
What happened?

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's received a price cut at stores all over the place thanks to the mediocre reviews. Some stores here in Australia are selling it for $60 despite the fact it was initially listed as a full price $90 game.

So the next Fallout76

>buying console shit
>buying software in general
you people are sheep. i was sheep once, too. but i woke up. your money is better spent on a homeless bum in the street.

>everyone at bioware is going to lose their job because they made too many dogshit games
now that actual names that carry weight in the industry are dying off because of their poor design philosophies maybe we can start getting decent games again

You get anthem for 39 euros if you trade in another, older AAA ps4 game like GoW or Spiderman (don't have the list rn)
Nonetheless it's prob going to be sold for even less, just like hoe f76 went from 70 euros to 20 in a month

better taste than the bongs

German stores are also desperately trying to give Fallout 76 away for free.
Hans has far better taste in gaming than retarded Anglos who queue up to play FIFA annually.

i bet you use Windows 10 idiot

You're retarded if you believe that Fifa isn't extremely popular in Germany.


Germans play nothing but Fifa and XYZ sims.

Too busy playing Cardboard Packing Simulator; Wehen Wiesbaden Edition

Dutch Kanker here, I speak German but I've never heard of a Köln-Kalk-Verbot. Context? Something to do with Karneval?

The game is probably censored to the point everyone in it is a robot with green blood.

>Hans has far better taste in gaming than retarded Anglos who queue up to play FIFA annually.
lmao imagine actually believing that

It isn't some job simulator, that's why.

>hopefully no cologne-lime-prohibition
The fuck?

It's a movie reverence.

Im Afrikaans, nigger I think it means lime isnt allowed/restricred?


ancient meme

Attached: krautkanalverbot.jpg (200x200, 6K)

Hello fellow kraut bros

My dad's ancestors emigrated from Bavaria about a century ago, what can you tell me about it?

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the Texas of Germany, many "rednecks"

the store is located in Köln-Kalk Stadtteil
Köln-Kalk-Verbot is a line from a movie
the joke is not funny
has nothing to do with the game

> 39 Euro equals 44.23 United States Dollar
that is not bargain bin you faggot

zoomer detektiert

Germans hate Bioware games.
Trust me, I'm German.

>spending money on the homeless
Holy fuck what a fucking sheep

It's the halfway point between actual Germany and Austria.

the movie is from 1994

Hey we also love civ and anno

>Im X pErCeNt BaVaRiAn
>""""Kraut Bros"""""

Schleich di du Trottl elendiga.

user I am german, people pay 500 Euros for a PS4 pro here to only buy Fifa every year

>Hasn't seen german soil in four generations
>Calls himself kraut

I want LARPing americans to fuck off and die
You're not german and you will never be


>It's the halfway point between a pile of shit and Austria


Its almost half the price

>Köln-Kalk Verbot
Can someone explain this to an Ostfriese


In einem alten Tom Gerhart Film (Voll Normaal), hat er Köln Kalk Verbot bekommen. Sollte sich also in diesem Stadtteil von Köln nicht mehr blicken lassen.

Oh boy. Make it 30 and i'll consider it

keys are cheaper than that and thats before the game even releases
physical is a meme

I would literally KILL for the removal of the piece of shit that is the USK logo.


Those are failing marks, mate.
The bottom end of the review scale is 60 and the game is practically there ON AVERAGE.

Totally forgot about that movie

Shit taste Germany. Should've being free.

Bayern is a weird place.

They sucked money off the rest of the country for decades, and now complain they have to give back when they make it above the average for once.

Endlich normale Leute.

Wer ist hier auch deutsch?? :D

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Bavaria makes Saupreißn jealous.

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This line of thinking is incredibly flawed. With more big studios bombing, publishers will stick to what keeps making them money. And what's making them money right now? F2P garbage like Fortnite or Apex Legends. Shit you will see more of in the next couple of years. Expect more of this and even more sequels.

I wish, at least they would get rid of the sandniggers

I am as German as you


Attached: 2013-10-26 15.05.24.jpg (423x438, 41K)

Will bavarians ever get over their inferiority complex

your dad's ancestors?
you mean YOUR ancestors you inbred eurohick?

>buying physical
Zieht euch den mal rein.

Bavaria would be the most beautiful part of Germany if you remove all the bavarians

As if exterminating untermenschen and enjoying football and beer were mutually exclusive...

I live in austria and it is still 60 what the fuck
I would totally buy it for 40

this is causing me a great amount of pain

They have better taste than Weimerica, confirmed

They should just go back to the old version were you needed a magnifying glass to make out the logo, either that or include flip covers with every game


Can we replace them with Austrians? They're so polite, even if they don't mean it.


This, manning the ovens is thirsty work


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>/int/ thread on Yea Forums
Fuck yeah, let's do this shit before a janny notices.

Even if they are pissed it sounds kinda cute anyway, Austrian German is the least aggressive kind of German and it makes it very hard to take any ösi serious

Where my New York Taxi bros at?

