Rate this burger. How does it make you feel? Hungry? Fat? What would you order with it?

Rate this burger. How does it make you feel? Hungry? Fat? What would you order with it?

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cheese does not belong on a burger

Why? I like cheese on my burgers, so can you explain

the bread looks pretty weird.
>How does it make you feel?
doesnt make me feel anything at all, i just cooked selfmade burgers
nah, cant eat anything anymore
not at all, got a perfect bmi
>What would you order with it?
duno, propably somce ginger ale and a pack of chicken nuggets

all in all i rate the burger 5/10, since it just looks like crappy fastfood. theres not much care taken into the burger

hungry, its 9pm and all ive eaten all day is a couple of nectarines, some chocolate, biscuits and some water. then i shat twice.

Disgusting is the 1st thing that comes into mind and i love burgers.
So this is a very bad burger.

>Rate this burger.
Too small/10
>How does it make you feel?
like I need to take a piss
>What would you order with it?
Your mom

Needs more cheese.

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Video games?

6/10 mediocre at best
Makes me want to get a real burger from Fat Moes
Yes and it's 4am
Little late for that
>Order with it?
A lyft to take me to Fat Moe's instead
Five guys is overrated, even Arby's tastes better than their crap.

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fucking mods

I feel that way about tomatoes.

Irritated by the unfrozen bun, amateur work. Any food lover will immediately notice how stale this will taste.

Makes me feel like heartburn.

No time to eat gotta grief kids on Heroes & Generals right effing now.

the VIRGIN five goys
the CHAD (insert region-specific burger chain here)

got this one a few yeers ago

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Sans the tomatoes thats looks fuckin tasty. Sauce me good man.

makes me feel like going out and getting a fresh burger

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>pickles and/or fresh tomatoes
these have no place on a burger

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crisp pickles are acceptable. tomato and lettuce can go. I don't know why lettuce is even a thing on burgers/sandwiches.

I think its a local chain called Ribs&Burgers
Could just be from a cafe around here, lots of good burger places

Red Robin>Steak N Shake>Five Guys>McDonalds/Burger King/Wendy's etc.

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Makes me feel disgusted and glad I'm not American

Red>Steak>Burgking>Five>>>>>>Mcshit/Wormburger>That expensive WACK they sell at Hardys

Considering most of our burgers come with bacon it's no wonder mohamed.

>only muzzies don't like muh heart attack in a bun

I personally like Red Onion, Tomato, Lettuce, Butter Pickle, Pepper Jack, Mustered, Ketchup, and Mayo on my burger.


This isn't Reddit faggot

so why are you here then

That's why our food's popular in whatever third world country you live in too, right? :)

And how does this make you feel, user?

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Niggers and women are not people.

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It's popular with poorfag plebs because like anything American, it is processed garbage appealing to the lowest common denominator, yes. I don't see why you'd be proud of that, but sure.

this is false
this is objectively true

Literal non-human posters itt

>americans can't distinguish burgers from vidya

Where's the grease? What a shitty burger

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>there are people who put pineapple or beetroot on their burger

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To bring you home, our 6 adopted transsexual African downs children miss you...

>hurr can you back up your claim about your preference on food and be sure to cite your sources
Like he probably just thinks it's gay you fucking sperg.

vidya with a slice of cheddar is always better

You have no place in this planet

>tfw literally can't gain any more weight beyond 109lbs
i cant even donate blood what the fuck

>I-I'm not like the other girls...

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Why do Americans eat these? I kinda doubt that at any point during the day of like 99% of Americans there's a moment when their body/brain goes "wow I need to take in twice the amount of calories I need for the day and do that in one sitting and make it as fast as possible, so all of that high calorie food needs to be in a lump".

Every country eats absolutely garbage food that they really shouldn't eat. UK has one of the worst diets that makes the US diet look like were anorexic. France is the same way, Germany literally covers fries in Mayo which is 90% fucking fat. America is no better, at least our food has actual taste, yours is barely fit to feed dogs. Stop being jealous and just enjoy the tasty food user.

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Shudup and look at the food porn faggot