ITT : Obvious signs that this game was made in japan
Other urls found in this thread:
On box cover
>made in japan
Main character is a voiceless teenage boy devoid of any personality.
A girl is walking around in her underwear in an otherwise medieval world and nobody seems to care
it's good
>villain kills like a gorillion people
>protag: "Kisama....YURASAN!"
>ends up forgiving and maybe even working with villain later anyway
It's actually good.
Flamboyant male characters with swords.
It's loved by incels
For whatever reason ancient female creature has 10 years old little girl body.
>Main character is a voiceless teenage boy devoid of any personality.
The cat girls, it's what makes it extra sophisticated.
This, but unironically
Evil - good, light - dark overlap, it's not just you are bad we kill u because we are good!
There's a fishing minigame
[character A]: *says something profound/emotional*
[character B]: "(character A)..."
The humor.
It's extremely obvious.
My friend whose been to Japan told me that Japanese people don't understand (or like) irony
it has anime gameplay
Times New Roman font.
Based, irony humor is garbage
>Japanese PC game
>launches for the first time in windowed 720p
nips are autistic
Inventory and equipment are different menus
it can't be helped
anime crap graphics is the only sign i need to stay the HELL away
that or the typical 3d nip shit faces
"Big brother!"
"Go, get after them!"
"It can't be helped"
What game is that on the bottom left?
if this sound plays you know you are in japan
isn't OP talking about signs that Dark Souls was made in Japan? Is this entire thread retarded?
Irony as being something humorous is a cultural thing. It comes from the British self-deprecating humor that the rest of the western world partly inherited over the past 300 years.
It's bad.
>Church is evil
>Angels / God are the big bad
>You kill a god in the end
post game
it's a really fun book, you should read it.
>you kill a god in the end
That’s a western game
>you kill the God in the end
That’s a Japanese game
that's because nips are fucking stupid
yeah, thinking sucks. I just want to laugh at a joke and this annoying man on stage just doesn't make me laugh. Worse: he makes me feel a little stupid! What an unfunny man that is!
Obnoxious gasps and grunts in the already stilted dialouge, with weird silent gaps sprinkled in
Also borderline child porn and KIYAAAH baka you arent allowed to see my skin.
Asians really must have some kind of genetic continentwide autism if this is how they think people act
French had sophisticated irony-based humor when the british were still figuring out how to scratch their asses
The PC version is a shit port
Japs appreciate and like Gachi, the west probably thinks it's some sort of hate propaganda
Zodiac Age is pretty legit
This a hundred times
it isn't how they think people act. it's just them being lazy and using copy-pasted tropes because they've always 'worked'.
a lot of it also stems from japanese theater.
This isn't over ... !
I'll finish this....right NOW!
Hmph. Not bad.
It's time to meet your end!
The only humor the French had was cooking up awful food that they would use to troll everyone else by convincing them it was a delicacy worth top dollar.
>Asians really must have some kind of genetic continentwide autism if this is how they think people act
this is not true. Only nips otaku think like that in their degenerate mind.
Weeb humor that involves characters doing stupid dances or awkward posing.
Body animations look like shit and are stiff as fuck.
Cutscenes where nobody's mouth moves during a voiceover.
English dialogue reads nothing like how westerners would speak, especially in a western setting.
And where did they get those ideals from?
Japanese rarely experiment and once they find a wining formula, it’s all about repeating it over and over again. Sushi chefs pride themselves in making the same dish millions of times. Americans are more comfortable with discarding stale ideas.
Some posts makes me Think Yea Forums needs a like button instead of (you)s
Humor that can't be seen anywhere else BUT japan
sweat drops
Caught peeking at girls at the hot springs
Food puns
That one character that exaggerates his movement like some power ranger character
Reaction faces
Bonus: the entire cast even the villains is related in some way.
>the entire cast even villains related in some way
That’s a western trope faggot. Ever read old plays like Antigone or Hamlet?
You're obviously a murrifat so you can't understand, but french absolutely shit on you in the humour department.
t. dutch person
Also the dutch take major dumps on stupid fucks from the US.
Skewed interpretations of Western philosophy and religion.
Almost everything in france is wrong, but their irony is so great that they often cripple themselves . Gotta love our southern neighbours.
Oh gee user. i love playing a western video game called HAMLET
If that's the case, how come Western developers are far less willing to come up with innovative game mechanics/ideas? With Japan you get so much out-there shit like Katamari Damacy, Killer 7, weird little games like Chulip etc...