Wos host du grod üwa uns dazöht du veroadagelder Mostschädel? Du woast holt schu dass I schu bam Bundeshea ois besta Gfreita aussigaungen bin, I war in am Haufn urgeila Saufnochtl und hob über 300 Stiegl gsoffn, oida. I bin a drainierta Pinzgaua Fohra und da besta a noch dazua. Du bist nix für mi ois a kloana gschissena Viutrottl, I gabat da so a Wotschn wirs di Wölt no net gsegn hot, host me? Du glabst du kummst jetz davon nochdemst dei pappn so deppat aufgrissn host? Do denkst noamol driaba noch, Oarschgfriss. Hiatza grod während du mit mir so deppat umanadaredst hul i schu meine Komarodn vom Blosmusiverein, und dei IP wird grod im moment zruckverfulgt, olso richt di schuamol her, wal wir richtln da di Wadln glei, du blede sau. Wemma daumit fertig san wast a nemma wo obn und untn is. Du bist am oasch. Klana. I kon iwaroll sei, ollawei, und i hau da auf iwa 700 ortn dei gfriss ei, und des netamol mit meiner Steyr AUG. I bin net nur da beste im Zöltfestsaufn, soudern i hob a an Zugriff auf des gaunze Arsenal vom Musiverein Leibnitz! Wenn Du gwusst häst wos dei klana "gscheita" Kommentar dir eibrockt, dann häst wahrscheinlich dei deppate Goschn gholtn. Aba du hosts ned tau, du host dei schiaches Gfriss aufmochn miasn, und jetzt zoist, du Saubua. I scheiss an grant üwa dir aus. Du bist komplett hi, Klana.

Attached: steiermarkhof.png (1033x1540, 2.65M)


They got smart


Why would you want that, it's the worst city in NRW

Halt dein Maul du Hurensohn

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REEEEEEEE bist bestimmt Emsländer

Are you serious or just a mad Colon citizen? I can think of 10 towns that are worse from the top of my head.

t. Saupreiß

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Well there are worse ones I guess.
I lived there for five years though, I hated it most of the time

vidya in general is dropping prices all over the place

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Was soll das sein? Die Bayrischen Bauern und ihr degenerierter Akzent... Red deutsch du inzestöser Haufen Scheiße

Hört, hört!

Och nö, du bist wirklich Deutscher? Du wirfst ein schlechtes Licht auf uns alle, bitte lass das!


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>implikation dass das nicht sehr peinlich ist
Junge hol dir doch endlich mal neues Material. Wird es dir nicht langweilig den gleichen Scheiß seit 9 Jahren zu posten?

>Benutzt japanische Zeichentrickserien um seine unterentwickelten Gefühle auszudrücken
Lmao das ists chon ein ganz klein wenig erbärmlich

Natürlich ist der Spast Deutscher. Wie könnte es auch anders sein.

dumme kartofel almans amk

>Steyr AUG

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Leute, es gibt da eine tolle Regel.
Sprich nicht mit der Tripschwuchtel!

why are g*rmans such lying snakes


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Du meinst wohl Arier?

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Not German but I know an actual Bavarian and he's based and has good taste in vidya and gives me weed for free

Fuck off to Kohlchan.

Ganz sicher nicht.

This thread reminds me of that one german VN
You know the one

I will tell you what you need to know about Bavarians:
Bavaria was always the place where germanic people life with the most insecure people around. The kingdom of Bavaria never achieved anything of importance and was home of the biggest idiots the germans ever created.
I had the misfortune serving in the german army near Bavaria and most of my comrodes were from Bavaria and i can tell you ine thing: All of them are stupid as fuck.
Not only arrogant but driving though smaller villages gives you a good feeling that centuries of incest are common thing in bavaria.
After the second world war Bavaria was a place full of farmers a poor place with nothing in it. They got nearly 4 deacdes ob subsidy from the german goverment and you can imagine what happens if you give farmers ( unedeucated people ) a huge ammount oof money: They claim they all did it by themselves.

that, coming from this

Germans just figured out that this game is trash a bit sooner than the rest of the world.

>Even if they are pissed it sounds kinda cute anyway, Austrian German is the least aggressive kind of German and it makes it very hard to take any ösi serious

Have you ever heard Tyrolean?

Also Vieniggers sound like they'll explode in rage, even if they speak normally.

>being this salty at Anglos
They are arrogant shits but at least they always shoot themselves in the foot if it'll ruin Germany's success

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Sammol bisich du no' ganz gnuspr? Kannsch di glei verpisse mit deim gschissene hochdeitsch du verkommene Großstadtschwuchtel.

I seriously cant take german serious which is why I consume all my media in english nowadays, it just sounds so retarded sometimes

>They got nearly 4 deacdes ob subsidy from the german goverment and you can imagine what happens
nice meme

they got so little they are now paying yearly more than twice as much as they have ever received

Heu sog amol wos isch do lous? Aufstian burschn, jangger uziachn und auffi auf di roaß. An so am schianen tog hockt ma itte in dor hittn.


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>the infamous self-hating German
How does it feel to be a living meme?

its amazing

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Here you go

This. Europeans love using their PS4s as a FIFA machine.

