What vidya character have the largest tits?

What vidya character have the largest tits?

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Baiken needs more love.

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How big is too big?

VNs don't count. If they did it would probably be any character from Hoshizora no Babylon. Other than that maybe some girl from SF with their werid ass proportions, Senrans, the girls from Seven Pirates can have up to an I cup or something.

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that wizard lady

One day

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Sorceress (Dragon's Crown)
Honoka (Dead or Alive)
Baiken (Guilty Gear)
Lulu (Final Fantasy X)
Ivy Valentine (Soul Calibur)
Mai Shiranui (King of Fighters)
Morrigan (Darkstalkers)
These come to mind

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What game?

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she need her own game.

A giant character like the witch from Momodora, Giga Mermaid from Shantae or Cleopatra from Dante's Inferno.

I wouldn't go that far. I just want to see buffs so I don't feel like I'm working twice as hard for damage as everyone else.

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What's the appeal of large tits? When the woman is young I get it but when she gets old it's absolutely garbage

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Was that leak about her being added to Samurai Spirits fake?

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>too big

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I'm not against huge fucking titties but she looks better without them.

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>Applying 3D rules to 2D

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Don't know off hand, but that'd be cool.

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Why are you thinking about imaginary women getting older and somehow getting saggy tits?
They're not real. They don't have to get old, and even if they do, they can just get bigger tits instead of deflated ones.

sauce me on this RIGHT NOW

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>t. light blue sniffposting secondary

Here's hoping

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congratulations, you now understand the appeal of oppai loli

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don't ignore me you rancid swine

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Passionlip i think.

>Raping a young boy, forcing him to impregnate you, then making him raise your child alone
Jesus Christ Baiken

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But I'm not longer ignoring you.

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Passion Lip

Wouldn't that shit hurt?

What are some actually big in-game tits?

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TL with true ending when?
>mfw I'm the only one that liked and still cares about O;9 past the big tits

Attached: We truly were the Occultic;Nine.jpg (1280x720, 391K)

Definitely Passionlip, who's so ridiculously busty the artist couldn't even draw her right the first time around (CCC) and had to massively upscale her chest for the second game (F/GO) to match the writing.

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My back hurts looking at her.

How could you enjoy such a garbage plot? All I wanted was animu X-files.

I wish there were more girls with a bigger bust measurement than height. Seeing those numbers together for the first time was insanely fucking erotic.

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dear god all these core values are bruising my morality

Someone posted the source in the thread already. It just wasn't a reply to you.

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Liz has big milkies

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she shaves well for a woman from the early 1900s

OP asking about largest tits. Not fake ballon goofy garbage.

I see that now, thanks. It's still early :

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I'd say not, on that evidence


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It's ok, user.

I'm just posting big tits. I don't give a shit what OP wants.

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Passionlip, but after Nasu yelled at Arco Wada for drawing a 90cm bust when she actually has 160cm.

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>animu X-files
Any good substitutions?

The only TOO is TOO SMALL. And that's anything under this.

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If there's two things I hope get perfected soon in video games, it's capes, and big ass tiddies. Fuck clipping.

i jacked off to the scene of the kids sucking her tits too many times why did they put that shit in an anime

I liked it too, the directing was chaotic and unique, the visuals were generally well executed and I actually quite enjoyed the character interactions. Solid 7.5/10

Around the point where they start disrupting the tides.

When people start dying in the thousands

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Small breasts need love too. If you won't then I will.

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Blessed thread

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I'll tell you because I had to look to find it: Occultic Nine

If it were in a hentai the effect just wouldn't be the same

Well Im not going to judge you if you honestly love boys. But this is hardly the time nor place.

peak performance

I don't you know what boys look like, user.

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ok why did you start the thread with anime you fucking freak

>60 posts in
>no mention of Tifa Lockheart

you all disappoint me

Tits too small, i'm dissapointed, vee.

Man I loved Majestic Prince but I wish more people would watch Heroic Age too

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The only Tifa I have are NSFW, user.

>anime cannot be videogames

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I don't think you know what verbs look like, user.

Ding dong you are all wrong

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Tifa's busty but her official bust is only 92cm. Respectable, but human. No way can she compare to someone like Passionlip.

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When adjusted for scale she's not that impressive.

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People need to elaborate when they say giant titties, as in giant in proportion to the girl. Thems just normal large tits for a giant woman.

It's early, user. I forget words sometimes because I think them and don't type them. Have some more tomboys.

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Occult Academy is kinda animu Scooby Doo with a hot as fuck protagonist who is honestly the only reason the series is remembered at all. Until the plot goes ballistic in the second half anyway. Kagewani is a really short 7-minute "anime" with episodic cryptids, very X-Files until the second season goes shonen anime.

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screw the scale, she s perfect the way she s
Even if that is an illusion afaik

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The same answers as always.
Stretch Panic on ps2
The most giant giantess. Something like jubileus.
>if porn games count
Fuck, I dont know something by ailsoft or KI-software?

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Question for my fellow titfags

Anyone else love seeing absolutely gigantic bras? I mean like just the bra. Obviously the tits themselves are good but I love seeing hung up giant bras. It's super hot to me that a girl would need to wear shit that big.

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Remember user. That being an illusion doesn't disconfirm the real one being that huge or possibly even bigger.

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Is it even possible for a game to be released with tits that big like in Stretch Panic nowdays and not be like, AO? To anyone else it just looks like a ridiculous joke anyways, only true believers reap the benefits.

The fuck's a bra?

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looks like trails in the sky

also Valkyria in the porn game zone

Yes that shit is great. It's hot when huge chested girls talk about how difficult it is to find a bra that fits or how they keep snapping because of her massive tits too.

That and the Chun Li one by that artist are god-tier

My brethren

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When they stop being part of the character's curve and become attached blobs.


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I would love Baiken all I could if she were real.


My dude.