Looks like the gamers are fighting back against NRS and the Islamification of Mortal Kombat now.
Looks like the gamers are fighting back against NRS and the Islamification of Mortal Kombat now
NRS attacked a guy just for not liking the sjw designs in the game
huh no shit...who would have fucking thought NRS, MORTAL "VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES MUST GO" KOMBAT of all games/companies would succumb to the SJW censorship mob.
How depressingly fucking ironic
I think they';re really gona boycott nrs
>censoring faggot
go back to resetera
This is so extreme. I`m sure he has a good reason to be this angry. So, what`s the deal?
Show us this attack.
what tweet are they referring to?
Everyone crying about the hijabs in MK11 are retarded because you can remove/replace them with different head items.
Did these retards forget how Injustice 2's equipment customization worked?
Regardless of this SJW shit the game doesnt seem to be turning out good. Like an expansion pack of the mediocre MKX.
Zero hype. This series peaked with MK9.
This all I know Chris G was talkin shit about the MK community and now this.
I doubt most of them would even play the game to begin with
They ruined Jade and islamified her
It also plays more like street fighter, all the pro play vids is people "zoning" nonstop, and you can't run anymore to close the gap
>Everyone crying about the hijabs in MK11 are retarded because you can remove/replace them with different head items.
Yeah we shouldn't say shit about Muslim Kombat 11, don't want to trigger you
>if you want my money and respect
>i don't want your respect
The only shocking thing about this news is that people are legitimately hyped for this retarded game/series.
false flag tweet, no normal person would say that
Already skipped once I saw the dumb retcons anyway.
Yep. I’m gonna buy it now. Thanks Yea Forums
Who thought this was a good design
Hold on, how the actual fuck did they, as you say, "islamify" her?
If she was really islamified she would have to cover her hair, face and body at all times and wouldn't be allowed to do shit except raise children and cook, let alone go outside of the house and fucking fight people lmao. The people who asked NRS to change the design are fucking retarded, but you're just brain dead.
>b-but you can change it!
I hope you will still have this argument when the alternates are shit as well and as of right now, they are looking pretty shit.
Honestly that just makes it even more retarded. Just have the characters look how they've looked in the past and add hijabs and whatever other virtue signal-ly accessories you want as customization items and they could have completely avoided this "controversy". I don't give a damn about MK, it's always been a bad street fighter wannabe for edgy teens, but even I can see pointless pandering (and the way to do it without annoying any of your fans) when it's this obvious.
you do know ISIS has female fighters right?
Lmao, he just couldn't bring himself to lie about wanting his money
>Another Western Publisher goes broke
AAA Western Gaming Industry needs to fucking die.
Is it really just the clothing change, because I'm not a huge MK fan but from what I remember even in the early games she was pretty middle eastern looking.
Oh Shit, Bagina V all over again.
>Implying women in NRS games have ever looked good.
This looks fine for a female warrior? Its like female reptile.
They've crashed and burned their series for bitches and cunts who hasnt nor will they ever play their games.
Sounds better to me desu.
MK with SF gameplay would be exactly what i want.
>he thinks MK 11 won't outsell every other fighting game
No one cares about slut calibur 6 and dead or alive whores 6.
You don't get it!
If you are a straight man and you like sexy women it means you are a mysoginystic sex ADDICT and you should definitely seek help!. Just go to pornhub if you want to masturbate to sexy women.
Oh I forgot. If you want to sexualize the new Jade it also means you are a necrophiliac. How disgusting yikes!
>SF5 has hyper thicc proportions and went 300% sexy
>sells like absolute shit for a mainline Streetfighter title
Go woke get br...
Wait how could this happen!?!?
SFV released with no content, awful core mechanics, and only about 1/3 of the cast actually looks good. The rest were outsourced and ended up looking like shit, because Capcom thought they could shit out a lazy Street Fighter and get away with it
Maybe because ISIS are low IQ sandnigger apes gone rogue and not actual Muslims according to the way Islam defines the term. It's true. I highly oppose the barbaric actions of both groups with every ounce of my being and by no means should their negative impact on the world be left ignored, I'm just saying.