>Nice meme
Bavaria was subsidized for 37! years in a time when Germany was rebuild from the grounds up. Like i said a shitty state full of farmers got money and now after getting their asshole stuffed for nearly 40 yearsthey claim superiority.

Germans are self-hating because germans on average are the worst kind of subhumans
You'd hate germans as well if you had to live with them

Shouldn't you faggots be in /bundes/ or something?

Why do Americans believe this, you don't even share half the blood, nevermind the culture and trust me that's a blessing...


scheissepfostierer hier elende

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>fifa and arbeiten simulation is better than fifa and gta

deutsch mehmehs xD

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based retard

Not even from there but Düsseldorf is by far the best "big" city in NRW. Very affluent, very clean.

Wo sein meine gstondenen Tiroler Burschn? Guat trainiert und dicke wadln, figgen tuan ma'd hoase madln

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Kölsch is not a beer.

Preissn sind fast so scheiße wie Ausländer.

Attached: 300px-Artikel_46134_bilder_value_1_strauss1 (1).jpg (300x417, 34K)

basiert und rotgepillt

>not a Piranha Bites nor a Simulator game

Attached: ea3[1].jpg (500x921, 178K)

Nigga what are you on
Bernd plays nothing but Fifa and Landwirtschaftssimulator 9001

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Ist es soweit?

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Auffm Bergisel do gibts an Tunnel, fohrsch eini werds dunkel fohrsch aussi werts hell


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MITTELFRANKEN> >Bavaria>Rest of the world

Based and swabiapilled

Mei Voter isch Maurer und Maurer bin I, er schiabt di Scheibtruachn, die Weiber schiab I


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Reich Zeit

>posting a literal thief

Which one man?

what you people fail to see is that the ones buying FIFA aren't the gaming demographic of germany. it's the normies who play excusively FIFA and that's about it. the actual gamer demographic that plays diverse games aren't buying EA/Activision etc. games.

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Official thread theme

Die san wo se immer san: Mit dem Säckerl tief im Loch vom ondern.

They are a small, insignificant minority. The vast majority of German gamers play shit.

Auwe bua wos isch lous im Osten? Cucken eich die Neger schu wieder?


If it is to random homeless people then it's pretty much wasted money. If you give it to a good fund that focuses on shelter, soup kitchen and getting out of homelessness then it's better.
mallorca annektiert
die ursprüngliche bevölkerung wird weggekelt

Even after this bootlickers will sperg about "hurr, muh devs can't eat more cheese" memes. These companies never sell at a loss. The fact that they can mark down the price from 100 bucks to 20/30 bucks clearly shows how much they've pushed the line, all due to the faggotry of bootlickers.

Glaubst du wirklich diese Gehirn amputierten Dünnbrettbohrer begreifen es wenn du's ihnen erklärst? Lass sie scheiße labern, dafür ist dieser Ort hier da.

>Neger im Osten

Österreich>Türkei 2.0

SH reporting in
now leave me the fuck alone

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Germans too busy playing Resident Evil 2 for the first time.

>hoffentlich kein Köln-Kalk-Verbot

I'm surprised anybody still remembers that. Is that a regular saying in germany?

Also Anthem is shit, big surprise.

Attached: vollnormal.jpg (1280x720, 921K)

Saupreiß detected

>implizieren sal isch Wien nit die Negerhochburg

Attached: file.png (456x281, 110K)

*Kölsch is the best beer

how jelly austria and bavariafags are that they'll never be of prussian heritage
>stay mad

I couldn't help but look back and realize how far we've come. The original Resi2 was indexed roughly 20 years ago for depictions of violence that seem mild nowadays. Meanwhile, the remake features people getting sliced up, dismembered, eaten, burnt, their heads popped like blood-filled balloons - all in high resolution. You can even strategically remove body parts. And it went through, just like that. No uproar, no moral outcry about vidya violence, nothing. It has been a long time since I had to buy Steam games from shady Russian traders just to get around censorship. It feels so fucking good, man.

bayern zum fick rausgeblasen

>AAA gaming will die in your lifetime
Feels good.

>watered down piss served in tiny glasses
It's the young gouda of beers

Germany is the second weeb state, only beaten by france. Of course they do not play superior american games.

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That's a nice porn title you got there

Shame really, the gameplay does look fun but everything else looks a bit wank. I'll probably pick it up when it's on some kind of super sale and fuck around for a few hours.

>sagte er und soff sein Bier aus einem Putzeimer

>mfw not being a mountain nigger

hometown of the führer reporting in

Attached: voest.jpg (600x293, 33K)

also I thought japan was the weebest place
dumb anime poster

>New York Taxi Die Simulation
Sounds like what you'd expect as soon as you leave JFK and get offered a ride by someone other than a yellow cab

Germans only play western games user

Hände wie ein Kleinkind oder was?

Because you know only Yea Forums definition of weeb, retard.

Jedenfalls können wir uns darauf einigen dass Germania das schlechteste Bier überhaupt ist. Das schmeckt schon vorm Kotzen nach Kotze.

Düsseldorf is a comparably beautiful place in Germany/NRW.
Extremely expensive to live in, and the people fit that, so I can understand why you would hate it, but "there are worse ones" is a massive understatement.

