>what do you mean you don't play video games anymore??
What do you mean you don't play video games anymore??
>tfw no khazar milkers gf
She's not Jewish she's Italian.
Also that's my wife Sofia, aka Shiftymine.
>Half the threads on the catalog are about bitches, the current state of Yea Forums
Oh nonononononono
Actually she's MY slave-wife.
i'm busy sucking big tits these days.
how delusional are you faggot
She looks like she fucks white guys with beards
How does it feel being a cuck?
i dont like this thread anymore.
That's me
She looks like she has a shit diet.
She's 5 foot nothing and ridiculously stacked
I mean I would put it in her butt.
But I've never beat a souls game so what do I know.
me on the left
You're not wrong, she has a condition that required surgery and brought her terribly close to wear a colostomy bag for the rest of her life, something she hasn't fully escaped yet.
She could get a lot better than that guy, why?
>another attention whore seeker with daddy issues and just a pair of big tits and a shitty personality
>So do you play video games or something?
>*tries to act cool* No, I used to but I kinda grew out of that, y'know.
>Oh too bad, user. I love video games. Well, see you later. *runs off to Hassan and M'Kebe*
>a girl who will literally need to shit out of a hole in her stomach could do better
She looks like she has a colostomy bag
But I do.
Even livestreamed some of this for the Dev around lunchtime today.
Fat butts > fat tits
I'd ask to be proven wrong but that's just not possible
>What do you mean all you do is grief and troll people on multiplayer games for youtube?
im a man of moderation
especially since a girl's tiddies will get bigger anyway once she's nursing our baby
but one can't go wrong with thicc thighs
She has some sort of gas problems so they cut a hole in there stomach so her poop comes out from there now.
>poop coming out of the stomach
This meme sucks ass.
who is this cute mega milk goblin?
Sofia Mina Delle Cave