>"Japanese are … "
>"But then explain Western … "
Also: whatever happens, it's always a little boy that finds 1 or 2 girls he loves that are also very young, and they get to kill god in the end.
Nip games are such trash.
Naaah, I could just smell your burgersweat through the internet-tubes. Your kind always seem to leave that uniquely special reek of immense stupidity.
>game has boss fights
>they're actually good, no QTE bullshit
Okay, let's restructure:
>Japanese are X
>No they're not, they're actually Y, as evidenced by...
>with Japan you get so much out-there shit
‘Out-there’ for the west is ‘tried and tested’ for nips.
>Square Enix Published it
>Platinum developed it
Try harder WRPGfag
LSD, Katamari, Killer7, Viewtiful Joe, PN03 and Jumping Flash were not 'tried and tested' ideas even in nipland.
Nah, a lot of the games I'm referring to aren't really "tried and tested". Killer 7 or Katamari Damacy didn't have a pre-established formula, though they inevitably borrow elements from them
I have a couple, and they are all 100% factually correct.
Could've included flanking increases damage and accuracy
(Which they finally added in Heroes of Might and Magic 7)
Why are WRPGfags so obsesesd with cherry picked examples? Is this what it's like to have an inferiority complex?
I can't into homm-likes anymore. it's so much damn clicking for those fucking resources. I only ever liked the innovations I think it was part... 4 or 5? Where capturing a town also automatically captured all the resource spots in the region? Maybe I should replay that one.
What is that? I couldnt hear you over the copya pasta characters you keep defending.
In the case of games that don't have an anime artstyle:
>mostly bad graphics for its time
>overabundance of female characters
>English VA is almost entirely shit outside of a few examples (Metal Gear, Bayonetta, DMC).
>Lots of bizarre things that are out of place or humorous in otherwise serious games (Resident Evil, Metal Gear)
>Mistranslated dialogue leads to discrepancies in meaning that can be easily discovered
>Almost always have RPG elements
>Ranking systems where the highest rank is S
>Ranking systems of some sort
>Constant sexual appeal with female characters
>Serious game plots always deal with romance, religion or philosophy
>Soundtracks are usually really good
>Autistically indepth character creation (if available)
>Plot and setting is either filled with cliches or is so unique that it's praised for being unique
Planescape Torment, friend
Capturing a outpost/town captures all resource spots in the region for 6 and 7 I believe
it's fun
noo I'm pretty sure it was number 5. number 6 was the one with the terrishit online DRM that devastated the franchise.
Re-arranging words on Western options is still tangential / straw-manning.
Look Mom, I posted it again! That will show the weebs!
You don't get thrown out of a game in 7 if you disconnect, afaik
It has japanese developers. Don't generalize their entire people into a few notable stereotypes you RACIST.
>Could've included flanking increases damage and accuracy
>(Which they finally added in Heroes of Might and Magic 7)
How is that even relevant? Heroes series has always had its own mechanics that take into account things like positioning, like a lance-wielding knight on horseback dealing more damage the higher the distance they travel to their target.
That image is about interface design, so what are you even arguing against?
No. You (or that person) made the claim that the Japanese only depend on formulas and very rarely experiment. I made the case that the most well-known and acclaimed experimental games are often Japanese. I have since re-structured the argument so that "Western options" are irrelevant.
If you don't understand a word like flanking, or how the mechanic works, why even bother replying?
These obvious strawmans don't qualify as an argument.
What are the best 5 western developed games to have come out since 2010?
>I made the case that the most well-known and acclaimed experimental games are often Japanese.
How so? Many 'ground-breaking' Japanese games were in fact shameless ripoff of older, less known western games.
Survival horror? Alone in the Dark laid the foundation for the entire genre (fixed camera angles, tank controls, limited resources, etc.) that people now attribute to imitators like Resident Evil.
Pretty much every thing people associate with traditional jrpgs like FF, DQ and SMT was copied from western rpgs: the party-based combat system right down to specific spells and classes/jobs, the overworld, even the tradition of getting an airship, etc.
Actually they are 100% sharp analysis that are relevant to OP's question.
Shadowrun Dragonfall
Age of Decadence
Hollow Knight
Binding of Isaac
>If you don't understand a word like flanking, or how the mechanic works, why even bother replying?
Again, what are you even arguinst? That image is about interface design. The fuck does that have to do with flanking? Even if you added flanking in older Heroes games, the interface would stay exactly the same, since the interface already supports attacking an enemy from any direction (e.g. from the sides, front or back) with a single mouse click.
