Dragon Age

>write best girl
>don't make her a romance option

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Incel confirmed.

Your sister can't be your wife!

>the only companion with even a hint of charisma, plot relevance, and somewhat substantial dialogue options
>can't marry her despite being given the option to ask

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DA2 is unplayable, fuck off, brainlet.

>DA2 is unplayable
Demonstrably untrue, retard.

>wanting to marry damaged goods

its playable. just has some dumb, gay and lazy shit in it.

Just mod her lines

>not wanting a demigod's leftovers

Who said anything about marriage?

How else are you supposed to maintain a pure bloodline?

She’s only best girl because your other options, if you weren’t a fag, were stds in human skin and a literal brain dead retard

>stds in human skin
Totally worth it

will we ever get fug our new wives in da4 or is bioware probably being disbanded by ea because of anthem?

It’s over bro, but it’s probably for the best. It would’ve sucked anyway

>or is bioware probably being disbanded by ea because of anthem?
God I hope so. That rotten, shambling corpse stopped being Bioware a long time ago. The only thing left to do is put it out of its misery. Then everyone can move on.

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> It would’ve sucked anyway

yeah. i couldnt even finish inquisition. i kept getting bored and starting a new campaign and eventually just dropped it. i want to play a new dragon age game but i want to play a good one not a shitty one and biowares last few games have been bad.

what game developer do you think could make a good game set in the dragon age universe?

You already know the answer to that user.

CD Projekt Red


Square Enix

my dick is ready for a new dragon age game by a competent developer.

Surely it will happen.

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there is a fair amount of lore set up already and there is a lot of potential for future games.


>mfw changing her prologue model with the one in actual game

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God I want to _BE_ Morrigan so bad

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who has worse b.o. morrigan, merril or sera?

Morrigan always smells like wildberries. Sera always stinks even after showering. Merrill smells like blood, you have to decide if that is good or bad.

morrigan smells like ass and shit
merril smells like blood
sera smells like love and cookies

t. Sera
Not fooling anyone, you can't even type properly.

>Merrill smells like blood, you have to decide if that is good or bad.
How would that ever be a bad thing?

>Merrill smells like blood

i wonder if blood mages can use period blood to cast a spell. i need to write in to a feminist bioware trany and demand that blood mages use period blood in da4. that will show the patriarchy.

Merril cute

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How about you stop pretending to he human you droll corpo slut

The cutest!

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>sera smells like love and cookies

i always imagined sera smells like a mix of asshole and stinky vagina.

You take that back!

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>sera smells like love and cookies

tfw ywn know what love smells like.


It's an old Elven trick.

is this a modded version? she doesnt look as hideous as usual.

Developers were too cowards to make her romanceble.

If I literally made this as an SFM poster just for myself I would not be satisfied and start over
This triple A company thought it would be alright to make this an animation that occurs 5 million times per playthrough

why are you being so homophobic?

nah it's not their wheel house. Dark fantasy isn't their thing really

Neither is it BioWare's

You will, user, I believe in you.

i think we all need to face the grim reality that

what is biowares thing?


Shitty looter shooters with a vapid plot and boring characters.

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Ruining every serious scenario with too many misplaced jokes because the people making the games now are all trannies that think marvel movies are good

Never really was, they pulled it off well enough once though

It's better than Inquisition.

>a literal brain dead retard
My god did she make some terrible decisions, I gave her the benefit of the doubt because I thought elves were just being dicks (as they often are) but it quickly became clear how in the wrong she was. Almost everything involving demons ends up being the result of people being idiots. Except stuff involving mages and abominations, theyre a special kind of stupid.

Was she wrong though? I mean, she never does actually fall for the demon at all and seems to have no struggling in that regard unless you bring her to that dream sidequest where literally everyone backstabs you anyways.
Only reason the demon breaks free at all is because her fucknut teacher goes all like "THIS COULD HAPPEN TO YOU MAYBE, SO I AM UNLEASHING THE DEMON TO TEACH YOU NOT TO UNLEASH DEMONS", which seems to be the standard of the game's narrative for some reason.

I had more FUN in DAI

maybe...just maybe...the fact that you cant have is what actually makes you want her

> what is Avelline?

Someone who freindzones you because she wants to fuck someone else. The most you can do is get a kiss

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