Going to Düsseldorf is already worth it simply for Immermannstraße.
Also, without having checked the BrokeStop image, it's probably a simulator of Düsseldorf's light rail.

Every country weeb enough is a state of Weebland.

>also I thought japan was the weebest place
That's not how weeb works, senpai.

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ich trinke mein Bier lieber frisch und nicht abgestanden

Is Düsseldorf the LA of germanistan?

>drinking beer in the first place

Nazis even could not get rid of snowniggers AKA slavs, how did they gonna stop muslim uber army?

ob du schwul bist hab ich gefragt


No, that would be Berlin.
>the "hip" place to be
>everyone is so liberal it alienates classic liberals
>superiority complex for no reason
>media capital

>nicht öttinger
Das Bier von Kinderschändern für Kinderschänder

Don't think so.
It's the capital of its Bundesland, and it doesn't have anything to do with movies.

We should just build a wall around Berlin and save Germany

>implying there is anything worse than Traugott Simon


we already have this, it's called Brandenburg

Go look for buttsex elsewhere.

>die zeit als du dich zu trailerpark totgesoffen hast wird nie wieder kommen
haltet mich jungs

It has a gaming school as well. Everyone who graduated there since 2016 will fuck the gaming industry too with their egos.

Paderborner maybe

You know, if there were even remotely smarter/more competent people in AfD than in the current parties, I'd be hopeful, but they are simply more of the same (plus right-wing special interests).

hello r#ddit

jap, das ist ein yieks von mir

>er ist nicht auf /wäh/ für jungenmöse
naruto senpai

I miss Giga Games.

guckt gleich wer Bundesliga?
Bier steht kalt

What are kretschmer and budiman up to today anyway?

du hast nie geleeeeebt

Eddy and Simon were the best

Germany just can't into vidya. Even the most talented game designer can't do anything without a budget. Nobody will give you funding because vidya here is still tainted by the school shooter image.


>The bottom end of the review scale is 60
I thought it was 0

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deutscher Gangsterrap ist so ziemlich das cringyste was es gibt

das doch kein gangsterrap amenakoi
das ist absturzmusik zum drogen nehmen und dumm saufen

What happened? Blunder of the century, rip Capcom etc.
Fucking sheeple.

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Ausländer raus.

>das Gefühl, wenn man anfangs nicht gefragt hat was amk heißt und es einem jetzt zu peinlich ist zu fragen

bam oida, fix oida

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chill mal deine Basis Brudi

They either move out of germany or simply work with non-german publishers. That Silent Hill clone that totally didn't steal character and game designs developed under EA's indie label is a student project of that school.

I could name only a single game that has ever gotten a score below 60 off the top of my head (Superman 64).
Below 60 is beyond "failing", it's close to trolling your customers. It's not part of the review system.

25 and 29? Those scores are pretty low.

triggerd die türgen hart wenn man das sagt
kanns nur empfehlen
ist einfach ein füllwort wie alder oder nigga

I agree that funding a homeless man's drug habit is way better than spending it on video games.

There are more people playing Fifa than Fortnite + Apex combined, basically everyone above 10 makes the switch from "kiddie"games to the mature gambling simulator which is fifa

Entfernt Michael Cherdchupan.

the fuck is this thread

>impliziert er hätte die Eier sowas irl vor Türken zu sagen

ah alles klar, danke user

>blitzshitposting in a Yea Forums thread
germany can still do it
its in their genes

bin ein ganz schüchterner hihi^^

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Wenn ihr so krass seid lasst treffen und schwänze lutschen, wer zu erst kommt kriegts in den arsch.

loide kommt alle in den /deutsch/faden auf int

be afraid
be very afraid

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zuviel animer und rainer

Ich bald

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Daham statt Islam. I scheiß auf de türken. Sandneger und sonstiges Gsocks ghert ins Gas.

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Lass es dir schmecken, Brudi.

tschüß Leute bin Fußi gucken

Merkt ihr denn nicht, wie behindert ihr klingt?

pidser und koler statt sinti und roma

>full price $90 game
>full price

What? How? Where? What?

gönn dir

The Texas of germany is sachsen, you fuck cunt.

Echochamber RBTV

Sachsen has many redeeming qualities, and the people are rather educated despite coming across as super simple.
>that feel when no Leipziger Grufti gf

>no Leipziger Grufti gf
ich würd mich nur kapput lachen mit dem akzent

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gänsefleisch ma den kofferraum aufmachn

Austrialian dollars ya fag

War mir beim letzten Mal zuviel rumgerainer, und der Animu-Kram macht die Sache auch nicht besser. Nee, lass mal. Ich bleibe lieber in der Anglosphäre, wo man zumundest vor den AfD Hirnchen verschont bleibt.

RE2 released at £40 though. Most games release at £50 nowadays.

DMC5 is also £40.

haufen animu geposte und nich eine schwuchtel dabei, blödsinn

Yui beschde

Attached: yui.gif (500x310, 1003K)

schön 1 reimsaufen heute

>straischel ma mainö diddn
Die meisten von denen können auch Hochdeutsch. Und beim Figgn interessiert das sowieso nich.

Fuck EA.