They failed 3x times in a row with that plan, you think they would have learned.
First SFxT is a DLC ridden unfinished mess.
Then SF5 is a buggy unfinished piece of shit,
And finally MVC:I is also a hastely tapped together pos.
>Maybe because ISIS are low IQ sandnigger apes
Everyone who thinks this is highly retarded.
They would have never gone this far if they were a bunch of unorganized angry people.
It was all former well trained Iraqi personell.
Obviously they still loose to being bombed to hell by superior technology.
Hopefully now they have, but we'll have to wait and see what fighting game they try to release next
i won't even pirate it or awknowledge its existence
I have slight hope as i really liked all iterations of SF4 and because of the fact that they mostly realeased quality titles in the last year, like MH and RE.
So they did have a little redemption.
SF5 is still garbage though even after AE and DLCs.
The people pissed about this shit don't even play MK.
NRS games suck and NRS players are cancer
"The NRS community" is weird too, like they only play this one company's games and hate when any outsiders from the mainline FGC start playing
>Look guys, you can rip someone's spine out and beat them with it
>Ew, no, why would you want to see cleavage? That's disgusting.
>SF5 is still garbage though even after AE and DLCs.
Yeah, I agree but that game is bad all the way down to it's core mechanics so it'd be hard to fix without changing basically the entire game. Plus, too many people play it regardless of it being bad, and the players even admitting it's bad, so Capcom hasn't really felt the pressure to change it
theres no revealing clothes, bigger tits\asses or pretty faces to be added. Stop spouting bullshit.
haha look what being born after the social media does to your brain
Adding in more covering costume options is fine, making them the default is not
Are you actually lobotomised? Serious question.
>playing mortal Kombat for tits and ass
That's a really specific version of Islam you're talking about.
>and not actual Muslims
heeeeere we go. Umm okay then sweetie, I'm just going to say that no criminal ever was a real christian so there you go, christians have never ever commited a crime. Now go fuck yourself with your retard backwards ass sjw logic.
They don't play this shit to begin with, much like the SJWs who probably progressively praise 11's changes to wardrobe.
suck on that shit dipped hairy sandnigger Mohammad dick real hard
I won't buy MK11, but not because of politics or whatever. i'm just tired of fighting games.
Every day I keep making the mistake of thinking posters on this board are just being ironic.
Then these threads happen and I'm reminded that /vpol/ is real and the average poster actually sounds like .
Based Gamers, finally rising up.
anime avatar redhats who aren't even old enough to vote need to stop exposing themselves so obviously
Good on you gamers, fianlly rising up to battle the SJW menace on all fronts.
>don't want your respect
>but your money
Kek, they really can't help themselves.
Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until SJW Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence
Google "Mortal Kombat: A Forced Hero" - a story based on MK9, the last real Mortal Kombat entry with actually attractive women - and I am 100% justified in using none of the designs or characters from MKX or 11 for my sequel story
>running disabled
Why would you fucking remove a mechanic that doesn't need fixing?
>fucked up super meter
Seriously? A meter that regenerates? Again MKX meter was fine why remove it
>krushing blow
it's stupid, MK is supposed to be a fast-paced fighting game, not a slow-mo simulator
>fatal blow
Great, a special that deals a third of your maximum health
>noob, smoke, reptile nowhere to be found, adds irrelevant fighters instead
Also ugly women and character design, it's not even aesthetically ugly, just plain sonichu-tier ugly.
Hahaha I can smell MTX
Why do they never have their own memes? It really isn't that difficult to be funny.
He clearly said "niggers".
I'm surprised tranny poster hasn't posted yet.
It's difficult when your default outlook in life is as an outraged self-inflicted victimization
Presentation of a game is important. NRS came in dry with the hijabs. If they wanted to show us options, they should have done that. Instead of making the hijabs the default/standard look, they should have opened up with something a little more familar.