Stephen's Sausage Roll
The Witcher 3
Hitman 2
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
>Stephen's Sausage Roll
This shit is the best.
This thread is:
Fucking absolutely retarded arguments on both sides.
That said:
western games are generally better
Oh just post the fucking XC2 webm, it's obvious that's what you want to do.
Resident Evil, FF, DQ and SMT are never considered "experimental games". I'm talking about well-known experimental games.
If we're going to talk about experimental western games, which ones are as popular/acclaimed as Katamari, Killer 7 etc.?
lol no
I fucking hate ironic and sarcastic humor.
keep going my friend, you haven't even touched the surface yet
>you will never meet a girl like this in real life
it's because you often don't pick up on it
Suda5 is not your typical Japanese game dev. The vast majority of Japanese games are very formulaic. The ones that get localized tend to be less formulaic
How often should I attempt a puzzle before I look up a walkthrough? I usually don't do that for puzzle games but this one has beaten me
it's trash
>The vast majority of Japanese games are very formulaic
Is that not true of all industries all over the world?
I do and my reaction to it is always, that's it?
just don't do it
keep going until you get it
if you don't, take a break and come back to it later
For whatever reason every females lust after MC penis. That include his mother,sister and his ancestor.
why do they do this? its retarded
A). Stark contrasts are between innovating of genres and "experimental games", which seems some niche …
B). Especially condensing the subtopic to specific features – living simulation, character action combos (and similar abilities), mobility – Western gaming has so much more fundamental implementations, and cruxes.
More options.
… The Law of Large Numbers.
>European Renaissance
As opposed to which Renaissance?
>If we're going to talk about experimental western games, which ones are as popular/acclaimed as Katamari, Killer 7 etc.?
What does that have to do with anything? By this logic, shitty games like Bioshock Infinite or Skyrim are better than most games ever made, Japanes or western. Are you seriously making this mindless appeal to popularity now?
More so with nips. It’s a cultural thing, they love formulas for all sorts of things: cuisine, rock gardens, game shows, hospitals, etc. A very organized culture.
quantity =/= quality
No, I'm just pointing out that the Japanese are generally known for being more willing to be experimental than their western counterparts in videogames.
It just seems more experimental to an outsider
The game features cameos from multiple characters from other games
>has to invent fake genres "mecha fantasy" and 'tolkein fantasy'
>has to outright lie. I didn't know there was magic and monsters during the european renaissance. And how the fuck does Valkyria Chronicles take place in WW2? It clearly takes place in an alternate fantasy world loosely inspired by WW2.
could you cite as many examples of western developers taking bigger chances and being as weird, then?
Nice cherrypicking. How about an image with a much bigger sample size and that takes into account games from the entire history of the genre?
the UI is trash
controls are shit
>No, I'm just pointing out that the Japanese are generally known for being more willing to be experimental than their western counterparts in videogames.
Japanese games only have that reputation because for most of the history of gaming, they were much more popular and better known than equivalent western games. Western games having a prominent mainstream presence is a relatively recent phenomenon that only began with the xbox360 generation.
But more popular obviously does not equal better.
Name a western RPG where you kill a god.
The only Japanese developers with literal worldwide clout/recognizability are Nintendo and maybe Square.
The west produced; GTA, Minecraft, Elder Scrolls, every popular FPS, both Blizzard flagships.
There isn't really a contest imo, I love a lot of japanese games, primarily console rpgs, MGS and ninty games, but the west has japan beat, and it isn't even fair. Hell the US alone has Japan beat.
If we don't go for popularity then we go for quality and detail, because you cannot argue "fun" or other subjective shit. Western games have been more open-ended for a long time now, which requires provision for the choices a player makes, that requires far more detail and work. Jap devs are notorious for awful cookie cutter plots, (with awful plot devices and linear progression, low brow writing even for the target age group) I think some anime have really good narratives; so I'm not some pro-western camo-jacket wearing PUA.
>>you kill a god in the end
>That’s a western game
>all the characters on the right have comical proportions and extremely stupid hair and outfits
literally the crap on the right looks more homogeneous than the left, such irony.
>Doesn't understand the concept of creative freedom
Says the retard who's cherrypicked examples from this entire thread. Jesus WRPGfags truly are desperate losers.
What is the 'high fantasy' jrpg in that image?
