This is a decent little indie horror game, and it's at this moment being review bombed on Steam by paid Chinese simply because it's made by Taiwanese. How do we stop paid shills influencing our games?
This is a decent little indie horror game...
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i thought all chinese use epic?
It's not big enough yet. All that really has going for it is Fortnite.
The game sucked
I just checked the steam page and holy shit you're right. the half the reviews are fucking shitter-shattered mainland chinese. It's a shame its so expensive right now otherwise I probably would have bought a copy since it looks kinda interesting.
I was on the fence about buying it, but this shilling made me buy a copy and it seems pretty good so far, like a chinky PT.
seems to be the case, all mainlanders are souless insectoids
Why are you spreading misinformation?
Chinks are review bombing it because an easter Egg is about their *ahem* beloved president Xi
How do you explain it then?
It's not possible to stop paid shills. Even autistic "shill!" screeching doesn't actually do anything.
All we can do is play the games ourselves and form our own opinions.
But this is Yea Forums, so uh, all you can do is autistically screech about shills.
what influencing? that game is actually shitty
yea, I really doubt an average chinese citizen would say they loved their president or bother to review bomb a small game over that
What's the easter egg?
Chinese got upset because they were made fun of? Wow, what a bunch of fags. Also most reviews didn't purchase the game
The game is getting review bombed because it has an Easter egg poster that says Xi Xinping Stupid Winnie the Pooh
And also it's bad
China is implementing a social credit system, I have no doubt in my mind that they earn extra Good Boy Points for shitting on foreigners who make fun of their gov.
The devs apparently did throw shit at current chinese leadership. The mainlanders are just super butthurt about it because the hivemind demands it.
Posting Resetera because it's the first okay coverage from google and I can't be arsed to screenshot it.
what I mean was bother to do it of their own free wil
this is how the west should also react to political games
Yeah, those who insult god emperor Trump/Clinton must be burned for their insolence!
oh, well if they played a game that insulted their president then they pretty much HAVE to leave a bad review or it's minus 1000 Good Boy Points.
Seriously look into the social credit system, it's the fucking definition of dystopian.
The Chinese don't have "free will"
>it's another PT clone
Go back, chink
How is it compared to Detention? They made Detention right?
thanks for the input xi
>The Chinese don't have "free will"
they do, they just aren't in a position where exercising it will lead them to not be killed or punished by the government
post about the tieneman massacre in a review
Nobody uses Epic aside from Fortnite players and Yea Forums Chink shills
Detention is a little better but I liked this. Main difference obv is that this is 3D
Less adventure mechanics, more of a walking sim. It's on the better-end of walking sims though
Why is it that the more I learn about China the worse and worse it seems. Its been like this for years. Wish I could go back to just seeing them as the panda land.
but 99% of the time people who argue for "no politics in games" are arguing in bad faith and really mean "no politics that I don't like in games" which is political
and even the 1% that genuinely don't want ANY politics in games (which is an ill-defined concept to begin with, because you can rationalize just about anything to be political, i.e. having a rich villain and a poor protagonist can be seen as political, being anti-war can be seen as political, a female main character can be seen as political, etc) deciding to counteract that through mass downboating is still a political action
Chinese history before modern era is actually really good stuff. Almost 5000 years of great culture and rich history and it kind of all went to shit in the past 100 years.
because China is a shithole in almost every measurable way?
You can't even say "at least the people are nice" because there are videos where people intentionally leave toddlers to die in the streets.
The entire culture is fucked up and irreparable. Best we could do is take the babies and slaughter everyone else.
You're right to feel that way, they are in the process of unleashing a nightmarish dystopia on their citizens with stolen technology that would make Orwell blush. They'd unleash it on the world too if they had the opportunity.
Or maybe the game is just shit?
>Why is it that the more I learn about China the worse and worse it seems
You've literally answered your own question in your question
There aren't many original independent Chinese games so when one does come out people feel the need to support it. There is a sense of consumer betrayal because the people who supported the indie developer by purchasing the game, streaming it etc were unaware of hidden political agendas. They just wanted to support an indie Chinese title.
Chinks fucking boiling someone poked fun at they're pooh bear its glorious.
Politics have no place in video games, especially any that make fun of state governments
This is the single biggest threat to a country filled with over 1 billion people. Say something nice
>saying Taiwan is Chinese
Hello Xiping
It's Taiwanese, Pooh.
From what i've read, Devotion was a decent horror game and most of the bad reviews are coming from the chinese invasion
Here are your (you)s
It isn't Chinese. It's Taiwanese.
Wowowow all hail Xi!
Thank you, Most Honorable Harmonious Silly Old Bear
I think the confusion comes from Indievent and Winking Skywalker that published the game before the whole thing blew up.
both those publishers are chinese
someone who understands this little about the chinese dichotomy should really not be posting. if you're just nitpicking, fuck off and stop wasting everyone's time
Someone needs to make a Chinese version of the Pooh Homerun Derby game, only have the final character be Xi Jinping instead of Christopher Robin and have him trying to censor the game
>trick Chinese companies into publishing a game that contains an easter egg ridiculing the dear president
holy shit btfo
Well if you're implying that the game is Chinese, the people who are review bombing the game wouldn't be, so why would they care about supporting the indie scene in another country?