Man I hate the tranny hijab shit too, but why do these guys scream about it in the cringiest way. It does not help at all. So you have these manchildren on one side and then the onions chugging trannies on the other, and then people say if you don't go to one of these two retarded extremes that you're an enlightened centrist. Fuck social media and fuck all these niggers
one side will actually spend money to buy your games if you give them what they want
the other side won't
Exactly. Ed Boon even said he wants it to play slower like older MK titles. Fighting game brainlets pretend to use words like neutral and mixups but they dont' actually understand what it means to be stuck in an infinite mix up loop over and over. They're the type that spam special moves and learn a couple attack strings and that makes up their entire experience with a fighting game.
They must be all taking their dilation break at the same time.
they usually come immediately if you post a Stonetoss comic strip
mkx was shit and this will be shit too
>saving trump npc memes
>attacking poster for being a kid
>claiming to be sane
Removing natural selection with safety regulations was a mistake.
The game will sell less than MKX even though there are returning fighters. Screencap this
boobs bad
violence good
Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence
>oneangrytranny proves again how menatlly inferior it is
MK11 faces
Raiden = Superman
Skarlet = Cat Woman
>Breaking the rules to own the... futa lover?
NRS got the sjwvirus after working with Injustice. Comic books were a mistake.
Social media was a mistake
Why do you have an abundance of anime cross dressers getting their dicks cut though?
but i like how zombie jade looks...
It's not that hard to find
okay... now THIS is EPIC
is she ok
I'm sure it's not, but the questioned still remains.
If it's your kink then alright I get that than.
>If my game doesn't come with whores in bikinis, it's Islamized
>underage degenerates that like to see their scantly clad whores being pounded by other characters calling people, other than themselves, cucks
>paying for games just to look at tits
>"hurr, muh western censor, muh steam censor"; while there are countless (((western))) games out there, many on steam, that are basically cartoon porn
Fucking degenerate underage cucks, I swear.
Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence
Wait, is the character on the left an actual character in the game?
>caring about sales for a fighting game
>SFV is literally a trash tier fighting game but it will continue to be the most viewed and moat alive online
Lol you nerds. There’s literally nothing wrong with this.
I'd rather both sides eat a bag of dicks and all this shit is removed from the industry like the cancer it is. I just want devs to make the games they want to make again without worrying about what one side or the other will think.
They just have internalized mysoginy they learned from abusive men. They need to be rescued and educated to lose their self-abusing behaviour.
>Dickgirl lover thinks he can educate anyone on women
Why does she wear a mask?
Playing it for the gore is just as retarded. Gameplay wise its inferior to nearly every other fighter out there.
A little hope, however desperate, is never without worth.
all memes aside the design on the left is pretty neat
We've seen the gear system, you can't change shit but a few accessories. Stop being in denial.
Us gaymers am I rite
It's still going to sell, don't pretend this means anything.
Flock off, you filthy spy.
so proud of people finally fighting back
letting one side constantly attack makes no sense, anyone who says to ignore them is a shill.
so will all the games that get changed because of sjw outrage. the political outrage machine has nothing to do with sales.
I've rescued women like this before. One went on to get her masters in human sexuality, no longer conforms to shaving and is now a free bleeder.
> put nigger babble in trailer
> islamify jade
who's their paying audience?
mortal kombat was never good
the leaked music also has really generic and illogically composed dubstep with the gunshot that you hear at the beginning of all rap songs. its so embarrassing. i can probably guess what kind of people they hired for their music production.
>I read this in solidus' voice
its not neat at all, shes even wearing heels and has an injustice suit underneath the rags. if they had talented designers, something like that could be neat, but they didnt make that out of talent, they designed it out of political ideology.
>people angry about this
>Not getting MK11 and making terrorism jokes while comboing people
If you're really going to fight progressives in games, you need to have a fucking sense of humor
>meme ownership
>MK from the start has a roster of almost entirely dudes in ninja masks
>putting a girl in a ninja mask is suddenly "islamification"
I feel like I'm losing brain cells every time I try and think about this
Why is she a green square now?
Not that you had many in the first place, tranny.