Gachi is a normie meme now thanks to twitch.
it was such a bitch to run that game, but it was soooo original.
Yet it's still banned to be shown on screen on twitch
you're talking absolute shite, give me examples of western developers taking chances and making weird games like LSD, Vib Ribbon, Seaman etc. etc.
also the western dialogue in that image is abysmal
What the hell are you talking about? In terms of game mechanics, interface, dialogue etc. most JPRG's are stuck in the late 1980s and early 1990s. I remember an interview with some western developer (Sid Meier, I believe), where he outright states that Japanese developers, when ripping off the West, thought that various choices made due to technical limitations at that time where actually intentional, and thus stuck with tchem.
You can praise Japanese devs for many things, but innovation and depth are not one of them.
Despite being a story heavy game, the gameplay is good.
>Says the retard who's cherrypicked examples from this entire thread. Jesus WRPGfags truly are desperate losers.
So could you name some jrpgs that don't have any fantasy nor any sci-fi elements? I'm talking about rpgs like the Jagged Alliance series, Mount & Blade and Kingdom Come: deliverance.
I don't see how you can argue with a straight face that jrpgs have more diverse settings than wrpgs.
>cherry picked examples that support .jpg
>HAHA, how will reply to this?
>cherry picked examples that support .jpg
>lmao cherry picking much?
Why are you like this?
Western developers took the chance to /invent video games/
>post apocalyptic...in brown!
>steampunk...in brown!
>alternate history...in brown!
>urban fantasy...in brown!
>high fantasy...in brown!
>science fantasy...in brown!
Aaah I was looking for this one before I had my /weebshit folder up, thanks user.
>Half the time, you play a mute.
japanese developers took the chance to make them fun
Female character whose actual age is the opposite of their appearance
Americans founded the video game industry, so practically every major genre started out as a ‘big chance’ taken by western devs.
Literally every Elder Scrolls game post Dagerfall.
I was just noting a trivial difference, you’re proving my point. In all the Japanese games you listed, you kill the God at the end, not some lesser deity.
Doesn't mean shit when most of the influential and highest rated games of all time are Japanese. Hell they basically saved the industry
>Western games have been more open-ended for a long time now, which requires provision for the choices a player makes, that requires far more detail and work. Jap devs are notorious for awful cookie cutter plots (with awful plot devices and linear progression, low brow writing even for the target age group)
"If they have RPG in the title, comparisons must be warranted! Gameplay mechanics don't mean shit when there's choices!"
Japan has the west beat in so many areas of the medium, it's not even funny. Whether it be action games, fighting games, especially RPG's, general quality of game music.
It's not a contest for the reasons you might think
Why would you use Thief as an example of good map design? Every map is a fucking maze made so that you get lost within 5 minutes and end up running blindly in circles for an hour until you luck into the end of the level.
>if it isn't over-saturated and colorful it sucks
fucking complete braindead with hordes of like plebs.
>Japan has the west beat in so many areas of the medium, it's not even funny.
>especially RPG's
That's certainly an interesting take on things, user.
What? You must've never played any of those games.
>Reddit spacing
>fabricated points
>prefacing a sentence with "Hell, "
>weird quote that doesn't make sense
>a lot of subjectivity
>"therefor I'm right"
fucking braindead tail wearing weeb.
I don't really agree with your image, in Silent hill you just pump lead or beatstick shuffling meatgimps.
Silent Hill 2 is just 99% Solaris Theft crammed into a game.
It's somehow creative but is ultimately resorting to tired tropes.
Kys underage
>start game
Planet Escape Torrent.
Except it barely has any similarities to that book or those films, and the theme of a person being faced with his own mental state manifested had been done way before that novel.
Arcanum, Freedom Force, and KotR are science fantasy too.
And you can easily add other genres to the list on the right as well. Like Chrono Trigger and FFXII being high fantasy as well as Skies of Arcadia being Steampunk etc.
What an incredibly disingenuous bait picture.
>mazes are too complex for me! I dislike being challenged!
Yes, I remember when gaming was as hobby primarily excercized by the top 10% intelligent kids in class. Enjoy your nintendo/weeb/battle royale stuff.
I'm still trying the missions in majesty 2, game is BRUTAL.
Planet Escape: Tournament?
fair enough
don't know who you're quoting but they're right
Yep, Plain Escapade: Tour Men.
>Majesty 2
Shit gaem
>Tries desperately to shit on persona, yet willingly leaves out the depth that demons bring into battles.
