browsers.

Pretty cool, but what's the point? Was kind of boring after a minute.

can't see shit

This is actually really really cool. kinda comfy. too bad can't set this as your desktop background, imagine being able to virtually chill in a game world.

Thank you OP, very cool!

Attached: 1434001457837.png (274x242, 8K)

those are nails user

>but what's the point?
Probably the creator just testing out what they can do, neat archive like website

Wish there was an option to have the level music playing in the background for maximum comfy but this is great by itself.

Where are the buildings of Lungfishopolis

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 3.98M)

They load very fast gotta say

thanks for the virus dood

How do I download all these textures then?

they aren't just textures. they are also meshes

> found super paper mario has hidden game files of a random korean cat game
what the fuck?

Attached: Wut.png (1253x841, 1.07M)

Attached: tetra.gif (996x624, 271K)

I want to download them and use them.

Attached: tetra2.gif (996x624, 526K)

I reported it to Nintendo.
Pirates need no sympathy.

Look at those nerds!

based randall

Attached: 3Rl7573.jpg (261x320, 12K)

I know you didn’t and just want to bait but fuck you regardless, nigger.

n-no u...

Those assets can be acquired from legitimate copies of the game, you retard.