>not neat because I think covering tiddies are political
>oh shit, he called me out for being a tard
>better call him a tranny.
ninja mask is code for hijab moron they know what they're doing
>cant produce memes of value
>actually now your memes belong to everyone, but especially to me the lawmaker
>see we actually can make the best memes
sounds about right
>w-whats happening? no one is making memes anymore... im hungry... everything is collapsing...
>oh we just didnt implement the meme redistribution correctly that time, we'll try again later and call ourselves left memertarians or something instead
>Foolish batman, you cannot defeat me - Allah gives me power.
Don't forget:
>microtransaction melanomas
>advertisement AIDS
>Some things were censored
>>cant produce memes of value
but continually reusing the same 2 memes is value, amirite fellow pede?
Those sick fucks even got the dogs
But tiddies and fan service is what makes a game. Or are you shifting the narrative because mkx curb stomped your big tiddies obsession
Is this trivial shit really something faggots are complaining about? God you people are literally no better than trannies who ask for refunds because the gender selection screen offended them. Fuck this is embarrassing.
i can see why you are losing brain cells because you are retarded.
MK1 did not have a female in a ninja mask.
Don't you remember how you used to type when you were 13?
Kill yourself sandnigger
You're realizing how stupid social media and culture politics are. Mortal Kombat's women have always been hit or miss and mostly misses, most people shat on 9 for looking tranny and 10 for going in the opposite direction, and now they're just going full retard just for their contreversy addiction.
>gamers are finally rising up against the libtards
Praise kek! I want to see boobies or ELSE!
Please just go back to Facebook
>reuse the memes you grab from other boards
>check out my pepe oc #66678. The left can't meme amirite guiz?
Not even onions belongs to you. It was a meme on /fit/ for years before cuckservatives absorbed it like some grey mush version of the blob
Here's a little inconvenient truth that the niggers at /pol/ will never accept,politically driven memes are rageface/Facebook tier
>getting triggered by the bait
That's literally how the meme works you r/the_donald reject
Well said
This is nothing more than an assault on the west by silicon valley leftists who wish nothing more than the destruction of english liberal values
These vultures need to fuck off. Twitter and facebook were mistakes.
based! Gamergate 3.0 when?
Shadilay! Keep trolling those libtards and enjoy all the winning.
if only.
theres literally nothing wrong lol
The problem is these retards don't know how to pick their battles. There's genuine leftist shit they could be whining about and instead they're complaining about some innocuous aesthetic change that has nothing to do with gameplay or "story." This is so fucking trivial.
Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence
Anyone defending this shit are the same people that would have defended Nintendo removing blood.
Mortal Kombat: Peace edition.
I hope Skarlet gets hed truck of peacd fatality.
>actually looks like she's made of jade now
kind of cool desu
Anyone. Seriously, name what's bad about this.
I don't mind the design as much as I mind NRS' inability to model non-potato faces. But my complaints have been completely buried.
Ten bucks says this redditor speaking like a nigger is actually a white guy
Looks boring/uninspired/unoriginal.
>literally a fucking burqa
You can't fucking make this shit up. Western SJW devs have gone nuts
Reminder that if they're following the Injustice 2 formula, you'll be able to customize everything and you'll have "klassic" costumes anyway
I thought that the complaint was that this new design for an old character didn't show as much tit as the old design, not that the new design wasn't sufficiently new.
I do, fuck you.
The mk2 ninja girls had mask, but of course were far more revealing
My own issue with their designs here is if they aren't basically male mk ninja's slimmed to girl proportions its the fact those with their faces exposed look like trash, but then again I found rotunda rosie or whoever that UFC woman is to be quite ugly and mortal kombat should stick to making their roster based on FICTIONAL characters rather than basing them off REAL people, several reasons
>while cartoonish proportions are a little overboard it may take off the edge off the violence which may help the game move in more conservative places where game violence is always blamed
>keeps a more arcady feel for the games
>allows for more creativity in character features rather than playing dress up with a woman
But then I remember the first 3 mk games used digitized actors so its all wish listing at this point, oh well if the game tanks it'll show what the audience really wants rather than accepting the social justice climate that gamers THINK they want
>perfect molding to her breasts and stomach
>spread leg stance with just the flaps obscuring view
>that little bit of thigh exposure
When you grow up, you'll realize how much sexier this is than a neckline that plunges to her belly button.
no leotards, no buy
Arguing with yourself again, Schizo-kun?