Yikes, WRPGfags still at it! When will you learn?
>Arcanum, Freedom Force, and KotR are science fantasy too.
Are you blind? Kotor 2 is specifically listed as sicence fantasy, so what are you arguing against.
And no, Arcanum is steampunk fantasy and Freedom Force is about superheroes. Both are distinct subgenres.
>And you can easily add other genres to the list on the right as well. Like Chrono Trigger and FFXII being high fantasy as well
Neither of those are high fantasy. In Chrono Trigger, Lucca lives in a pre-industrial time period, yet she has a gun and time machine. FF12 literally has X-Wings.
>Skies of Arcadia being Steampunk etc.
Wrong. This is what an airship looks like in Skies of Arcadia. Does this look like steampunk to you?
The same could be said for the other braindead WRPGfags in this thread, retard. Try coming up with an argument next time.
>in the end the horror was my own guilt!
Wow, super original theme.
Is that the only book you've ever read user? Or was it just the movies?
>>Tries desperately to shit on persona, yet willingly leaves out the depth that demons bring into battles.
What depth? The image is comparing basic tactical options. Demons in Persona still conform to the same simplistic menu-based systems as normal party members.
You find simple maze games already too complex. A game that REALLY tests your matter is obviously beyond your reach. I still dont understand how I so easily defeated the 3rd final mission 5 years ago. It's impossible now.
>I remember when gaming was as hobby primarily excercized by the top 10% intelligent kids in class.
I'm guessing you weren't part of that 10% by the way you butchered that sentence.
Arguing a negative. Objectivity is reasonable because a). genes are some 99.5% similar, and b). correlatives such as mastery, freedom, and socialization are existent.
Good point. Atlus is especially egregious when it comes to lack of innovation. Catherine is the only game which had even a modicum of originality.
Vivec, Dagoth, Dagon and Jyggylag are ‘gods’ in a practical sense.
Atlus has used the same demon mechanics for about 20 years now.
It's good.
Yet that image also leaves out the intricacies of both FFVI and Persona's battle systems whilst talking up those other games.
accept: circle
back/cancel: cross
But Chakravartin has nothing to do with the judaochristian mythos.
Quite true, RE just appealed to the masses because it was a "horror" game that had manageable levels of horror elements in it, so that even the normiest of normies could enjoy the game without being scared shitless.
Western survival horror is generally mechanically superior, gameplay wise, if it's not riddled with jumpscares that is.
>Not mapping accept to cross and cancel to circle
>japanese developer credited on the box
Theres dialog like this
>ah ha
And thats the whole scene
i love both of these games
>Neither of those are high fantasy.
Do you even know what high fantasy is?
>In Chrono Trigger, Lucca lives in a pre-industrial time period, yet she has a gun and time machine. FF12 literally has X-Wings.
None of this means the games aren't high fantasy, because they are.
>Freedom Force is about superheroes
Freedom Force, just like Mutants and Masterminds, has science fiction all over it. With fantasy as well. Slapping superheroes on it doesn't mean it's no longer science fiction and fantasy.
>And no, Arcanum is steampunk fantasy
Steampunk is science fiction.
>Teenagers killing god
But Xenogears is about freeing god from being a battery.
No, the Dragon is an aspect of Akatosh. But so are you.
All the menus and dialogue are in Japanese
If Skies of Arcadia isn't steampunk, neither is Arcanum.
>But Xenogears is about freeing god from being a battery.
This is just pedantry.
You fight a machine who has taken over the power of god and turned herself into a god. That's functionally the same thing as fighting a (corrupted) god.
If you want to play pattern memorization, just play bullet hells. Also, MGS was a much, much better game than Thief could ever hope it was.
I used to be an unironic weeb but anime/weeb games went from fun to cringeworthy real damned fast.
So sick and tired of the most obnoxious tropes.
>Le psycho girl!
>Le lesbo loli!
>So tsundere!
>Cute girls doing cute things for the 100th time!
>Like [xxxx] but with cute girls!
When playing a truly great game like Hotline Miami, you can't help but think that it's impossible for Japanese to produce something like that, maybe minus some indies.
You can't mean Plan Escarpment: Tower Meet?
But the main character specifically has a link to god as well, and is basically jesus.
You're jesus fighting a corrupt false image of god to free god.
Yep, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is the one.
He means Plant Escape: Tortallini.
Oh snap, you could have corrected me on a 0-effort sentence on one of the 'other' languages I speak on an Indian basket-weaving forum, woe is me. You sound like a seething monolingual retard.
