Define Artificial Difficulty in 3 words or less

Define Artificial Difficulty in 3 words or less

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Persona 3, Persona 3 FES and Persona 3 Portable

pre-programmed, memorization, grinding

Resident evil 2 remake.

bullet sponges

lazy unfair challenge

Difficult to Control.

Over Inflated Stats

Lazy underpaid programmers

Cheap untellable oneshotting

Aim bots.

"No, ACTUALLY unfair."

Cod 5 campaign

"Add more HP"

Unpredictable and unreactable

Basically grind games, surprise super punishing hazards, and aimbots

longer not harder

Skill-independant difficulty

Crota's End hardmode

twice as long

>giant boss
>small arena
>little to no cover
>million of adds getting in the way

fuck mmo’s for standardizing this shit. whatever happened to good ol 1v1’s from back in the day

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cheating against player

Female orgasm

Does not exist

Random Number Generation

Pleb filter

Cuckime games.
I only needed two.

Dark Souls Franchise

Anything requiring grind

Reads player inputs

Enemies/Bosses with so much health that killing them comes down to attrition.

it beat me

memorization over reaction
reads/hard-counters player inputs
attrition over skill

Star Ocean 3

The Yea Forums definition? "It's too hard!"

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Only higher stats

Add More Health
Intentionally Bad Controls
Now, Without Weapons!

Skill is Irrelevant

That's xcom baby!

Director: Hidetaka Miyazaki


epic for the win

Inability for the player to avoid damage, usually from hit scan shit.

This nigga Right

memorisation isnt a bad thing when done correctly

for example boss fights with mechanics

It doesnt exist

For you

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JRPG Difficulty


timewasting without purpose

artificially difficult

Health Point Inflation

does not exist

Yakuza gun enemies


Rubber Band AI

Western hard mode

A bad balance between challenging the player and simply creating numerical obstacles on their way. This includes difficulties that simply use a slider to increase enemy health and damage.

The best way to handle difficulty is to create optional obstacles or challenges for the player in order to change the set of rules they have to operate under. Good examples include stuff like WoTLK Ulduar Heroic encounters or Petra challenge in Destiny 2. Both create a set of new rules without changing an inch of the enemy values or adjusting the numbers game.



couldn't do anything
online bullshit tactics
fuck kojima, seriously
oh my gawd

A stupid buzzword.

Another stupid buzzword

Difficulty as end-in-itself



R E A L .

Player Lacks Agency.

I Just Died


poor whiny excuses

Non-reasonable / bland compensations.

R8 / critique.

Bethesda difficulty modes

Damage sponge enemies

It doesnt exist

does not exist

challenging but boring

NFS AI rubberbanding