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People like Civ 6 now? Whats next, people shilling Beyond Earth?


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But IV is better

Alright what civ and what playstyle should I do

Everyone who played a civ game before V likes civ6.

Why not play both? Civ6 has a lot of cool shit.

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Inca tall communism game, science victory, pangea, lots of mountains.

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No, it's garbage. I will stick with V and IV.

Shit game.

Alpha Centauri > 4 > 5 > 2 > 3 > 6

5 is the worst game in the franchise tho.
What don't you like about 6? It does pretty much everything 4 and 5 do, but better.

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have they already put out the final expansion that adds all the shit that should've been there to begin with? if not, i'll wait some more. they do this shit every release.

There is a very obvious poster that had been trying to shill 6 for a week now. Ignore and move on.

Civ 6 had everything from 5 on it on release

Oh okay so you're just a shill.

End of the thread.


>y-you can't talk about a game that just released on a video game image board.
You have to go back.

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None of the features matters if AI can't use them and is so fucking shit.
Tumblr artstyle makes game unbearable, killing and murdering is not fun anymore, just like building civilization. No reason to play this turd when I can play Vox Populi and IV mods instead.

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Cute art

This guy summed it up pretty good, the art style is abhorrently bad and takes me out of what is supposed to be going on here so much.

It's like I'm playing Clash of Clans instead of building and destroying world defining civilizations.

I never said that. I said you are a shill. All your posts over the week have been the same, and you even post the same pictures. You post as if you just read a guide on how to post here. Learn to post better or get out. This shit is embarrassing.

Sorry civ is too boring, I'd love to impregnate Jadwiga though

how the fuck do you slow down tourism output of AI? other than spamming culture buildings

>shittier graphics then V
>shittier gameplay then V
>No use of open source coding like V (Lua and XML)
>Moding scene for VI is shit because of that
>SJW leaders for almost any nation

no thanks

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Art style is a direct evolution of the civ4 art style tho. People were bitching 4 looks like a poorly drawn cartoon at release. This art style ages much better and fits the series a lot more.
And you have to be pretty fucking underage to associate cartoony graphics with clash of clan tier games.

It's hard to get a civ discussion going on this board. And I simply post the pictures I saved, if you have more, post em.

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>5 is the worst in the franchise
holy shit this new shill narrative is dangerously stupid, especially because newfags will parrot it without thinking

>that bridge

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I don't Civ 4 and II were good, but Civ 6 is really boring, I don't think I've ever finished a game.

Art style in V is pure garbage and a serious look has no place in a series like civ
How can thr gameplay be worse than V when it does what civ5 does but better and has more of it?
You do know Firaxis open the code to modders after BnW was released right?
Modders have already done plenty of cool shit even without the code.
There have been literally who leaders, both men and women in every civ game.
Civ5 is way more cringey and sjw.

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It got global warm'd

Civ5 is fucking garbage and an insult the both this series and 4X games in general. Kys.

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aw fuck global warming's in now too?
played civ vi for like 30 hours after 500 of civ v, might give it another chance on switch if I find a copy

Global warming has been in every civ game.
The mobile versions don't have the dlc and are gutted graphically, ai turns are atrocious and you can't play large maps.

What game is that in your webm?

Total War: Attila

Attached: 1481737104657.webm (960x540, 879K)

Cool. Thanks.

>Start as Victoria, Civ 6
>Pretty good, god like start and I have another city up real early.
>Vikings too my south
>Two parts of the continent, connected by a long one tile strip of land.
>Perfect for a city, so I can pass my navy to each side easier
>Send a settler
>Vikings declare on me 30 turns in
>I hold off, but it causes me to go into a dark age
>Their economy is in shatters due to the amount of people I killed
>The alps separate us, along with a river
>I settle Bradford on this natural border
>Vikings steal it due to low loyalty
>I go to war
>Take it back, and raze two viking cities that went past the natural border
>No joke, the general, Hannibal crossed the alps with his army
>Sun Tzu also spawns during this and writes the Art Of War
>We're pretty even now, and Im getting rich off trade
>An easy peace as I colonise the world, slowly.
>Vikings declare on me just before the Industrial age
>Neither can pass the stalemate on land, a naval war
>Raids my trade routes and gets rich off doing so
>Despite having the Venetian arsenal my navy is no match to theirs
>We peace out, with me conceding a considerable amount of coinage
>Un-easy peace again, he conquers the rest of the continent, as well as the Kongo to the south.
>One last war, with fully mechanised tech
>We both have alliances world wide
>The great war has commenced
>Millions die
>I loose 2 cities and before they take my last 3 on the mainland I peace out.
>Swear vengeance
>Make my way to nuclear fission
>I build up my arsenal
>I kill billions in an endless slaughter, as I was the only one with nukes
>Find out if you nuke a city enough it just becomes ruins
>Keep in mind I still have most of my alliances, and some more
>Some one cracks nukes and nukes all the cities on the mainland
>World is a hellscape, devoid of Civilisation
>Rome gets a science victory and blasts off into space
>The eternal struggle between England and Norway ended, final defeat.
I love Civ

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No thanks
CIV6 is literal spyware that runs a process from your folder even if the game isn't running

If I can't troll or grief people (or if it doesn't have voice chat) I have no reason to play Civ 6.