>VR is selling like hot cakes in Japan
>All they do is play VRChat
They'll only start producing games once West makes enough SDKs and ideas for them to rip-off, right?
>If Skies of Arcadia isn't steampunk, neither is Arcanum.
Arcanum is very much steampunk, because it's set in a fantasy version of the industrial revolution, and it explores typical steampunk themes like the effect of industrialization on living conditions.
Skies of Arcadia is about...a floating pirate world with futuristic airships and other high-tech pieces of technology. It has nothing to do with Steampunk apart from some superficial aspects
I dont see the problem with jump scares, probably because it's too scary. I remember taking a year to fully finish deadspace 1 (hardest, controller ps3, dark room, big screen, no socks on, heater off, maximum volume)
>JRPG: Evolved, became top of the market, adapting to the playerbase
>WRPG: Stagnant, kept the ever shrinking core playerbase
>mgs 1
only disc 1 was good when gameplay was really innovative, however disc 2 was full on shit-movie cutscenes. I give it a 8/10 for nostaslgia reasons and the half-decent control scheme (coincidentally its the ONLY mgs wiwth a passable control scheme)
>it explores typical steampunk themes.
Oh, I didn't know killing a god that wants to destroy all life because he sees it as suffering was a traditional steampunk theme.
Arcanum is basically FF6: Isometric version.
the final boss is god or an allegory for god
Rune Scape: Two?
>haha I'm so smart I'm gonna prove my point by writing a sentence horribly
>psssh I wasn't even trying that's why it came out so bad, by the way did I already tell you how smart I am?
God of War 1234
I give you an E For effort, monolingual one. I gotta go ruine a test I didnt study for, cya later, Weeb.
>hates on the Le psycho archetype
>likes Hotline Miami, the game where basically everyone were psychos
Or are you just a fag?
Breast physics.
What part of 'fantasy version of the industrial revolution' don't you understand? It's a fantasy game, but the themes the game explores are all rooted in the steampunk genre.
>Arcanum is basically FF6: Isometric version.
It's not, because like Skies of Arcadia, FF6 is aso a game where the steampunk setting is merely superficial windows dressing. Steampunk doesn't just simply mean that machines are powered by steam (or some other newly discovered resource that fulfils the same role as steam). Steampunk is about tapping into the particular mindset and cultural climate that existed during that part of the Victorian era.
You have to be a massive imbecile to think that FF6's world building is even remotely on par with Arcanum's.
>he actually needs to exert effort to write a sentence
Oh boy. I bet you felt really smart when you managed to draw a map of the game.
It CAN be helped.
Seething westacucks ITT
>he speaks a language other than english
What's it like being subhuman
I mean shit like this
It's so tiring to see "a cute, gentle princess/lady character... but actually she's fucking nuts and she makes this face!"
Part of what made Hotline Miami great was that you weren't exactly sure what was happening. Jacket is a sociopath, but you only realize that after you've completed the game.
In anime they boil it down to:
user, you're confusing what a psychopath and a sociopath is.
Your examples aren't games. We are talking about games here. I could also complain about Western TV Shows, but that would be irrelevant.
>you only realize that after you've completed the game
I realized it when I saw the trailer of the game. I guess you just didn't realize because there was no animation of him running around like a psycho shooting people and throwing bats in people's faces.
Also, there is a difference between a sociopath and a psychopath, and some of your examples aren't psychopaths.
Eh, maybe you're right. Though I think Jacket wouldn't be a killer like that if Beard didn't die the way he did.
Okay, I admit I don't have game examples as much as anime ones.
>it's fun
>it doesn't look like trash
>it doesn't focus entirely on social politics
High fantasy isn't high magic. High fantasy is when a story takes place in a world that isn't or isn't like ours.
Ivalice is not our Earth and does not share our history. Take a look at this map and compare it to ours. FF12 is High Fantasy. Like an archetypical example of high fantasy.
Chrono Trigger is too.
>High fantasy isn't high magic. High fantasy is when a story takes place in a world that isn't or isn't like ours.
Sure, but in this particular case, those games also fall within the science fantasy subgenre, which combine sci-fi and fantasy elements. Why would you be in denial about this?
What game is above Planetscape?
>RPG where you play as a vampire
They're so rare that you could have just googled vampire rpg and you would have coem across it.
It's Bloodlines
>Why would you be in denial about this?
I never denied it.