>someone who recognizes Taiwan as independent from communist dictatorship shouldn't post about it
Sure thing Pooh Bear.
it has nothing to do with the fact that they are Taiwanese you dumb fuck
oh, so you actually are a dumbass. chinese is a shared ethnicity that can refer to people in either the mainland or taiwan. how stupid are you
>no combat
Can we please stop with this shit? Why do devs do this?
It does, if the developers were Chinese they would have already been killed, cremated and had their ashes delivered to next of kin.
Do you think America and Canada are the same people too?
Mainlanders aren't human, so I don't think the concept of "ethnicity" applies to them.
those aren't ethnicities, retard
Don't forget organs harvested and transplanted into Israeli patients.
Everyone knows mainland chinese are insectoids wearing leathery human skin
>chinese is a shared ethnicity that can refer to people in either the mainland or taiwan
And Americans and Canadians and British too. What's your point? That ethnic Chinese across the whole world from California to Japan felt a connection to the game and then betrayed by the ethnic Chinese devs living in Taiwan but for some reason only citizens of the PRC review bombed it?
>tfw didn't save the P.T. clone bingo card from a day or so ago
Shame, this game would probably rank up at least three bingos.
Theres over a billion people and the government is harcore when it comes to indoctrination and programming. Even a tiny percentage of the Chinese population is an absolute fuckton of people. Theres only a few thousand negative reviews and this game shits on Xi Jinping hard, theres poster all over the game making fun of him and the different memes hes banned, and in Chinese the name of the cult is a reference to Chinese nationalism. Considering that, I'm really not suprised the game managed to rile up a few thousand brainwashed gooks.
Thanks senpai. It's actually just one (1), that is, as long as I'm not forgetting something.
It's not like we don't have social credit in the west. I mean I'm hearing people are getting their bank accounts closed now for wrongthink.
can we not compare some autist getting thrown out of a bank for being an autist to literal state enforced groupthink
Can we? Will you get me unpersoned if I persist?
He's spouting typical whataboutism, trying to compare democratic countries to the current tyrannical Chinese political system. Reddit is full of this.
delet this RIGHT. FUCKING. NOW.
Corporate bullying is the same bad as government bullying. You're gonna be a pariah either way and people will change the way they communicate to avoid being penalized.
>It's yet another "I'm too autistic to understand what people mean by 'politics' so I'll act undeservedly self-righteous towards them" episode
It's not on rails and the vengeful ghost wife is a deconstruction
shes cute
The devs have already apologized and are working to remove the offensive content. Clearly they don't have balls risking their life over their game. Now it was all for nothing and just taiwanese wanking points. I don't get why they didn't just leave that shit in until chink government completely bans the game, they would have won anyway.
Nah man, that's a myth perpetuated by apologists.
It's been a land of total failure and faggotry on and off for its entire history.
At any given point the chinks were being subjugated or ravaged by some other civilisation.
People like to blame communism, but it's genetic and cultural and goes back way further than that.
Actual Chinese too, not like the pretenders living in the mainland you mean?
Taiwan is the ONLY true China. Ccp is a pile of faggots.
They shouldn't have put that in, but still this chink mass bombing sets a dangerous precedent.
It's quite evident that Devotion is inspired by P.T. and some western first person horror games but the whole time I was playing I was wondering did it even need to be a horror game to tell it's story? Did it even need to be a video game to tells it's story? The story is at the center of the whole game and the interactivity is just a series of haunted house rides with the least amount of interaction possible. I guess the horror aesthetic fits the mood and the surrealism is effective in stringing together different events & fostering mystery but horror ins't used in any shape or form in the gameplay department except for one chase sequence. I guess all that the interactivity of a video game bring to the table with this game is to experience the story in a somewhat non-linear fashion and in taking in the scenery but all the immersion elements feels quite weak comparing to other horror games.
Sorry for the incoherent ramblings but Devotion left me quite mixed. It has an intriguing story with an unique setting and made by a culture quite alien to my own, so it has a certain charm to it. But it does so little to justify it being a video game it feels like a lot of squandered potential. To encapsulate my feelings I'd say there wasn't a single moment in the game that I felt like the story was enhanced by it being a video game. In the end I liked Detention a lot more because it felt like it was more comfortable being a video game.
Now watch Valve bend over backwards to their Chinese overlords by doing nothing
Shut up wumao chankoro collect your ¥3.36 fucking bugbrained insectoid smog breather, grow 3 feet taller so i don't have to crouch down and slap your subhuman moon face
Based retard
Cringe, kys Poohlet
It is hilarious that chinks were praising this game yesterday as it was made by them.
China government has quite some influence in Taiwan. Dev dont want to go chink gulag just for this
The are actually many other political reference in the game . Last title is based on a real political event.
Pic related, word at corner means ur mon so dumb,Stamp says xi the pooh
More like almost 5000 years of chinks figuring out more reasons to hate each other.
It's bizarre, they had the potential to take over the world but were too busy beating the shit out of each other.
What's the game like?
What does it mean then?