Right now trollin' ranked on CSGO for epic lulz.

No one cares about your shitty stream.

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Sorry I don't install malware.

The "spyware" was removed months ago
If you've ever used the internet, a console or a phone, your data is stolen. I bet you even use windows 10 and have a facebook.
You can always pirate.
You have to go back.

I was surprised to see the AI use boats pretty effectively and builds planes. Didn't see anti sircraft yet but got nuked. Zulus can form Giant Death Robot armies, pretty fun.

I wish I had the patience for games like this again

Why would I want to play a phone game?

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Because it is an amazing game and a worthy successor to IV, what V should have been.

>fairly enjoy civ v
>see anons shilling it calling it better than v
>go on steam to add it on my wishlist
>see reviews pointing out that it has spyware

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>trusting steam reviews

i wouldnt trust it if it was only few of them but i saw way more reviews about it and they where well written too and no meme bullshit and fairly recent too

Rhye's and Fall of Civilization IV was the best thing to come out of this series. CIV 6 is a waste of time.

Let me steal this worthless Civ 6 thread to talk about Civ IV: Colonization. What do you guys think of it? I think that it was a fun, but broken mess.

The "spyware" has been removed like 8 months ago. And I hope you realise that if you've ever been online, ALL your data is stolen, privacy has been dead for a long time.

alright thanks user is the vanilla civ vi still fun? im a bit of a poorfag doubt i will get it together with any dlc

No point in getting a civ game without expansions. Vanilla 6 is better than both vanilla 4 and gnk civ5, but GS adds so much, it's vital. Just pirate it. There are cute girls.

How fun is this mod? I only played Realism Invictus but from what I know Rhye's is actually a history sim, correct?

Let's dig out a bunch of obscure noblewomen/consorts/whatever who maybe kind of had some power at one point, and use them in place of actually important male leaders!

There have been literally who leaders in every civ game user, civ2 had a japanese goddess.

I want Jadwiga to convert me to christianity if you see what I mean

She's a trap FYI. She say's she's a king.

The mod does what Civ V and Civ 6 tried to copy, but correctly. It gives special abilities to civilizations, does not allow you to travel around jungles, or settle in them, etc. It also has goals that gives a victory.

But she was crowned king when she was young. Just look a how she holds her staff.

How long are games on average? Can you colonize the world with spain or create a soviet union?

Exactly, look how HE holds HIS staff

even better


The fuck are you on about?

Beyond earth is good with the expansion. It lacks soul, but the gameplay is good.

it had a blond female now so people suddenly like it

>How long are games on average? Can you colonize the world with spain or create a soviet union?
You could, but your land is open to rebellion. You could colonize America with England, and if the settlement get angry, they rebel and become America for example.

I want to, but I'll wait until the inevitable Complete edition is released. Same with XCOM 2.

That said, I hope they go back to Civ V's aesthetics for VII.

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It always had cute girls, Tomyris, Gorgo, Mommytarja, Tamar, Eleanor is just icing on the cake.

There have to be better examples of female leaders. There HAVE to be. Why do they do these FUCKING DUMB ONES? It's like they purposefully choose the WORST.

Why not Olga of Kiev?
Why not Hatshepsut?
Margaret of Provence?

The only bad one is the one for Sweden. Kristina, the hate is widespread and every swede doesnt like the choice and /his/ seethes every time she's mentioned when /his/ vidya comes up.

give me one reason why I should buy this when civ 5 exists

Because civ5 is the shittiest civ game to date and isn't even a 4X. Civ6 does everything 5 does and is a true successor to 4, what 5 should have been.

Because she's literally a traitor who tried to re-sell the country to the Catholics when Sweden was so protestant that based Gustavus was fucking turning the 30 years war around single handedly for the protties till he caught some fucking lead

Incidentally, Gustavus should have been the civ leader. At least add him as an alternate. Keep the Open Air Museum and Nobel Prize abilities, but give Gustavus his own unique to replace the Queens Bibliotheque. OFC he was in 5 which is why they didn't put him in 6. Even so, dumb dumb dumb.

Maybe they could have done Eric XIV, but made his in game character look like Gustavus - since when they did Gustavus in 5 they literally FUCKED UP AND MADE HIM LOOK LIKE ERIC

Because we know everyone defending V is just mad about the stupid leader selection on VI

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that second sentence made me fucking vomit, christ dude

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Is there anything more comfy than a caveman 2 cosmos game without AI?

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The weirdest thing about this civ is that the district system I think got implemented so you could optimize your city and make it better but pretty much everything from policies to wonders have such specific conditions to work that you can't do it

They wanted to "unpack cities" but then allow you to build districts just willy nilly. Districts should be glued to the edges of the city center or another district. And you should have to conquer all of them to take a city (obviously a military district will have way higher defense value than a fucking theatre district)

Ultra adjacency and long city planning is important only on deity or if you want to play tall. Nothing's gonna happen if you get a +2 science instead of a +5, you're pumping and conquering tons of cities anyway. But if you want a solid 4-6 cities tall game, you have to plan out everything in advance, use pins and take advantage of the terrain and your policies.
They wanted to do districts in 5 but said fuck it it's too hard. Based Ed Beach implemened it and made it fun.

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