>captain britain
>this entire post
She's not a very good DBFZ player.
Out of all the characters, why Jade
This is another case of, just literally make a new character instead for forcing an old one
Million dollar idea.
Dead or Alive, except they all have modest busts and everyone dresses like Hilary Clinton.
THIS is what people are whining about? I should’ve fucking known it was fucking nothing
Man, must be hard being such a redpilled /pol/fag not to realize that the new DOA is exactly this from every single thread about it ever since it was announced. Except for the Hillary part, but nips don't even know who she is, so it's excusable
>captain britain
The design in the left is fine
The issue is it’s not it’s own actual character and instead a redesign
Look at Killer Instinct and Sadira
Damn, were rising up already?
Can you take seriously somebody who unironically uses the NPC meme?
Gamers.....RISE UP
Gamers lower down
You faggots clearly have never seen how Jade used to look. She was sexy as fuck.
Now, she is really ugly. Especially if you take the mask off and equip the living human skin in MK11, she looks like a 50 year old Indian with a skin condition.
>dat Shao Khan
Yes, that is how Skarlet looks in MK11. You should see her face without the mask, looks like a woman that's using copious amounts of roids.
>it's another Yea Forums leads an ebin consumer revolt crusade against a game it doesn't like
Remind me again, did Metro fail for going Epic exclusive?
No straight man thinks that, you aren't fooling anyone fat feminist bitch
It sold more than last light in physical sales in the uk
>the UK
Based, those people are true heroes of gaming. I support them 100% and everyone who tries to shit on them is a loser.
Multiplat. You didn't look at PC sales alone.
They will just ban you. The only way to fight assholes is to not give them your money. They can take criticism, insults or protests but without money they'll die.
the game prompts no discussion on this board, therefore it is cookie cutter soulless trash
if a game is actually good it will garner earnest interest and discussion here. if it is shit it will not.
DOA didnt reduce shit. Bras break, tots flop properly and there's clothing destruction. Morons fell for the same scam they pulled in 5 pretending to be more realistic then went max lewd making bank.
She just looks like another big tiddy ninja.
Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until SJW Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence
False flag tweet, most likely written by some faggot from reesetera.
>She was sexy as fuck.
Yeah, she looked great.
Now she doesn't.
No one cares what you homosexuals find attractive, you're such a tiny minority you should not be catered to in games.
>You OWE NRS your money
>fuck you, buy the game
The shills ITT are getting really desperate. How about no? I do with my money what I want. You take a political stance with your product? I keep my money.
>you homosexuals
I'm not lusting after a virtual girl with a manjaw and shoulders wider than most men's.
>right pic
It's time for Ed Boon to answer for his history of sexism and abuse of women.
>people spend many weeks complaining about the direction MK has gone in
>so many comparisons made between MK9/10/11/and the old games to demonstrate how far MK11 has slipped
>all of it either shitposted to hell, deleted by mods, downvoted, ect on every forum they were posted on
>some random eceleb says the same thing
>suddenly people listen
I fucking hate the internet
The absolute state of white people
This is you
whats bad is guys like that don't even realise those old MK9 ingame models have a figure more similar to a man's hip and shoulder ratio.
The spherical fake titties just make it look even more transsexual looking.
It's more hilarious that they're unironic and not shitposting.
>when 9 was out Yea Forums mocked them for manjaws and looking like trannies.
>Now its sexy because muh Twitter war.
>white people fight it
>black people suck off NRS
I guess blacks were the cucks all along.
don't know about you lads, but me personally? I'm rising the fuck up
Sorry, user, but that's just a man with plastic tits. You might be gay.
It WOULD be neat if it didn't completely destroy a previously established fetishist sex-appeal character.