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4channel belongs to reddit.

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Rocket Beans TV auf Twitch und Game Two.

Is this /bundes/?

Attached: bundesliga.png (800x276, 26K)

Bestes Racing Wheel für möglichst wenig Dinar?

Dafür gibts ein großes YIKES von mir.

if you want

Gebrauchtes Driving Force GT.


Deutschrap ist nicht so schlecht wenn man keinen schwulen scheiß hört.

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Wann wird Etienne endlich aufhören, diese behämmerten Kappen zu tragen und anfangen, zu seiner Glatzenbildung zu stehen?

Niemals, Etienne hat sich zum Zoomer hassenden Boomer entwickelt der sich mit 40 noch wie 25 kleidet. Einfach nur Peinlich der Kerl.

Ja, auch ich schaue Speakers of Hydaelyn.

>autism knows no bounds

Indeed, true german gamers are busy playing Nebenjobsimulator 2019

hör auf zu jammern

Sollte man mit 40 nicht was anderes mit seinem Leben anfangen?

If a game is more jank than a Pirahnabytes game it deserves to be bargain binned.

geschrieben, Etienne

stimmt, so ein Beruf der einem Spaß macht muss schrecklich sein, würde ich auch nicht wollen

t. Bezahlschwein vom RBTV Unterstützer Klub


Dailey reminder that germany still has draconian laws about video games and still force shooter games to not have blood, gore, bullets, points from killing or encouragement of winning in a shooting game and all gta games forced to not have blood, swear words and to be coded where you dont get money when you kill pedestrians and in alot of games when you kill an opponent their character does not die but instead sits down and cries and violent games are banned all together in germany to this day still.

Germany still inforces the same anti game laws they had made in the 90s

jaja halt dei gusch, du stöpsel raffst ja nichmal das VPNs existieren

scheint wohl genug Geld einzubringen

Spiele gerade Unterhaltzahlungssimulator 2019 als Sequel zum Scheidungssimulator 2018.

You just proved my point kraut. Krautfags can't play video games without going through loopholes like the chinks have to do.

Wo ist der unterschied, ob der das jetzt im internet oder im tv macht?

There was a point where our version of GameStop had a monopoly on selling Vidya and was trying to push the price for new games up to $119

im TV würde es keiner mehr gucken

I bet you will too soon enough you slobbering troglodyte, and fyi 10 is better than 7
File explorer is literally better in every way.

Attached: 1547255060303.jpg (643x552, 110K)

Is this your argument, using a minor uncomplicated loophole is bad and should be judged over?
Go play devils advocate somewhere else.

Anno 1800 bald, Brudis.

meine oma lebt noch ja

Nothing of this is true anymore.

das freut mich für dich, ohne Ironie
ruf sie heute mal an und rede etwas mit ihr, wird sich sicher freuen

mach ich brudi

Attached: 999.gif (280x280, 1.22M)

Anno ist die wahrscheinlich deutschste, trockenste Spieleserie überhaupt und ich schäme mich als Einwandererkind diesen Scheiß auf meine alten Tage selbst zu spielen.

Echt mal, nur die ganzen Bonzenkinder haben damals Anno gespielt. Die coolen Kinder spielten Quake und UT.

Germany usually is PC town.
consoles really are only popular with


Du hast mein Beileid.

Show me proof because i remember that they still replace blood with non red color, remove money and score points in games that has killinfs and still removing deaths in game.

If you have to use chinese vpn trick loopholes and so on then that means the anti game laws HAVE NOT CHANGED SINCE THE 90S YOU FUCKING OLD KRAUT

You are stuck in the mid 2000's.


fuck off mutt

>muh heritage

verpiss dich du Kanacke

No just pointing out that UNLIKE IN GERMANY i can actually go to any game store, buy call of duty, gta or any violent games, go home, plug console in and start racking points and money from killing pedestrians or enemy players and not have to use any mods or vpn to enjoy the game.

You can buy stuff Doom 2016, Far Cry 5 and Resi2 uncensored in german normie stores like Media Markt.

Triff mich in Quake, du Fotze. Wirst sehen, was passiert.

A German girl started at work this week. Her desk is beside me and I had to train her. She seems to get along with me. She said she wants to teach me how to speak German. Does that mean she likes me?

retarded shitpost probably from some third world shithole

Oh and i can enjoy any violent video games in the usa while you krautcucks can't even enjoy games eithout a vpn, mods and loopholes around your draconian anti game laws

This autist is a kraut?

No, she wants your desk.

are you stupid? this just isn't true

>Does that mean she likes me
she is disgusted by your inability to speak german and is honorbound to rectify that. you fucking degenerate schweinehund.

What even is this guy talking about.

I don't play it so I wouldn't know, but if that was still the case all the bullshit about censoring R6S for the chinks would've happened much earlier

Is it though?

>Let me tell you about your country
Nice bait

Cringe desu

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No, she will just hashtagmetoo you. Now if it was a guy then yes.

>anti game laws
There are none, are you sure you are okay?

Then show me articles and changes in the german laws regarding video games you undermensch

Can't have violence. Gotta have robots. I had to import Contra III and a converter that you stuck on the bottom of the game just to get the proper Rambo game.

Attached: probotector-42565687-42386169-org.jpg (640x920, 105K)

At JB they're cheaper than that

No, she wants to assimilate you by forcing her language onto you. That's how we operate post-WWII since tanks proved ineffective.

Do you know how fucking old that game is? Do you have brain damage?

i miss hausmeister krause. easily his best role

not true anymore, but you are still a raced mix mutt ;^)

they know exactly how quickly mediocre, underperforming shit gets devalued (like, sub-2 euros in just a few months), so they're trying to get an upper hand in situation.

Like I said you are stuck in the mid 2000's. DOOM new Wolfenstein both of the HD Mortal Kombats and Cowadoodie, Battlefields and GTA's all were uncut and got a USK 18 or even 16. Videogames are officialy art in Germany now so if Bethesda wanted they could start using the swastika in Wolfenstein for the German version.

Lmaoing at your posts.

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>publishers will stick to what keeps making them money. And what's making them money right now? F2P garbage like Fortnite or Apex Legends. Shit you will see more of in the next couple of years.
It's about the long run. Nothing lasts forever. Even gaming trends.

The anti game laws and anti violence in display is still enforced and still in effect AND YOU STILL HAVE NOT SHOWN ME ARTICELS OR CHANGES TO THE CURRENT GAME LAWS IN GERMANY YOU FAGGOT

Contra is one of the biggest franchises in the history of video games, zoomer.

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aren't you guys getting fined with, like, hundred-thousand euro bills for VPN region exploitation? Or is this just for the pirated software?

What are german girls like?

Pathethic response, as expected from a iq89 retard amerimutt


Hey now. We just wanted to honour our fallen robot comrades who fought against the evil androids in the Clangwar of 1992.

Show me those "anti-game laws" first, paragraphs and everything.

i dont know i post on vee

>hundred-thousand euro bills for VPN region exploitation? Or is this just for the pirated software?
thats the UK.
germany is very lax when it comes to the internet most of the time.
the only thing you really get in trouble for is torrenting. since that is considered filesharing.
downloading things from filehosters or watching movie streams will not get you into any kind of trouble even if you do it in a public fashion that is recorded.

Nope, swastikas are still banned and still censored in wolfenstein games and media

this. no one takes you amerimutts with seven different cultural ancestries serious.
>muh 1/6 german, 2/6 cherokee, 1/6 irish, 1/6 pangolin and 1/6 dog.
fucking idiots.


Are you retarded? There are no articles on every violent game that gets released. There would only be one if the there is no release because of 'too violent' and because that isnt the case anymore there are no articles you brainlet mongrel.

You can show swastikas now too which was a big nono before.

like any other girl from around the world.
theyre either really slutty or normal people.
surprisingly though the one unique feature german women have is that they are capable of enjoying a hobby without an ulterior motive.

>robots > musclemen
Looks like you got the inferior version, burgerclap. ;)

Don't even bother they are cold and calculative and outright have no feelings or morals.

ISPs don't give out activity logs to authorities due to privacy laws. VPNs are even encouraged.
As for pirated content, the distribution/seeding gets you into more trouble than leeching (if ever).

>american shitposter arrive
>thread goes to shit

i've heard the stories back in early 2000s from people who moved there about how much pain in the ass was to get pirate software in Germany.

Stop spouting bullshit. Swastikas were allowed in kinos for ages because they were always regarded as art. Proof:

Show me the laws that supposedly exist first.

Because they just don't. The only thing that is true is there used to be this thing called "Index" and when a game was deemed too violent it wasn't allowed to get ADVERTISED. Back in the late 90's/early 2000's many stores didn't sell these games because they feared no one would buy them if the games couldn't be displayed and had to be sold from the counter. There was never a real ban or law.


They look like snacks but talk like skanks.

those people are stupid and dont know how to pirate.

>swastikas are still banned
>and still censored in wolfenstein games
Only because Bethesda is either too lazy or unwilling to patch it.

>the only thing you really get in trouble for is torrenting. since that is considered filesharing.
i see, so responsibility is only for spreading the content, not for consuming it - well, that's very friendly approach of their copyright watchdogs

Like the rest, NPCs.

ich hab sowohl anno 1602 als auch quake und ut gespielt du labertasche. damals gabs noch in jedem genre ein paar diamanten

Not him, but holy shit. This is huge. I bet Bethesda won't remove the censorship anyway, the lazy cunts.


Cutes if smol, bitches if tall.

The ugly ones make mudbabies with rapefugees and turks.
The attractive ones are either cold calculating bitches who don't care about anything but themselves or autistic

t. homeless bum on the street baiting for cash

Not nearly as insane, bitchy or materialistic as American girls, from what I heard.

Attached: HYPERMEGAULTRAOMEGAGODLUL.png (112x112, 34K)

Considering that Austrains and German speaking Swiss got mega cucked because they just received the censored German version, the chance are 0 that they will ever patch this. There is no uncensored German version and there will never be. But who cares Wolfenstein 2 is shite anyways.

f2p when?

>Zeig mir deine Ware

Attached: index.jpg (239x211, 8K)


Attached: peak america.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

no thanks, homeless bum
whose phone have you stolen to post this?

Wir haben dir doch gesagt das Heiratssimulator nichts als Abzocke ist, user.

la creatura...

Probotector is objectively better than Contra.

Does the black guy know? I felt sick when it put its feet on his leg.

>germany lax when comes to the internet
friend moved to germany and torrented two movies.
week later letter with usual treats of fines and shit.
>nazi stronk

>There was never a real ban
Actually there was for some extreme cases. Other than that yeah, you're right. I'd like to add that publishers didn't bother releasing games that got indexed because of this, which is why we had to import them from switzerland and austria. Not a ban, but it could have looked like it were the case.

read my post again.

why isnt he running?

I know a German girl. She hates the English, the French and transgender people.

More like capitalism.

Wessis ins Gas

Well there is your Problem, they don't even fine you for downloading copyrighted stuff but for sharing it via leeching. Luckily you will never ever be forced to a court, just going to a lawyer and disputing it is enough.

>Hey user i heard you like videogames?
>Are you watching Gronkh too???

Attached: 1545247687978.png (334x500, 322K)

Sounds pretty good.

Because that's normal in the USA

I'm German and I still have no idea who that is and what he does.

Gibts den noch?

>Tfw living in Berlin

Kill me please Yea Forums

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Move to Potsdam.

the game is utter trash

Everyone is tired of another destiny.

Good. Germany needs more of her.

Lets switch places I wanna go to permanently move into Berghain and have sweaty steamy gay sex.

War der nicht immerschon so eine Art Freundersatz?

I know that feel. At least I'm not living in Westberlin.

>Kill me please
I'd rather kill all the tourists

Should I ask her out? She has blonde hair and blue eyes.

>fallout 76 failed
>anthem failed
>layoffs left and right
The crash is coming

>your money is better spent on a homeless bum in the street.

The most sheep response.

is kraut internet shit? I've seen someone mention that in passing

I have heard that for 15 years now. Any day now, right?

What body/face type?

only if she has big Hupen

What happened?

The tourists
The turkroaches
The rapefugees
The hipsters
The pensioners
The dog owners
The hobos
The hippies
The arab clans
And of course: Kevin

Sort of. Our government is run by old men (warning) who are stingy with investment money for internet infrastructure.

if you live in cities it's good, if you live in the country side you're fucked

siehst aus wie des führers karikatur von dem untermensch spasti

Police being corrupt and/or incompetent isn't new or germany-specific.


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Just drop a nuke then.

My guess would be there's a police officer who is involved with the whole affair

We've been in the crash for at least three years. It's a slow one and now we're seeing the first results. If the entire industry were just AA and AAA games then it would have been a lot more sudden.

Police Boomers are too retarded for modern media (DVD discs included)

>It's a conspiracy!
Will you fags ever shut up? Incompetence exists. It's a thing. Fucking hell.

She is average body size, not fat but not thin either. She has big boobs though. Face is not that pretty, kinda average.

Whats a hupen?

>pirate windows 7
>free upgrade to 10
>can multi boot any versions of windows or linux you want

There's literally nothing wrong with Turks. Gas all Arabs and Maghrebis though

>Whats a hupen?
Something you honk.

While I agree that turks are much better brown people then arabs and maghrebis they are still brown and need to be gasses eventually.

Or, more likely, it's not a crash and merely companies pushing out shitty products nobody wants to buy. Japanese game companies are doing just fine, from what I heard.

>Whats a hupen?

Another word für Euter

tits user
Titten,. Brüste, Busen, Hupen, Melonen, Euter

>Big hupen
Big honkers

How the hell does the concept of crooked cops existing qualify as a conspiracy? Sure, incompetence is a thing everywhere, but with a high-profile case like this my bet is on someone deciding to "lose" the evidence

It's still uncharted territory, according to our Führerin.

rot op van vierkanaal

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Oh ok. Well she does have big boobs. She wears these tight shirts all the time so its hot.

Sounds like the type that will be a stereotypical german mom in future. Now if she looked like Elsa from Frozen, you'd be a winner.

Reminder that they got away with this because they're white. If this was a turk/arab/any brown guy there would be a national uprising

Reminder that there are more white paedophiles per populous than any other demographic

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Go back to r/de please.

>Reminder that they got away with this because they're white
Good, can't have the oil-eyes to own all the lolis and shotas.

>Japanese game companies are doing just fine, from what I heard.
Keep in mind that the 80's crash only happened in the US. Also Japan almost crashed too with their focus on mobile games.

>Reminder that there are more white paedophiles per populous than any other demographic
Surely you have some evidence to support this claim

Thats not gamestop retard

Ist ja gut Achmed.

Thats because pedophiles arent against the law/are the norm in brown countries so that concept doesnt exist. Also british cops are absolutely terrified to appear racist to the point they dont even mention skin color or call muslims "asian"

good for you

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The Balkans were better off under A-H, the only thing Serbia deserves is a nuclear Holocaust


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Do your part to save the white race, user

Why are Germans so rude and emotionless?

enjoying this meme


Halts Maul du Huso.

Nice meme, did you make that yourself?

It's german humor, it's not a laughing matter.

But what about her average face? I'm a face fetishist so I have a preference for hot faces compared to other body parts.

You don't ask the wolf why he is a wolf, or the snake why he is a snake.

if a german is overly sensual or emotional hes probably lying

Imagine being this butthurt because some Bavarian cucked him with Frida

user, you're on Yea Forums, this is probably the best chance you'll get

Its not a meme. I work with a german and he never pretends to get along with people like the rest of us in the office do.

hey german faggots, give me some tips to learn German faster

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Germans do have emotions, but we don't like showing them or being controlled by them.

Sounds like a nice guy

That's called being a professional at work, you goof.

kys yourself and hope you are reborn in Germany.

My great aunt lives near Stuttgart. is it nice there?

der die das du hurensohn lern die sprache und fick dich kräftig ins knie

Try to consume media in german, we dub almost everything and some tv series and games are quite good in german.

Without emotions, it's easier to kill the dreckige Juden.

No, Schwaben ins Gas

No. We are being professional by pretending to get along with everyone even if we hate them. But he doesnt do this. He will get mad at them instead of pretending to get along.

Is it affecting productivity or is it just pointless office drama fuel?

watch K-ON! in German

Yeah, nothing better than pointless chatter to lighten up the day. You guys are probably complete morons and he hates himself for even working there.

Was bist du, Badner?

>Der Thread steht immer noch

Des is etzadla 1 nice Sache tatzächlich.

Attached: xmoidqfm.gif (252x282, 41K)

So you're wasting your own and your company's time with stupid shit in hopes to earn a higher paying job you're not ready for through nepotism. Got it!

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>call Muslims Asian

They're using the correct terminology you dolt. If someone commits rape and you say they're European or Asian or whatever that's the correct terminology to describe them. Muslim/Islam isn't a race and describing a criminal based on his faith is pure retardedness. By that logic Christians commit the most crime in Europe because most of Europe especially eastern Europe is Christian.
>Russian/Eastern European serial killer is arrested
>Christian serial killer is arrested
See how retarded it sounds?

>18th percentile of games reviewed
Would you go to a movie that was rated "one star out of five?" Treating game reviews like schoolwork grades has led to massive ratings inflation where mediocre AAA games score between 70-80/100.

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Nee, gibt es da nen Unterschied?

Tell me your best joke, German anons.

They should just call them Mohammedaner.

Why do Germans enjoy working?


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Some people just suck at socializing. That's the kind of people that end up on Yea Forums, seeing how many people are jumping to his defense. Don't worry about them, or the guy at work because most likely, he isn't hateful towards you, he just sucks ass at socializing

Treffen sich zwei Jäger

You dont have any money anyway.

american culture

They should start teaching kids to socialise as part of school or something. Make it a mandatory class that you can fail.

its something to fill the pointless void of life


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A German girl told me before that she felt like the German language is being diluted in modern times. What did she mean by this? Was she a nazi?

Win 7 is for poorfags

They don't lol.
Mere 40 hour weeks and usually office jobs or white collar that pay well, then they enjoy working.
If it's actual hard labour or things like surgery that require you to stand for several hours and hop around they hate it and drop the hammer once the clock turns 4pm.

Die Mods sind einfach froh, dass hier mal Autismussquarantäne herrscht.

>Muslim isnt a race
Okay you are almost there, now go ask any leftist if it is.

>words changing = bad
she is basically a boomer

Only normies like you.

But shes only in her early 20s lol

alot of germans cant even go one sentence without an english word in it
alot of things just have english names now that will never get translated
worst is often people try to speak german but cant even think of the german word they are trying to say anymore because everything online is in english
add to that the influence of all the migrants that are speaking a really simplified german and you got a huge mess

Most employers get wide-eyed if you start speaking High German in front of them, they expect the current youth to talk like trashcans smell.

Mein name ist hans und ich kann das bestätigen du hurensohn.

>High German

Attached: meddl.jpg (480x360, 34K)

boomer is a mindset, not a generation

Halt deine Fresse du Bauernkind.

Hochdeutsch du Pflaume.

Post ONE hot German woman.

non dialect german
german that every german can understand

This man speaks for 88million people. Please listen to him closely.

well, a lot of young germans combine english + german, and that's a fucking mess, especially all the shity german youtubers/twitch streamers/ rappers, etc speak also a german+ english mess. Only some people speak only german+ boomers .

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Most of the raysis claims that are made are about people who come from dumpster southern Asian or middle eastern countries who just happen to be of the Muslim faith. The racism against them generally doesn't have much to do with their faith but it can sometimes be used against them in combination with remarks about their country of origin so it ends up being one and the same. Go the the Balkans and there are loads of blue eyed blonde haired Muslims there but they wouldn't get the same abuse since the situation of their origin is different.
At the end of the day if someone is asshurt you're in their country just ignore them. They can't do shit to you.

Basically austrians. I'll make fun forever of wannabe Swabians because my country kicked their asses for years

In my experience a lot of Germans need to learn about etiquette and manners.

german needs to be cleansed of forced english and latin words